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Douluo Dalu: Volume 22: Clear Sky School

Page 12

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Especially him, the most powerful of this team, would inevitably be the primary target of those people.

  [1] Hao Te - (浩特) “Grand unique”, also a word for nomadic camp (from the Mongolian word khot).

  [2] Snow Soul Demon Bear - (雪魄魔熊)

  Chapter 154: Blue Silver Domain’s True Power

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  Oscar pointed to the Mirror Image Beast’s corpse,

  “Big brother, extract the spirit bone quickly. I’ll gather some of their blood.”

  While speaking, Oscar pulled out some different kinds of vessels from his spirit tool. Before possessing the sixth spirit ability, he still didn’t know whether he could succeed, and naturally wouldn’t prepare much. But always being in such danger, carrying all kinds of items was very natural, and clearing out some to collect blood was still possible.

  After all, no Spirit Master would lightly give him their blood, but his sixth spirit ability still required blood as basis. Oscar had already thought it over, and using the blood of these Spirit Masters whose strength wasn’t much different from his to make some mirror image large sausages to carry with him should still be enough for self protection.

  Hao Te understood from Oscar’s actions before that his sixth spirit ability was related to blood, and right now his eyes revealed a faint gentleness. He understood that oscar wasn’t preparing to take for that spirit bone, and therefore let him collect it.

  Relying on his formidable strength, the Mirror Image Beast’s head was easily split open by Hao Te, immediately revealing the true form of the spirit bone. Oscar naturally wouldn’t see wrong, and within the Mirror Image Beast’s head was condensed a sparkling crystalline skull capable of reflecting light. The entire skull seemed made out of mirrors, the light from the outside world causing a flickering faint brilliance.

  It was heavy in his hand, special spirit power fluctuations making Hao Te’s fingertips tingle, making his eyes unconsciously display a somewhat intoxicated light. Spirit bone, who didn’t desire them? Even more when this was a skull bone, second only to a torso bone. To any Spirit Masters, these were rare and precious treasures.

  In a moment of work, Oscar had already collected the blood he needed. Returning to Hao Te’s side, his gaze also automatically fell on that mirror image skull. But in his eyes was no greed. Having obtained such a most suitable sixth spirit ability, he was already perfectly content, without any greedy thoughts. The reason he fought was that he didn’t want his life to end here.

  The intoxication in Hao Te’s eyes gradually disappeared, and clasping the spirit bone in both hands, he held it in front of Oscar,

  “Absorb it. It should be very useful to you.”

  Oscar stared blankly a moment,

  “Big brother, what are you doing? You’ve already helped me too much, I’m already very satisfied with the spirit ring, this spirit bone is what you deserve. You coming out to hunt spirit beasts, wasn’t that for the sake of this treasure?”

  Hao Te sighed,

  “Brother, don’t argue with me. Take it. It’s even more important to you than to me. The same person absorbing the spirit ring and spirit bone from the same spirit beast will have the highest effect. It’s not like you don’t understand that. Even more, this life of mine was saved by you. In these two years, even though I’ve helped you a bit, if it wasn’t for your kindness in saving me back then, how would I have the chance to help you? I owe you a life, this is just a spirit bone.”

  Oscar and Hao Te had met very randomly. That time, Hao Te had just been ambushed and severely injured by his comrades in a hunting team. Unconscious in the wilderness, he had fortunately encountered Oscar. He used the small detoxifying sausage to help cure Hao Te’s poison, and further his big recovery sausage to help him recover. When they were pursued by the enemies, they had even more relied on the flying mushroom sausage to flee into the distance, thoroughly dissolving Hao Te’s crisis at that time.

  Hao Te was a straightforward person, even though he didn’t say it out loud, in his heart he was brimming with gratitude towards the benefactor that saved his life. This was also why they two were so close, and an important reason why Oscar could completely trust him.


  Oscar still wanted to say something, but Hao Te interrupted.

  “Brother, don’t say anything. Actually, I still have selfish motives in giving you this spirit bone. I’m already in my fifties. After a Spirit Master enters his sixties, increasing his strength further will be very difficult. At the end of my life, I expect my best outcome is to reach the Spirit Douluo level. But you’re different. You’re just twenty two! I’ve never seen a more outstanding food system Spirit Master than you; your future prospects are boundless. You might even reach the legendary food system Title Douluo level. You call me big brother, so in the future I’ll rely on you. If you’re more powerful, won’t my patron be even more generous?”

  Oscar of course understood that the reason Hao Te said this was in order to make him accept this spirit bone. Looking at the mirror reflective light in front of him, he couldn’t say anything further. Yes, to him, to possess a spirit bone that suited him really was far too important. This treasure that could be discovered but not sought was enough to make his strength rise another step.

  Taking the precious and heavy mirror image skull bone into both hands, Oscar no longer hesitated, and the gratified light in Hao Te’s gaze grew more concentrated. Faint silvery light released from within the mirror image skull bone, and with a peng sound, the entire spirit bone turned into a cloud of silvery currents, swiftly rushing into the seven apertures of Oscar’s head, making his entire body turn dull.

  Hao Te took a step back, spirit power condensing, cautiously and solemnly keeping watch in all directions. The corpse on the ground gradually grew cold, and amidst the reek of blood and austere atmosphere, an unprecedented food system Spirit Master matured with astonishing speed.


  Shrek Academy.

  The entire Academy was in a state of sensation since yesterday afternoon, just because of that astonishing news pasted everywhere.

  Five Shrek Seven Devils returned, carrying out an exhibition match against the two deans. In the world of Spirit Masters, the strong were always respected, and the glory brought about by the Shrek Seven Devils in those days practically couldn’t be reproduced. They not only forced their way to the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament championship, but their ages at the time also formed an everlasting record.

  Five years later, five of the Seven Devils returned, and the one most students looked forward to seeing, Tang San, was also among them. Almost all the Shrek Academy students had heard the teachers’ account of Tang San’s display in the tournament back then, especially the final match, when he pulled hard against the tide in the finals versus the Spirit Hall Academy team, prevailing over the opponent, gaining the ultimate prize.

  At least on the surface, even Spirit Hall had no way to deal with him, because he didn’t offend any of Spirit Hall’s laws.

  Each of the Shrek Seven Devils was a legendary character to these common students. They had returned, and would moreover still carry out an exhibition match with two deans, what kind of inspiring and exciting major event was this!?

  In fact, the two deans were now Spirit Douluo over the eightieth rank. At such a competition one could naturally view extremely dazzling super spirit abilities. This was a great event low level Spirit Masters yearned for even in their dreams.

  The students excitedly guessed the results of the match, recalling their teachers talking about the past deeds of the Shrek Seven Devils. And on the Academy’s side, the preparations underway built the tension. The location for the exhibition match was the heart of the great forest behind the Academy. This place was requested by Tang San and the others.

  “Erlong, you’ve really killed me. Don’t you know just how abnormal those little monsters are? What’s more, I’m a grand and magnif
icent lord dean, how can I go out easily?”

  Flender glared resentfully at Liu Erlong in front of him.

  Liu Erlong snorted,

  “Then how about this, I’ll leave all future Academy affairs to you, and I’ll do the exhibition match today, how about it?”

  “Eh, this…..”

  Flender was immediately somewhat at a loss for words.

  Liu Erlong snapped:

  “Day after day you seem like a great idler these days, not doing any work at all. You should also make some effort for the Academy. Give the students a performance, show them your strength, let their students properly recognize their lord dean.”

  Flender said with a bitter face:

  “But, you’re not unaware of those five little monsters’ strength. If it was five common sixtieth rank Spirit Masters, fighting a bit would be nothing. I’d have some certainty. But these five little monsters aren’t ordinary. Four of the five have spirit bones. Mubai and Zhuqing’s spirit fusion ability alone is enough to cause trouble alone. Let alone when there are another three little monsters circling the rear. It’s no good, I’ll definitely be humiliated.”

  Liu Erlong grinned, saying:

  “Didn’t I arrange for you and Zhao Wuji both? I’m not leaving it on you alone.”

  Flender stared blankly,

  “Don’t tell me your setup isn’t for us to go up alternately?”

  Liu Erlong said grandiosely:

  “Of course not, I’ve planned for you two to go up together. Don’t tell me I still don’t know how tremendous Tang San and the others are? You’re still my boss, I couldn’t let you lose face.”

  Hearing this, Flender immediately relaxed a lot, laughing loudly:

  “You really are worthy of being my good little sister. En, two people is good, two people is good! No matter how astonishing those five little monsters are, they still won’t escape this old man’s palm.”

  Liu Erlong looked at him with a disdainful expression:

  “I don’t know who it was that was shivering in fear just now. Boss, don’t relax because it’s two against five. These little monsters can’t be gauged using common sense. When I talked to them yesterday, they actually readily agreed, only choosing the location for the match.”

  Flender didn’t think it over:

  “Even if they’re all geniuses among geniuses, you still can’t underestimate your big brother! Me and Wuji are after all Spirit Douluo. Having reached this level, it’s impossible to cross the twenty rank gap. If it were ordinary circumstances, any one of us could easily suppress more than ten sixtieth ranked Spirit Emperors, let alone these five. And this is still with both for insurance. If the two of us are unable to defeat those five, we should retire.”

  Liu Erlong grinned, saying:

  “In other words, this exhibition match is originally unfair. Therefore, I’ve added a line to the declaration. As long as they five can withstand you and Wuji’s attacks for the time of three sticks of incense, it’ll count as their win.”

  Flender nodded, saying:

  “That’s fine too, they’re still the geniuses produced by our education. It wouldn’t be pretty if they were defeated too miserably. With the time restriction, it’ll finally be equal, also to everyone’s satisfaction. Oh, right, Erlong, have you collected ticket fees from the students? This could be a not insignificant source of income!”

  Liu Erlong rolled her eyes,

  “Boss, are you very short of money? I remember the Empire allocated funds just now.”

  Part 2 (TL by Bagelson)

  Flender grinned, saying:

  “Isn’t it customary? Alright, let it be. There’s no lack of money right now. Alright, we’ll do it your way.”

  Liu Erlong looked at the color of the sky outside and said:

  “It’s about time, you prepare.”

  The Shrek Academy forest had undergone several years of transformation, and no longer had the appearance it did before. Not only was it split into several mimicry cultivation areas, but were moreover re-regulated. In the middle of the forest was built an enormous drill ground. Surrounded by trees, the drill ground was covered in a lawn of blue silver grass. Compared to the Academy back then, the current Academy had a lot more students, and moreover also shouldered the cooperative mission with the imperial household, giving the field diverse uses.

  The surroundings of this sheet of green was long since filled with a large number of waiting students. The entire Shrek Academy currently had around a thousand people, of course this didn’t include the mission from the imperial household, that section under Grandmaster’s integrated training.

  The surroundings of the large field were long since packed with people. Even though these students couldn’t compare to the talents of the Shrek Seven Devils back then, they were still carefully selected by the Academy, with at least higher aptitude.

  Tang San’s five entered the forest with Grandmaster. When they were about to arrive at the field, Grandmaster halted, saying to Tang San:

  “Little San, find something to hide your face with.”

  Tang San stared blankly a moment,

  “Teacher, why?”

  Grandmaster said:

  “The impression you left on Spirit Hall back then was too profound. Now your appearance and temperament have completely changed, a great advantage to your safety. Therefore, it’s better you expose yourself as little as possible. Like that, even if Spirit Hall’s people want to find you, it won’t be easy.”

  Tang San suddenly came to a realization. What he feld towards Grandmaster wasn’t gratitude, but completely like a family member. Swiftly nodding, he pulled out from the Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges the green mask the Shrek Seven Devils originally used and wore it over his face.

  Grandmaster pondered, then said to the others:

  “You all wear them as well. It’s better to maintain a bit of a mysterious feeling.”

  Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing understood that this was also Grandmaster protecting them. The masks the Shrek Seven Devils used were precious mementos to all of them, and everyone had kept theirs. At once complying and wearing them, they immediately hid their original appearance.

  When they reached the drill ground, Liu Erlong was already standing in the middle of the field, just loudly admonishing.

  “..... each teacher in charge supervise your class, cheering is allowed, but there must be no disorder. Even less must anyone enter the field, or they will suffer the effects of spirit abilities. You are responsible for the consequences.”

  As vice dean, Liu Erlong was always known for her strictness. Let alone the students, even the teachers were afraid of her. Under her directions, each class was neatly arranged by the drill ground, quietly waiting, even the noisy comments gradually grew less.

  Just at this moment, Grandmaster brought Tang San’s five into the field. The masks they wore as well as Grandmaster leading, undoubtedly declared their identities. Instantly, the just quieted field immediately turned into a boiling sea, cheers echoing just like a volcanic eruption.

  Husband and wife, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong, smiled at each other. Very quickly, Tang San and the others arrived at the middle of the field.

  “Go—— se——ni——ors——”

  Without anyone organising it, the field still erupted in a tremendous welcoming cheer. The voices were extremely orderly, as if arranged long beforehand. The enormous clamor surged on. This was the Shrek Academy students’ display of respect for the glory the Shrek Seven Devils had won in the past.

  Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others were also alarmed by such a sight. The five hastily bowed slightly, returning the courtesy towards these junior schoolmates. Immediately, the atmosphere in the field once again reached another climax.

  The cheering continued the whole time until Flender and Zhao Wuji entered the field, and Flender’s deep voice echoed,

  “Alright, quiet down.”

  Even though it was only his voice alone, under the effect of tremendous s
pirit power, all the surrounding students’ cheers were unexpectedly drowned out.

  Flender also saw the masks the Shrek Five Devils wore. He immediately understood the purpose, and didn’t ask anything. Standing furthest in front, he began to lecture.

  To the students, among the Academy leadership, the ones they were most familiar with were undoubtedly Grandmaster and Liu Erlong. One was in charge of teaching, one was in charge of all affairs. But this dean Flender was only very rarely seen. Right now, Flender’s one shout gave them an ample feeling for the power of this lord dean. Flender, satisfied, swept his eyes over everyone. The fanatic light he saw in the eyes of the students was the thing he wanted to see the most.

  “Five years ago, the glory produced by the Shrek Academy, the Shrek Seven Devils and others representing the Academy fought off each advanced Spirit Master academy, obtaining the glory of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament championship for us. Today, five years later, the most significant five members of the team back then have return to the Academy. They have all already grown up, and also become even more formidable. This exhibition match today isn’t for you to enjoy the spectacle, but to let you learn what kind of peak can be reached by those of your age.”

  At this point he paused. The entire field was quiet as crows and peacocks, everyone quietly listening to his words.

  “To Spirit Masters, talent is extremely important. However, I believe you also know that, among the Shrek Seven Devils, the spirit of the one known as the soul of the Seven Devils, Tang San, is only an insignificant Blue Silver Grass. But relying on this Blue Silver Grass, he again and again led the team to prevail over powerful enemies. Why is this? Do you know?”

  “Because of his great effort, his struggle. To the growth of Spirit Masters, talent and luck hold no small importance, but let me tell you, what is most important is the effort made. That Tang San can have the achievements he does today, is completely the result of his own effort. Each of you possess your own spirits, I only ask you one thing, are your spirits more lacking than Blue Silver Grass?”


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