by Hugh Brogan
Philip III, King of Spain, 22n
Philippine Islands, 441, 495, 562, 565n, 571, 573, 574, 648, 651, 652
Phillips, Wendell, 293, 304, 309, 323, 328, 412
Pierce, Franklin (Pres. 1853–7), 301, 302, 304, 305, 316, 693
Pilgrims, the, 18, 34–40, 43, 44, 94
Pinchot, Gifford, 456
Pinckney, Charles, 196
Pinkerton’s Detective Agency, 417, 420, 427
Pinkham, Lydia, 454
Pins and Needles, 535n
Pioneers, 120, 248, 252–3, 301, 361, 384, 421, 423, 538
Piracy, 7, 11, 12
Pitt the Elder, William see Chatham
Pitt the Younger, William, 79n, 80, 259
Pittman, Sen. Key, 556
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 58n, 108, 221, 385, 417, 420
Pius XII, Pope, 590
Plantations (agricultural estates)
slave, 83, 100, 103, 108, 230, 231, 235, 282, 286
after Civil War, 352, 358, 365, 386
Planter class, 145, 189, 235, 269, 282, 296, 298
tobacco planters, in A. Revolution, 123, 124
in Virginia, 145
and slavery, 282, 285–90, 308, 310
and cotton, 307, 358
in Civil War, 329, 332, 335, 339
and Reconstruction, 361, 364, 366, 371
Platt amendment, 552
Platte river, 240, 301, 433
Plessy v. Ferguson, 414–15, 624, 626
Plunkitt, George Washington, 400, 401, 413, 527
Plutarch, 138, 375
Plymouth, Mass., 34n, 38–9, 41n, 49, 88, 167
Plymouth Rock, 38n
Pocahontas, 17, 21, 24, 27
Pol Pot, 671
Poland, Poles, 111n, 204, 394, 395, 417, 422, 484, 578–9, 581, 591
Police, 401, 412, 419, 502, 517, 643, 660
Polish-Americans, 641, 643
Politicians, 228, 265, 274, 279, 319, 392, 399, 457, 502
Polk, James Knox (Pres. 1845–9), 266, 297
Poll tax, 29, 371
Pontiac, 63, 108, 112, 113, 119
Pony express, 245
Pope, Gen. John, 327, 655
‘Popular Sovereignty’, 299, 302
African-American, 101, 102–3, 444, 615, 617, 632, 639
of British Empire, 75
California 1850–60, 298–9
colonial, 16, 22, 27, 39, 88, 93, 96, 101, 102–3
European, 393
farm, 503
foreign-born, 303, 393
Indian, 5, 8
Kansas, 1860, 305
Mormon, 242
national, 250, 264, 377, 386, 393, 415, 508n, 589, 658; structure of, 417
rural, 230
slave states, 287n
Southern, 617
urban, 230, 617
Populism, 674
Populist (People’s) party, 407, 426–33, 444, 465, 538, 615
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, treaty of, 455
Portugal, Portuguese, 4, 6, 11, 12, 26, 35, 106, 156, 394, 652
Postal service, federal, 296, 312, 354, 370
Potomac river, 27, 194, 260, 309, 321, 326, 327, 336, 337
Powderly, Terence Vincent, 418–19
Powell, Justice, 676
Power of the purse, 116, 144, 147, 210
Powhatan, 21, 23, 24, 60
Prairie Schooners, 239, 421
Pratt, Orson, 244
Presbyterians, 31, 44n, 91, 92, 94, 232, 460
President of the United States, office of (see also Roosevelt, Franklin Delano), 203, 211, 264, 266, 272, 275, 277, 301, 308, 350n, 407–8, 409, 445, 466, 491–2, 509, 516, 550, 555, 587, 594, 595, 620, 626, 635, 663, 667
P. and the budget, 501n
as Commander-in-Chief, 316, 552
and economic management, 544
Great Father of the Indians, 65
impeachment of, 355–6, 666
modern Presidents, 664
P. oath, 313, 667
P. and patronage, 268, 451, 458
P. primaries, 458
rise of the P., 209–10
T. Roosevelt, impact of, 451–5
Twenty-Second Amendment, 594
P. veto, 275, 354, 355, 406, 503, 512
W. Wilson, impact of, 460–61, 481
W. Wilson on, 452
Press-gang, 127–9
Pressure groups, 425
Price, Rev. Daniel, 17
Prices (see also Office of Price Administration), 108, 129, 229, 250, 253–4, 358, 385, 423, 425, 446, 469, 482, 488, 500, 503, 505, 506, 511, 513, 154, 528, 532, 536, 567, 589, 591, 687
Priestley, Joseph, 130n
Prince Edward Island, 112
Princeton, New Jersey
battle of, 180
University, 414, 459, 460, 475
Printing, printers, 92
in A. Revolution, 129, 130n
Prisons, 292
Privateering, 182, 251, 262
Privy Council, 119, 123–4, 137
Proclamation of 1763, 120, 179
Proclamation, Emancipation see Emancipation Proclamation
Progressive parry, 1912 (‘Bull Moose’), 444, 458–9, 461, 501n, 528, 532
Progressive Party, 1924, 501
Progressive Republican League, 457
Progressivism, progressive, 444, 465, 466, 482, 516, 527, 546, 615, 616, 674
Prohibition, 426, 448, 465, 478, 495, 502, 525
Prohibition party, 661
Promontory Point, Utah, 385
Property, 39, 58, 60, 190, 212, 213–14, 258, 288, 312, 330, 580
Protectionism, 271, 295, 308, 312, 340, 384, 411, 688
Protestantism, 30, 31, 304, 401, 404, 466
Protestants, 300, 304, 411, 432, 504, 613
Provincetown, Mass., 38
Prussia, III., 140–41, 255
Public Works Administration (PWA), 532, 534, 540, 553
Pueblo, Colorado, 487
Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans, 402, 405, 441, 442, 641n
Pujo, Cong. Arsène, 459
Pulitzer, Joseph, 440
Pullman Palace Car Co., 421, 451, 453, 620
Purchas, Samuel, 33
Pure Food and Drug Act, 454
Puritanism, 30–33, 41–50, 97, 231, 234
in New England, 33n, 42–50, 57, 63, 88–92, 93, 118, 264, 448
in 19th c., 291, 338, 381, 414
Putnam, Israel, 172n
Quaker Oats, Inc., 609
Quakers (Society of Friends), 52, 62, 90, 91, 93–6 passim, 98, 145, 221, 231, 662, 663
and Indians, 62, 99, 120
and slavery, 99
Quartering Acts, 136, 143, 161
Quebec, 8, 88, 112, 117
Q. Act, 161, 175
Quiberon Bay, Battle of, 86
Quota Act (1921), 496
Racial enmity, 106–7, 230, 317, 328, 347, 349, 351, 363, 366, 396, 405, 417, 437, 616, 640, 644
Radical Republicans see Republican party
Radio, 268, 495, 533, 598
Railroads, 245, 288, 378–80, 383n, 385, 389–90, 392, 399, 401, 404, 417–18, 427, 446, 477, 505, 611, 616, 617
and the Civil War, 333, 340, 379
co-operation among, 389–90, 391
and heavy industry, 385
in Progressive era, 448, 451, 452–3
strikes on, 417–18, 419, 421, 430, 451
transcontinental, 244, 246, 301, 304, 316, 340, 379, 384–5, 396, 397, 410, 422
‘Southern route’, 370
and the West, 379, 422–4
Ralegh, Sir Walter, 7, 11, 12, 23, 24, 33n, 74
and tobacco, 26–7
Raleigh Tavern, 162
Randolph, A. Philip, 620, 623, 634, 642
Randolph, Edmund, 194, 195, 197, 200, 203
Rankin, Cong. John Elliott, 595n
Rappahannock river, 333
Ray, James Earl, 643
Reagan, Nancy, 685, 692
Reagan, Ronald Wilson (Pres.
1981–5), 527n, 541n, 673, 680, 683–93
quoted, 669, 685, 688, 690
‘Reaganomics’, 686
Reconstruction, post-Civil
War, 337, 346–73, 504, 620, 630, 632, 635, 655
congressional, 353
economic, 357
governments, 363, 368–9, 410
radical, 357, 409
Red Army, 692
Red Cloud, 51, 247
Red Cross, 515
Red Scare, 488, 496, 497, 591, 601
Redeemers, 368–71, 426
Reed, Speaker Thomas (‘Czar’), quoted, 377
Reformation, Protestant, 8, 50, 177
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 676
in North Carolina, 153, 223
post-bellum South, 367
Reid, Whitelaw, 346
Religious fundamentalism, 694
Religious liberty, 49, 91, 93–4, 192
Remington, Frederic, 440
Reparations question, 486, 499, 507-8, 512, 590
Representation, political, 45, 146
in 13 colonies, 144
‘virtual r.’, 116
Representatives, House of see House of Representatives
Republican party, Jeffersonian (see also Democratic party), 260, 261, 263, 267, 269, 274
Republican party (see also Elections), 243, 266, 312, 408–9, 449, 537, 659–60, 672, 683, 684, 685, 688, 690
founded, 303
rise of, 304–11
in Civil War, 326, 328, 332, 339
and A. Johnson, 347, 349, 353–6
and Reconstruction, 353, 357, 359–61 passim
and capitalism, 384, 410, 412
in Progressive era, 9, 448, 453, 454, 455–9
and Versailles treaty 483, 486–8; 1920–33, 488–9, 491, 492, 495, 499> 500, 504, 509, 512–13, 514, 517
and New Deal, 528, 544–5, 546, 549
and Second World War, 559, 569
and cold war, 593, 597–8
and 1948 election, 595
and McCarthyism, 599, 609
and blacks, 620, 625–6, 630
and Vietnam War, 650, 662
Republicans, Liberal, 369, 412
Requisitions, 192
Reserve Officers Training Corps, 659
Restraining Act, 164
Reuther, Walter, 595, 634
Revels, Sen. Hiram, 360
Revolution, American, 25, 27, 40, 50, 51, 66, 71–215, 220, 251, 252, 254, 272, 273, 275, 280, 288, 290, 294, 312, 331, 377, 406, 414, 425, 437, 470, 639
leadership of, 256
Revolution, Cromwellian, 133
Revolution, Emancipation, 331, 364, 372
Revolution, French, 75, 78, 126, 127, 169, 183n, 250
Revolution, Glorious, 77, 88, 116, 129, 133
Revolution, Industrial, 50, 77, 229, 269, 378–82, 394, 395, 409, 416, 624
Revolution, Russian see Russia
Revolutions, of 1848, 395
Rhee, Syngman, 605, 651
Rhode Island
colony, 45, 49, 52, 92, 161n; in A. Revolution, 121, 147, 155, 179; mob in, 126
state, 189, 194, 200, 206, 208, 230
Rice, 103, 108, 199
Richmond, Virginia, 24, 182, 319, 326, 334, 335, 336, 343–4
Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 607
Rights (see also Bill of Rights; Civil rights; States’ rights)
right of petition, 296
r. of Englishmen, 116, 131, 211
individual r., 243
R. of Man, 106, 176, 211
natural r., 129
right of revolution, 213n
Rio Grande, 55, 56n, 297
Riots (see also Crowds), 201, 273
Agrarian, 136
in A. Revolution, 149
anti-slavery, 304
anti-Stamp, 129–31
black, 334, 639, 644
draft, 323, 334, 337, 639
in England, 113, 129
labour r., 417–18
police r., 419, 660
press-r., 127, 128–9
race, 352, 404, 478, 488, 619, 620, 625, 632–3
Roanoke island, N. Carolina, 7, 11, 20, 24, 26
Roberts, Mr Justice Owen J., 548
Robinson, Pastor John, 34, 36
Robinson, Sen. Joseph Taylor, 618
Rochambeau, Gen. Jean-Baptiste, Comte de, 184–5
Rockefeller, John Davison, 385, 388, 390, 391, 392, 410, 420, 453, 455
Rockefeller, Vice-Pres. Nelson Aldrich, 612
Rockingham, Charles, Marquis of, and Rockinghamites, 132, 141, 150, 158, 185
first administration, 132–4, 140
second, 185
Rocky mountains, 187, 220, 237, 241, 248, 301
Rodgers, Richard, and Hart, Lorenz, 491
Rodney, Admiral George, 168, 185
Roe v. Wade decision, 678, 679
Rolfe, John, 17, 27
Roman Catholic church, 6, l62n, 418, 441, 581
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 522, 523, 525, 549, 569, 621, 623
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (Pres. 1933–45), 210, 212, 489, 503, 517–81 passim, 594, 598, 601, 602, 618, 630, 634–5, 645, 667, 670, 684, 685, 690
character, 523, 527
early life, 522–3
TERA, 523
Hundred Days, 527, 550
and tariff, 464
and blacks, 620, 624, 625, 632
Schacht on, 529
Second Hundred Days, 541
popularity of, 544–5, 548
and Supreme Court, 546–8, 624
‘R. depression’, 549
foreign policy, 552–65
third Presl. candidacy, 559
the Four Freedoms, 560, 576
as Commander-in-Chief, 569, 520–23
and postwar settlement, 575–82
‘The Four Policemen’, 575, 577
and Indo-China, 647
death, 581
quoted: ‘new deal’ pledge, 517; First Inaugural, 521–2, 524; on ending child labour, 532; on social security taxes, 541; acceptance speech, 545; Charlottesville address, 551; ‘I hate war’, 552; ‘foreign wars’ pledge 559; ‘no more aggression’ promise, 576–7; also quoted, 556, 560, 565, 566, 620
Roosevelt, Theodore (Pres. 1901–9), 209, 433, 440, 441–2, 444, 449–58, 459, 460, 462, 463, 465, 468, 471, 482, 483, 489, 522, 550, 552, 553, 596, 647, 689
quoted, on Henry James, 449n; on C. E. Hughes, 495; also quoted, 435
Roosevelt corollary, 452
Root, Elihu, 483
Ross, Harold, 490
Rotation of office, 268
Rough Riders, 247, 440
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 60, 177, 180
Rovere, Richard H., 599
Rowe, John, 159
Ruckelshaus, William, 689
Rum, 89, 92, 100, 105, 114, 124, 129, 190
Rural America (see also Back-country), 108, 432, 465, 503, 504, 535–6, 567
Rush, Benjamin, 179, 204
Rusk, Dean, 602, 651
Russell, Anna, 232n
Russell, William Howard, 324
Russia (see also Soviet Union), 100, 140–41, 254n, 255, 394, 395, 399, 403, 455, 488, 572
in First World War, 470, 474
revolution, 475, 478
Bolsheviks, 478, 484, 485, 516
intervention, 484
Rustbelt, 672, 687
Rustin, Bayard, 629
Ruth, George Herman (‘Babe’), 491
Sacramento river, 298
Sadat, Anwar, 674
Sagadahoc, Maine, 18, 20
Saigon, 651, 659, 671
Sailors, in A. Revolution, 127–9, 159
St George’s Fields massacre, 154
St Lawrence, Gulf of, 7
St Lawrence river, 8, 57
St Louis, Missouri, 108, 355, 380, 400
Salem, Mass., 41, 47
witch-hunt, 91, 103
Salt Lake City, Utah, 241, 243, 244
> San Francisco, Calif., 469n, 499, 508, 511, 581, 624, 658, 676
San Jacinto, Battle of, 440
San Juan Hill, Battle of, 440
Sand Creek massacre, 62, 243
Sandinistas, 691
Sandwich, John, Earl of, 168
Sandys, Sir Edwin, 24–5, 36
Sangre de Cristo mountains, 56n
Santa Anna, Gen., 296
Santa Fe Trail, 236n
Santiago Bay, Battle of, 180–81, 183n, 190, 441
Sassafras, 19
Savannah, Georgia, 131, 342
Scalawags, 361, 364, 367
Scandinavians, 4, 394, 397, 422
Schechter Poultry Corporation v. US, 533–4
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr, 673
Schurz, Carl, quoted, 353
Schuylkill river, 95
Scotland, Scots, 36, 76n, 111 394
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 297, 300, 317, 319, 321
Sea Islands, Carolina, 229, 331
Sears, Roebuck Co., 386
Seattle, Washington, 457, 489
Secession, 205, 243, 254–5, 285, 293, 299, 308, 310, 317
of Deep South, 311–14, 627–8, 632, 635, 636
of Upper South, 315–16
Northern reaction to, 312, 314
failure of, 347–8
economic consequences, 384
Sectionalism, 264, 306, 407, 416
Sections, definitions, 229n
Securities and Exchange Commission, 525
Segregation, racial (see also White Supremacy), 371–2, 415, 620–21, 629
in the armed services, 619, 622
in accommodation, 632
and cold war, 626
de facto s., 639, 643
in factories, 623
in housing, 625, 643
in schools, 415, 624, 639–40
Selective Service Act (1940), 559, 567
Selma, Alabama, 636
Senate, US (see also Congress of the US), 210, 260, 261, 294, 301, 356, 370, 500, 517, 526, 546, 553. 554. 559. 566, 599, 631, 635, 665, 666, 681, 685
and Versailles treaty, 486–8
Foreign Relations
committee, 556
in Second World War, 569–70, 581
and McCarthyism, 609, 612
Seneca Falls convention, 279
Separation of powers, 208, 664–5
Sequoya, 67
Serbs, 394
Seven Days’ battles, 327
Sewall, Judge Samuel, 88, 91
Seward, William Henry, 276, 278, 291, 299, 301, 305, 308, 311, 312
quoted, 305, 309
Secretary of State, 314, 319, 324, 330, 347, 354, 356
Sexual liberation, 677–8
Shakespeare, William, 10, 30
Shantung, 484, 496
Sharecropping see Tenancy, Southern
Shays, Daniel, 190, 208, 425
Shays’s Rebellion, 190–91, 193, 194, 231
Shelburne, William, Earl of, 141, 143, 185
Shenandoah valley, 341
Shepard, Thomas, 49