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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

Page 16

by CJ England

  Kira stared at Gallegar, her thoughts whirling as she tried to come to grips with what had happened to her. She remembered what that awful thing had done to her and her face colored. She heard Benjamin's question only when he repeated it a second time.

  "It did not ... I was not...” She gave up after a few incoherent tries, and buried her face in Gallegar's chest.

  "Thank God!” Patrick crossed himself. “But how did that thing get in here?"

  At his words, Gallegar looked up. His face was filled with such anger, all the Chosen took an instinctive step backwards.

  "This, I want to know as well.” He looked down at Kira who lay huddled in his arms. “There is another one in my room. A succubus. It too lies dead."

  "Two of them?” Benjamin said incredulously.

  Gallegar nodded, his attention on Kira. “A Ghra ... Can you move? We should go downstairs. Your bedroom is not the place to speak of this."

  Slowly, Kira lifted her head up. Her smile trembled, and made the men looking at it want to weep. She tried to struggle to her feet, but Lucas was there, holding out his hand to her. She glanced up at him and the fear he saw in her eyes for a brief moment, before she hid it, made him draw in his breath.

  "Come on, honey,” he said gruffly. “Let me help you.” He waited patiently, and finally she took his hand and he gently pulled her to her feet.

  Swaying for a moment, Kira took a deep breath, and clutching the remnants of her top together over her breasts, turned away from their worried gazes. The shame she felt was almost too much to bear.

  * * * *

  Once downstairs, Kira haltingly told her story. She left out all details of what the creature had done to her, saying only that she had been attacked. She didn't even tell them it had taken Gallegar's form.

  Gallegar watched Kira closely. She had withdrawn from him as soon as she left his arms and it infuriated him. Bruises were beginning to blossom along her jaw and throat and he wondered what other injuries she might have. He remembered the way the demon had torn at her breasts and worried about the blood he'd seen on her pajama top. He had to get her to talk.

  "The succubus appeared in the doorway of my room. Since only one person has the magick to open my door, I had no reason to believe it wasn't who I thought it was.” Gallegar watched Kira as he spoke. He was pleased when her head shot up in astonishment.

  "It looked like me?"

  "Yes, A Ghra ... Just like you.” He looked around the room. “It had me fooled completely until I looked into its eyes."

  "They were yellow.” Kira's whisper could barely be heard.

  "Yellow?” questioned Patrick in confusion. “I thought you said it looked just like Kira."

  "Incubi or succubi are masters of illusion, but their power rests in their eyes. They cannot change their eyes or they risk losing their ability to change themselves.” Danolas grimaced. “They usually do their damage when their victim is asleep, so it doesn't matter."

  "I awoke when it entered my room. It hadn't counted on someone with vampire senses. The only reason it got as far as it did was, when it kissed me, it poisoned me."

  "It ... kissed you?” Kira asked hesitantly.

  "Yes, A Ghra ... ” Gallegar pointed to his chest. The bite mark had been erased when the demons tore at him, and he saw her frown at the slashes on his chest.

  "I was asleep,” Kira admitted slowly. “I went to sleep so fast, I remember being surprised. Did it put me to sleep?"

  "Yes, sister,” Koran answered. He wanted to take her hand, but like the other Chosen he knew Kira wouldn't tolerate anyone's touch right now. “Incubi put their victims to sleep. Most never awaken during the ra—I mean attack."

  "What happens to them?” Kira asked, her face very pale.

  Danolas chose his words with care. “Some suffer physical abuse or are killed. Others are forced to have sex with the demon. If that happens, the demon can impregnate the woman."

  Lucas snorted in disgust. “What I want to know is how they got in here. What happened to the wardings?"

  Danolas shook his head. “The wardings are working perfectly."

  Gallegar gave a little growl. “Not if something got in."

  The other Chosen nodded.

  "Something must have happened to it,” Benjamin said. His eyes moved between Koran and Danolas. “We know they were working. We heard the alarm go off when Lucas’ guys got here."

  Danolas’ eyes narrowed. “That's right. The wardings did go off when Wade and Sam got here."

  Lucas stood up, his face suffused with angry red. “My men didn't betray us. I'd stake my life on that."

  "They were not the only ones who came through the warding for the first time today,” Gallegar said, his own face pale.

  "Alex and Del,” Kira said, guessing his meaning. “Oh no, Gallegar, not them."

  "Get them up here!” Benjamin shouted angrily. “We can find out who did it, can't we?"

  Koran and Danolas looked at each other. “Yes,” responded the faerie. “They will be tainted with the demon's evil. Some residue will be left behind."

  "I need to know,” Kira said softly, her lips trembling. She opened her mouth then shut it again.

  "What is it, A Ghra ... ” Gallegar asked gently.

  Kira bit her lip. A tiny spot of blood appeared, adding to the bruises already seen. “I need to know because they not only betrayed me, they betrayed you.” She looked at her Chosen and her eyes filled with tears. “The incubus took your forms ... all of you. It used you against me."

  The men froze. Now Gallegar understood why she hadn't told anyone about him. He wasn't the only one. Fury burned through him at the thought of what Kira must have gone through. He looked around the room and saw the same emotion blazing in his brothers’ eyes. “Let us end this,” he stated, his voice harsh. He concentrated, sending a telepathic message to bring the four protectors upstairs.

  "You need to be cared for, A Ghra ... ” Gallegar continued. He frowned as he looked at the damage on her face.

  "When this is over,” she said, her voice trembling.

  "So do you,” Danolas reminded the vampire. “Any cuts may become infected. And your face and chest are badly burned. We don't know what kind of poison those creatures carried."

  Gallegar shook his head, again focused on Kira. “Allow Danolas to treat your wounds."

  "No!” she said too quickly. Her gaze shot fearfully to Danolas then skittered away. “I wish to stay here."

  "She is afraid of me!” Danolas’ mind-voice was filled first with astonishment and then anger. "What did that creature do to her?"

  Gallegar's lips tightened. He had a feeling he knew. As with him, there may have been a time when Kira had been a willing participant in the seduction, thinking she knew the man she was with. That guilt, added to all the rest, was enough to emotionally devastate her. Gallegar frowned. But which form had she responded to?

  The four protectors came into the room. All were sleepy eyed and obviously curious as to why they had been summoned. Wade and Sam were still in bedclothes, but Del and Alex were dressed.

  "What's up, Lucas?” Wade asked. He gasped as he saw the wounds on Gallegar and Kira. “What the hell happened?"

  "That's what we want to ask you,” Benjamin growled angrily.

  The four protectors stiffened at Benjamin's tone and Alex turned his gaze to his Master. “Are we being accused of something, my King?"

  Gallegar explained about the creatures that had entered through the warding and the subsequent attacks. “They got in some way. You four are the only ones who have entered here without proper warding. One of you has betrayed us."

  Del stepped forward, his patient eyes intent on Gallegar's. “I have not knowingly betrayed you, King Gallegar, but if I somehow brought this ugliness into this house, my life is forfeit."

  Koran was taken aback at the sincerity in the man's voice. “Unknowingly...” he mused. “We did not think of that. Perhaps, none of these men betrayed us. Perhaps, they were
used to bring the demons within the wards."

  "What the hell are you talking about?” Lucas demanded roughly. “They either did or they didn't."

  "Not necessarily.” Koran shook his head, his unbound hair a bright gold. “Incubi are illusionists. Perhaps, they came in without their knowledge."

  "How can we tell?” asked Kira quietly, speaking for the first time.

  "As we said before,” Danolas said, speaking very gently. “Evil leaves a residue. We can find it if we know what we are looking for."

  "I volunteer,” Alex stepped forward. “I know I didn't do anything, but if it used me...” He swallowed nervously, his freckles standing out against his pale skin.

  Danolas nodded and stepping forward, slowly moved his staff over the gangly man's body. He was very careful, taking his time. He looked for any trace of the evil he'd sensed in the creature upstairs. He wanted to be absolutely sure of the results.

  "He is clean,” he stated, as he stepped back from Alex. Both Alex and Gallegar slumped in relief. Danolas turned to Gallegar's other protector. “Del..."

  The dark man stepped forward warily, eyeing the glowing staff. “Go ahead, High Priest. I want to know too."

  Danolas was just as careful as before. “He, too, is clean. We thank you both for your cooperation."

  "I guess it's our turn now,” growled Wade, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the Chosen. “Go ahead. Let's get this over with."

  Danolas nodded and moved his magick over the wolfman.

  It was so small, he almost missed it. In fact, he swept over it, not really understanding what he had seen until he was past it. The other Chosen saw him hesitate, and go backward to a spot high on Wade's back. Right at the base of his neck.

  The evil was so slight Danolas had to concentrate fully to see it, but it was there. He closed his eyes sadly. He'd hoped no one had brought the foulness into their midst.

  "What have you found, Danolas?” Gallegar's question fell into the silence of the room.

  Danolas ignored everything, his mind intent on his task. The residue left behind by the demons was two tiny pin pricks, nothing else. He ran his magick over the area several times before he was satisfied.

  "The demon attached itself here,” he said, illuminating the spot with his staff's light. “This feels like the succubus’ taint."

  "So now we know who did it!” Patrick also stepped forward, his face taunt with fury.

  Danolas shook his head. “Only one of the demons came in with this protector.” His eyes went to Sam, who paled.

  "I don't know what you're talking about!” Sam shouted angrily. “I didn't betray you!"

  Danolas used his magick to search Sam. Now he knew what he was looking for, he found it immediately. “The incubus attached itself in the same spot on Sam."

  Lucas went white, then red with anger. “God damn it...” he swore. “You've gotta be wrong. They wouldn't do this—"

  "Lucas...” Koran broke in, his voice soothing. “Now we know who, but this doesn't tell us if they did it intentionally or if they were dupes of the demons."

  "How do we prove we aren't what you think?” Wade questioned bitterly. “You've already tried and condemned us."

  "Not so,” said Gallegar, getting to his feet. He threw an admonishing look at Benjamin and Patrick then stood before the two protectors. “They are part of our company. We have branded them as ours. They deserve the same protection we all do."

  Lucas stared at Gallegar in astonishment. He believed in his men, but hadn't expected Gallegar to react in the same way. The vampire was giving his friends a chance to defend themselves. “So what do we do now?” he asked roughly.

  Danolas answered for Gallegar. “We search them on the inside as I have done on the outside. Now we have specifics and can track down the instant the betrayal happened."

  "We didn't betray you!” Sam insisted.

  Danolas pinned the man with sapphire eyes glowing with power. “And now you will prove it."

  The witch raised his hands before him, uttering an incantation that raised the hairs on the back of everyone's neck. Blue fire surrounded Wade and Sam, enveloping them completely. The two men screamed.

  Lucas’ hands were clenched—his worry evident—as he watched his men writhing on the ground, painfully being probed by Danolas’ magick.

  Kira's heart pounded as she saw the effect the exploration had on the two werewolves. Without thinking, she added her power to Danolas’ and the two magicks twined together, his tormenting, while hers soothed.

  After a while, Danolas looked at Kira. “I sense no malice in them, my Lady. They are angry and hurt we did not believe them, but I do not believe they helped the demons knowingly."

  Kira gave a great sigh. “I too sense no hate in them. They are good men who were horribly used."

  Danolas turned his power to healing and the cool touch calmed the two exhausted men. He couldn't have changed how he handled the situation, but the knowledge he had hurt those who were blameless made his stomach churn.

  Lucas crouched next to his friends, his silver eyes penetrating. “Are you all right?"

  Sam squeezed his eyes shut, trying to get rid of the dizziness. His voice was shaky as he answered. “I'll live."

  Danolas held his hand out to the prone man, and helped him to his feet, his face heavy with regret. “I'm sorry I hurt you. The spell I used was a powerful one. I could allow for no mistakes."

  Wade was helped to stand by Lucas. “Christ, I felt like my soul was naked. It hurt like hell."

  Sam rubbed his neck and then looked at his hand as if he were trying to see the taint left behind by the demons. “How come we didn't know they were there?"

  Koran handed each of the protectors a glass of brandy. “These demons can become any size and look like anything."

  "Were they what set the alarm off?” questioned Sam, gratefully sipping the brandy.

  "Both you and the demons did,” Danolas answered. “It was why they chose you. It means they know of the wardings and knew they needed an unprotected person to enter."

  "And we won the toss,” Wade said bleakly.

  "They probably dropped off as soon as they got inside the warding,” Gallegar surmised. “And then they stayed hidden until the attack."

  "Can ... anything else ... get in?” Kira asked softly. She wrung her hands in distress, nervously worrying her lip.

  Gallegar, forgetting his caution, immediately went to her and tried to take her in his arms. Her automatic retreat was noted by all the Chosen, most of all Gallegar. He stopped in his tracks, a shocked look on his face.

  "The warding worked as it should.” Danolas spoke quickly, hoping to forestall the vampire's anger. “We just did not interpret the signs correctly."

  "Next time, we will look closer at what ever sets it off,” Koran added. “The only reason they got in, was we looked only at the two men who entered, not the whole picture."

  "You will need to sleep after the examination I did,” Danolas said to the two werewolves. “Take the day and rest. Other protectors will take your place."

  "He's right, guys,” Lucas agreed. “Take the time now. God knows when you'll get it again."

  Wade and Sam nodded and made their way back downstairs, followed by Alex and Del.

  "The wards worked as they should, but this domain was still breached.” Danolas’ jaw tightened in anger.

  "And Kira was the one that they attacked.” Lucas looked at the beauty who sat very still in her chair. He walked over and knelt next to her, and they all saw Kira lean back in the chair as if trying to get away from Lucas’ masculine presence.

  Lucas pretended not to see it, but his voice was rough when he asked, “How ya doin', honey?"

  She gave a little sigh. “We are all safe now and that is what matters."

  "We have made mistakes,” Danolas said slowly. “But we cannot stop believing in this company. We are only as strong as our trust in each other."

  "Well said, my brother.” Gallega
r smiled for the first time since entering the main room. “We are a team. A family, as Kira says. We must work together."

  "If they were trying to destroy us from within by attacking our trust in each other, I'd say they failed.” Patrick smoothed his mustache. “While we took a pretty serious hit tonight, we're still together."

  Kira stood abruptly. “Yes, we are together. But I need to take a shower and change my clothes.” She looked at the dark man by the fireplace. “Gallegar, please allow Danolas to check your wounds."

  Gallegar frowned as he watched his beloved make to leave the room. “And you, A Ghra ... You should be checked as well."

  Kira paled. “If I need healing, I will call.” Her eyes skittered around the room. “Excuse me, please.” Without another word, she turned and rushed upstairs.

  Gallegar broke the silence she left behind. “Danolas, if you would see to my wounds as Kira asks, I would be most grateful. I am exceedingly tired."

  "Of course."

  The vampire looked at the other Chosen. “We should all try to get some more sleep. Tonight will be soon enough to do a postmortem on what has happened."

  Gallegar watched as each of the others made their way reluctantly out of the room. He sat down on the couch and leaned back wearily.

  Danolas sat next to him, readying the healing spell. “This may hurt a bit."

  "What else is new?” the vampire grumbled.

  "Kira is very afraid.” The witch sent a cooling stream of numbness across Gallegar's chest in preparation of the coming incantation. “She shows great damage on the psychic plain."

  "It used us to hurt her,” Gallegar said, his body tensing as the spell began. It moved from his chest to the burns on his face. “She is so innocent. They knew just what creature to send against her."

  "And you, my friend.” Danolas looked at him with compassionate eyes. “How do you?"

  Gallegar looked down at his chest. The welts were fading, but the pain in his soul still remained. “I hurt. In every way. But I am not an innocent. While I cannot forget what happened to me, it was not the horrific thing that Kira experienced."

  "Will you go to her?” The witch stood, his job finished.

  Gallegar didn't hesitate. “After I shower. I, too, must cleanse myself of the humiliation of their touch."


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