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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

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by CJ England

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  Whiskey Creek Press

  Copyright ©2007 by WHISKEY CREEK PRESS

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  CJ England


  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052

  Copyright © 2007 by CJ Englad

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 978-1-59374-949-1


  Cover Artist:

  Editor: Louise Bohmer

  Printed in the United States of America




  "CJ England has perhaps produced her best characters yet with this stunning series. Each of the very Alpha Chosen males is delightful and one wonders just how Kira managed to stay so chaste in the first book with all of these sexy men surrounding her! There are no ménage scenes in any CJ England story, but that doesn't mean that each of these darling men isn't a joy to behold regardless. The very vivid descriptions of the characters show both their outer and inner beauty and purity, making each one a true hero, worthy of a happily ever after. It is with great anticipation that I eagerly await each of the following books to see just what happens.

  "Readers will experience a whole gamut of emotions during this fantastic journey as CJ England is a master at eliciting strong feelings from her readers. There were moments I wanted to throw something at one particular character and yet seconds later was sobbing right along with the individual. CJ England continues to produce fabulous stories that captivate the reader. THE GATES OF LIFE is a beautifully sensuous fantasy tale that literally leaves me breathless with the sheer magnitude of what Ms. England has created. THE GATES OF LIFE is highly recommended!"

  Recommended Read and 5 out of 5 Klovers


  CK2s Kwips and Kritiques

  "Those who enjoyed the first installment of the fascinating Peacekeeper series by bestselling author CJ England will find The Peacekeeper Journals II: The Gates of Life a must read. The second book continues the story of Kira, a woman who has been sent to save the world from destruction but now must discover why the Gates of Life are not allowing anyone through. Kira is a strong character with a multi faceted personality. Each of the six men that she has joined with has qualities that any woman would find attractive in a hero. Lucas Kane and Gallegar are the two most intriguing as they are the two who vie for Kira's attentions the most. Anyone looking for an intricately detailed story of the paranormal will absolutely love this book. CJ has written another page turning adventure with a capital A!!! If you have never read her yummy books run do not walk to the nearest computer to get your copy!!"

  An Awesome Read

  5 out of 5 Devils


  Let's Talk About Books

  "THE GATES OF LIFE is an addictive roller coaster of sensualistic proportions. Strap yourselves in for a trip of a lifetime. CJ England did it again folks. In this second book of the Peacekeeper Journal series, Kira is once again on a mission with her delicious companions. Kira is a magnificent character, full of wonder and amazement. Her electrifying relationship with Gallegar and Lucas will leave readers begging for more. CJ England has this wondrous ability to create a world where her characters don't have to have sex with each other to tell the story. That is so refreshing for this reader. Instead, each character is portrayed as a layer of the story, each one having a specific place and reason for being involved. That is one of the truly outstanding parts of this story. The plot is riveting and made this reader genuinely feel like I was part of the story; that I could actually see all of these things happening. Although Kira isn't “involved” with any of the male characters, you can feel her love for each of them in different ways, but especially towards Lucas and Gallegar. Readers should note that this is part of a series and should read the first book before giving this one a whirl, you won't regret it. I cannot wait to read the third installment from CJ England very soon!"

  5 out of 5 Blue Ribbons

  Amanda Haffery

  Romance Junkies

  "The name CJ England is synonymous with the word excellence when it comes to writing. This gifted author certainly knows how to draw the reader into each of her original stories filled with uniquely depicted characters. In THE GATES OF LIFE, readers once again meet Kira and her Chosen, an eclectic group who continue their mission to stop the threats to their home city of San Francisco. Ms. England has upped the danger in this story, where numerous unforeseen and heart-pounding incidents occur, often with affecting results. As the evil forces makes their presence known, watching these very dissimilar men and one woman work together made for an extremely powerful story. Though the Chosen all love Kira in their own special way, the sexual tension between Gallegar, Lucas and she was frequently explosive, where I wondered how the pages describing their pent-up desires did not burst into flames from all the sensuous heat. This story is like a dream come true, as I fantasized about being Kira, who is surrounded by six very devoted and caring men. Truthfully, I do not believe I have ever wanted to be a heroine more! The upcoming third book in this gripping series is already highly anticipated. PEACEKEEPER JOURNALS II: THE GATES OF LIFE incites the thoughts and emotions of readers with its effectively portrayed feelings and breath-taking action."

  5 out of 5 Stars

  Amelia Richard

  Ecataromance Sensual

  "CJ England, in this story has created the ultimate mind candy, skillfully blending together fantasy, romance, love and perils of the evil reborn. Added to the mix is her visual descriptivism that is so real you can almost taste the strawberries."

  4 Enchantments


  Enchanting Reviews

  "Kudos for The Peacekeeper Series

  "Ms. CJ England is known for her bewitching tales of love and romance. But this is by far the best so far I have read from this talented lady. Kira is a strong but vulnerable leading woman. She is set upon a path that she is unsure of the outcome. Along the way through magical joinings she has allied herself with the six handsome, strong and as different as can be men. This is an excellent beginning to a storyline that will draw you in and keep you asking. Wh
at happens next? I for one am looking forward to finding out more about each of the men in the story and about this strange Power that has brought together this strange group to save all supernaturals in the world."

  Calista from Barnes and Noble

  "CJ England pens a long but oh so good book. This is the second installment in the Peacekeepers series and it literally kept me glued to my seat! The Peacekeeper's Journals II: The Gates of Life is an excellent novel that so reminded me of Star Wars, only much better as the sexual content makes it strictly for grown ups! The sex is hot and combined with the epic battle, it had me right there cheering and clapping at the end! This is a terrific book everybody should enjoy and it is not to be missed!"


  Two Lips Reviews

  41/2 kisses





  "Erotic, sensual and will leave you crying out for more!

  Changes in Latitude

  "This story was unbelievably hot! CHANGES IN LATITUDE was such a change from CJ England's usual paranormal writing and I am shocked at how wonderful this story was. I love, love, love Garret. He's my new heartthrob. My heart bled for Bethany as she was suffering from such insurmountable losses. And then to have the man she loves just abandon her, a week before her parents are killed. Than to have to deal with a brother who's drinking all the time. Bethany was amazing! All of the characters in this story made me feel like I was a fly on the wall watching them. It was so realistic. I could actually hear the ocean and see all the scenery."

  Changes in Attitude

  "I love CJ's paranormal books, and she sure has a knack for writing erotic romance. CHANGES IN ATTITUDE was smokin’ hot! Derek and Jess were scalding. CJ England always has the best places for her characters to have sex and CHANGES IN ATTITUDE was no exception; on a boat, yum, yum. Every time I finish reading one of CJ's books, I'm kind of sad because it's like I'm leaving my friends behind. They're always so realistic and I'm made to feel like I'm right there along for the ride with them. I love that some how or another there's always a happily ever after with the characters. CHANGES IN ATTITUDE is filled with just that; attitude, great plot, wonderful and heartfelt characters and to die for sex. If you're looking for a fast-paced and sometimes witty read with orgasmic sex, than these stories are must reads for you."


  Romance Junkies

  5 Blue Ribbons

  Changes in Latitude

  "If CJ England pens a story, then it will be packed with emotional moments which speak to the reader. The plot for Changes in Latitude is at once moving, and then skillfully interweaves a poignant romance into this story of heartbreak and rediscovery. Though the locale changes, the powerful connection between Garret and Bethany is still very much alive. With their likable personalities, the lives of this couple had me deeply caring about them as I also felt their exuberant joy or sorrowful pain. Changes in Latitude sparkles with warmth and heartfelt dialogue, creating an irresistible story."

  Changes in Attitude

  "Regardless of the emotions expressed in a scene, CJ England is a master of drawing forth those same feelings from her readers. In Changes in Attitude, there are many light-hearted moments which often turned passionate, plus there are some tense situations made suspenseful from the unknown factors. Derek and Jess are a lively couple, whose actions and dialogue is always fueled by their free-spirited natures. When Jess declared she would adjust the attitude of Derek after their first eventful meeting, she promptly discovered the words easier said than done, resulting in some engaging conversations. Filled with sensuality and dynamic characters, Changes in Attitude keeps readers anticipating every word."


  Ecataromance Reviews

  4 1/2 Stars


  I dedicate this work to my favorite paranormal romance authors.

  They are the ones who helped me take the step and become a writer myself.

  Thank you for the stories that taught me to look at things a little differently.

  You showed me my imagination and dreams could be used to write a darn good book!

  So thank you...

  Nora Roberts, Maggie Shayne, Marilyn Campbell, and Laurell K. Hamilton.

  Your works opened the door for me to do what I do!

  And a special thank you to Louise, my editor.

  She genuinely cares about her authors, and she does everything she can to make my books shine.

  An author and editor often have a love-hate relationship, and it is something special when you can become friends and still have a great working relationship. Thank you, Louise ... for being both!

  Chapter 1

  The war had already started. It was just a preliminary skirmish, but the beginning of a war nonetheless.

  Life had been so different just a few days ago. A vampire, a shapeshifter, a witch, a shade, a suprahuman and a faerie, they'd all gone about their business, content with what they had. Each happy in their own life. They didn't even know each other. Then she had arrived. A pale-haired, flame-eyed beauty who picked each one of them up and set them smartly upon their masculine ears by turning their worlds upside down.

  She'd come to them, a brand new creation in an unknown world, seeking their knowledge and expertise to complete the mission she'd been sent to fulfill. She asked them to join with her. To share their minds and their life forces. To combine magicks, so new powers could be created. All this, in order to protect each of their peoples from the coming war. Not a little thing. But they found she needed more than their expertise ... she needed them.

  When an evil wizard learned of the joinings and her plans to repair the Gates of Life, he crafted a curse and she triggered it. It had taken all of them working together to bring her back to life. They gave their love to free her and almost died for her. Looking at her now, they all had to admit they wouldn't change their lot. She belonged to them, as they did to her. They were a family now, strange as it may seem. All so different, yet as one in the burning need to protect the woman they called Kira, the Peacekeeper. Kira sat demurely at the head of the conference table in The Keep—a warded safehold—her hands folded in her lap, and her eyes fixed on the dark-haired man standing next to her.

  "Last night we struck the first blow in the battle.” The dark-haired man's voice carried the lilt of the Irish isles in it, as well as the unconscious ring of command. Gallegar, Vampire King of the city of San Francisco, was the leader of those called the Chosen. The first called, he was a powerful six feet tall with curling black hair that fell to his shoulders. His face was as ruggedly dark Irish as his voice, with deep green eyes and firm sensuous lips. A strong jaw and straight nose gave him the appearance of an aristocrat of old. His eyes gleamed with intelligence as he looked around the table.

  He was not their leader because of his strength or power. All of those sitting around him were his equal in those things. He was leader, because, somewhere in the midst of the circumstances that brought them together, they chose to follow him. He called these men his friends.

  "Tonight we come together to decide the next step in this endeavor. Before we can defeat those who have taken command of the Gates of Heaven and Hell, we must learn all there is to know about our quarry.” Gallegar looked at each man at the table. “We need to pool all our information together. No more surprises."

  He referred to the battle that almost cost them their lives. When Adrian, the evil wizard, cast his spell, he worked it so it would trigger when Gallegar was resting during the day. Even though the other Chosen figured out the cure, Gallegar hadn't been there to help. It was only due to some quick thinking and sacrifice, any of them were alive to break the curse and defeat Adrian.

  "We know that Adrian, the wizard, had something to do with the disappearance of Sebastian, the old leader of the Ethereals. We know when that disappearance was discussed, it triggered the poison th
at almost killed Kira.” The vampire's eyes softened with love, as he looked down at the woman who sat next to him. His hand reached out possessively and stroked her soft hair. For a moment it seemed he would get lost in the golden eyes gazing back into his, but after a quick clearing of the throat, Gallegar continued. “What we don't know is why? Why does a wizard want to keep the Gates of Life closed? Of what benefit would it be to him?"

  "If I may?"

  Gallegar yielded the floor to a strikingly handsome man, with piercing sapphire eyes and long blond hair. As the vampire sat, Danolas, High Priest of the San Francisco Society of Witches, rose. Lean and graceful, his face gleamed with an otherworldly knowledge that came in part from the mingling of his magick with Kira's. He was the second man to join with Kira and one of his gifts was true vision.

  "We know Adrian was working for someone else. Someone who had the power to silence Adrian when he gave away too many secrets. Whether Adrian is alive or dead is unknown, but the power behind him has not gone away. Not if the Gates are still closed.” Danolas sat, cradling his staff of office in his arms. His blue power crystal also burned with otherworldly light.

  "Now, just so we get this straight. The Gates of Life are passages to either Heaven or Hell. And now that they're closed, dead people can't get through. Right?"

  The man who spoke didn't even get up. Lucas Kane was a straight shooter, impatient with the trappings of formality. He was a shapeshifter of the Wolf Clan. He was big and powerful, with ruggedly carved features, short blond hair and sharp icy gray eyes that looked silver most of the time. He was third to join with Kira, but because his clan leader had forbidden it, the joining remained a secret to all but those in this room and other select few. And he, like Gallegar, was in love with Kira.

  "You are right, Lucas.” This came from a handsome, sad-eyed, brown-haired man who floated over, rather than sat in his chair. Patrick, leader of the Ethereals, could become corporeal if he chose, but yesterday's poisoning had tired him. He preferred to stay transparent while he regained his strength. He smiled sadly at the shapeshifter, his dimple flashing against his thin cheeks, while he smoothed his mustache and bearded chin in an unconscious gesture. “My fellow spirits are lost now. They have no direction where to go. They are not allowed to leave this sphere of existence, so they wander aimlessly. They are beginning to grow discontented and even angry at their predicament. We must find a way to help them."


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