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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

Page 31

by CJ England

  The witch frowned. “I said we didn't know what they are planning."

  "That is it!” Kira cried excitedly. “That is what the Power was trying to tell us!"

  Chapter 18

  "A Ghra ... ” Gallegar took her by the arms to steady her. “I don't understand."

  "We have to wait until they do something because we do not know their plans ... right?"

  "Riiight...” Lucas drawled out. “So?"

  "Do you not see?” Kira turned eagerly to her brother. “We do know what they are planning. We have known it from the first. All we have to do is to figure out how it can help us."

  "Kira...” Benjamin scratched his head in confusion.

  But Koran suddenly understood what she was getting at. He rose slowly. “She is right. It was so obvious none of us saw it.” The faerie looked at Gallegar. “The Gate. She's talking about the Gate."

  Danolas swore out loud as realization hit. “The Power said we had all we needed to act. I just didn't consider."

  Gallegar turned Kira back to him and kissed her hard on the lips. “You are beautiful and smart. We know they are going to open the Gate. We can use that to our advantage."

  "What we need to do is make them open the Gate when we want them to, not when they want to.” Benjamin breathed freer now he had a target to aim at.

  "How?” Lucas asked what they were all thinking. “How do we get them to open it?"

  Gallegar grinned. “Misdirection has helped us in the past. Perhaps we can use it here.” He looked around the room. “If we let it slip we are going to visit the Gate again, just the seven of us. That would give them reason enough to open it. Remember, in their arrogance they will want to see our destruction."

  When Kira shivered, he pulled her close to him. “This will not be like your vision, A Ghra ... This time ... we are prepared."

  * * * *

  Three days later, the Chosen crouched behind some bushes just outside of The Haunted House. “So far so good,” Benjamin said, as he surveyed the surrounding woods. “It looks like everyone is in place."

  "Do you think the wizards know of the army we have placed in the woods?” Kira wondered aloud.

  "Nay, my Lady.” Danolas’ eyes were also on the forest. “We magicked them in and have hidden them under an illusion. We are the only ones who can be seen."

  Gallegar's expression turned inward as he communicated with the vampires he had left with each of the shade squadrons. “Everyone is in place. We are ready."

  "Please...” Kira's voice shook. “We must be careful."

  "Do not worry, A Ghra ... ” Gallegar wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Your vision will not happen this time."

  Kira buried her face in his chest. “I am still afraid of losing you."

  Tipping her face up to his, the vampire gave her a hard kiss. “You will not. I plan to be around to love you for many years."

  Turning to his brothers, he smiled. “Shall we?"

  Patrick answered for them all. “Let's end this."

  As one, they all rose and walked toward the mansion. Everyone was alert, waiting for the attack they knew would come.

  "Does anyone sense anything?” Koran murmured, his eyes intent on the house before them.

  "It is quiet,” answered Lucas. “Too quiet, if you ask me."

  Gallegar firmed his lips as he squeezed Kira's hand. “They will come."

  As if in answer to his command, it happened. The Haunted House exploded in red and yellow light, sending a wave of power out into the woods. It hit Kira and the Chosen so hard they were ripped away from each other.

  "Kira!” Gallegar shouted as he struggled to his feet. Kira and his brothers were scattered all over the yard. Before he could move their way, his attention was jerked back to the house. The cries of the damned again filled his ears, and he watched in horror as the denizens of the underworld made their way out of the Gate of Hell.

  They slunk and slithered and crawled. Creatures seen only in nightmares. Gallegar was shocked by the pain and hatred on their faces. He had been expecting the ugliness, but the reality was so much worse.

  * * * *

  Kira got to her knees, wiping a trickle of blood from her mouth. Her frantic gaze found Gallegar well and whole, standing about twenty yards from her. As she made to go to him, she too was stopped by the hordes from Hell as they screamed out their defiance against the world. They poured from the house, surrounding the Chosen.

  "Do you think you can beat me now ... human?"

  Kira jumped as she recognized the voice that hissed behind her. Turning, she gasped as she saw what had once been Charlotte standing before her. “You!"

  Charlotte was changed almost beyond recognition. Her beauty stolen by hatred and evil, her face twisted and covered in sores. “I told you before ... he belongs to me.” The vampiress stretched out skinny, sharpened fingernails and red smoke dripped from them as she laughed again. “I will kill you this time and take him for myself."

  Kira's eyes glowed with power. “No, Charlotte. We have mated. Now, he does belong to me!"

  * * * *

  Gallegar cursed as he saw Charlotte sneak up on Kira. He had wanted to prevent this very meeting and now he was too far away to help her. He sent a bolt of green lightning through a slug-like creature that reared up to embrace him and tried to make his way to Kira, when suddenly a voice from the past froze him in his tracks.


  Spinning, Gallegar's voice lodged in his throat. His sire, Elizabeth, stood there, her pale beauty extinguished by the years spent in Hell. She smiled at him and he shuddered as bits of flesh fell from her face.

  Behind her, stood her husband, as ravaged by time as she.

  Gallegar took a step backwards in horror. This, he'd never imagined.

  * * * *

  Koran heard the commotion around him, but he'd been knocked senseless by the blast when the Gate opened. He shook his golden head and staggered to his feet. A quick look around had him swearing. They were surrounded. He sent a mind-call out to his protectors who were with one of the shade armies. It was moving faster than he had expected. They would need the armies here ... now!

  * * * *

  Danolas started fighting immediately when the first creatures staggered from the house. His staff cut huge swaths, knocking dozens to the ground with one bolt of power. He glanced around and saw the Chosen were surrounded and that Kira was standing alone.

  He swore, starting toward her, but a bolt of black lightning picked him up and slammed him against a tree.

  "Not so fast ... boy."

  Shaking his head, Danolas raised his staff just in time to prevent another blast from cutting him in two. Looking toward the voice, he saw Adrian, his own staff burning with evil black light. The wizard laughed and sent another black volley his way.

  "Die ... young upstart ... die!"

  * * * *

  Benjamin and Lucas had been standing together when the blast sent them soaring into the air. They fell hard within a few feet of each other.

  "Jesus...” Benjamin swore as he raked the hair from his eyes. He glanced over at his friend. “You okay?"

  The shapeshifter wiped blood from his temple, as he staggered to his feet. He reached down and pulled Benjamin to his. “Where's Kira?"

  Looking over the wolfman's shoulder, the Suprahuman's jaw tightened. “Over there. Looks like she's got company."

  Lucas was staring past Benjamin. His voice was grim. “So do we."

  Turning, Benjamin sucked in his breath. Bearing down on them was one of the most frightening creatures he had ever seen. It was huge, a monster, with the face of a wolf spider and the body of a centipede. Its fangs dripped with poison. It clacked its pinchers together and the noise was enough to make both men stagger.

  "Shit...” Benjamin managed. “I think we're in trouble."

  * * * *

  Patrick was the only one who hadn't been knocked off his feet by the blast. It sent him high into the air, but he'd al
lowed it to lift him. In doing so, he now had the advantage of a bird's eye view of the battle. What he saw horrified him. There were so many coming out of Hell's Gate, for a moment, his courage failed him. How could they stop them all?

  Girding himself, he shot back into the forest to where they had left the armies. They were already on the move, called he supposed, by one of the Chosen. Dropping down into their midst, he looked at Noah the vampire, knowing he could send messages telepathically.

  "Tell everyone it's bad. There are more than we expected, but they don't know we're here. It's time to give them all a little surprise.

  * * * *

  Koran cursed as he tried to make his way toward his sister. There were so many beings from Hell it was hard to move, let alone fight. He'd just take down one and another would take its place. They were moving in a steady line from the house and Koran began to sweat, wondering where the army was. If they didn't hurry, the fight could be over before it began.

  * * * *

  Kira smiled as the vampiress hissed and cursed at her. “He is mine, Charlotte. We love each other."

  "Love?” Charlotte rolled her eyes. “What is love? I am interested in power, and when I kill you, I will take yours. You cannot defeat me."

  Bringing up her hands, she sent a spiral of power stabbing at Kira. It hit her hard, knocking her back several feet.

  With a gesture, Kira warded the power off and sent it back at Charlotte. She staggered, but remained standing.

  The vampiress laughed. “I told you ... you cannot defeat me.” Her eyes narrowed. “This is the end ... Peacekeeper."

  Kira braced herself for whatever would come next, but the attack came from behind her, not from Charlotte herself. Kira screamed, as hot burning light covered her from head to toe.

  "Have you met my new lover, Peacekeeper?” Charlotte chuckled and gestured to the tall dark man who had captured Kira. “I convinced him to join us when the Gate opened up. Isn't he handsome?"

  Kira could barely breathe as the light burned into her lungs and heart. When she lifted her gaze, she recognized Beiron ... the vampire who had been warded.

  "Beiron...” she gasped. “Stop this ... you are stronger than she is."

  The vampire shook his head groggily as if he was under a spell. His face didn't look like Charlotte's did. It was twisted, but not evil. A thought leaped to Kira's mind. Perhaps he hadn't been fully changed because he'd been protected by the warding. If he was being compelled...

  "Ignore her,” Charlotte ordered him. She stepped closer to Kira and raked her nails down Kira's face. When Kira cried out, she grinned. “You are helpless ... human. I wish I had the time to hurt you the way I want, but your death will ensure our victory. My new masters will be pleased with me."

  "You will not defeat us, Charlotte. We are more than you know."

  Charlotte sent another spear of power against Kira. “You think we don't know about the wardings? You saved a few, but in the end they will belong to us...” She smiled. “Like Beiron here ... We will seek them out and change them all."

  "They are safe."

  Charlotte laughed harshly. “Like the children?” She slapped Kira across the face. “We know where they are. We will go after them first."

  Kira blinked back the tears of pain. Her heart soared with the realization the wizards didn't know they had recreated the Gate to Heaven. “No..."

  "I have been given permission to take the children myself,” Charlotte continued. “You see ... I had a child once. A miserable little brat, who wouldn't keep his mouth shut."

  Kira stared at the vampiress in horror as she went on.

  "The men I ... dated didn't like him screaming for attention, so I took care of it. A tongue isn't necessary to live."

  Kira's eyes filled with tears. “Oh, no..."

  "Oh yes...” Charlotte smiled cruelly. “But even then he was a problem, so I finally just got rid of him. I smothered him with a pillow."

  Tears wet Kira's cheeks.

  Shrugging, the vampiress stepped closer. “It is that weakness that will destroy you, Peacekeeper. You care."

  Kira suddenly remembered what the Power had said. “You are wrong, Charlotte. Loving does not make me weak. It makes me strong."

  Reaching inside of her, Kira sent the gift she'd received at her joining with Gallegar beaming into Beiron's heart. Love and life ... pure and strong, shot into the vampire.

  Beiron screamed and dropped to his knees.

  The power that held Kira was gone and she smiled in triumph as she confronted Charlotte. “He is not yours and neither will anyone else be."

  "No!” screeched the vampiress. “I will kill you and him."

  Kira placed herself between the angry woman and Beiron, who was writhing on the ground in pain, as her gift fought the corrupting poison of the Gate. Charlotte sent out a wave of power, but Kira blocked it.

  The vampiress pulled at her own hair in hatred and anger. “I will defeat you ... I will...” Her words ended in a gurgling gasp. Charlotte looked down in disbelief at the wooden stake that protruded from her breast.

  Her gaze lifted and she stared into Kira's shocked eyes “This cannot ... be...” Dropping to her knees, Charlotte disintegrated into dust.

  Standing behind her, holding the end of the sharpened stick, was Robin, the little boy shade who had led Kira to Patrick. Tears raced down his face as he too looked at Kira.

  "Robin!” Instinctively, Kira reached out to him and the little shade dropped the rod and ran into her arms. As the boy sobbed against her, Kira finally understood the reason Robin had never spoken.

  He couldn't ... he had no tongue.

  "You are avenged,” she whispered. She stared at the pile of ashes that had been Robin's mother. “She can never hurt you again."

  Pulling back, she looked at the tearstained face. “You have been very brave, Robin, and you saved my life. But now, you have to go back to Benjamin's and be safe."

  Robin stuck his lip out in protest.

  "I know, but I will not be able to concentrate if I know you are in danger."

  Frowning, Robin gave a big sigh, then nodded.

  Kira kissed him gently. “Go now. I will see you when this is over."

  When Robin popped out of sight, Kira sighed herself. She would miss him when he went through the Gate. Since vampires couldn't have children, Robin was as close to a son as she would ever have.

  Pulling her mind back to business, she bent to the still vampire on the ground. Her power was keeping all the other evil creatures away for the moment, but she couldn't keep it up forever.


  The vampire opened his eyes and stared at her. “Peace ... keeper?"

  Kira smiled. “Yes. Are you back with us?"

  Beiron's eyes were haunted as he remembered his time in Hell. “I am ... back, my Lady."

  Kira squeezed his shoulder. “Then come with me ... Gallegar is in danger."

  * * * *

  Gallegar cast a quick look over his shoulders at Kira, but when Elizabeth took a step toward him, his attention jerked back to her.

  "It has been a long time ... my love."

  Gallegar growled low in his throat. “Not long enough."

  Elizabeth laughed. “Dexter and I have forgiven you for your ... tantrum. Isn't that right, Dex?"

  Her husband narrowed his eyes. “Have we?"

  "I do not need your forgiveness, Elizabeth. I did exactly what I should have done. You were a monster and I rid the world of you.” Gallegar wanted desperately to check on Kira, but he was afraid to turn his back on his sire.

  "I ... a monster?” Elizabeth spat angrily. “Then what does that make you?"

  Gallegar had no intention of trading insults. “Go back into Hell, Elizabeth. It is the only way you can continue your existence."

  "Didn't you know?” she answered. “This is the new Hell and we invite you in.” Without warning, she rushed at him, clutching him close to her. Her white teeth bared and came down on his throat.

  Hot pain shot through Gallegar as she ravaged his neck. With a roar of rage, he pushed her away, his new strength sending her flying back into her husband.

  Elizabeth sprang to her feet and sent a wave of power at Gallegar. “You will be mine!"

  "Never again.” Gallegar warded off the power easily. “I belong to another."

  "Peacekeeper...” his sire hissed. “She will soon be dead and one of us."

  Fear and anger trailed down Gallegar's spine. He couldn't help but look over his shoulder to where Kira had been. When he didn't see her, his heart pounded in sudden alarm. Where was she?

  His lack of attention cost him, as both Elizabeth and Dexter attacked. They knocked him to the ground, savaging him with bared teeth and claws.

  Protecting his face, Gallegar once again sent his power against the two. They were strong, a gift from the Gate they'd come from. Gallegar barely managed to knock them off of him. They circled him, both looking for his vulnerable spot.

  "Give in to me,” Elizabeth crooned, using the power that had once enthralled him. Her melodic voice caressed his mind in direct opposite of the ugliness of her face. “I will take care of you."

  Gallegar shook his head, fighting the pull. She was his sire, the one who had created him, and would always be able to use that to sway him. “No..."

  "Yes...” she hissed again, her eyes glowing in her ravaged face. She stepped closer. “You are mine...” Elizabeth put a hand on his chest.

  Gallegar looked down at it, seeing the worms moving under the decaying flesh. He battled between revulsion and the need to submit.

  "Get away from him!"

  Gallegar's mind cleared instantly when he heard the voice of his beloved ring out. With an oath, he pushed Elizabeth away from him. Kira stood behind the vampiress with her hands outstretched.

  "A Ghra..."

  "Move away, Gallegar,” she said, her eyes glowing gold. “This ... this I do for you.” Kira stepped closer, trapping both Dexter and Elizabeth in her power. “You will never hurt him again."

  "Emshaw dre kadeck

  Morelaw non vobesce."

  The two vampires screeched as the words of death hit them. They fell to the ground, their bodies contorted in agony.


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