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Douluo Dalu: Volume 22: Clear Sky School

Page 11

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Oscar smiled:

  “This sixth spirit ability of mine is somewhat strange, only relying on my own strength won’t do, I still need the assistance of others. Big brother Hao Te[1], I’ll trouble you.”

  His final words were spoken to that Spirit Sage. As he spoke, he still pulled out a chi long black box from his chest, swiftly fumbling with its surface, producing a series of mechanical noises. Previously, only Hao Te next to him had seen him use this thing.

  Hao Te asked:

  “How do you want me to help?”

  Oscar said:

  “I need a drop of your blood.”

  That he chose Hao Te to help him also seemed very ordinary to the others, and raised no doubts.

  Hao Te frowned, but still stretched out his right hand in front of Oscar, the fingernail of his thumb pricking his forefinger, immediately opening a cut whence a drop of blood tumbled out.

  “I, your father, have a mirror image sausage.”

  The spirit incantation was still appalling.

  Oscar moved very quickly. His sixth spirit ring abruptly flashed, a circle of black light bubbling out of his palm, instantly merging into that drop of blood. Immediately afterward, intense spirit power fluctuations surged from his palm, his sixth spirit ring also constantly expanding and contracting throughout the process.

  Right now, everyone’s gazes fell on his hand. Within those intense spirit power fluctuations, a faintly silvery sausage quietly took shape.

  Oscar said:

  “Big brother Hao Te, please release your spirit.”

  Hao Te nodded, a light flashing in his eyes. His imposing manner instantly turned ruthless, rich spirit power fluctuations spreading from him, as his entire body abruptly grew larger, his muscles expanding. Amidst the thick aura fluctuations, his hair had already become white.

  Two yellow, three purple, two black, seven spirit rings abruptly released. The spirit this Spirit Sage called Hao Te possessed was actually a Snow Soul Demon Bear[2]. Concentrating on offense and defense as a whole, it possessed extremely powerful attack power and defensive capabilities.

  Oscar spread his left hand, swiftly chanting two spirit incantations,

  “I, your father, have a stimulating pink sausage, I, you father, have a stimulating pink sausage.”

  Now his strength was already at the sixtieth rank, and again using his fourth spirit ability was naturally a lot faster than before, two stimulating pink sausages appearing in his palm before everyone’s eyes.

  The others had no idea what he was doing, and further adding that he was a food system Spirit Master without any attack power, there was naturally nobody with doubts. Only expressions of curiosity were seen.

  Oscar swallowed a pink sausage himself, and handed the other to Hao Te,

  “Eat this first, afterwards use your seventh spirit ability.”

  Hao Te swallowed the pink sausage without the slightest hesitation, and at the same time his seventh spirit ring grew radiant. The spirit avatar that he didn’t even use against that Mirror Image Beast before suddenly released.

  Amidst the gasps of admiration of the other Spirit Masters, Hao Te’s clothes instantly burst, in the blink of an eye growing into an extremely thick and solid giant bear, seven meters tall.

  His whole body covered with white fur, a frosty frozen air permeating out from within him, complemented even more by this very cold Icebound Forest. A profound aura seemed to make the surrounding air become tangible. Especially under the boost of Oscar’s stimulating pink sausage, his eyes were already filled with a pink layer, the energy over his whole body growing somewhat more ruthless.

  At the same moment, Oscar swiftly stuffed that silvery sausage made from his sixth spirit ability into his own mouth, suddenly shouting,

  “Do it!”

  Sonorous mechanical cracks echoed, the Godly Zhuge Crossbow already spitting out deadly sharp bolts. At such close distance, and further adding the Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s own terrifying firing speed, the instantly erupting burst attack power of the sixteen crossbow bolts was absolutely terrifying.

  Bearing the brunt were three closest Spirit Masters already within the attack range of the sixteen crossbow bolts. Of these three Spirit Masters, two were Spirit kings, one was a Spirit Emperor. If they were given enough time to prepare, they could naturally block by using their fourth or higher spirit abilities. However, what time did they have to prepare?

  What kind of might did the Tang Sect hidden weapons Tang San make have? This moment was even more a complete ambush, just after having settled a formidable spirit beast, and Oscar had further obtained the advantage of a spirit ring. How could have thought that such a food system Spirit Master would actually suddenly rise in revolt at this moment.

  More than ten puffs of blood mist exploded into the air. Without the least suspense, those three Spirit Masters’ bodies were already completely pierced through. Even more dreadful was that Oscar’s Godly Zhuge Crossbow Bolts were covered with Tang San’s personally made toxin, Meeting Blood Seals The Throat. Such poison, after passing Tang San’s special blending, wouldn’t lose effect after the crossbow bolts they were attached to were used. Each time it came into contact with blood, the poison would continue to condense.

  The poison spread instantly, and with wide open eyes brimming with disbelief, those three Spirit Masters slowly fell limply. And now, having eaten the stimulating pink sausage, Spirit Sage Hao Te also moved. Fully using spirit avatar, and with the further boost of the stimulating pink sausage, he threw himself forward. Two Spirit kings didn’t even have time to reach before he had already smashed their heads to pieces.

  Now there were still eight remaining Spirit Masters. These eight Spirit Masters consisted of four Spirit Kings and four Spirit Emperors. They were also long since battle hardened Spirit Masters. Even though they didn’t know why Oscar and Hao Te would suddenly rise in revolt, they still reacted in the first moments, swiftly retreating and releasing their spirits.

  Oscar calmly rewound the mechanism of his Godly Zhuge Crossbow. Not only didn’t he retreat, he on the contrary followed the enormous Hao Te to charge forward.

  Spirit Emperor and Spirit Sage, even though there was only one level difference, the difference lay in that spirit avatar. Using his spirit avatar, Hao Te was just like a tiger plunging into a flock of sheep. Amidst an eruption of wild force, leaving those eight spirit masters still unable to join hands essentially unable to resist, spirit abilities falling on his body one by one, basically unable to leave a mark, in the blink of an eye, another two Spirit Kings had perished by his hands.

  “Get rid of that bastard Oscar first.”

  Nobody knew who shouted, but two Spirit Emperors already swiftly moved around the sides to charge at Oscar. The other four reacted to swiftly form an encirclement. They of course wouldn’t hope to be able to kill Hao Te, but would at least first tangle with him. Once Oscar was dealt with, the six would at least have a chance to besiege Hao Te.

  By now they for the most part already understood that Hao Te and Oscar suddenly revolting was definitely related to that killed Mirror Image Beast. Able to make them unleash a massacre without the slightest hesitation, would only be a spirit bone.

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  “Hao Te, don’t mind me, kill them first.”

  Oscar shouted calmly, at the same time he no longer advanced, but rather swiftly retreated.

  Under normal circumstances, such actions were clearly unwise. Only when he was closer to Hao Te could Hao Te look after him. But right now he meticulously pulled open the distance between him and Hao Te, undoubtedly putting himself in danger.

  One food system Spirit Emperor facing two agility attack type Spirit Emperors. To anyone it would seem like this should be an unequal confrontation. The two agility attack type Spirit Masters’ gazes focused on the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in Oscar’s hand. After all, the impression the Godly Zhuge Crossbow gave them before was too deep. A weapon capable of instantly annihilating three Spirit M
asters was enough to make them fearful.

  The two Spirit Emperors were cautious, both used a protective ability, relying on speed to swiftly get close to Oscar. It seemed to them that all Oscar could rely on was the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, and as for the stimulating pink sausage he ate, at most it could only increase his speed a bit.

  However, they still underestimated Oscar. A food system Spirit Master capable of wandering this chaotic Icebound Forest for five years, that wasn’t something that could be accomplished with luck alone. Oscar had never before truly revealed his strength in front of others, but this time he wouldn’t hold back.

  His body swiftly shot out, dashing madly to one side, the instantly erupting speed shocking the two agility attack type Spirit Masters. They clearly sensed that right now Oscar relied completely on his physical strength to run, and not some spirit ability. But his speed seemed a bit too fast.

  How could they know that in his Shrek Academy training, Oscar had undergone Grandmaster’s devil training and the nourishment of Tang San’s immortal herbs. His physical body’s degree of strength wasn’t something a food system Spirit Master could compare to. To say nothing of when he had now eaten the stimulating pink sausage.

  Of course, even if he was even faster it would still be impossible to match these two agility attack type Spirit Masters, and the distance between the three swiftly closed.

  Suddenly, Oscar stopped. With his left foot as axis, his body swiftly rotated, the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in his hand already rising.

  The two agility attack type Spirit Masters both had extremely good control over their own bodies, and even though they had released defensive abilities, they still weren’t willing to contend with that unknown weapon from the front. The two paused practically simultaneously, slipping to either side, not giving Oscar the opportunity to lock onto them. The closer of the two already stuck to the ground and arrived, bone spurs ejecting ejecting from the joints of both hands, thrusting straight at Oscar’s abdomen.

  Oscar’s face revealed a cold smile, the muscles of his legs suddenly bracing.

  With sonorous sounds, six crossbow bolts shot from his thighs practically simultaneously.

  Hidden weapons had to be sudden. Right now the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in his hands was just raised, how could those two agility attack type Spirit Masters anticipate that he could actually make such an attack with his thighs? In haste, there was no time to attack Oscar, because he also didn’t know how powerful Oscar’s crossbow bolts were. Both hands clapping the ground hard, forcefully changing his forward momentum, speedily flipping over and moving away.

  Despite this, he still only dodged three crossbow bolts. The other three still resolutely struck his defensive spirit ability, issuing a series of cracking sounds.

  This agility attack type Spirit Emperor really was outstanding. In midair, his fourth spirit ability brightened, two intangible wings appearing behind his back. Even though these wings of his weren’t enough to fly, they could still change his direction, suddenly twisting in the air, he arrived above Oscar. Right now, his heart was already extremely regretful, both hands simultaneously scratching at Oscar’s head.

  The other Spirit Emperor just arrived from the side. His distance to Oscar was also only five meters. Undoubtedly, to Oscar, this should be a certain death situation.

  Just at this moment, Oscar suddenly made a motion that left the two uncomprehending. Shifting the Godly Zhuge Crossbow to his left hand, he sharply raised his right hand, blocking the two palms scratching towards his head. Simultaneously he raised his right foot, forcefully stomping on the ground. In an instant, his six spirit rings flared practically simultaneously, and moreover changed to a weird gray.

  The change that appeared immediately afterward, left the two Spirit Emperors completely stupefied. Oscar’s upraised right hand suddenly grew larger without any warning, growing at least three times as large as before, his whole hand covered in a layer of snow white fur, firmly grabbing both striking palms of that midair Spirit Emperor. A great force issued, and the midair Spirit Emperor immediately felt a sharp pain in his wrists, his entire body seeming paralysed for a short moment.

  And on the other side, where Oscar’s right foot stomped on the ground, an intense shockwave brazenly spread outwards. That Spirit Emperor mounting a sneak attack from the side abruptly stiffened, his entire body only knocking against Oscar out of momentum, his brewing spirit ability forcefully interrupted.


  An ice cold voice issued from Oscar’s mouth. He simply swiftly lowered his head, right hand pulling downwards, a thick crossbow bolt abruptly firing from his neck, piercing perfectly straight into the throat of that Spirit Emperor in midair. And the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in his left hand once again spit out death.

  The Spirit Emperor launching the sneak attack who had his spirit abilities interrupted and bumped against him, was sent flying as his body was hit by sixteen extremely powerful crossbow bolts, already turned into a sieve. The dying Spirit Emperor in the air was unable to understand how Oscar’s techniques could change like this, how a food system Spirit Master could actually use spirit abilities similar to Snow Soul Demon Bear Spirit Sage Hao Te’s Giant Spirit Palm and Seismic Wave.

  With a swing of his right hand, the midair Spirit Emperor was flung to the ground. Oscar swayed once, his face immediately turning somewhat pale. But the light in his eyes was brimming with excitement. Killing two agility attack type Spirit Emperors was, to him, in no way as simple as just settling the current crisis. Even more important was that killing these two by relying on his own strength, signified an important shift in his Spirit Master career.

  The twenty thousand year cultivation Mirror Image Beast was just what he hoped for, it finally gave him the spirit ability that most suited his needs. Mirror Image Large Sausage.

  The effect of the mirror image sausage was copying. But when it was made it had to have the blood of a Spirit Master as basis. If the possessor of the blood had spirit power exceeding the producer, the producer could display seventy percent of the power of the spirit abilities equal to his level. If the target’s spirit power was equal to the producer, the producer could display eighty percent of the might of the blood donor’s spirit abilities.

  It could be fully used for three minutes. In other words, eating that mirror image sausage before, within three minutes, Oscar possessed the spirit abilities of Hao Te at seventy percent power as a Snow Soul Demon Bear Spirit Master.

  On the surface it seemed like this spirit ability of Oscar’s had effects out of the ordinary, he could after all duplicate all spirit abilities. But in fact, the restrictions of this spirit ability were equally large. With his present sixtieth rank, possessing seventy percent of Hao Te’s power for three minutes, was actually equivalent to just a roughly fiftieth ranked Hao Te, and those two agility attack type Spirit Masters before were actually above him in strength. The reason they were killed by him was mostly because of the unexpectedness.

  And while only using seventy percent of the spirit abilities’ might, Oscar would pay a hundred percent of the spirit power cost to support them. The spirit power required to manufacture the mirror image large sausage was even more frightful, equivalent to one third of his present spirit power to make one.

  However, to Oscar, the greatest bit of good news was that this mirror image sausage kept for a very long time. Each mirror image sausage produced could keep its effectiveness for one year. If there was a large number of high level Spirit Masters that donated blood to let him make them, under certain circumstances, he might also be considered a kind of Battle Spirit Master.

  In terms of strength, with the battle capability he possessed Oscar wasn’t scary, but the suddenness was enough to shock any opponent. Who could imagine a food system Spirit Master to suddenly possess attack power?

  Even more, back among the Shrek Seven Devils, in craftiness, Oscar was second only to Tang San. The situation just now was completely caused by his planning. Relying on the two
great hidden weapons Tang San gave him, the Godly Zhuge Crossbow and the Back Tightening Flower Adorned Crossbow, as well as the suddenly appearing spirit abilities, he got rid of two Spirit Emperors in one move. Further adding the previous three he got rid of, among all the thirteen people, five were entirely killed by this food system Spirit Master.

  When Oscar returned to the other side, those four Spirit Masters were already rigidly suppressed by Hao Te. Two Spirit Kings collapsed first in a flash. When the other two Spirit Emperors saw Oscar unexpectedly return, under the great shock they didn’t have a thought about fighting. But once they wanted to flee, how would Oscar and Hao Te give them the chance?

  Relying on the obstruction of the final discharge of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow plus Hao Te’s overbearing spirit avatar, they forcibly got rid of these last two Spirit Emperors, putting an end to this unilateral massacre.

  Hao Te changed back into his original form. Even though he was naked right now, because of his connection to his spirit, he didn’t fear the cold. He looked somewhat astonished at Oscar,

  “Little Ao, you really had your wish fulfilled?”

  Oscar didn’t hide it, telling Hao Te about the sixth spirit ability he just obtained. At the same time he also pulled off his sweat soaked, already frozen stiff, clothes, and changed into a new set from his spirit tool.

  Looking at the surrounding corpses, Hao Te couldn’t help secretly sighing. Even though these hunting team members weren’t any good people, they had after all followed him for a time.

  Oscar naturally saw the disappointed expression in Hao Te’s eyes,

  “Big brother, don’t think about it. If we didn’t do it, once they discovered the spirit bone, if they started it ahead of us, I’m afraid we would be the corpses now.”

  Hao Te nodded silently. He of course knew that what Oscar said was fact, if they didn’t do it first, it would very possibly be them dead at the end.


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