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Hiding Katherine

Page 21

by GG Shalton

  He walked over and stood in front of her. She lifted her chin up to meet his eyes. His nostrils flared as he lifted his hand up smacking her in the face.

  The sound and force caused her to lose her footing as she fell back onto the floor. Her hand reached her face smoothing the sting as tears filled her eyes. Shock overwhelmed her at the realization that her husband had just struck her. Not able to look at him as the rage boiled inside her, she kept her face down staring at the floor.

  He rubbed his hand that had hit her cheek. “I hope I have your attention now. Apparently, my words were not effective the last time we spoke. Daniel is my son. There can never be a question. I told you this. Yet upon my arrival, you ask me if I would accept him? Why would you ask a father if he would accept his own son? If others heard you ask such a stupid question, they might talk. Your disobedience has made me question my decision to marry you. I hope this lesson will not have to be repeated. Do you understand?”

  Katherine could barely breathe and remained silent. The earl shifted and spoke between his teeth, “Answer me!”

  Katherine jumped, and her voice lowered in an angry scowl. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Watch your tone, my dear. You are my wife and I will discipline you as I see necessary for your will is strong.”

  Katherine remained sitting on the floor not wanting to address him. Alexander stepped away to the table and poured a glass of wine. “Katherine, this is not how I planned my arrival. I was hoping for some time alone with you, so we could enjoy some pleasure. I don’t like having to discipline you. But as your husband, sometimes I have no choice. You will learn to respect my authority and never question my word again. Also, you are to never ask servants of my whereabouts in the future. If I want you to know where I am, then I will tell you.”

  Katherine refused to make eye contact with him and brought her knees up to her chest burying her face against them.

  He leaned his head back finishing his drink. Pressing his lips together, he sighed loudly. “I have asked the servants to prepare a bath for me in my chambers. When I am finished, we will eat dinner alone in your chamber. I will be sleeping in here with you tonight. Please prepare yourself.”

  She could hear him walk to the door leaving the room. Once the door was closed, she let out the sob that she had been holding. Her husband was a monster and nothing like she had imagined. She married him in haste and knew not of the abusive man he proved to be. Perhaps she should have married Ian’s brother? Even the Earl of Delbert was gentle and kind. Then again, he may have turned on her once the vows were made. The only man she ever trusted was Ian.

  Finding the strength to stand, she went to the looking glass and ran her fingers over the welt on her face. Wincing at the touch, she reached for a washcloth to soothe the pain.

  Katherine brushed out her long curly hair and left it alone. She would not plait it and hoped it would cover the mark on her cheek. She found no reason to change her dress or apply perfume. Pleasing her husband was not her priority. She fed Daniel and held him against her as she sat on the chair by the fire. The servants came and delivered the food and then left. Katherine’s thoughts took her to the times at her home when she would dream about her future marriage. Never did she think she would live in such a harsh climate in Northern Scotland. She looked down on Daniel as he stared into the fire, she held him closer thinking of Ian.

  She heard the door open but did not turn. Footsteps came closer and a hand swept across her shoulders. The smell of fresh soap invaded her nostrils as she heard her husband’s deep voice, “Is he asleep?”

  “No, he is awake, but content.” Katherine switched arms to make Daniel more comfortable.

  “Give him to Maribel. I want to spend some time alone with you.” Katherine stiffened as he rubbed her shoulders. Quickly standing up to avoid his touch, she stepped away from him. “I will call her.” She went to the door and asked a maid to get Maribel who came a few seconds later taking Daniel.

  Katherine returned inside the chamber eying her husband drinking some wine. “Come and sit. I am very hungry.” He held out the chair and she took a seat as he sat in the chair beside her. “Tell me about your days since my departure.”

  Katherine moved the food around her plate. “I followed your instruction and stayed in my chamber mostly. A walk in the garden was the highlight of my week until Daniel was born. Most of my time has been spent caring for him.”

  He bit into a piece of chicken and chewed it quickly. “We will need to hire a wet nurse. I will have Maribel make some inquiries in the village. There are times I will need you all to myself.”

  Katherine pressed her lips together to keep her complaints to herself. She did not want a wet nurse but knew it would be a futile attempt to complain to her husband. Dinner ended too quickly for her preference, and Alexander took her hand. “You’re too far away from me. Come sit on my lap.”

  Trying to keep peace and avoid another incident, she stood and sat on his lap. He buried his face into her neck and rubbed her back. “I missed you.”

  Katherine remained quiet as her husband began kissing her neck and running his fingers through her long hair. His kisses moved to her jaw and then her lips. She went through the motions of lovemaking as her husband carried her to the bed. Letting him have her body was not the same as giving him her heart.

  Alexander held her close to him when he finished. He ran his finger softly over her arm. “I want to take you to my estate near Edinburgh in a few months. It’s twice as big as this one. The rebels are getting too close to my estates in the west and I want to keep you safe.”

  He laid soft feather-like kisses along her shoulders. “I saw your brother a few weeks ago.”

  Katherine stiffened as he continued to kiss her. “My brother?”

  He pulled away and lay back on the pillow keeping his hand on her arm. “Only briefly. I had to go to England to represent the king regarding the border wars. They are getting more hostile and our forces are stretched thin. I met with the king of England’s advisors. While I was there, a man was making a scene with the guards demanding to see me. My men almost had him arrested.”

  Katherine’s forehead creased in worry. “Arrested?”

  “Don’t worry, love. I agreed to see the man after he claimed to be a relative. He said his name was Darin. I guess he had heard I was coming to England and that we were married. According to some of the men, he was not welcome at court anymore, so he came to the manor I was staying at.” He shrugged and fluffed the pillow. “Speaking of your former life, your previous fiancé was at the advisor’s meeting too.” He chuckled and shook his head. “He was not happy about our marriage. But his wrath was aimed at your father and brothers. You will be happy to know he is now betrothed to someone else. Some foreign princess that the king is gifting him with.”

  Katherine eyes widened. “His wrath?”

  He nodded his head. “Apparently, your father had to pay the earl a hefty sum for your disappearance and breaking the contract. Your father lost his castle and holdings. He is now living with some cousin near London.”

  “My father lost our home?!”

  “That is what I was told. When I finally agreed to see your brother, he was quite adamant that I owed your family a debt. He is daft if he thinks his threats will persuade me to help them since I am already married to you.” He stretched out his arms over his head groaning as his muscles pulled. “Perhaps, I would have helped him if he came to me with more respect, but his attitude was one of entitlement, so I sent him away with nothing. I didn’t become rich by giving my money away.”

  She couldn’t imagine how enraged they must be with her. The thought of them losing their lands and castle never entered her mind when she left with Ian. Burning questions lingered inside her, but she did not want to overstep her bounds when her husband seemed so agreeable.

Katherine sat up and smoothed her long hair. “I need to feed Daniel.”

  The earl turned to her. “Hurry, my dear. I still have need of you.” He laid a wet kiss on her mouth. “It’s been too long, and my body craves you.”

  Katherine tried to keep her apprehension at bay. The last thing she wanted to do was spend more time with him. With any luck, he would take another trip soon. Resigning herself to her duty, she nodded and slipped out of bed.

  Alexander stayed with Katherine the next few months training with his men. The king sent word that he needed him to pledge more men to the border cause, taking men away from the rebels. Alexander announced that he would need to move the household to Edinburgh sooner than he thought. Katherine was afraid that Daniel was too small to travel at only four months but pushed her feelings aside. The men thought he was only two months old and she would have to keep him hidden as much as possible.

  The travel was more comfortable in the carriage than straddled to a horse. The roads were bumpy, but with enough cushions and blankets, she was able to rest. Daniel spent most of his time sleeping and eating. He seemed to enjoy the rocking of the carriage and had started blowing bubbles with his mouth. Katherine laughed each time he would coo and slobber. She could not help but notice his eyes darkening and his appetite increasing as he started to grow rapidly. He was becoming more like his real father.

  She looked out the window and caught a glimpse of Alexander on his stallion. The last two months had been a challenge with her marriage and understanding her husband. Alexander was powerful, and his word was never to be questioned. He expected complete obedience from his wife and would discipline if he needed to. In his mind, that was a husband’s responsibility. Not only as a provider but a master of his household. He was not cruel by most standards but felt justified in his decisions and actions. Many thought she was lucky to have such a match. Alexander could be kind and loving at times—often showering her with small gifts and signs of affections. Katherine tried hard to appease his moods and agree with whatever he told her. She learned to not question him and allow him to touch her whenever he pleased. This prevented his harsh discipline and seemed to gratify him. But at times, he mistook her obedience for love or admiration. This was something she would never give him.

  She closed the curtain and shifted her attention back to Daniel. He was putting a cloth in his mouth and chewing on it. How much she enjoyed just watching him every day. Soon he would be crawling everywhere. She couldn’t understand how people sent their children to other households to foster. Even though that was popular with many noble households, she was hoping to keep him close to home.

  Chapter 26

  The estate was like nothing she had ever seen. The castle wasn’t in Edinburgh, but a few miles away. Close enough to visit, but far enough away to enjoy a private oasis full of gardens, lochs, and stables. They were greeted by many servants standing outside ready to welcome them home. Katherine held Daniel close to her and nodded as each servant curtsied. It was obvious they expected her and were eager to please their new countess. The blankets hid the baby enabling her to keep him away from prying eyes.

  Katherine was escorted to her apartments by Alexander. His chest filled with pride as he showed her the rooms. She had a dressing room, parlor, two bedrooms, and even a garderobe—a luxury she could not imagine. She spun around smiling at her surroundings.

  “Are you happy, love?” Alexander wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed Daniel’s head and Katherine’s cheek.

  “Yes, Alexander. It’s so beautiful. There is an extra bedroom I can make into a nursery until Daniel is older.”

  “As you wish, love.” He let go of her waist and approached the door through the parlor. He opened it showing her a sitting area on the other side. “This door connects our apartments.” He lifted his hand motioning toward her side of the door. “This is your apartment and you may decorate and utilize it as you wish. The rules are simple. This door must always remain unlocked as I will not be denied access to you. But you will not use this door to enter my chambers unless I give you permission. Sometimes I may hold important conversations with strategic alliances and must not be disturbed. Is that understood?”

  Katherine bit her tongue holding back a retort at his rules. She had remembered his consequences if she did not obey. “Yes, of course, Alexander.”

  He smiled at her compliance and walked to the other side of the room. “I will leave you be and see you at dinner. There are smaller chambers across the corridor for your Lady’s maid and wet nurse. I will have need of you tonight, so please make sure she keeps Daniel.”

  Katherine settled into castle life over the next few months. Alexander was often in Edinburgh in meetings with the king and various other noblemen that she lost track of their names. Daniel was thriving in his new environment and no one questioned his age. He was nearing ten months, but people accepted his age as eight months and made comments that he was an early crawler and getting very big. Alexander had a bulky frame, and no one questioned the size of his son.

  She dressed for dinner in her light green gown. It was one of Alexander’s favorites with a plunging neckline and he had requested that she wear it when he arrived home. He had missed dinner with her the last few nights due to late night meetings with the king. Katherine took her time plaiting her hair and wore the emeralds that had been a gift from Alexander a few weeks ago.

  She waited in one of the parlors off the great hall. It was a more intimate dining area reserved for special guests. Alexander was entertaining a few nobles from the king’s court and it looked like he aimed to impress them. The way the room was decorated would be more set for a king.

  A few moments after accepting some wine to drink, she heard his boisterous voice through the walls, “Come on in, gentlemen. My wife awaits to welcome us.” Alexander appeared with four men that were dressed in pristine uniforms. Katherine smiled as they greeted her by kissing her hand and she welcomed them into her home. A medium built man with dark slicked back hair remained near her. “Lady Katherine, the tales of your beauty did not do you justice. Your husband is a lucky man.”

  Alexander studied the man with a guarded smile. “Lord McIntire, I couldn’t agree more.” He slid his arm around her waist pulling her next to him.

  Another man accepted a glass of wine from a servant and smiled. “I see why you have kept her hidden from the king’s court. She would cause quite a stir.”

  Alexander shrugged keeping a smile pasted on his face. “I have not kept her hidden. Katherine is adjusting to life as my wife and the responsibility that entails. I plan to introduce her next week.”

  The footman came in and announced dinner and they sat around the dining table. Many courses were served as the men spoke of pleasantries and about people that she didn’t know. Katherine remained quiet and only responded when asked questions. Alexander was strict about her engagement with others. She made that mistake a few months ago with a foreign dignitary who had visited from France before they came to Edinburgh. He was flirtatious with Katherine, smothering her with compliments. Alexander blamed Katherine for encouraging him with meaningless conversation and punished her later that night in their chambers. She was unable to leave her room for a week until the swelling healed.

  After dinner, Katherine excused herself as the men enjoyed their drinking. The men begged her to stay, but she politely refused and made her way to her chamber. Feeding Daniel was a lot more tempting than staying with them.

  The following week, Alexander gifted her with many fashionable gowns and matching jewels. She gasped at the expense but knew the truth. It was not a gift for her as much as for him to show off his wife. He wanted the noblemen of the court to admire his accomplishments and the beauty of his wife. He announced to Katherine that they were to stay with the king for a few weeks and she would not be taking Daniel. Her heart crushed, and she tried futilely
to beg Alexander to let her take him. But he refused. His word was final, and he warned her not to ask again.

  Chapter 27

  The king’s court was in full swing when Katherine arrived on Alexander’s arm. Many people greeted him as he entered the large room. Dancers were entertaining the guests, servants were serving ale and wine, and people were laughing and eating and enjoying the evening.

  Alexander approached a man sitting on a platform. His crown gave away his title, and Katherine curtsied as Alexander held onto her. “Your Grace, may I introduce my wife, Lady Katherine.”

  A smile crept across his face. “We meet at last, Lady Katherine. I often wondered about the woman who brought powerful men to their knees. Almost starting wars for your hand in marriage. I see now that you live up to your reputation.”

  Katherine was leery of his words. Was he angry with her? She did not mean to cause any harm to anyone and had left with Ian because she loved him. A rumble of laughter spurted out from his mouth. “Did I frighten you, my lady? Forgive me. It was only a compliment. My cousin has married well and must be very happy with his match. I understand you gave birth to a son not long ago?”

  She felt Alexander squeeze her arm as she found her voice. “Your Grace, thank you for your compliment. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance. Yes, my son Daniel is at home.”

  “A voice like honey. Please enjoy your stay in court. I look forward to speaking with you again.” He nodded toward Alexander as Katherine curtsied again before walking away.

  Alexander kept her close the rest of the night, introducing her to many people with titles that she was sure she would forget. She knew many women would gladly take her place in such luxury and enjoy a courtly life. But she preferred staying in a small manor raising her children. That is the life she craved.


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