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The Peacekeeper Journals [The Gates of Life Book 2]

Page 32

by CJ England

  "Emshaw dre kadeck

  Morelaw non vobesce.

  Elizabeth vomited black bile and looked up at Gallegar, tears of pain running down her pitted face. “Help me!"

  Gallegar narrowed his eyes and walked over to Kira. He pulled her back against him and covering her hands with his own, he added his power to hers. “Finish it, beloved."

  "Emshaw dre kadeck

  Morelaw non vobesce."

  Elizabeth and Dexter's screams rang out in the night, for a moment, louder than the battle around them. Gallegar and Kira watched dispassionately as they burst into hot flames and were destroyed.

  For a moment, no one moved and then Gallegar turned Kira and brought her close against him. “A Ghra ... I thought you had been taken.” He touched the scratches on her face.

  Kira hugged him close. “I am fine.” She touched his torn neck. “But you are not."

  Gallegar wasn't thinking about his neck. His attention was caught by the dark figure that stood protecting Kira's back. “Beiron?"

  The vampire flicked a quick look at Gallegar. “My King..."

  "But ... he was taken. How is this possible?” Gallegar looked back down at Kira, who smiled.

  "My new power was able to bring him back. The warding he was under held, even within Hell's Gate. All it took was a dose of love to return him to what he was."

  Gallegar shook his head in awe. He clapped the man on his shoulder. “It is good to see you."

  A smile touched Beiron's face. “I am pleased to be here. I will always be grateful, Peacekeeper."

  "You did not belong with them."

  Gallegar looked around at the battle. “We must help the others. Can you see where everyone else is?"

  Kira used her inner vision. “They are all fighting. Come ... Lucas and Benjamin need our help."

  * * * *

  "Did I ever tell you how much I hate bugs?” Benjamin muttered, as he and Lucas backed away from the drooling beast stalking them.

  "I hate to tell you this ... but I don't think it likes you much either.” Lucas tried to size up their opponent. He couldn't see any weaknesses. The spiderpede creature circled them, towering over their heads. Every once in a while, it would reach out one of its huge pinchers and make a grab at them.

  "If this thing gets into the upper city, it's all over.” Benjamin swallowed hard at the thought of what this monster would do to humans.

  "Then let's not let it get that far.” Lucas crouched down. “I'll take the front. You take the back."

  Nodding, the Suprahuman vanished.

  With a howl of rage, Lucas changed, using his new powers to become twenty feet of furious man/wolf. He leapt on the face of the monster, barely avoiding its deadly claws.

  Behind it, Benjamin reappeared, his own body changed into the large muscular form that he'd used in the past. He grabbed the tail and using his super strength, squeezed.

  The creature screamed out in pain and anger. It whipped around, sending Benjamin crashing against a nearby tree. It swiped at Lucas, but the shapeshifter ducked. With a mighty punch, he gouged out one of the eight spiderlike eyes.

  The beast howled again, as blood ran down its hairy face. It made it slippery for Lucas and when the claw came at him again, he couldn't find footing. This time he was swept to the ground.

  Benjamin pulled himself groggily to his feet. Shaking his head, he looked back at the monster. His heart nearly stopped as he saw Lucas lying between its feet.

  Switching into hyperspeed, he sped to the fight. Grabbing Lucas, he pulled him away just before a claw came down where the wolfman had been laying.

  "Whew...” Lucas said, as they both scrambled for safety. “That was close. Thanks!"

  "That thing is strong,” Benjamin panted. They both ducked as the monster swiped at them.

  "But it can be hurt,” Lucas said as he wiped the black blood from his hands and face. “We just have to find its vulnerable spot.

  "Let me try the front this time,” Benjamin returned. He concentrated and grew to the same size as Lucas.

  "On three...” The wolfman started moving to the left. “One ... two..."

  "Three!” Both men attacked at the same time, Lucas grabbing at the creature with strong claws and teeth, ripping away at the carapace on the long wriggling back.

  Benjamin went straight for a second eye, his speed so fast the beast never even saw him coming. Blood spurted as one by one, each of the eyes was destroyed.

  The creature howled in pain, its claws clacking rapidly together as it fought against the two men. It whipped its tail back and forth, but Lucas hung on, his claws and fangs ripping into the monster's exposed back.

  Benjamin narrowly missed being poisoned as one of the spider fangs sliced through the air next to him. Grabbing it, he wrenched it out of the beast's mouth. Blood and gore poured down around him, but he used the fang to stab the creature right between the middle eyes.

  Mad with pain, the hell beast rolled, taking its two attackers to the ground. Lucas was crushed beneath the struggling body, but Benjamin rolled out of the way. He rose and stabbed again at the monster, hoping it would move and Lucas would be freed.

  When Benjamin drove the fang deep into one of the beast's legs, it howled and came after him, freeing the shapeshifter from its heavy grasp.

  "Benjamin! Look out!"

  The warning came a moment too late, as Benjamin was caught from behind, his big arm engulfed by one of the monster's huge claws. The claw bore down and Benjamin screamed in agony as his arm was severed at the shoulder.

  "No!” Lucas shouted, his rage boiling over as he saw what had been done to his brother. As Benjamin slumped to the ground, the shapeshifter raced over, hitting the monster full in the face with every bit of strength he had. The monster fell backwards, landing on its back.

  Lucas turned to Benjamin, surprised to see the Suprahuman standing. His eyes were glazed with pain and anger as he clutched at his ruined arm. “Let's finish this!"

  Lucas bent and picked up the huge fang Benjamin had dropped when he'd been hurt. Together, they approached the beast.

  "Die ... you son of a bitch,” Benjamin gasped. He and Lucas used all their strength and drove the fang into the heart of the spiderpede.

  The beast keened and its legs moved wildly. Smoke billowed and suddenly Benjamin and Lucas found themselves in the middle of a pile of dust.

  The monster was no more.

  Benjamin slumped back to the ground, blood flowing down his arm. Lucas knelt beside him. “Jesus..."


  They both turned as they heard Kira's voice. She ran over and her eyes were wild as she saw what had happened to the Suprahuman. “Oh ... Benjamin..."

  "We saw the battle,” Gallegar said as knelt down next to Lucas. “I am sorry we couldn't get here in time."

  "You were busy.” The Suprahuman's eyes were glazed with pain. “There are so many of them."

  Koran arrived, blasting a hole in the middle of a manticore bearing down on the group. “The army approaches.” He sucked in his breath when he saw Benjamin. “Sweet Goddess."

  "Can you do anything?” Kira had her arm around Benjamin. She knew he had a high tolerance for pain, but this...

  Koran put his hand directly on the ruined shoulder, ignoring the suprahuman's gasp of pain. He spoke a string of elvish words and Benjamin took a deep breath and relaxed.

  "Repairing the arm will take too long and we haven't the time,” Koran explained. “I have taken the pain from him. It is the best I can do for now."

  "It's great,” Benjamin said with feeling. “I may not be able to do much fighting, but at least I can think again."

  "Where are Danolas and Patrick?” Lucas stared at his hurt brother. If only he'd been faster.

  Kira looked inward again and her eyes went molten. “Patrick comes with the army. He is just beyond the trees. But Danolas..."

  Her eyes went to Gallegar. “He fights the wizard."

  Chapter 19

Foolish boy ... you cannot hope to defeat me. Look at my army."

  Danolas shielded himself from the wizard's black power with his own staff. “I see your master forgave you for your stupidity.” He laughed when Adrian's eyes narrowed in anger. “We hoped he would kill you and this would be done with."

  "I am more important than that. It was I who crafted the spells to lock the Gates down. I am necessary to the plan."

  "Too bad it didn't work!” Danolas sent a spear of his own power at the wizard. It was deflected easily. “We figured out what you were doing and we protected those in danger. You didn't get very many when the Gate opened, now did you?"

  Adrian sent a wave of black hate at Danolas.

  The witch staggered under it, but pushed it away. He looked around him and smiled. “I think you are going to be punished again, Adrian. You are not the only one who has an army."

  Frowning, Adrian cast a quick look over his shoulder. He gasped as he watched Patrick and the army of shades and vampires break from the tree line. “No ... this cannot happen. I know the future."

  "I think your visions are a little off. And speaking of visions ... I owe you for what you did to Kira."

  Adrian's gaze snapped back to Danolas. “She is weak and her power muted. We have destroyed her through fear and lust. She cannot hurt us now."

  Danolas snarled, sending a hot burst of power at the wizard.

  The old man deflected it, but it knocked him back several paces.

  "You know not who you deal with, wizard,” Danolas growled. “We fooled you once, and we have done so again."

  Adrian spoke an incantation, and suddenly the air was filled with poisonous fog. Danolas quickly spoke his own words and the fog turned to sweet smelling roses. The wizard coughed and wheezed.

  "You'll have to do better than that old, man.” Danolas sneered. His sharp eyes caught the sight of the two armies coming together behind the wizard. “Our army will defeat yours, and it will all be over for you."

  The wizard's face twisted in anger. “I will kill you, witch."

  Danolas smiled. “You can try."

  * * * *

  Patrick was at the front of the army when they broke from the trees. He immediately began to send his power shooting into anything that had been corrupted by the Gate. His heart broke as he fought through the hideous monsters and saw some of his own shades. Gritting his teeth, he destroyed them, even as tears of pity rolled down his cheeks.

  Screams rose around him as shades and vampires met the hellions in a fight to the death. Patrick sent his power against a shade that had Noah in a death grip. The vampire nodded his thanks and then ripped the throat out of the unlucky shade.

  Patrick turned away, his stomach churning. Death was all around him. Looking around the battle, he couldn't see the Chosen. He sent out a mind-call and Kira answered him.

  "Patrick, we are all here. We go to help Danolas against Adrian."

  Patrick nodded. "I'm on my way, sugar."

  * * * *

  Danolas ducked as the wizard sent a stream of poison lava at him. A tendril brushed his cheek, burning it.

  The wizard chortled in glee when the witch cried out in pain. “I will kill you!"

  "I do not think so."

  The soft voice interrupted the wizard in mid-hop. Spinning around, he faced the Peacekeeper, who stood before him, her whole body glowing with power. She was surrounded by the men she called her Chosen. As Adrian watched, the shade, Patrick, popped in beside her.


  Kira didn't take her eyes from the wizard as she accepted the shade's brief hug. “I am pleased to see you are okay, Patrick."

  Patrick saw Benjamin's injury and his brow furrowed. “Better than some, I see."

  The Suprahuman shrugged and sent a mind-beam out. "I don't hurt, so I'm fine for the moment. But, when this is all over, I'm gonna need a drink."

  Kira kept her eyes on the wizard. “I will not let you hurt anyone else."

  Adrian laughed, but this time it sounded forced. “You are powerless against us, Peacekeeper. When we stole your innocence, we stole your power."

  Kira smiled, her eyes glowing fiercely. “Which power would that be? This?” With a blast, Kira sent her power against the hapless wizard.

  Adrian screamed as the force of Kira's anger hit him. It lifted him off the ground and slammed him against one of the hellions fighting behind him. For a moment the wizard fought for his life against his own ally, before he incinerated it with a snarled curse.

  He faced Kira again and this time it was with wariness. “What have you done? How did you regain your powers?"

  Gallegar stepped up and faced the angry wizard. “She never lost them, Adrian. Her powers were not in her innocence, but in what she would do with them."

  "The incubus took her innocence. That we know."

  Gallegar smiled. “You know wrong. The incubus died before completing your foul plan. I killed it myself.” He looked down at Kira with hot green eyes. “She gave her innocence freely, and received love in return.” He looked back at the wizard. “Do you understand?"

  Adrian's face paled. His gaze flicked between the vampire and Kira. “You couldn't have. We would have known."

  Gallegar showed his white fangs in a brief smile. “Your incubus could not take her innocence, wizard. I did."

  Adrian lashed out, sending a huge roll of power against all of the company. It hit them hard, knocking them down, giving the wizard time to send off another volley, this one against Kira.

  When she cried out in pain, Gallegar reacted, sending out his own power against the old man before pulling Kira close to him.

  Now it was Adrian who screamed, as the green light burned him. He fell to the ground, burned before he could shield himself. He tottered to his feet and stared at Kira. Comprehension flooded his face, as he snarled. “You have mated with him."

  Kira stood in her lover's arms. “I love him. When love mixes with innocence it becomes a strong power. One, you cannot defeat, Adrian."

  The wizard stood staring at them all. The grand plan was falling to ashes around him. The two armies were fighting behind him, but he did not need to look to know his was losing. Anger and hate would never be as strong as love and truth. When the demons realized what was happening...

  "Give it up, Adrian,” Danolas said. He watched the old man carefully, knowing he couldn't be trusted. “You cannot win this war."

  Adrian narrowed hate-filled eyes. “My kind will never rest until we have destroyed the human race. They do not deserve to live. Puny, pathetic excuses for beings. We will control this world."

  "It's over, old man,” Lucas stated. All around them hellions were either running back into the house, or being destroyed where they stood. Kira's army was well trained and thorough.

  "No...” Adrian spat out. “It's not.” With a sharp curse, he conjured up a huge flare of light, blinding them all. At the same time he sent his staff flying toward Gallegar.

  Kira screamed, seeing her vision come to life, but no one could move in time. The staff struck Gallegar in the chest, arrowing through him. The vampire gasped and dropped to his knees.

  "Gallegar!" Kira dropped to her knees beside him.

  Adrian cackled in delight as he watched the vampire slump to the ground. “You were warned, Peacekeeper. We told you we would take from you the one you loved the most."

  The only warning Adrian had was a deep chuckle from behind him. Before he could turn, his neck was grasped in strong hands.

  "Fortunately, Kira never was a child, so she has no affection for dolls."

  Adrian was spun around and found himself facing a very alive Gallegar. “What? How?"

  The true Gallegar laughed. “We knew of the vision ... wizard. We knew you used it to hobble Kira with the fear of losing me. But she told us. We decided to change it and use it against you."

  Adrian's eyes flicked back to the rest of the Chosen. The other Gallegar slowly stood and removed the staff from his chest. A per
fect hole remained. Adrian gasped. “A golem!"

  "A golem,” the vampire agreed. “One I controlled."

  Koran unanimated the doll. It fell in a heap and then melted back into the earth from which it had been created.

  Kira stood and faced the cowering wizard. “You tried to kill the one I love. I wish I knew the Words of Death for your kind. Using them on you would give me great pleasure."

  "I think I have something better planned for this creature,” Gallegar said. He sent a mind-beam to them all and they smiled.

  "Let him go, Mo Chridhe..."

  Gallegar dropped the wizard, who scrambled to his feet. Without his staff, he had little power. Adrian backed away, fear touching his ugly face.

  "Now!” Gallegar shouted the command and, as one, the Chosen all sent the powers they had received through their joining, straight at the trapped wizard.

  Adrian screamed in agony as life, vision, acceptance, hope, control and understanding drove into his body with the pain of a thousand swords. He was held there, unable to move, as the positive emotions flooded his hate-filled soul.

  Kira walked up to him and looked him straight in the eye. “I feel sorry for you, Adrian. You will never understand the emotions that fill you right now. You will never enjoy love, or hope, or the feeling of acceptance. When you arrive in Hell, I do hope your masters are waiting for you."

  Adrian began to bleed through his eyes, his nose, his mouth. His body couldn't take the bombardment of all the positive emotions. His blood-filled eyes fixed on Kira.

  "This ... is ... not over ... yet."

  Kira sighed as she put her hand on his chest. “It is for you.” She reached over and took Gallegar's strong hand as she finished it. She showed the wizard the single emotion that had been given to her by her Chosen ... time and time again.

  Adrian died where he stood. He died because he couldn't tolerate ... love.

  * * * *

  It was early in the morning when they finally stood within The Haunted House. There had been much damage to the structure, and Patrick worried it would fall down around them, but he saw the bright side. If it looked really bad, maybe the city would sell it to them easier.


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