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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

Page 4

by CJ England

  "And I say they are fine. There isn't enough weight there to worry about."

  "God damn it..."

  "I am sure you both will work it out satisfactorily." Kira pulled herself slowly away with a grin. "I will see you later, yes?"

  Both men quit arguing.

  "Yes," replied Benjamin as he jerked the papers away from Lucas. "We have some errands and will see you at The Keep tonight."

  The last picture Kira had as they faded was of Lucas grabbing the papers back from Benjamin, and swatting him on the head with them.

  Kira grinned as she maneuvered her power to find Gallegar. She felt the coolness of his Sanctuary as she eased her way next to his bed. He lay quietly, his deep black hair shining against the whiteness of his sheets. One hand was thrown up over his head, his powerful body relaxed. He was so beautiful Kira felt her whole body tense with the need to touch him. She looked around, hesitant to wake him. Maybe she should leave now she had seen him.

  Gallegar's eyes opened and Kira gave a gasp of dismay.

  "Did you not think I would feel you touch my mind, A Ghra..."

  Kira bit her lip. "I ... just wanted to see you. I am sorry. I should not be here."

  "Did you send your mind out to the others?"

  The question surprised her. "Yes, Mo Chridhe..."

  "Then why do you think I would mind you coming to me? This is not the first time you have touched me as I slept."

  Kira blushed as she remembered going to him after Lucas and she had joined. She had needed to see him.

  "This is your private place," she tried to explain. "I do not wish to intrude."

  Gallegar sat up in bed. The covers dropped down to his naked waist, exposing his muscular chest. Kira's mouth went dry.

  "Someday, I hope this too will be your home. That you will share this bed with me. You are always welcome here, A Ghra..."

  Kira blew out her breath to bring herself under control. He could affect her even when they weren't anywhere near each other.

  "I should go. You must need your sleep." Kira's mind-voice was choked.

  "Until tonight ... “ Gallegar smiled as he felt Kira move away from him. He felt her desire right through the link. It gave him hope. His own body was hard with the need even her psychic presence brought to him. One day ... One day she would know he was her destiny.

  * * * *

  Kira pulled back to The Keep just in time to see the spell Koran was doing circle over her. Her eyes widened as the shimmering gold strands of magick pulsated around her, before attaching itself to her entire body.

  "Koran?” she squeaked. She held herself very still.

  "It's all right, my Lady,” Danolas answered for him. “The spell was specifically designed for you. That is why it sought you out."

  "Now we see if it works.” Koran lifted his hand and pointed a finger at Kira. “Let me try this. It isn't evil, but it can be used that way. It is very strong magick."

  Koran stood and closing his eyes, rubbed his hands together. Strange words issued from his mouth. When he opened his eyes, they were the flaming gold of Kira's when she was in power.

  Patrick stirred uneasily. “I don't know ‘bout this."

  Koran thrust out his hands. The magick hurled itself at Kira like a runaway freight train. It hit her hard, knocking her out of her chair. The strange magick beat at the warding, but the golden shield held and finally the magick bled away into nothingness.

  "What in tarnation was that?” Patrick helped Kira back into the chair, before turning enraged eyes on Koran. “Christ, that's your sister you're shootin’ at."

  Koran looked a little ashamed. “I didn't think it would be that strong.” He came around the table and took his sister's hand. “I am sorry."

  "Whew,” she said shakily. “What was that?” She pushed the hair out of her eyes.

  Koran shifted on his feet. He couldn't quite meet her eyes. “It was a love spell. If it had worked you would have fallen in love with whoever first touched you."

  Kira shot a horrified glance at Patrick, who was staring at Koran with his mouth open. He let loose with a stream of profanity, before cutting himself off in mid-word. He cast a shamed glance at Kira.

  "Beg pardon, sugar.” He turned to Koran and opened his mouth to blast him, but Koran cut him off with a quick wave of his hand.

  "I know the counter spell. You wouldn't have been under but a few seconds.” He ran his hand through his long hair, exposing one pointed ear. “It had to be a strong spell. A love spell is one of the strongest there is, especially when cast by a faerie."

  Suddenly, Kira felt the air around her tremble, and looking down, she saw the golden magick had disappeared. She looked at her brother in dismay. “It is gone!"

  Danolas put a soothing hand on her arm. “It's okay. It was not a long-lived spell. We did that purposely. Now we know it works, we can make it permanent.” He looked at Koran, his eyes hard. “But I want to do some more testing first. No more chances."

  Koran opened his mouth to argue, but stopped as he noticed Patrick staring over his shoulder at the entrance of the magick shop. Turning, he saw a human male with bright red hair had walked in unannounced. All three Chosen were instantly on guard.

  "Who are you?” Danolas demanded in a booming voice. He reached for his staff as he spoke.

  Alex knew as soon as he entered the room, he'd made a mistake. He'd been looking for Jorad, had been told to come this way, but now he knew he made a wrong turn somewhere. The three men confronting him were not happy at his presence. The one who had spoken ... the tall blond man, must be Danolas, the High Priest Jorad had told him about. His bearing and the staff he carried told Alex that much. The other two made Alex blink in surprise because he knew they weren't human. Easy enough to figure, since one was floating several inches off the ground and the other had flashing golden eyes and pointed ears. Alex couldn't prevent a smile of awe. He was looking at a ghost and an elf. No doubt about it.

  "You find us amusing, human?” The High Priest spoke angrily as he positioned himself in a swift protective motion in front of the woman who sat at the table.

  Alex swallowed hard as he recognized the beautiful face of the Peacekeeper. “M-My apologies.” His stuttering was directed to Kira, since she seemed the least likely to attack him. “I was looking for Jorad, and lost my way."

  As if he heard his name, Jorad came rushing through the curtains at the entrance. He took in the scene at a glance, and his face paled, knowing how close Alex was to death.

  "It is my fault, High Lord.” He stepped in front of Alex. “I had asked Alex come to meet me, but did not have him guided. The blame is mine."

  "I thought this place was secure.” The elven man rose from his seat. His motions bespoke great power.

  Sweat broke out on Alex's forehead when the brown-haired ghost floated over and landed gracefully on the floor, his gaze hard and clear. Before Alex's astonished gaze he solidified into a material being. He looked human now. A glance at the elf showed his eyes had turned a normal color and his ears were hidden.

  Alex blinked. If he hadn't come in a few minutes before and seen them, he would have thought they were all regular people, just sitting around having some lunch.

  "It is secure!” Danolas pointed his staff at Alex. “How did he get in, Jorad?"

  Jorad took a deep breath. “Alex came two nights ago with King Gallegar. The king bade me find him a place to rest after ... after...” Jorad seemed uncomfortable going on with the explanation.

  Alex picked up where Jorad left off. “After Gallegar fed off of me.” He looked at the three men who watched him with suspicious eyes. “I was very weak. The master needed extra blood from me. I needed food and rest before I went home. Apparently, Gallegar felt I should sleep until I woke on my own. I was on my way out now."

  Kira rose from her seat. Alex's eyes widened when he saw she was just wearing shorty pajamas and a light wrapper. He forced his eyes up to her face.

  "You brought Gallegar to

  Alex shook his head. “No, my Lady. That was Jorad. I provided sustenance for the king."

  "You gave him the strength to come to my aid. That means you helped save my life and all those I hold dear.” Kira's smile could have lit up the room.

  Alex didn't know quite how to answer that. “Ahhh ... I did nothing unusual, Peacekeeper."

  "That is not true, my Lady,” Jorad broke in, determined to help Alex. “The king said by allowing him to feed, Alex put himself in danger."

  Kira's eyes sharpened. “How? What type of danger?"

  Alex shuffled his feet. He looked like an oversized, embarrassed Howdy Doody doll. “It is nothing, my Lady."

  "Please, I wish to know."

  "I am a regular for King Gallegar,” he said slowly, trying to decide how best to explain. Most people thought what he did for the vampire king was distasteful, as Jorad did.

  "He usually uses me at the beginning of the month. The other night, I was the only human around, so he had to feed off me."

  Jorad interrupted. “King Gallegar said by ... using him too soon after the last time, Alex could be badly weakened. Even die."

  Kira was somber as she looked up at Alex. “You would give up your life for Gallegar?"

  Alex gave a little grin. “I hoped it wouldn't come to that."

  "Thank you, Alex. Thank you for caring enough about Gallegar to risk your life.” Kira gave him a little hug and then pulled away. “You ate and rested then?"

  "Yes, my Lady. Jorad took good care of me."

  "May I ask a personal question, Alex?"

  Alex all ready knew what was coming. “You want to know why?"

  Kira, looking surprised ... nodded.

  "It is not all one-sided, my Lady. By allowing him to feed off of me on a monthly basis, I receive several benefits."

  "Such as?"

  "One benefit I receive is he pays me, generously. I work at A Crown of Thorns during the day, in maintenance. It is a full-time job, one I enjoy. And then once a month, he feeds off me.” He paused, looking down into her intelligent face. “But, in all honesty, the biggest reason I allow it, is it makes my lifespan longer."

  "I do not understand."

  "How old do you think I am?"

  Kira couldn't answer. She hadn't been alive long enough herself to judge such a thing. She looked back at her men.

  "In your late twenties, if I had to hazard a guess,” Patrick said, looking him over.

  Alex's face lit up with a huge smile. “Thank you,” he said. “But I am not in my twenties. I am fifty-three years old."

  They all gasped.

  "Long life is one of the side effects of having a vampire feed off of you on a regular basis. I also possess more than average strength and my reactions are faster than a normal human's."

  "How long?” Kira managed to say.

  "I have known Gallegar since before he became king. We have had this arrangement for almost thirty years."

  "He must trust you a great deal.” Danolas’ words were speculative.

  Since he didn't know how to answer the high priest, Alex turned to Kira. “With your permission, Peacekeeper, I should be getting back to the club. The king will wish to see me before I go home tonight, and I do have other duties."

  "Of course.” Kira squeezed his hand once more in gratitude. “Thank you again. I am sure Gallegar will reward you for what you have done for us.” With a bow, Alex took his leave, followed closely by Jorad. It was clear he wasn't going to lose the red-haired man again.

  Danolas idly strained colored crystals through his fingers. “I wonder if Gallegar would trust one such as Alex to take guard duty during the day."

  Patrick looked at him sharply. “You mean since he or his kind can't?"

  Danolas nodded. “I could tell it weighs on Gallegar he can't protect Kira during the day. This might make him feel better."

  "A human, even one such as Alex, wouldn't have the same powers of a vampire,” Koran objected.

  "No, but it may be better than not having anyone."

  "It would give us extra men, since we don't know what is happening with the shapeshifters."

  Kira was confused. “What are you talking about?"

  Danolas looked sheepish. “My apologies, my Lady. I forgot you were sleeping when we thought of this plan.” Briskly, he outlined the idea of having different guards with Kira, so the Chosen could take time to rule their own people. Kira chewed her lip as she analyzed the notion.

  "We would make sure there would be one, if not two, of us Chosen with you at all times,” Koran put in when he saw Kira's hesitation.

  Kira blinked. “It is not that I would not trust whomever you chose to guard me,” she said quickly. She smiled, looking embarrassed. “It is just I hate the thought of being separated from any of you. When our circle is not complete I feel ... fidgety."

  The men grinned at her. She could tell it pleased them she wanted all of them close by. The smug looks on their faces were identical. Kira knew if Gallegar, Lucas and Benjamin were here also, they too would have that same, self-satisfied, very male look. She shook her head at them.

  "I am going to look around your Keep, Danolas,” she said, putting her chin in the air. “I want to see if it is truly as wonderful as you say.” She turned and headed toward the curtain Jorad and Alex had departed through.

  "Uh, Kira,” ventured Danolas. He had trouble not laughing out loud.


  "Before you go wander around, you may want to get dressed.” He pointed to her pajamas and robe.

  Kira blushed, as Koran and Patrick started to chuckle. She kept her chin in the air as she swept back around the table, grabbing the plate of strawberries as she sailed past. She gave each of them a haughty glare that was spoiled when she bit into a strawberry and it dribbled down her face.

  * * * *

  It was much later when Kira sat down in a chair in the theatre. She did so quietly, not wanting to disturb the magician who was practicing his act. She propped up her tired feet on the seat in front of her. After leaving Danolas, Patrick and Koran to their spells, she had taken a shower and dressed in a sapphire blue jumpsuit Danolas picked out for her. She then spent the next few hours poking around the castle.

  She sighed and closed her eyes, thinking about the coming evening. It bothered her she had no expertise of her own to share with her men. It was times like this she wasn't sure why she had been created. Surely they could have done everything just as well without her?

  Unless ... and that thought had her sitting up straight in her seat. Unless she knew the words of death for a wizard, as well. She waited, but nothing came to her.

  "What I need is a library,” Kira muttered, as she watched the magician do his thing on stage. The words were hardly out of her mouth, when she noticed a thin spiraling staircase that made its way up the left-hand side of the stage and disappeared into the rafters above. Curious, Kira quietly left her seat and climbed the narrow stairs. At the top she glanced down and almost lost her breath when she saw just how high she really was. Keeping her eyes firmly in front of her, she passed into the rafters, and saw at the top of the stairs, an arched doorway. Even more curious now, she stepped to the door and turned the knob.

  A library. She broke into a wide grin. Just what she had been looking for. She looked around in awe at the walls covered with books and manuscripts. They weren't average books, but ancient and rare volumes. She could smell their age just walking into the room. Walking forward, she went to one of the bookcases and ran her fingers over the raised titles on their spines. The Last American Monster; Spells and Incantations of Scotland; Death Chants and Egyptian Mummification Techniques; Wizards ... A History Throughout the Ages. She plucked the heavy tome off the shelf. Maybe she could find some information about wizards so she could give some input at tonight's meeting. Gathering the volume to her breast, she swiftly found a few more and carried them over to an old battered couch. Sitting down, she made herself comfortable before pick
ing up a book and beginning to read.

  An hour later, her eyes were drooping. With a huge yawn she settled back on the couch. Just a moment to close my eyes. It wasn't long till the book slipped from her lap as her head sagged to the side, her breathing deep and even.

  Chapter 3

  "What do you mean you don't know where she is?” The furious question was aimed at Patrick, who looked up at Lucas with narrowed eyes. Lucas was standing over him, his hands fisted by his sides. It was Benjamin's hand on his shoulder that prevented the shapeshifter from grabbing at the shade.

  "It means after Koran and Danolas left to do the wardings and I joined Kira, I had a bit of an accident.” Patrick looked over at Danolas, who had just returned from warding Lucas’ apartment. “We met Louie, your chef. He likes Kira, but it seems your chef doesn't take to a man who can't eat."

  Danolas grimaced. “What did he throw at you?” He caught the Ethereal's surprised look and shrugged. “He always throws something when he gets angry. It's his way."

  "I don't give a damn what he threw at Patrick,” Lucas bit out, his anger increasing. “I want to know what has happened to Kira!"

  "Calm down, Lucas.” Danolas threw him an impatient look. “She is just exploring the castle. She can come to no harm here. The wards protect her ... remember?"

  Lucas relaxed a bit, but his eyes still burned silver. “We decided one of us would be with her at all times. Cleaning up the soup that got thrown at you isn't staying with her."

  "It was lemonade."

  "What?” Lucas stared at the Ethereal.

  Patrick sat back indolently in the chair. “It was lemonade that he threw at me. I was corporeal at the time and I wasn't quick enough to get out of the way, so the damn stuff hit me."

  Lucas growled again. “I don't care what hit you. I care about Kira! Where is she?"

  "Where is who?” Koran asked as he entered the private dining room.

  "Where the hell have you been?” Lucas snarled as he pushed away from Benjamin. “Am I the only one who sees there may be a problem here?"

  "I've been to Gallegar's, setting the wards. He's on his way. And what problem are we talking about?” Koran sat down next to Danolas and poured himself a glass of amber-colored wine.


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