Penguin History of the United States of America

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Penguin History of the United States of America Page 106

by Hugh Brogan

  in Missouri crisis, 294

  in Nullification crisis, 295

  and Wilmot Proviso, 295

  and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 302

  in secession crisis, 312

  in Civil War, 317, 324, 328, 331–2, 337, 339–40, 343, 384, 385

  and Reconstruction, 350–56, 359, 360, 362

  and business, 384, 385, 411

  and immigration, 405

  in Gilded Age, 408, 425, 428–9, 433

  in Progressive era, 452–7, 456, 461, 463, 466

  and First World War, 472, 475, 478

  and the tariff, 492, 505–6, 512

  and the New Deal, 524–7, 538, 544

  and coming of Second

  World War, 554–6, 559, 560

  during Second World War, 568, 569

  and armed forces, 587

  and Marshall aid, 592–3

  under Republicans, 595

  and McCarthyism, 599–601

  and blacks, 625, 626, 627, 630, 633, 634, 636, 642

  Tonkin Gulf resolutions, 653

  Congressional medal of honour, 333

  Conkling, Sen. Roscoe, 408


  colony, 46, 48, 49, 52, 92, 161n; and White Pine Acts, 181 and Stamp Act, 131

  state, 193, 195, 201, 230

  Connecticut river, 118, 291

  Connor, ‘Bull’, 633

  Conscription, military, 394, 401, 658–9

  Conservation, 455, 456, 538

  Constitution, English, 123

  Constitution, USS, 254

  Constitution of the Confederated States, 312, 335

  Constitution of the United States, 40, 197–215, 219, 243, 255, 264, 269, 293, 294, 313, 319, 350, 407, 409, 430, 546, 549, 602, 625, 627, 629, 667, 691

  amendments (see also Bill of Rights), First, 296, 478, 601; Fourth, 213 Fifth, 601; Tenth, 208; Twelfth, 262n; Thirteenth, 338, 343, 350, 351, 362; Fourteenth, 353, 360, 372, 409, 415, 626; Fifteenth, 359, 371n, 372, 409, 464n; Sixteenth, 553; Seventeenth, 207; Eighteenth, 478, 525; Nineteenth (‘Anthony’), 464–5, 478, quoted, 464n; Twenty-First, 525; Twenty-Second, 594

  amending procedure, 307

  commerce clause, 533

  ratification of C, 201–3, 207

  F. D. Roosevelt and, 546

  and slavery, 199, 289, 307, 308, 313

  Constitutional convention, 1787, 194, 195–202, 207, 211

  Consumers, 382, 391, 398, 423, 429, 443, 454, 456, 463, 492, 495, 505, 511

  Contras, 691

  Convicts, transportation of, 531, 567, 588, 658

  Cooke, Jay, 387, 388

  Coolidge, Calvin (Pres. 1923–9), 489, 498, 500–507, 509, 510, 527, 609, 619, 690

  Cooper, J. Fenimore, 225

  ‘Copperheads’, 334, 341, 354, 369

  Coral Sea, Battle of, 571, 572

  Cornwallis, Gen. Charles, Earl, 170, 182, 183, 184, 185

  Corporations, 362, 387n, 391, 399, 408, 427, 558, 599

  federal incorporations, 384

  Cotton, Rev. John, 45

  Cotton (see also Enumerated products; Textile industry), 199, 282, 286, 287, 289, 290, 295, 310, 312, 329, 380, 384, 425, 505, 513, 537

  ante-bellum boom in c, 229, 298, 306–7

  in post-bellum South, 357–8, 359, 365, 372

  boll weevil, 372, 503, 617

  and First World War, 469, 482, 616

  in Depression, 618, 619

  Coughlin, Father Charles Edward, 556, 598

  Courts, county, 190

  Courts, federal (see also Judiciary, federal; Supreme Court), 262

  Cowboys, 246, 247, 379, 380, 421

  Cox, Gov. James, 489

  Crash of 1929 see Business cycle

  Crawford, William, 268, 271

  Crazy Horse, 68

  Creditors see Debtors and creditors

  CREEP, 666

  Crime, 68, 495, 502, 517, 642, 675n, 694

  Crittenden, Sen. John Jordan, 312, 313

  Croats, 394

  Croly, Herbert, 448, 457, 461

  Cromwell, Oliver, 42, 49, 121, 318

  Cronkite, Walter, 659

  Crowds, 273, 628, 632, 639

  in the A. Revolution, 126–31

  Crown, British, 24, 25, 118, 134, 147, 157

  Crown colonies, 24

  Crump, Edward Hull, 464

  Cuba, Cubans, 324, 405, 440, 442, 552, 603, 613, 649, 665, 675n

  missile crisis, 631, 646, 681

  Cumberland Gap, 223, 225, 226, 241

  Cumberland river, 223, 325

  Cumberland Road, 226

  Currency (see also Gold standard), 443, 445, 593

  Acts (1863–4), 384

  after 1929, 511

  colonial, 92, 130, 425–6

  colonial paper c, 92, 108, 123–4, 136

  Comptroller of, 463

  Continental paper, 171, 188n, 189, 202

  dollar, 189n, 424, 670, 687, 688

  in 1890s, 428–33 passim

  and Federal Reserve System, 462–3

  greenbacks, 387, 418, 430

  hard (specie), 189, 270, 278

  paper, 208, 228, 270, 278, 418, 426

  tobacco as, 123

  Custer, Gen. George, 246, 247

  Customs service

  in 13 colonies, 83, 84, 85, 114, 125, 126, 137, 144, 146, 147, 149

  US, 295, 312

  Czechoslovakia, Czechs, 394, 484, 554, 557, 590, 593, 604

  Czolgosz, Leon, 449

  Dakotas, the (see also S. Dakota), 380, 422

  Dale, Thomas, 23

  Daley, Mayor Richard J., 613, 643, 660

  Dallas, Texas, 634, 637

  Darrow, Clarence, 532n

  Dartmouth, William, Earl of, 165

  Darwin, Charles, 64, 432

  Darwinism, 432

  Daugherty, Harry M., 500

  Davis, Jefferson, 244, 301, 307, 345, 348, 350, 351, 359n, 425, 479

  President of the Confederacy, 312, 316, 334, 335, 343

  as military leader, 316, 317, 341

  Dawes, Charles Gates, 501, 507

  Dawes Severalty Act see Indian Allotment Act Dayton, Tennessee, 432

  De La Warr, Thomas, Baron, 20, 23

  De Priest, Cong. Oscar, 620

  Dean, John, 666

  Debs, Eugene Victor, 420–21, 459, 478, 492

  Debt, National, 189, 258, 259, 385, 506

  Debtors and creditors in Britain, 114

  in 18th-c. Virginia, 108, 123–4, 189

  and US Constitution, 208

  in Kentucky, 270

  in post-bellum South (see also Peonage), 365–6

  and Populism, 425

  and Depression, 511

  Debts, state, 259, 368

  Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, 174

  Declaration of Independence, 195, 213, 219, 256, 264, 276, 288, 312

  and anti-slavery, 306

  and Gettysburg Address, 338

  making of, 174–5

  natural law in, 123

  in the Revolution, 178

  significance of, 175–8, 319

  quoted, 135, 175–6

  Declaratory Act, 133, 134

  Defense, Department of (see also Pentagon), 588, 665

  Defense, Secretary of, 587

  Delaware, 52, 201

  colony (‘Three Counties’), 95, 101

  in A. Revolution, 131, 159

  and anti-slavery, 179

  Delaware river, 35, 95, 180

  Democracy in America, 233

  quoted, 278

  Democracy, American, 207, 209, 258, 268, 273, 277, 348, 425, 476, 528, 549, 550, 557, 615, 667, 693, 694

  majority rule in, 313, 315, 366

  G. Myrdal on, 629

  Democratic National Committee, 665

  Democratic party (see also Copperheads; Democrats, Southern; Elections; Jacksonian party), 236, 241, 266, 272, 274, 275–9, 297–311 passim, 409, 454, 456, 489, 522, 591, 597, 610, 671–2, 673, 674, 675, 683, 684, 685

Civil War, 326

  during Reconstruction, 354–5, 357, 363, 367, 369–70

  in Gilded Age, 410, 413, 414, 426, 430–33

  in Progressive era, 457–61, 464

  and First World War, 482, 483

  and Versailles treaty, 488

  during 1920s, 500–501, 512

  in the Depression, 513, 517, 535

  in the New Deal, 524, 528, 535, 540, 544–5, 546–8

  in Second World War, 559. 569

  and blacks, 621, 625, 630

  and abortion issue, 680

  Democrats, Southern, 461, 547–9, 553, 587, 618

  Dixiecrats, 596, 625

  Dempsey, Jack, 491

  Denver, Colorado, 62, 248

  Depression, Great (see also Business cycle), 190n, 383, 486n, 492, 510–48, 555, 588n, 593, 685

  origins of, 505–11

  in the South, 617–18

  ended by rearmament, 559

  Deregulation, 686, 689

  Desegregation (see also Integration; Segregation), 622, 633

  of armed services, 622–3, 625, 626

  of education, 624, 626–8, 635, 639–40

  of lunch-counters etc., 629–30, 635

  in Second World War, 623–4

  Detroit, Michigan, 494, 508, 637

  blacks in, 616, 624

  Fort D., 187, 260

  Dewey, Admiral George, 440

  Dewey, Gov. Thomas Edmund, 595

  Dickinson, John, 148, 162, 174, 175, 195, 201, 256

  quoted, 71, 147–8

  Diem, Ngo Dinh, 649, 650

  Dienbienphu, 648

  Dillingham, William P., 405

  D. Report, 405, 496

  Disease, 5, 8, 22, 23, 55, 58, 101, 395n

  AIDS, 678

  cholera, 58, 396

  diphtheria, 416

  dysentery, 22

  hookworm, 617

  malaria, 5, 22, 617

  in military hospitals, 328

  pellagra, 366, 617

  plague, bubonic, 22

  scurvy. 22, 128

  smallpox, 5, 8, 58, 91, 92, 101, 416

  tuberculosis, 55, 419

  typhoid, 416

  venereal d., 58, 656

  yellow fever, 5, 22, 108, 250, 441, 442, 617

  Dismal Swamp, 27

  District of Columbia (see also Washington, DC)

  abolition of slave-trade in, 299

  abolition of slavery in, 324

  Divide, Continental, 238, 241

  Divorce, 677

  ‘Dixie’, 310

  Dodge City, Kansas, 242, 379

  Dollar, US see Currency

  Dolliver, Sen. Jonathan Prentiss, 456

  Dominican Republic, 603

  Donnelly, Ignatius, 427

  Donovan, Hedley, 684n

  Douglas, Sen. Stephen Arnold, 243, 299–300, 301–4, 306–11, 318

  ‘Western Programme’ of, 301

  Douglass, Frederick, 283, 284, 293, 332, 348

  quoted, 217, 280, 283, 284, 328

  Dowdeswell, William, 158, 162

  Downing, Emanuel, 87

  Drake, Sir Francis, 6, 7, 12

  Drayton, Michael, , quoted, 14, 19

  Dred Scott v. Sanford, 212, 295, 306, 307, 353, 409

  Drew, David, 387

  Drug abuse, 694

  Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 619

  Dubinsky, David, 535

  Dubuque, Iowa, 490

  Dulles, Alan, 610

  Dulles, John Foster, 594, 609, 610, 611, 648

  Dumbleton, J., 89

  Dumbrell, John, 679n

  Dust-storms, 538

  Dutch people, the (see also Netherlands), 8, 28, 35, 43, 52, 81–2, 182, 394

  Dutch West India Company, 35

  Dyer, Eliphalet, no Dylks, Joseph, 232

  Early, Gen. Jubal Abderson, 341

  East India Company, 13, 75, 101, 141, 142, 158–9, 160, 161

  East St Louis, 111., 478–9

  Eddy, Mary Baker, 233–4

  Eden, Anthony, 581

  Edes, Benjamin, I3on Edison, Thomas A., 378, 448, 509

  Education, 192, 291, 588, 675n, 678, 688

  post-1945, 657

  black, 352, 362, 366, 372, 415, 638; Operation Headstart, 639

  inequality in, 639

  parish schools, 401

  public, 362, 414

  Education Act 1965, Elementary and Secondary, 639

  Education, US Office of, 623, 635

  Edwards, Rev. Jonathan, 91

  Egypt, 611, 666, 670

  Eirik’s Saga, 3

  Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight David (Pres. 1953–61), 541, 573, 600, 607, 608–14, 626, 627, 628, 630, 631, 632, 640, 648–9, 662, 684, 685

  quoted, 611, 622n

  El Salvador, 691


  in colonial A., 45, 105, 145–6

  and machine politics, 400–401

  national e., 609

  in Northern army, 318

  primary, white see White primary

  Electoral college, 209, 271, 370, 429

  Electoral reform, 457–8

  Electricity industry, 390, 391, 526

  Elijah Mohammad, 638–9

  Eliot, Rev. Andrew, 152n, 162

  Eliot, Rev. John, 63

  Elizabeth I, Queen, 7, 12, 30, 31–2, 291

  Elkins Act, 452

  EUsberg, Daniel, 665

  Emancipation Proclamation, 179n, 327–8, 330–32, 333, 338, 350, 633

  Embargoes, 260

  in 1807–9, 253

  in the Civil War, 322, 329, 335

  and Second World War, 563

  Arab oil e., 666

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 165, 285, 291, 300, 686–7

  Engineering industry, 611

  England, English (see also Britain; British Empire), 8, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 40–42, 45–9, 62, 66, 87, 89, 92, 93, 94, 103n, 106, 108, 111n, 118, 119, 127, 183n, 188, 204, 235, 240, 250–56 passim, 269, 281, 282–3, 287, 307, 319, 324, 325, 334, 394, 402, 411, 419, 469, 483

  exploration of North A., 6–7

  on eve of colonization, 10–18

  Puritanism in, 29–34

  colonial expansion, 29–34

  racial attitudes, 64

  the realm denned, 76n

  B. Franklin on, 80

  and mercantile system, 84

  and slave-trade, 100–101

  riots in, 114, 129n

  and war in A. Revolution, 168

  and Andrew Jackson, 184

  in industrial A., 417n

  Enlightenment, the, 177

  Enumerated products, 82–3

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 689

  Environmentalism, 689, 694

  Episcopalianism, Episcopalians (see also Church of England), 31, 91, 96, 105, 145

  Equal Employment Opportunity, Committee on [later, Commission], 631, 635

  Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) (1972), 678, 679, 680


  egalitarianism, 235, 243, 274, 278, 314, 353, 424

  principle of, 46, 191, 274, 312, 348, 372, 582

  racial, 101, 675

  Erie Canal, 271, 272, 383

  Erie Railroad, 387

  Espionage and Sedition Acts, 478

  Ethiopia, 554, 558, 681

  Ethnic groups, 95n, 102, 437, 641–2, 671

  Ethnicity, 405

  European Economic Commuinity, 209

  European state system, 5, 7, 28

  Evers, Medgar, 633

  Export–Import Bank, 543–4

  Exports and imports, 250, 269, 450, 488, 499, 500

  Factories, 381, 403, 616, 623

  Fair Deal, 596, 607

  Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC), 624, 625

  Fair Labour Standards Act, 548–9

  Falkland Islands, 436

  Fall, Albert Bacon, 500

  Falmouth, Maine, 137

  Faneuil Hall, Boston, 159

  Faragher, John Mack, 224n

  Farewell Address see
Washington, George

  Farm Bureau, 621

  Farm Credit Act, 527

  Farm Holiday Association, 536

  Farm Security Administration, 569, 621

  Farmers, 192, 229, 230–31, 235, 244, 253, 269, 274, 298, 380, 397, 401, 409, 417, 418, 421, 440, 443, 453, 465, 477, 492, 514–15, 529, 567, 596, 611

  and Shays’s Rebellion, 189–90

  Southern f., 361, 365–6, 371, 465, 503–4, 617, 621

  and Populist movement, 423–33

  in the 1920s, 500, 503–4

  in the Depression, 516, 535–6

  during the New Deal, 525–5, 535, 536–40

  Farmers’ Alliance, 425–7

  Farms, family, 286, 290, 365, 386, 395–6, 425, 432, 465, 490, 504

  Farragut, Admiral David Glasgow, 325

  Faubus, Gov. Orval, 628

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 417, 580, 601, 634, 666

  Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), 539, 540–42, 618

  Federal Emergency Relief Act, 526, 540

  Division of Rural Rehabilitation, 542

  Federal Housing Administration, 544, 621, 625

  Federal Reserve Act, 462–3

  Federal Reserve Board, 463, 464, 509

  Federal Reserve System, 461, 463, 506–7, 524, 543

  Federal system, federalism, 208, 407–9, 693

  Federal Trade Commission, 529

  Federal Writers American Guides, 542

  Federalist, The, 201, 211

  Federalist party (post-1789), 259, 261, 262, 263, 272, 273, 279, 426

  Federalists (pre-1789), 201–3, 206

  Field, James, 426–7

  Fillmore, Millard (Pres. 1850–53), 243, 299, 300, 304

  Financiers see Capitalists

  Finland, Finns, 95n, 108, 484, 578

  Fire-Eaters, 306, 309, 310

  Fires, fire-fighting, 92, 97, 400

  Triangle fire, 464

  Fishing (see also Cod fisheries), 8, 47, 185

  whaling, 127

  Fisk, James, 386, 387, 388, 410

  Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key, 495

  Flag of the United States (‘Stars and Stripes’), 210, 312, 314, 318, 414


  Spanish colony, 7, 34, 52, 66, 85, 187, 192

  British colony (East and West F.), 87–8, 91, 112, 120, 162, 223

  state, 311, 312, 348, 440, 504, 587, 618, 672, 675n

  land-boom, 505, 617

  ‘Flying Tigers’, 560

  Forbes, Charles, 499

  Ford, Gerald Rudolph (Pres. 1974–7), 500, 667, 671, 686

  Ford, Henry, 445, 493, 532

  Model T, 493

  peace ship, 445

  Foreign relations, 220, 499, 501, 552–66, 603–4, 657

  Forrest, Gen. Nathan Bedford, 342

  Fort Donelson, 325

  Fort Duquesne see Pittsburgh

  Fort Henry, 325

  Fort Laramie, 220

  Fort Monroe, 326, 345

  Fort Pickens, 312–13

  Fort Pillow, 333


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