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The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12)

Page 8

by Jeff Kinney

  might’ve actually DROWNED if the captain

  hadn’t pulled me up into the boat.


  Once I was on board, I coughed up a lot of

  water but no sea horses.

  Mom climbed aboard to find out what was wrong.

  She could see I wasn’t looking so good, and she

  told the captain we should go back to the resort

  so I could get checked out by a doctor. After

  everybody else climbed in, we headed back.

  The ride was really choppy, and if I hadn’t

  ALREADY been sick, that would’ve done it.

  We made good time, and the captain dropped us

  off at the dock.


  He had already called ahead to the resort’s

  doctor, who was waiting for us. When I told him

  what had happened, I thought for SURE he

  was gonna send me to the nearest hospital to get

  my stomach X-rayed.

  But he checked me out and said I seemed OK.

  Then he told me it wasn’t very likely I swallowed a

  sea horse and I’d be perfectly fine.

  I really didn’t like how casual this guy was being

  about the whole thing. In fact, he seemed a lot

  more concerned with Mom and Dad than he did

  with ME.


  The doctor took a look at them and said it

  looked like they were seasick. Then he gave them

  each a pill and said they’d feel better after they

  got a little rest.

  All I can say is, if anything happens to me later

  on, I hope this doctor knows he had a chance to

  DO something about it, but DIDN’T.

  Mom and Dad found a few empty lounge chairs by

  the pool, and we sat down to rest.

  But then the Director of Fun came through with

  a conga line, and he tried to get us to join.

  He couldn’t take a hint, though, and kept circling

  our area. But he stopped cold when he noticed

  something in Manny’s pail.


  It looked to ME like a clear plastic bag floating

  in the water. But the Director of Fun lifted the

  pail to take a closer look.

  It turned out it wasn’t a plastic bag at ALL. It

  was a JELLYFISH. And not just ANY

  jellyfish, either. It was a BOX jellyfish.

  The Director of Fun ran to the nearest lifeguard,

  who started blowing her whistle. Then all the

  other lifeguards started blowing THEIRS. And

  you have never seen so many people get out of a

  pool so FAST.


  My family decided it might be a good idea for us

  to get out of there, too.

  On our way back to the room, we noticed that

  Rodrick wasn’t with us. Mom thought he probably

  snuck off to hang out with that girl, but when

  we went to the Teen Zone, he wasn’t there.

  That’s when we realized nobody had seen Rodrick

  in a WHILE. In fact, I didn’t remember him

  being on the boat ride back from the reef. And

  neither did Mom or Dad.


  That meant he was still OUT there.

  So we ran back to the dock as fast as we could.

  Our boat was already out on another trip, but

  Mom talked to the guy who operated the banana

  boat and told him what happened. We climbed on

  board the speedboat, and he took us to the reef.

  Sure enough, we found Rodrick exactly where we

  left him. He was ALIVE, but he was as red as


  When we got back to the resort, the doctor

  said Rodrick had sun poisoning and needed to

  drink lots of water and get some rest. Then he

  gave Mom a bottle of aloe to help Rodrick with

  his burn.

  But the aloe didn’t really seem to help Rodrick.

  Mom sent Dad to the store to find something that

  would, and we spent the rest of the night taking

  turns rubbing popsicles on Rodrick’s back.



  The next morning, Dad went out to get another

  box of popsicles, and he came back with some

  news. He said they had drained the whole pool to

  find the jellyfish, and they were just starting to

  refill it. But it would be three DAYS before it

  was ready to use.

  I thought it would be smart for us to hide out in

  the suite for the rest of the trip, because people

  would be looking for the family who ruined everybody

  else’s vacation. But Mom said we weren’t gonna

  spend the rest of our time indoors.


  She told Dad he should take Manny to the Pirate

  Playplace, and she told me to see what activities

  were planned in the Tween Zone.

  I didn’t really want to go back out there, but I

  guess it was better than risking another run-in

  with the spider.

  I went down to the Tween Zone, hoping the

  activity might be a video game competition or

  something like that. But the counselor was

  rounding everyone up to play TENNIS.

  At first I thought about turning around, because

  I wasn’t in the mood to get all sweaty.


  Then I remembered that Rowley plays tennis at

  his country club, and I thought it might be fun

  for me to learn so the two of us could hit some balls

  around over the summer.

  The counselor who was organizing the game was

  named Rodrigo, and he took us over to the

  tennis courts.


  I thought Rodrigo was going to stay and teach

  us how to play. But the second we were all through

  the gate at the tennis court, he LOCKED it.

  That’s when I realized these “activities” were

  just a way to get kids out of their parents’ hair

  for a few hours.

  The tennis court was a giant CAGE, and we were

  basically in prison for the next hour and a half.

  And we couldn’t even play tennis anyway, because

  Rodrigo didn’t leave us with any RACKETS.


  He did leave us with BALLS, though. There must

  have been three hundred of them in a basket in

  the middle of the court. At first, kids started

  playing catch, but it didn’t take long for it to

  turn into a giant free-for-all.

  I took cover by the fence with some other kids

  who didn’t wanna get hit in the face with a tennis

  ball. But all that did was make us TARGETS.

  So we started fighting BACK. Somebody figured

  out how to turn on the ball machine, and we used

  it to defend ourselves.


  I’m never on the winning side of this kind of thing,

  and I gotta say, it was actually a lot of FUN.

  But then everything came to a screeching halt.

  One of the kids who was in the conga line the day

  before recognized me and told everyone it was MY

  family’s fault they had to drain the pool.


  I explained to everyone that it was all a big

  accident and that my little brother just wanted a

  jellyfish as a pet. But I guess these guys were

  mad about the pool situation, and they were

  happy to have someone to blame.r />
  I had to get OUT of there, but the gate was

  locked. So the only way to go over it was to


  In phys ed at school, I can’t even get up the

  rock wall they have in the gym. But now that my

  life was on the line, I scaled that fence like I




  After I cleared the fence, I ran to the

  counselors’ building to get help. But Rodrigo was

  totally USELESS.

  I didn’t feel safe outdoors anymore, so I ran

  back to our building.


  Everybody in my family was in the suite when I

  got there.

  We were kind of in a bad spot. I didn’t wanna

  leave the room, and Rodrick couldn’t be out in the

  sun anyway.

  Mom said maybe we should call off the trip and

  head back home a day early. But Dad said we paid

  a lot of money for this trip and he refused to leave

  the resort until we had at least ONE decent meal.

  None of us wanted to eat at an outdoor

  restaurant because of the stupid birds. And we

  couldn’t eat at the golf clubhouse, because we

  didn’t have the clothes for it.


  Just then, there was a loud crash on the other

  side of the room.

  The big suitcase that belonged to somebody else

  was split open on the floor. And there were

  clothes EVERYWHERE.

  Whoever this suitcase belonged to must’ve been a

  family just like us, because there were clothes in all

  different sizes.

  But they weren’t just beach clothes. There were

  also the kind of clothes you’d wear to church or a

  nice restaurant.


  I looked at Dad, and I could tell he was

  thinking what I was thinking: These clothes were

  our ticket to getting into the golf clubhouse.

  Mom said she didn’t feel right about wearing

  someone else’s clothes. But Dad said that after we

  were done using them, we’d pack everything back

  up and make sure the suitcase got to the family it

  belonged to.

  I think that made Mom feel better, so we

  started trying things on. The only person who

  couldn’t find clothes that fit was RODRICK.

  But Mom said he needed to stay covered up from

  the sun anyway, so she gave him a robe and a shirt

  to put on over it.


  I gotta say, when we stepped out of our

  building, we looked pretty SHARP. Rodrick’s

  outfit even worked in its own way.

  We walked toward the clubhouse, and I kept my

  eye out for any tweens who might recognize me. But

  we made it to the restaurant without any run-ins.


  THIS time, they let us in. And I had the best

  meal I’ve eaten in my whole life.

  After we finished dessert, none of us really

  wanted to head back to the room. So we had a

  little fun on the putting green first.


  The truth is, my family NEVER has a good time

  together. So for a second there I could kind of see

  how this family vacation thing is supposed to work.

  But what I’ve learned is that nothing good

  ever LASTS. A security guard drove up to the

  putting green in a golf cart, got out, and said we

  needed to come with him.

  When Dad asked him WHY, the security guard

  said that another family at the restaurant had

  reported us for wearing their CLOTHES.


  For a second, we didn’t know what to do. Then I

  remembered what I learned back at the airport—

  when Heffleys get in trouble, Heffleys RUN.

  I got in the driver’s seat of the security guy’s

  golf cart, my family piled in, and we took off,

  leaving the security guard in our dust.

  But it turns out that a golf cart makes a lousy

  getaway car, especially if you’re climbing a HILL.

  The security guard caught up with us less than

  a minute later, and I don’t think he even

  broke a sweat.


  He made us go back to our room and hand the

  suitcase over to the family it belonged to. We also

  had to return the clothes we were wearing, and I

  gotta say, it wasn’t our proudest moment.


  Personally, I think the embarrassment should’ve

  been punishment ENOUGH. But the security

  guard said that theft isn’t tolerated at the

  resort and we had to pack our bags and leave the

  grounds immediately.

  Dad tried to explain what REALLY happened,

  but this guy wasn’t in a listening mood. And once

  we had all our stuff packed, he drove us to the

  airport HIMSELF.

  When we got to the airport, Dad went to our

  airline’s customer service desk and told them we

  needed to fly home a day early.


  But the customer service lady said that all the

  flights for the day were sold out, and we were

  just gonna have to wait until the NEXT evening

  to fly home.

  That was a problem, because we didn’t have

  anywhere to STAY for the night.

  Dad called the airport hotel, and they said there

  was only one room available. So we spent the last


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