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Hiding Katherine

Page 22

by GG Shalton

  Alexander kept up a charade in front of the other nobles, playing the devoted husband who would allow her the same freedom as the other wives. He would encourage her in front of others to participate in their daily amusements yet chastised her in the privacy of their chamber if she did not decline their activities that he saw unfit. She was not to engage in long conversations with any men or women unless he was present. She could only answer direct questions, so she would not appear rude. She was a good wife and learned his expectations carefully to avoid his anger.

  It worked for the most part and she survived the next couple of weeks without any punishments. On the way back to their estate, her excitement to see Daniel was short lived as she started feeling queasy and had to stop a few times to wretch outside of the carriage. Her husband announced his suspicions as did her maid. It was confirmed by a healer a few days after who announced she was with child.

  Alexander was very happy with the news. He was affectionate and caring to her during her weeks of pregnancy. She was afraid to ask him what would happen if they had a son. Would he take the titles away from Daniel? She buried those thoughts and showered Daniel with as much love as she could.

  Chapter 28

  The next few years flew by and Katherine found herself with child again. Her fourth was making her more ill than she remembered with the others. Her other daughters, Sara and Joslyn were growing like weeds and they had Alexander in the palm of their hands. They were his weakness and he treated them both like princesses.

  One day, Katherine sat in the garden as Daniel played with a wooden sword. Alexander had given him a pony for his birthday and he constantly begged to ride him. She thought he was too young but did not argue. He was his heir and he treated him well.

  “Lady Katherine, your husband sent a message to meet him in the great hall within the hour. You have unexpected visitors coming.”

  Katherine stood rubbing her stomach. She was only five months along, but her back was already killing her. “I will go and change. Please watch the children.”

  She went upstairs and washed her face changing into a royal blue gown. After brushing her hair and tying it back, she put on her white slippers and went down to the hall. She found her husband sitting by the commander of his men. She dared not interrupt and stood at a distance. He noticed her and lifted his hand for her to come forward.

  She walked to him and took a seat beside him. He patted her hand affectionately.

  “We have some men from the west who have news of the rebels. The fighting is getting worse and we have lost more territory. Jakub Travis and some of his clan are coming to visit us today about the state of our opposing forces. Their support is needed, and we need to convince them to build a bigger army. They could help us unite more clans to take back our land. The added stress of clan wars is depleting our forces. I know that you were friends with them as they were Ian’s family, perhaps they will look upon us favorably if you are here as support. Actually, Jakub is the one who requested the meeting and that you attend.”

  Memories flooded her mind and her throat tightened. Marion had been so kind to her and welcomed her like a daughter. She should have written to her over the years but chose to cut ties. Especially after Jakub’s offer and Ian’s death, she didn’t want to remember. Moving on meant letting go. She looked up at her husband as he waited for her answer, and she nodded and replied, “As you wish.”

  Some of his men came into the room and joined them. They spoke of the army they needed to build and support they could count on. Katherine tried to listen, but her mind was on seeing Jakub again. She hoped that Marion would join them. After several minutes of talking, a few guards appeared and announced Jakub and his family’s arrival.

  Katherine watched the group of men walk into the hall. Her heart pounded with nervousness at facing her former love’s family. Thoughts of Ian still plagued her mind although they were fading. A commotion to her side interrupted her thoughts and she focused on the men in front of her. She felt her breath leave her body as she was unable to comprehend the man standing beside Jakub.

  So many things happened at once. Raised voices, yet she didn’t know what they were saying. Her name being called and replies that were met with resistance. She grabbed hold of her chest and stood up as she felt Alexander grasp her arm. She twisted out of his hold stepping forward a few steps and then yelled his name, “Ian!” before she fell into darkness.

  The dream was vivid, and she didn’t want to wake. Ian was chasing her, and she could feel him getting closer, turning around she reached for him, but he retreated from her. “Don’t go!” she shouted, but he shook his head walking backward and disappearing from her sight.

  “Katherine!” She heard someone calling her name. It was a distant sound and she wanted to answer. “Katherine!” The voice came again and shook her from her sleep. “Wake up, sweetheart.” The words were clearer now, and she cracked her eyes open and saw a blurred vision of her husband. Shutting her eyes again she reopened them focusing on his face.


  He touched her head with the back of his hand. “Yes, my love. Are you well?”

  “Yes, what happened?” She felt dizzy as she tried to sit up.

  He sat on the edge of the bed staring at her. “Relax and have sip of ale.” He handed her a cup and helped her drink it.

  “Do you remember anything?” He reached for her hand rubbing the top with his thumb.

  “I am not sure. The last thing I remember was seeing someone who looked like Ian, perhaps one of his brothers? I feel so daft because I thought it was him.”

  Alexander did not smile. He watched her face for a moment and then put the cup back on the table. “Katherine, I know this is difficult. Not only for you but for our whole family.”

  “I don’t understand? What are you saying?”

  He rubbed her arms and struggled with his words. “My love, it wasn’t one of his brothers.” He leaned over and kissed her hands. “Apparently, Sir Ian has been a prisoner of the rebels for last five years. We didn’t know. He survived the fall from the cliff but was captured. The necklace had fallen from his neck when they carried him to the others and one of the rebels threw it into the fire. He escaped a few months ago and went to his family’s castle to recuperate. Jakub told him that we had married and encouraged him to stay away as we had a growing family and were very happy.”

  Katherine felt the blood drain from her face. She took short breaths trying to wrap her head around what he was saying. Ian was alive? The love of her life did not die? She pulled her hands away from Alexander and covered her face sobbing. Alexander rubbed her back letting the silence comfort her.

  After catching her breath, she looked up at her husband with red – rimmed eyes. “He must hate me.”

  “Katherine, it matters not how Sir Ian feels about you. You are my wife and the mother of my children. Nothing has changed.”

  “How can you say that? I am Ian’s wife. I told you that. He is Daniel’s father.” She bit her tongue watching the scowl form on his face. A distant look came across his eyes and she flinched covering her face.

  He picked up the empty cup and threw it across the room. It bounced off the wall breaking into tiny pieces. Katherine jumped and covered her mouth with her hands.

  “Listen well, my wife!” he spoke through his teeth as he clenched his fists.

  “I will warn you only once. If you ever repeat such vile words again, I will lock you in the dungeon for at least a month. You will lose access to your own children. Do you understand me?”

  Katherine was shaking finding it difficult to breathe. She nodded hoping that would satisfy him.

  “Listen to me carefully. Ian’s family refused to leave until he speaks with you. They feel it’s his entitlement due to his sacrifice for Scotland. I disagree, but with the clan wars and some nobles coming
to visit today, I feel it’s necessary to comply. We will make the meeting quick and then you can spend the rest of the day in your chamber.” He paced in the room visibly upset, tightening his fists while muttering under his breath.

  Finally, he stopped pacing running his fingers through his hair. “You will only speak to Ian in my presence. You will never mention any vows you took in the woods and will refuse to acknowledge any backwoods marriage. Simply deny it. You will never tell him about Daniel. That would cause our son to lose his titles and no one would believe you anyway.” He walked to the bed sitting down placing his hands in a light chokehold around her neck threatening her as he rubbed her pulse with his thumb. “You will not leave me, Katherine. Don’t even think about it.” He let go of her neck and snarled in desperation, “Those children are mine and if you so much as look at Ian too much, I will take them from you. I will personally speak to the king and Ian will be stripped of any titles or land that he has in Scotland. Do you understand? You will suffer the rest of your days if you betray me. I will make it my cause to make sure all that happens before I kill you. I will never let you live to be with another man. You know that I am a powerful man and have the king’s ear.”

  Katherine hated him at that moment. All she wanted to do was throw herself into Ian’s arms and welcome him home. But she would never risk her children’s lives for her own gratification. She would comply and rip her heart out of her chest to hurt Ian and appease her husband.

  Chapter 29

  Katherine straightened her dress but left her hair hanging. Alexander had not given her any time to prepare herself and walked her to his solar. Ian and a few of his brothers were waiting. They all stood when she entered. Her eyes searched for him and rested on the man she loved. Her heart soared looking at him and she found it difficult to look away. Alexander walked her to the other side of the desk and she took a seat.

  He cleared his throat. “Well, I have agreed to give you a few moments to speak to my wife. We have dining plans soon and I would ask that you make it quick. I have already wished you well and commended you for your service to the king. You made a heroic sacrifice and I am sure the king will reward you later.”

  Ian’s face hardened as he looked the earl up and down. Without any emotion in his eyes, he spoke in a deep tormenting tone, “I wish to speak to Katherine alone.”

  The earl arched his brow challenging Ian. “Please remember her title, Sir Ian. She is a married woman. Lady Katherine will not be left alone with you. It would be inappropriate, and frankly, my patience is at its end. This news has obviously upset my wife and with her delicate condition in carrying our fourth child, she will not be alone with you. If you have nothing further to say, I will ask her to take her leave, so she can rest.”

  Ian’s glare at the earl would intimidate any man. He waited a few seconds and then switched his gaze to Katherine. “Do you wish to speak to me alone?”

  The room fell silent, and she searched the faces of their guests watching as they waited with bated breath for her reply. She could feel her composure falling. Never could she resist a moment with him. Closing her eyes, she wanted to remember the sound of his voice. But opening them back up again, she glanced at the earl, his face twitching as he tried to keep his anger controlled. She noticed his grip on the chair and his knuckles turning white. Not wanting to upset him, she turned to Ian. Her voice was strained and shaky, “Sir Ian, I am so thankful that my prayers were answered, and you are well. It brings my heart immense joy that you have returned to your family. I know how much your mother suffered.” She couldn’t answer his question truthfully in front of the others. The truth was that she wanted to be alone with him more than anything in the world. But no, she would decline her wants and protect those she loved.

  Ian stared at her after her reply. His eyes locking with hers for the briefest of moments before Katherine looked away. Ian turned to the earl narrowing his eyes as he heard a slight cough come from his brother. He turned his attention to Jakub who shot him a warning look as to not anger the earl. Ian ignored his silent warning. “Lady Katherine, do you remember our words in the woods? It’s all I thought about while I was imprisoned.”

  Alexander’s face turned a shade of red. “Do not speak in such ways to another man’s wife. This reunion is over, and I will escort Katherine to her quarters.” Alexander stood up grabbing Katherine by the arm pulling her abruptly to her feet.

  Ian stood up to his full height taking a step toward Katherine. Jakub stood up reaching for his brother. Alexander stood between them as both sides of the room stared at the exchange.

  Ian leaned around Alexander. “Katherine, do you wish for me to leave? Say the word and I will take you away from here.”

  Alexander opened his mouth in surprise. “How dare you!”

  Katherine saw the anger flying between the men and she yelled, “Stop! I don’t wish for any blood to spill on my account.” She looked at Ian as tears fell from her eyes. “Ian, it warms my heart that you are alive. But I can’t speak about the woods with you. Not anymore. My life has changed, and I am married to Alexander and have three children with one on the way. Please think about that.”

  His face lost its scowl for a moment as a look of agony replaced it. He took a hard swallow and met her eyes once more. “Say the word and I will leave you be. Tell me that I am too late, and I will never bother you again.”

  She took a deep breath trying not to cry. “I wish you well, Sir Ian. May God bless you. I hope you find peace one day. But I must take my leave and check on my children.”

  He looked at her for a long moment and then turned to walk out of the great hall. His men followed him with Jakub.

  She watched him walk out of the hall as Alexander pulled her to her chamber. Once inside, her legs buckled, and she collapsed on the bed. She cried for hours unable to rest her mind. She hadn’t felt that way since the day she found out that Ian had died.

  Chapter 30

  Seven years later

  Katherine laughed as her youngest daughter came into her room smelling like she was drenched in perfume. “Mary, did you use mama’s perfume?”

  The little girl shook her head back and forth. “No, Mama.”

  Katherine put her index finger on her chin. “Hmm. That is strange. Perhaps some monster drenched you in my perfume without you knowing?”

  The little girl nodded. “I think Joslyn may have while I was napping.”

  “Well, I guess I will have to punish Joslyn. We should get you into the bathtub.”

  The little girl smiled as Katherine asked the servant to prepare a bath in Mary’s chambers. After her bath, Katherine took her to Joslyn’s chamber. Joslyn too smelled like Katherine’s perfume and it became abundantly clear that this was a conspiracy by both her youngest daughters. She made Joslyn take a bath next and tried to scold them for taking perfume without asking. It was hard for her to punish her children. They were her greatest joy.

  She had allowed her oldest daughter Sara to use perfume and the two younger ones were jealous. She must try to find some sweet smells for them to play with that were not so strong.

  “Katherine?” she heard Alexander’s deep voice carry throughout the corridor. She hurried to her chamber and saw him waiting for her.

  “I was giving the girls a bath.” She smoothed her hair and took a seat in the chair by the fireplace to dry off. Wet spots were on her gown from the splashing in the tub.

  He ran his fingers over his tunic. “I received a missive from Lord Dunbar, and he has agreed to foster Daniel. His estate is not too far from here and he owns some of the best horse stock in the country.”

  Katherine smiled and clasped her hands together. “Oh! That is wonderful news. He can come home to visit often.”

  Alexander smiled. “I have given you a gift, my dear. Don’t get in the way of his training too much and I will allow him to s
tay close to home.”

  Katherine stood up and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. “You have made me very happy.”

  “You can show me later.”

  She winked and walked away to sit by the fire again.

  “I must leave tomorrow to visit with the king for a few days. The rebels are causing problems again. Apparently, they are gaining strength and our extra men can no longer contain them. Commander Bradley says they have a new leader now and no one knows much about him, just that he is a harsh warrior and fights with a vengeance. Many have joined his cause against the king and with England always causing problems around the borders, we need to make some alliances if we are to survive.”

  “We are always fighting the border wars and the rebels come and go.”

  Alexander shifted his feet looking into the fire. “It’s different this time. I can feel it—the rebels are growing stronger than ever before. We need more men, but with the clans choosing sides, it’s not going to be easy.”

  Katherine looked up at him trying to reassure him. “I am sure you will think of something. You always do.”

  “I am confident we can outmaneuver them—I just need some time with the king.”

  The next few days flew by, and Katherine spent as much time as she could with Daniel. At twelve years old, he was older than most boys that went away to foster, but she hated to part from him. Training as a knight was very important and this was his first step. A great earl would have to know how to fight alongside his men.

  He was already taller than her, nearly six feet. He wore his dark hair in a band and his resemblance to Ian was astonishing. She never mentioned it though. It would break Alexander’s heart and cause friction. He was proud of his only son and would never accept that he was not his father. Most of the nobles had never met Ian Travis. With his scarred face and long beard, people would not recognize the close match of his eyes and face with his son. But Katherine did. She had seen Ian clean-shaven and knew every part of who he was. There was no doubt that Daniel was his son. She often thought about him over the years and wondered how he was doing. Was he married now? Did he have a family? She tried to block her mind from those thoughts but found it difficult.


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