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American Phoenix

Page 56

by Jane Cook

  British blockade, 66

  ordinance encouraging Danish capture of American ships, 183

  as pirates, 195

  US merchant ships risk from privateers, 190–191

  war with England, 52

  Derby Academy, 324

  Detroit (fort), capture and surrender, 356–357

  diamonds, 115

  digitalis, 346

  diplomats in Russia

  in 1812, 349

  annual expense in St. Petersburg, 131

  JQA cards of introduction delivered to, 98

  JQA learning rules of, 7

  JQA position within, 319

  lifestyle, 37

  at Peterhof party, 302–303

  divorce, of Empress Josephine, 145

  dowry of L. Adams, 189

  Dupin, 435–436, 441

  Easter eggs, 12, 170–171

  Easter Sunday, 169

  Elizabeth (Russian empress), 105

  Louisa’s meeting with, 111–112

  Elsinore (Helsingør), 75


  impact on commerce, 136

  by Jefferson, 49, 306

  reinstatement, 305

  Embargo Act, 28

  Emerson, Pastor, 70

  empress mother, 142, 250, 303

  clothes as Winter Palace ball, 114–115

  invitation to girls’ school examination ceremony, 267–268

  Louisa and, 148

  Louisa’s introduction to, 112–113

  as patron over factory with child laborers, 168

  Enghien, Duke d’, 210–211


  Alexander’s interest in US relations with, 273

  Alexander’s view of, 100

  blockade, 122

  direct negotiation with US, 384

  embargo reinstated, 241

  fleet arrival in Chesapeake, 394

  hatred of US, 306

  House of Commons, 444

  impressment, 49, 62, 305, 358–361, 372

  Napoleon’s trade policies impact, 223

  negotiation demands, 388

  Orders in Council (1807), 66, 100

  Parliament and Orders in Council, 339–340

  prime minister’s assassination, 339

  threat of war on US, 156, 280–281, 326.

  See also war between US and Britain (War of 1812)

  war with Denmark, 52

  English Club, Louisa as stand-in for JQA at ball, 163

  English Courier, 356

  Ertholmene (Christiansø), 80–81

  erysipelas (St. Anthony’s fire), 162–163

  Essex, 141–142


  famine in 1812, 333

  political change, 160

  postal systems in, 4

  Russia as power in, 95

  Everett, Alexander, 34, 44, 132–133, 295

  exercise, 173


  of Adams, 97, 336–337

  Louisa’s life in, 15–16

  of Napoleon, 381


  of JQA, 141, 348

  of Louisa, 282, 301, 450

  Federalists, 35, 393, 412

  Fedorovna, Maria (Alexander’s mother), JQA

  meeting with, 108

  fencing, 208–209


  of diplomats, 104

  of J. & L. Adams, 104–105, 188–189

  Louisa’s uncertainty about, 382, 429

  and Madison’s exit strategy for JQA, 252

  salary of Adams, 249–250

  vs. Caulaincourt, 233

  in St. Petersburg, 159


  in Boston, 38

  in St. Petersburg, 303

  flannel, 330–331

  Flaugergues, Honoré, 315

  Flavel, John, 391

  Florida, United States acquisition, 273–274

  Fontainebleau Decrees (1810), 240

  Fontanka canal, 245

  forgeries of French licenses, 207, 248

  fortune-teller, Louisa and, 406–407

  Foster, Augustus, 280, 393

  Foster, John, 325, 333, 344

  France. See also Napoleon Bonaparte

  Adams travel 1767, 7

  blockade of Baltic, 322

  JQA on conduct toward US, 183

  licenses for outbound US ships, 223

  refusal to acknowledge, 263–266

  relations with Russia, 176–177

  impact of war threat, 271

  reports of Adams appointment (1811), 267

  Franklin, Benjamin, x, 7, 202

  French language, Louisa’s knowledge of, 15

  French Revolution, Washington administration

  disagreements over, 35

  Frenchtown, Battle of (Canada), 374

  Friederich Wilhelm III, 403

  Fulling, Englebert, 11

  Fulling, John, 11

  Gallatin, Albert, 342, 377, 412

  arrival in St. Petersburg, 383

  private residence destroyed by British, 396

  George III (king of England), 326, 344

  Ghent negotiations, 401

  boundary line for Canada, 402, 424, 429–430

  British commissioners

  demands, 388

  pace increase, 421

  stall by, 392, 412, 426

  commissioners, 412

  JQA in, 384, 388

  treaty ratification, 437

  treaty signed, 429

  US commissioners government correspondence, 425

  treaty proposal, 424

  gifts at Easter, 170–171

  JQA and, 126

  Godfrey, Martha, 44, 162, 242–243, 389

  godparents, of Adams’ daughter, 312

  gossip, 142

  Göteborg, Sweden, Adams’ travel to, 382

  Gourieff, Miss, 304

  Gray, William, 41, 44, 53, 141, 231, 295, 317

  Great Comet, 315, 349

  guardian angels, 70

  Guerriere (HMS), 305

  Gulf of Finland, 51–52, 79, 83

  Hamburg, 376

  Hamilton, Alexander, 35

  Hanau, Battle of, 419

  hand washing, 279

  Hanseatic territories, 251, 253, 274

  Harris, Levett, 89, 91, 92, 116, 198, 283, 356

  escort for Louisa, 164–165

  Harvard, JQA as professor, 199

  hats, 75

  Heinche, Mrs. (midwife), 310–311

  Hellen, Mary Catherine, 449

  Hellen, Nancy (Louisa’s sister), death in

  childbirth, 277, 280

  Helsingør (Elsinore), 75

  Hermitage (palace museum), 147, 227–228

  Hitroff, General (Alexander’s aide-de-camp), treason, 260

  Holland, 197

  Holy Roman Empire, fall of, 153

  honesty, of John Quincy Adams, 289–290

  honor, importance to Caulaincourt, 264–265

  Horace, 41–42, 46–48, 51, 77–86

  disappearance, 85

  man-of-war and, 61–62

  risk of British impoundment, 80

  Hornet (US sloop of war), 376

  Hôtel de la Ville de Bordeaux, 106

  Hôtel de Londres, 88

  conditions, 93

  Hôtel de Valois, 8

  Hotel du Nord Rue de Richelieu, 442

  Hull, Isaac, 356

  impressment, 49, 62, 305, 358–361, 372

  Independence celebration (1809), 27

  industrialization, US views, 166–167

  infant mortality rate, 167, 279, 280

  influenza, death of US family members from, 323

  Isaacson, 57–59

  Isaiah, on rebirth, 391

  Ivernois, Francis d’, 372–373

  Jackson, Andrew, 437

  Jefferson, Thomas, 35, 120

  embargo, 49

  Jeffersonian Republicans, 35

  Jelgava (Mitau), 3

  Jerome (King of Westphalia), 124

sp; Johnson, Catherine (Kitty), 43, 347

  Alexander and, 180, 245–246

  attention of young men, 173

  illness, 367

  imperial family acceptance of, 262

  invitation to theatre, 227

  JQA concern for, 128

  and JQA reputation, 193

  Louisa’s fear for reputation, 238–239

  marriage to William, 389

  relationship with William Smith, 324

  status with imperial family, 249

  Johnson, Catherine Nuth (Louisa’s mother), 15

  death of, 323

  Johnson, Joshua (Louisa’s father), 15

  Josephine (empress), divorce of, 145

  Kamenny Ostrov Palace, 218, 299

  Adams’ house near, 295

  KamennyOstrov, ice hills party, 138

  Kattegat Sea, 62

  Key, Francis Scott, 422

  kibitka (wagon on skis), 12

  Kiel, 79, 81, 82, 432

  Kimball, Daniel, 324

  King, Rufus, 412

  knocked up (19 c. meaning), 128–129

  Krasnoi, Battle of, 362

  Krehmer, Annette, 92, 104, 156, 162, 242

  Krehmer, Mr., 280

  Kristiansand, Norway, 54–56, 57

  Kronstadt, 79, 84

  Kurakin, Prince, 335, 337

  Kürstrin, 399

  Kutuzov (Russian commander in chief), 363

  La Harpe, 229

  Lafayette, General, 409

  Lake Champlain, 423

  laudanum, 118–119, 282

  Lauriston, Jacques Alexandre Bernard Law, marquis de, 297, 298–299, 303

  JQA visit, 335–336, 340

  Louisa’s observation about, 319

  passport, 337, 341

  planetary predictions, 315

  Russian denial of request to leave, 335

  Laval, Monsieur de, 184–185, 353

  Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory (JQ Adams), 199

  critique, 232

  Leipzig, 418–419

  Leopard-Chesapeake incident, 48–49, 280, 325

  Lesseps, Madame, 262–263

  Lesseps, Mr., 214

  Lewis and Clark, 205

  Lincoln, Abraham, 35

  Lincoln, Levi, 277

  Listerine, Joseph, 279

  literary collection of JQA, 294–295

  Litta, Countess, 106–107, 111, 249, 296, 299

  Little Belt (British sloop of war), 305, 325

  Liverpool, Lord (prime minister), 401–402, 413, 429–430

  local militias, 394

  lodging in St. Petersburg, 99

  hotel conditions, 188

  Hôtel de la Ville de Bordeaux, 106

  Hôtel de Londres, 88, 93

  house for 1811/12 winter, 317–318

  house for Adams family, 188

  house hunting in July 1811, 293–295

  packing to move, 294

  London Courier, 280, 285

  Louis Philippe (Duke of Orleans), JQA presented

  to, 20

  Louis XVIII of France, 10

  flight from Napoleon, 437

  JQA introduction to, 408–409

  proclamation, 374–375, 437

  Louisa, princess of Prussia, 413

  Louisa, Queen of Prussia, 403

  Louise, princess of Baden (Elizabeth Alexeyevna), 174

  Macon’s Bill No. 2, 241

  Madison, Dolley, 4, 119, 186, 401

  actions in War of 1812, 396

  Madison, James, 29, 34–35, 316, 394, 395

  Adams’ instructions from, 325

  Adams letter on declining Supreme Court appointment, 287–288

  Adams wait for letter from, 409

  blamed for Washington destruction, 401

  and census information, 166

  Dolley’s protection of papers, 401

  exit strategy for JQA, 252

  and Macon Bill No. 2, 241

  war proclamation, 344

  Maisonneuve, Monsieur de, 104

  manufacturing, US views, 166–167

  Maria Louisa (archduchess), Napoleon marriage

  to, 176–177

  Markoff, Count, 268–269

  marriage, impact of Louisa’s depression on, 354

  masquerade ball (1810), 146–149

  maternal mortality rates, 279, 280

  McHenry, fort, 421

  mediation offer by Alexander, 350–351

  Memel River, 337

  Mengs, Countess, 5, 9, 14

  Michaal (Grand Duke), 148

  Michell, General, 439–440

  midwives, 310–311

  Milan Decree (1807), 100, 140

  Napoleon’s offer to repeal, 240

  minister plenipotentiary, 29

  miscarriage, 72

  Mitau (Jelgava), 3, 5

  Monroe, James, 288, 306, 370, 446

  acceptance of Alexander’s mediation, 377

  appointment as secretary of war, 400

  Montréal, Mr., 189, 210

  Morris, Gouverneur, 412

  Moscow, Napoleon and, 349, 351–352, 358

  mujiks, 169, 171

  murder, 9, 16–17

  Nancy, France, 436

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 14, 97–98

  Adams’ opinion of, 240

  army’s escape from Russia, 366

  Battle of Waterloo, 445

  Caulaincourt on, 297

  conscription order, 322

  Continental System, 98

  Czernicheff and, 145

  escape in vessel painted as British warship, 433

  European view of, 183–184

  exile, 381

  and French privateers, 326–327

  invasion of Russia, 337–338

  JQA concern over, 234

  letter to Alexander, 271

  Louisa’s analysis of, 364

  Milan Decree (1807), 100, 140

  in Moscow, 351–352

  rumors, 349

  orders for Caulaincourt, 210

  pressure on Denmark, 135

  proclamation to French people, 441

  proximity to Louisa, 436, 438

  retaliation for US Non-Intercourse Act of 1809, 191

  retreat, 362–364

  return to Paris, 441–442

  rumor of capture and execution, 432

  rumor of return, 417, 418, 420

  Russian diplomats’ view of, 131

  Russian relations, 303

  support for rumored return, 427

  and trade, 327

  trade policies, 123

  view of US government, 241–242

  views on convoy ships, 247

  war effects in Prussia, 390

  Napoleon’s comet, 316

  national anthem, 422

  National Intelligencer, 29

  National Museum (Paris), JQA interest in, 10

  Nations, Battle of (Leipzig), 381

  Navarro, Mr., 291

  Nelson (servant), 44, 189

  Netherlands, JQA appointment to, 37

  Neva River, 120, 332

  freeze in 1810, 234

  freeze in 1811, 316

  river ice break, 171–172, 272

  Nevsky Perspective, 90

  Nevsky, St. Alexander, anniversary festival, 211–214

  New England Palladium, 29

  New Orleans, 421, 423, 437

  Nicholas (Grand Duke), 148

  nightmares, 360–361

  Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 (US), 51, 191

  revocation by Congress, 241

  North American Review, 449

  Noyer, Anne Marguerite Petit du, 370

  ocean travel, 44–47

  Oldenberg, Duke of, 251

  Orders in Council, 333, 339

  revocation, 342

  Orthodox church, 169

  christening, 257

  mass, 109

  Paine, Robert Treat Jr., 33

  parade, of Russian troops, 132

  Pardo, Mr. (Spanish minist
er), 159


  John’s interest in, 404–405

  JQA in, 408

  JQA travel to, 430

  Six encouragement of JQA appointment, 200

  party politics, and Russian appointment, 35

  patronage, 167

  Paul (emperor), murder, 175–176

  Pavlovna, Elena (Grand Duchess), 235

  Peabody, Elizabeth, 324

  Peabody, Stephen, 324

  peace process, and John and Louisa separation, 387–388

  Peacefield, 39, 245

  Peacock (Royal Navy brig), 376

  Peale, Charles Willson, 147

  Perceval, Spencer, assassination, 339

  Peter the Great, 212, 349

  Peterhof Palace, 218–220, 302–305

  Philadelphia, Peale museum of art, 147

  phoenix, 391

  Pickering, Timothy, 63–65

  pilot, 54

  Pinkney, William, 325

  Pitt, Loudon King, 312

  Plato’s beard, 185–186

  Plattsburgh, New York, 423

  Plumer, William, 229, 231, 323

  political parties in US, 35, 393

  polonaise, 116

  Portugal, Russian trade restrictions, 195–196

  postal systems in Europe, 4

  postilions (hired drivers), 4

  Potyomkin, Prince, 106

  pregnancy, 299

  President (USS), 305

  Prussia, 196–197

  alliance between Russia and, 371

  JQA appointment to, 37

  monarchy notice of George’s birth, 318

  passports for diplomats, 341

  Prussian war, 352

  Queenston Heights, Battle of, 367

  Rambouillet Decree, 191

  rank, Jefferson’s views of, 120

  Rastrelli, Bartolomeo, 111

  rebirth, Isaiah on, 391

  recognition of US, 447

  relationships, diplomacy and, 298

  Republican Party, 35, 393

  republicanism, 168, 184

  respect for US, 447

  river ice break, 171–172

  River Raisin Massacre, 374

  Romanzoff, Count Nicholas, 89, 212–213, 290, 358–359

  Adams’ meeting on trade, 122–123

  and Alaskan territory, 205

  ball hosted by, 268–269

  and Caulaincourt, 198

  diplomatic dinner, 297

  imperial message for JQA, 350–351

  interest in JQA, 96

  invitation to JQA, 91

  JQA appointment to see, 134

  JQA meeting in Feb. 1812, 324–328

  JQA visit, 138–139, 164, 239–241, 258

  on Napoleon, 327–328

  response to US view on Alaska, 225–226

  and trade restrictions, 195–196

  views on Napoleon, 375

  visit to Adams, 159, 161

  on War of 1812, 374

  Ross, Robert, 394, 395, 422–423

  rumors, 349

  Rush, Benjamin, Medical Inquiries and

  Observations upon Diseases of the Mind, 415

  Russell, Jonathan, 412


  alliance between Prussia and, 371

  extravagance, 105

  factories, 167–168

  financial issues, 220

  inaction on US confiscated ships, 246


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