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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

Page 3

by CJ England

  * * * *

  Later, while sharing a drink of some of Danolas’ special reserve brandy, they all discussed the next day's activities. Kira was adamant they go and examine the Gates of Life now that they were all feeling better. It wasn't until they all agreed with her that she relaxed and allowed them to make their plans as well.

  "Koran and I will work on the wards for each of our domains. We'll also begin to put something together for each of us personally.” Danolas took a long sip of the fragrant brandy.

  Lucas nodded. “Benjamin and I will get the renovations on the loft started. We can get clean-up crews in there, as well as workers to finish up the work itself."

  "Do I get to choose the furniture?” Kira asked, with a mischievous glint in her eye.

  Danolas groaned. “The mad shopper is at it again!” He grinned at Kira and then turned to Lucas. “I told her you'd take her shopping next time. I had all I could manage the other day."

  Kira giggled at Lucas’ look of horror. “I will enjoy making a home of my own.” She sat on the couch between Benjamin and Patrick, leaning back sleepily against Benjamin's shoulder. After a few minutes her eyes began to droop and she snuggled against the superhuman.

  Danolas smiled as he watched her. “There is something else we need to think about."

  "What would that be?” Lucas took another hefty swig of brandy.

  "We need a vehicle we can all comfortably ride in. One that can be warded and made secure. None of the cars we have now will do."

  Gallegar ran his forefinger over the lip of his glass, idly imagining it to be Kira's soft lips instead. “A limousine ... or perhaps a van?"

  Benjamin looked at Lucas. “Since those wards are so important, and Koran and Danolas are going to be busy with that, maybe Lucas, Patrick and I can go look at transportation. I've got some friends in the business."

  "Yeah, and we can bring back all the info tomorrow night. We can decide then what to get.” Lucas grinned at the other men. “Cool ... we can try out all the neat toys."

  "We need to come up with a plan on how to fix the Gates of Life,” Patrick put in a trifle anxiously. “We can still talk of it here?"

  "Yes,” answered Danolas. “Here is the only place we should speak of it until all else is warded. We don't know what other triggers might go off.” They all looked at Kira sleeping peacefully; her hands tucked up under a cheek. Once again, they were thankful all had turned out as it did.

  "Kira will stay here again tonight?” Koran asked Danolas.

  "She is safe here. The wards protect her,” Gallegar spoke clearly. Everyone else nodded.

  "Her safety is my main concern as I develop the wards.” Danolas rose and poured himself another finger of brandy. “That is why I have been thinking about something else."

  Gallegar frowned. “You sound concerned. Is there a problem we aren't aware of?"

  "No,” Danolas said, shaking his head. “It's nothing like that. It's just I've been thinking there is safety in numbers. We proved that last night when we all bound together to save Kira's life.” He walked back over and stood next to the fire.

  "We all know Kira is our number one priority, right?” He didn't wait for an answer. “But that doesn't mean we give up being the leaders of our people. We are going to have to balance both jobs ... Kira and our people."

  Benjamin looked at him, confusion in his eyes. “I'm not seeing a problem here, Danolas."

  Danolas scratched his head in frustration. “Let me give it to you from my point of view. As High Priest, I am up to my eyeballs in Society problems, as well as the day-to-day operations of our businesses. While I can and do delegate, I can't let go completely. I am the High Priest. I have to see to my Society's needs every day. The bottom line is ... no matter how much I want to, I can't be with her every moment of every day. And if I'm correct, neither can any of you."

  "Now wait a minute—” Lucas began.

  "No, hear me out.” Danolas held up his hand to stop Lucas’ protest. “I want to be with her. Hell, I hate being away from her. But for the good of my Society, as High Priest, there are decisions only I can make."

  "I understand your point, Danolas. None of us can take off from our responsibilities completely. So what are you suggesting?” Gallegar leaned forward, listening intently.

  "All of us are needed to protect our Lady, in some way. If I can't be there with her, I want someone who has the same skills to stand in my place. What I am suggesting is we choose some of our own, those we trust implicitly, to guard her when we cannot."

  Chapter 2

  There was silence in the room as the men digested Danolas’ suggestion and the reasons behind it. One by one, they all thought it through and came up with those of their own kind they could trust.

  "What about you, Lucas?” questioned Patrick. “Do you have a couple of your clan members you can trust not only to keep Kira safe but to keep your secret too?"

  "There are ... a couple...” Lucas stared into space. “But I have to think long and hard about getting them involved. Not only for our sake, but for theirs. It's a death sentence for them if Elijah finds out."

  "If you can't do this, we understand.” Gallegar put his hand on Lucas’ shoulder. “We can take up the slack. You are in a different situation than the rest of us."

  "Thanks,” Lucas said gruffly. “I'll give it some thought and let you know."

  Koran looked thoughtful. “We would all have to okay each other's choices and Kira would have to be pleased as well. She is the one who would spend the time with them."

  "All the guards would have to be comfortable taking orders from each of us.” Patrick smoothed his mustache. “If I was the only Chosen around, I would want to call the shots. Kira's safety would be my responsibility."

  "Agreed.” Gallegar rose and walked over to where Danolas stood. “When we fought for Benjamin, you commanded my vampires. Was there any trouble?"

  "No,” answered Danolas. “It was, perhaps, the beginning of what Kira wants for us ... cooperation between all our peoples."

  Lucas rose and stretched. “It's getting late. I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to feel last night. I think I'll go home and get some sleep."

  Benjamin muffled a yawn. “Me too.” He looked over at Kira, who was still sleeping peacefully. “'Cept, looks like I'm stuck here."

  "I have her.” Lucas swept down and lifted Kira gently. “Say good night all.” He waited till the Chosen had given Kira a kiss good night. “Where do you want her?” he asked Danolas.

  "Just set her on my bed."

  Gallegar watched as Lucas carried Kira out of the room. What he was feeling must have shown on his face, because Patrick glided over and squeezed his shoulder companionably.

  "That was good of you,” he said quietly. “I know you wanted to be the one to put her to bed, but he needed the time with her. You had yours earlier today."

  Gallegar looked at him sharply. “How do you know that? Do you have your spirits keeping tabs on me?"

  Patrick snorted in amusement. “Don't need to. We all knew when we rode downstairs in the elevator that you and Kira needed to talk. Lucas knew it too. It was hard for him to leave with us, but he did. It's good you're returning the favor now."

  Gallegar's eyes were bright green. “I am not giving up. I'm just giving her some space.” He looked toward the door where Kira and Lucas had disappeared. “She will still belong to me."

  * * * *

  In the bedroom, Lucas set Kira gently on the fresh sheets of Danolas’ bed. He tugged off her shoes and then swept the covers back over her. Sitting down beside her, he took her hand in his and pressed a hot kiss to her palm. Her eyes opened.

  "Hi there.” He grinned down at her.

  "Is it time for bed?” she asked innocently. She gazed sleepily up at him.

  Oh yeah. Lucas wanted to climb in with her, since he had missed her in his bed last night. He cleared his throat. “Everyone's heading home, honey. I just wanted to kiss you good night.”
His own head hummed with passion as he did so.

  "Wow,” she said softly when he finished. “We did not get to talk today, my wolf."

  He shook his head.

  "I would take the time now. You should know the truth of how I am feeling."

  Panic crawled up his spine. “Did you talk to Gallegar today?"

  Kira's face softened and her eyes grew sad. “Yes, we also spoke. He knows the truth as well.” She looked up at him. “I do not want to hurt either of you anymore."

  He grimaced. “I'm not sure I want to hear this. I'm afraid you're gonna walk away from me."

  She put a hand on his hard arm. “I will never walk away. We are a part of each other, but do we have a more intimate relationship ahead? This I do not know. This is what I must explain."

  "All right, honey. Get it over with.” He gave her a quick kiss, tensing his shoulders as if expecting a blow.

  "Do not worry, Lucas. I love you. That has not changed.” She took his hand in hers as she looked into his face. “I feel something for you, but I do not know what. You take my breath away when you kiss me the way you just did.” She put up her hands as he leaned in to her, his silver eyes glowing.

  "Do not touch me. Please. I must get through this.” She sighed and ran a hand through her silky hair. “Gallegar means a great deal to me. He was the first I loved. I have given him my heart."

  "Does that mean you and I don't have a chance?” Lucas was surprised he was able to speak at all, his throat was so tight.

  "I do not know for sure. I do feel something for you, something very strong. From the very first time I saw you, there was this feeling inside of me that would not go away."

  "Christ, honey!” he exclaimed, as he pulled her into his arms. “Isn't that enough?"

  She shook her head against his strong chest. “No ... it is not enough. There is something you must know, Lucas. We have not told anyone else, with everything that has gone on.” She blushed. “And it is not easy to talk about."

  "What is it?” He frowned fiercely at her.

  Kira sighed and pulled completely away from him. She sensed this was not going to be easy for the shapeshifter to hear. “The night I joined with Gallegar...” Her cheeks turned pink as she remembered the joining.

  Lucas’ frown grew bigger.

  "After we joined, the emotion was so great, we started to ... we wanted ... we started to make love with each other.” She glanced at the wolfman. He was sitting stock still, his body tensed.

  "Did you?” The question came out as a growl.

  "No...” She saw him relax and hurried on. “But we would have, if the Power had not stopped us."

  "What the hell does the Power have to do with this?"

  "She stopped us before we went too far.” Lucas could hear the sadness in her voice and it made him tense up even more. “She told us I needed to stay chaste. We think it has something to do with keeping my power strong. I could not love with Gallegar. At least ... not then."

  "You mean you might be able to now? Is that what happened the other night at Benjamin's? You tried and the Power stopped you again?"

  Her face flamed. “That night at Benjamin's ... we lost control. The only thing that stopped us that night was my fear of doing wrong and hurting you."

  "Me?” His voice was hoarse as he tried to understand what she was saying.

  "Yes. I hurt Gallegar badly that night. I was wrong and led him on. He was right to be angry with me."

  "That's what you two argued about? Making love?"

  Kira reached over and smoothed Lucas’ hair off his face, unthinkingly. His body reacted and he gave a groan under his breath as she went on, her voice sad.

  "He was angry because I was worried about how you might feel if you found out what we were doing. I brought it up at a most inappropriate time.” She looked steadily at Lucas. “It was not that I did not want to love him. I did.” She gave a little shiver of remembrance that made him narrow his eyes in anger. “But I was afraid I was doing the wrong thing. The Power has not released me to share that part of myself. Not with him. Not with you. Not with anyone. Do you understand?"

  He was afraid he did. “So where exactly does that leave us?"

  She sighed. “I am in love with Gallegar. When I am not with him, I miss him with all my being. But I also feel something very strong for you. I do not know what may come of it and until I do, I must be careful not to hurt either of you."

  "And if I want more?” he questioned roughly. “I want you to belong to me."

  She took a deep breath. “I cannot promise that, Lucas. No matter how I feel about you, Gallegar is special to me. This is why I am so confused. I care about you both. Will you do as he is and give me time to work this out on my own?"

  Lucas got up and paced over to the door and back, his emotions on overdrive. “You want me to give up trying to get you to love me?” He shook his blond head. “I don't know if I can do that. I care too much."

  "I must be able to do what I think is right. Please, Lucas ... give me time to understand these feelings I have."

  He caught her against him in an embrace that squeezed her breath out. Had it really been only four days since he'd met her? He dropped his lips to her hair and breathed in her unique scent. Spice and flowers. He ran his large hand up to her cheek.

  "I can't give you up,” he muttered into her hair. “But I will try to give you the space you need. Just don't take too long, honey. I can't take not knowing. It's killing me.” Moving back, he slanted his mouth over hers in a drugging kiss. When he was finished, he pressed the breathless Kira down into the bed and covered her with Danolas’ covers.

  "Remember that kiss as you sleep. Remember how I feel about you, honey.” He touched her cheek as she yawned sleepily and snuggled back against the pillow.

  "I do love you ... Lucas."

  He sat with her as her eyes drooped and she drifted off to sleep. “I know you love me,” Lucas said softly, pressing a last kiss to her forehead. “I'm just not sure you love me enough."

  * * * *

  When Kira woke the next day she was alone. A quick glance at the side of the bed Danolas usually slept on showed no sign of him. Stretching, she got to her feet and padded to the bathroom. Once finished with the necessities, she washed her face to help wake herself up.

  No one was in Danolas’ office, so she used her power and located not only Danolas, but her brother Koran as well. They were seated in the magick shop and were muttering darkly over several large books and steaming pottery bowls.

  "Good morning,” she called, as she strolled into the room. She laughed as they both looked at her with identical expressions of annoyance.

  "Shhh, don't bother us for a minute.” Danolas jerked his head back and stared grimly at the blue bowl in front of him. He muttered a few words and then watched as a curl of golden steam rose from it. The steam rose to about shoulder height and then winked out of sight.

  "Damn it,” he growled, slapping his hands to the table. He glared at Koran, who sat watching him. “It's still not strong enough."

  "What is it?” Kira leaned over Koran's shoulder and peered into the bowl.

  "The warding spell,” Koran answered with a frustrated grunt. “And no, it's not going well. We can't seem to get it right."

  Kira grinned at them both. They were both so cute when they were grumpy. Danolas was wearing some faded jeans and a long-sleeved white tunic, with Celtic designs on it. His hair was pulled back in a neat braid. Koran was wearing gold, as usual. He had given himself the illusion of humanity as he had done before, by making his skin tan and coloring his free flowing hair more discreetly. It was now the same blond as Kira's. His elven ears were hidden.

  As she admired them, Kira noticed some food on the table, and reaching over Koran's shoulder, picked some of it up.

  "What is this?” she asked, examining a bright red object that smelled wonderfully sweet.

  "It's a strawberry.” Danolas picked up another one and showed her how to
twist the stem off before eating it.

  "Ummm, that is delicious.” Kira licked her lips to catch all the fruit's sweetness. She reached for another one and giggled as Koran slapped her hand away.

  "You are interfering with serious magick,” he said solemnly, but his eyes were twinkling with humor. He pulled her around to the other side of the table. “There, help yourself. But stay out of our way. This is delicate work."

  "Yeah,” Danolas muttered, as he added a colored stream of crystals into his bowl. “Unless you want us to turn you into a South American Parrot or some such thing."

  "You could do that?” Kira asked, her tone eager. She giggled when she saw Danolas’ disgusted look. She was still laughing when Patrick blinked into view.

  "Good day to you, sugar.” Patrick grinned at Kira. “Danolas ... Koran."

  "Shhh.” She told Patrick what was happening, and before the shade's fascinated eyes, Danolas tried the spell again. This time it held longer before fading eerily from sight. Koran added a mixture to his bowl and said his incantation. All three men waited breathlessly to see what would happen.

  Kira lost interest. She scooped up a couple more strawberries, and closing her eyes, sent a wisp of her power to find Lucas. She found him standing with Benjamin in her new loft. They had a sheaf of blueprints in their hands and they were arguing madly as they gestured to different parts of the room.

  "My wolf ... my sovereign." Her mind-voice smoothed over them. The men both stopped their discussion instantly as they felt her embrace them.

  "Hi, honey. Did you just get up?” Lucas’ voice was warm as it touched her.

  "Not long ago. I am eating strawberries."

  Both men chuckled, well aware of the joy Kira received trying new food.

  Benjamin grinned. "You should try them with chocolate, sweetheart. That's the best way to eat strawberries."

  Kira was delighted. "Chocolate!"

  "Oh, God." Lucas turned and rolled his eyes at Benjamin. "Now you've done it."

  "You are working on the loft?"

  "Yep," Lucas answered as he threw another glare at Benjamin. "If I can get this fool to see the support beams need to be bigger in the new stairway."


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