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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

Page 2

by CJ England

  "In my world, understanding the why can give us knowledge of who might employ such a strategy.” Benjamin Cassidy, Sovereign of the Suprahumans, scratched his head as he thought it through. He was taller than Lucas, with dark hair and red eyes he usually covered with black contacts to give him a more human appearance. Suprahumans were a more evolved form of humanity, each with special enhancements that gave them an edge in the human world. Benjamin was special because he could switch his enhancements at will. He had them all.

  "What else do we know?” Danolas searched the faces of the other Chosen. “There must be more than what we have so far said. Koran, do your people have any information that will help us?” This, he directed at the golden-haired, golden-faced man who sat on the other side of Kira.

  Koran, brother to Kira and Prince of the Faerie Folk, shook his head slowly. “My father's rules force us to keep ourselves separate from all other magicks and its wielders. A poor excuse that comes back to haunt us now.” He leaned his lithe form back in his chair and his amber eyes sparkled angrily. “If there was ever a reason to change policy, this is it."

  Gallegar shook his own head disgustedly. “Then we have nothing! Knowledge of a problem and one of its instigators is not enough to risk our lives. And I will be damned if I'll put Kira in the line of fire again."

  There were nods of agreement all around the table. None of the Chosen wanted Kira involved in anything they themselves didn't understand. They learned when she fell ill, they did as well, because they all shared her life force. They were also afraid the opposite may be true. Until they knew for sure, the Chosen were all planning to be very careful.

  "No!” The command was spoken softly, but with a firmness that made all the Chosen heave a sigh. Kira, Peacekeeper and guardian of the Words of Death for all their people, stood slowly, stretching herself to her full five foot, four inch height, and let her gaze fall on each man at the table. “I will not put off helping Patrick's people."

  "We are not putting it off, A Ghra ... ” Gallegar soothed, calling her “my love” in the tongue of his youth. “We just wish to know how to fight. And when we do so, we want you to be protected."

  Kira frowned and shook her head, causing her white blond hair to swirl around her hips and slender waist. She leaned forward and braced her hands on the table in front of her. “If we do not know anything, then we must go to the source.” She turned and looked up at Gallegar. “I have said from the beginning we must examine the Gates themselves."

  Gallegar stared down at Kira's determined face. A face he loved with every breath he took. Her wide gold eyes peered up at him, their outside edges tipped up slightly, showing her faerie background. Although she was of Faerie descent, she was not true faerie. She had been created from a sample of her brother Koran's living flesh by a Power all the Chosen had experienced. The faerie flesh blended with the Power, to create the Kira who first met with Gallegar. Then, as she joined with each of the others, she changed and matured into the being she was now. A being, Gallegar sometimes thought he would like to turn over his knee sometimes, due to her stubbornness.

  "You want us to just walk up to the Gates of Life and ask them what's wrong?” Lucas looked at Kira, his eyebrow raised.

  She shrugged and looked right back at him, her chin raised in determination. “Why not?"

  Lucas put up one hand to count the reasons off. “One, the Gates could be booby trapped with another curse. Two, from what I've been told, the Gates aren't alive so they can't talk to us. Three...” Lucas looked around for help as he faltered.

  "Three,” Danolas took over smoothly. “We don't have the wards ready yet, so no one does anything the least bit worrisome until they are. Four, we need to gather more information. Tomorrow we can begin to research."

  "And five...” Gallegar interrupted, taking Kira's face and turning it to his. “None of us are ready for a fight yet. We are all still weakened from the last battle. When we confront the Gates of Life, we all must be at full strength."

  Kira sat again, her body language showing her disappointment, but she reached up and squeezed the hand Gallegar still held to her cheek. “Of course. We all need to recharge from yesterday. I am sorry. I do not mean to push. I would just feel better if we could do something constructive. I have rested all day and I am no longer tired. After this tremendous meal, I am not hungry either."

  Benjamin picked up a roll and nibbled on it. “We could speculate on things. Like who can control a wizard of this Adrian's caliber. I'm assuming it's not just anybody."

  Danolas nodded approvingly. “Good point, Benjamin. There aren't many who could be a wizard's master. It would take someone well trained in magick."

  Gallegar amused himself by twisting a strand of Kira's fine hair around his finger. He glanced at Koran. “You and Danolas are the strongest of your kind. Could you control him?"

  "I know little of wizardry. Is his magick as strong as yours, Danolas?” Koran asked the witch.

  "My magick is stronger. I could fight him successfully. If I chose to, I could control him."

  "Then since my magick is close in strength to yours, I too could defeat and master him. But are we the only ones who could?” Koran shrugged. “No one of my kind would take the chance. We don't know enough."

  Danolas agreed. “I am the strongest. There is no other witch in the city who could come close to controlling Adrian. But that is only in a fair battle."

  "Could it be someone from out of town?” Kira asked.

  "No, we would sense their magick. No witch can come into a High Priest's domain without being discovered."

  "Or into a Faerie's."

  Patrick slammed his fist into the table in disgust. “Then we are back to the beginning. Who could control a wizard?"

  "What was it you said the other night, when Kira had taken off to find Koran, and we didn't know where she was?” Benjamin thought aloud. He immediately flushed dark red as he remembered the scene in his bedroom.

  "What do you mean?” Gallegar kept his voice calm. He didn't look at Lucas. Neither of them wanted Kira to know their jealousy over her had almost made them come to blows that night.

  "You said something about corrupt supernaturals. How Kira wouldn't want to join with any of them,” Benjamin rushed on quickly. “Could one of them handle a wizard?"

  "What corrupt supernaturals?” Kira looked back and forth between Danolas and Gallegar.

  Danolas picked at his plate until he found a fat grape. “There are many other supernatural beings in the city. They are all either on the side of evil or they keep to themselves. We have little to do with any of them."

  Koran leaned forward curiously. “Tell us of these others."

  "There are wizards of course and then there are zombies, monsters, banshees, rogues of all casts ... and then there are the demons."

  "What kind of demons?” Kira asked, fascinated by the new information.

  "All kinds,” Gallegar answered her. “They are the epitome of evil. Some need evil to exist. They consume it like food. Demons are a cast apart from any other supernatural in the city."

  "Could a demon control a wizard?” Patrick asked.

  Danolas stared intently back at the shade. “Yes. Of all the corrupt supernaturals I know of, a demon would be the most likely to control a wizard. After all, it is to a demon a wizard must give up his soul to get his unholy powers."

  "Then it looks like we may have a lead.” Koran looked at the other Chosen. “Tomorrow we can dig deeper into this."

  "Not tonight?” Kira's face was hopeful.

  "Not tonight,” Gallegar answered her. “There are sources that should only be explored in the light of day. To do so at night would be foolish."

  "All right, Mo Chridhe ... I believe you know best. But what else can we do this night? It is too early to sleep.” Kira took Gallegar's hand in her own. “I do not want to say good night yet."

  "I've got an idea.” Lucas got up from the table and went around to Kira, kneeling down beside her
. “Why don't we go take a look at those houses that Danolas found for Kira? That won't take a lot of energy.” He explained to Patrick, Benjamin and Koran, Kira's desire for her own home.

  "There are three houses that caught my eye,” Kira announced, her voice enthusiastic. “Each is large enough so we all would be comfortable in them.” She slid a look at Gallegar. “The only problem is the houses are all in the upper city."

  The vampire frowned.

  Danolas got up and walked to the computer on his desk. His fingers flew for a moment, and then he motioned Gallegar over. “There is also this property here in the Lower City. I think you know of it."

  After he joined Danolas, Gallegar's gaze played over the computer screen. “Yes, this is one of mine.” He looked up at Danolas and there was amusement and respect in his face. “This is a definite possibility. We could easily tailor it to whatever Kira wanted."

  "Whatever we wanted,” she corrected. “I may live there, but we all will have a say in it."

  Lucas looked around at everyone. “Well, do we want to go see these places tonight?"

  When Danolas saw everyone was nodding in agreement, he went to give Sarah, the realtor, a call.

  * * * *

  "Not far from Danolas’ Keep,” Lucas remarked, looking around at the neighborhood. They were driving to Gallegar's property having already looked at the houses in the upper city. “A good distance away from The Howling. The further ... the better I say."

  Gallegar looked at the shapeshifter, who was sitting in the car's backseat with Koran and Benjamin. The vampire was sitting up front with Kira and Danolas, Patrick having elected to travel in his own fashion. “We didn't have time to ask yesterday ... but what happened with Elijah since we sent those two guards of yours back to him?” He quickly told Benjamin and Koran what had happened in his office two nights before.

  Lucas grinned. “Kira put the fear of God in them all right. After she scared them out of your club, they went straight back to Elijah and gave him an earful. When I got there yesterday afternoon I told him all about the three other leaders she had allied with and how mad she was he had questioned her.” He laughed. “I led him to believe Kira was pleased he had given me permission to stay with her, but if he pushed too hard, well ... no one was quite sure what would happen."

  Danolas shared his grin. “So, no more bodyguards?"

  "Nope, I'm on my own."

  Koran sighed. “So much has happened and it has only been four days. I wonder if it will always be this intense."

  "It is just beginning. We must all be prepared when the war starts.” Kira's face was solemn.

  Benjamin reached up and tweaked her ponytail. “Any idea when that's going to happen, sweetheart?"

  "Soon,” was her only reply.

  The loft was in the third story of Gallegar's building as Danolas had said, but the pictures hadn't done it justice. Stepping out of the private elevator, they found themselves in a huge open space. The main living area took up three-quarters of the top floor. Large windows faced the west and covered one entire wall. Just to the left of the entrance was a space set up for a kitchen area. It was large and unfinished, but all the wiring and cabinetry had been done. Just appliances and finishing work were needed. Past the kitchen was a metal circular staircase that led to the loft area.

  The loft covered the kitchen and poked out over the living room. A metal railing encircled it for safety, but there were no walls or doors. Its view was the same as the main area. A walk-in closet stood next to a full bathroom. The bathroom looked completed.

  "Must have needed to use it,” Benjamin remarked.

  The main living area boasted a stone fireplace on the eastern wall, with no other partitions or barriers to break it up. It was simply a huge open space. Beat-up hardwood planking covered the entire floor. The southern end of the building had two small rooms with another full bathroom between them. This bathroom wasn't finished, but it was set up for all the facilities and a shower. The two rooms were basic with a closet in each one.

  "The floor below is broken up into several large office spaces,” Gallegar reported. He and Patrick had just returned from a walk downstairs. “It would be a simple matter to renovate it into as many bedrooms as we felt necessary. And this closet under the stairs...” He opened the door to show them. “We could make a staircase to the floor below. That way we would have both the elevator and the stairs."

  "We could turn one of these rooms up here into an office we all could use. We would need a place to see to our businesses while we were here,” Danolas muttered thoughtfully.

  "The other room should be Gallegar's,” Kira said firmly. She ignored their surprised looks. “He is most vulnerable when he rests and needs a safe place. Everyone else can sleep anywhere. We could brick up the window and he can put the spells on it like he does in Sanctuary."

  Lucas thought about it. “It's a good idea. This place doesn't have a basement.” Gallegar and Danolas both grinned.

  "Sounds like you have made your choice.” Gallegar took Kira's hand in his.

  Kira wrinkled her nose at him. “I like it. I think it is better than the houses we saw and it is in the Lower City, so we will be safer.” She turned to the other men. “But what do you all think? It will be a home for all of us."

  Koran inclined his head in a little bow. “I like it. It can be warded easily for safety and the private elevator means no one just drops by."

  Patrick smirked at them. “I can."

  They all laughed.

  Kira looked thoughtfully at Patrick. “Your people could be of great help. We should think carefully about how to use their talents."

  "Very true, my Lady.” Danolas started walking toward the elevator. “But now, let's go take a look downstairs and see how we can carve this pumpkin up.” Danolas stopped and looked back at them. “That is ... if we have found Kira's new home?"

  The vote was unanimous. This was it. They all trooped to the elevator to go downstairs.

  When Kira saw Gallegar wasn't with them, but was gazing out the wall of windows instead, she stopped. Turning to the Chosen, she spoke softly. “Go ahead without us. We will be down in a moment."

  Lucas gave her a little frown, but didn't say anything. After a moment of hesitation, he got in the elevator with the others and the doors shut.

  "What is wrong, Mo Chridhe...” Kira walked back to Gallegar.

  Gallegar sighed and looked down at her. “I never thought I would be comfortable in a room with so many windows. But at least it faces the west.” He smiled. “I like sunsets better anyway."

  "Will it be enough ... what we have planned?"

  "Yes, A Ghra ... The room will be quite safe. Especially when I ward it with my own protection spells.” Gallegar took her face in his hands. “We should speak of the other night."

  Kira bit her lip in consternation and Gallegar kissed her to calm her. He met her gaze with serious green eyes.

  "I am sorry for pushing you. I expected more of you than you could give. I forgot how innocent you were and thought only of how much I needed you. Of how much I love you.” He smoothed his thumbs over her lower lip. “I will not lie to you and say it doesn't matter to me how you feel about Lucas. That you desire him...” Gallegar's voice broke and he cleared his throat before going on. “That you want him ... tears me apart. But you are new to the emotions running through you. If I don't give you time to sort them out, how will I know if you come to me freely?"

  He kissed her again, this time deeply, intimately, teasing her lips with his tongue. “I love you. I want you to be my mate ... to share my life with me for all eternity. I have waited for you for so long; I can wait a little longer for you to know your mind. I will not ask you to make love to me again or to make a commitment. But know this ... I will do everything in my power to help you realize your true feelings for me."

  Kira's eyes filled with tears as she listened to Gallegar. Her heart was so full she could hardly speak. When she finally did, her throat wa
s tight. “I love you so much. From the time of our joining, I wanted you. I was wrong in how I treated you. I should not have ... I should not have...” She flushed with embarrassment as she remembered the heat they felt together. From the look in Gallegar's eyes and the hardness of his body, he remembered it too.

  "I should not have touched you at Benjamin's, knowing how confused I was. It is not fair to any of us.” She reached up and ran her fingers gently down his strong jaw. “I know what I want. I know when I touch you, my mind ceases to function and I cannot think. I know when you kiss me, I do not wish to stop. When I am with you I do not even think of anyone else, but none of that matters if what I am doing is wrong."

  Golden eyes searched his face. “Before I give myself to anyone, no matter what the Power may say, I need to know in my soul he is the one I am destined for. I do not know how long that will be. It may be tomorrow, it may be next year. I do not even know if that man is you, Gallegar, and that is what is breaking my heart. I want it to be you so badly."

  Gallegar crushed her against him, not trusting himself to speak. Kira went on, her voice muffled by his embrace.

  "I do feel something when I am with Lucas. I just do not understand what it is. Until I do, I cannot choose. I do not want to hurt you any more than I already have. Please forgive me."

  "A Ghra ... ” Gallegar pulled away from her, so he could look down at those startling bright eyes. “Be with me in whatever way you can. It will be enough for now. As I said, I will wait for you. I can do nothing else.” He kissed her again, hard and deep. When he pulled away, they were both breathing hard.

  "You will remember how it feels to be in my arms. You will be mine."


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