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Bare With Me

Page 5

by Pawnie Santana

  Seven o’clock on the dot and my doorbell rings. Well shit. He’s actually on time… and I am SO not ready yet. Double shit. I hurry downstairs and get to the door. Looking through the peephole, I have to adjust my eyes when I see him standing there. Sweet Jesus… he looks HOT! I mean, I thought he was hot before, but shit! He’s got my mouth watering and I haven’t even opened the door yet. I take a step back, get my shit together and take a deep breath. Exhale. I open the door and he gives me a smile so big, I never realized he had dimples. Really? Dimples? Just fuck me now and get it over with. I invite him in and as soon as I turn around to close the door, I take a moment to check out that ass of his. Good God, this man was blessed with an ass I can see myself squeezing and caressing until all hours of the night. I smile to myself, shaking my head from the nasty little thoughts already going through it. I smile at him and say, “Can you give me a few? I didn’t realize it was already seven.”

  “Peyton, take all the time you need. There’s no rush. I’ll be right here when you’re ready.”

  “Okay, thanks. I won’t be long.”

  I turn to the direction of the kitchen and go up the second set of stairs that leads to my bedroom. Taking two steps at a time, I go and quickly change into a pair of white skinny jeans and a sheer sleeveless mint green blouse. I grab my nude clutch and go back downstairs. Liam is standing by the fireplace mantel looking at framed photos I have on display. He turns around when he hears me come in to the room and asks if I’m ready to go.

  “Yup, I’m all set.” I smile.

  “Good, I have something different planned. I hope you don’t mind a late picnic/dinner?”

  Well, isn’t he full of surprises? “Nope. I like picnics/dinner,” I say, giggling.

  He drives us out to the main road that runs through the town and turns into the back parking lot of a community center. The center has been abandoned for a few years now so I’m a little confused about why we’re here. What the hell?

  He parks the car and gets out. Before coming over to my side, he takes a call and hangs up quickly. He opens my door, taking my hands. We walk over to a ladder that leads up to the roof. He hasn’t let go of the hold on my hands, and I feel like a fifteen-year-old school girl on her first date. When the hell did I become so juvenile?

  “We’re going up there? Like, up on the roof?” I say, a little surprised.

  “Yup. You’ll be fine, Peyton. It’s safe. I promise you.” He gives me another dimpled smile and I’m done for. Damn it…

  He carefully helps me up the steps until I’m standing near the edge of the roof. He comes up behind me and that familiar tingle in my lower belly tugs away every time I find him near me. When my eyes rise up, I feel all the air leave my body. I look over to the middle of the roof and see a table set up. Not just a table, but the most gorgeous table setting I’ve ever seen. And I’m an event planner.

  The table is round with a satin blue table-cloth. There’s a spread of cream chiffon overlay and a gold candelabra in the middle. Bone white china is set on top of the gold chargers, and a bottle of wine is chilled in an ice bucket that sits to the side. The candles have already been lit and there are small lines of Christmas lights hanging above the table giving it a dreamy glow. Flowers are set on the floor and table, and they line the edges of the roof. It’s like a dream… like I’ll wake up at any moment. Is this guy for real? Shit like this does not happen in real life. Girls like me don’t get swept up off our feet. What if Ken was right? The bitch is going to want her VIP seats. Fuck. That.

  Liam walks over to the table and pulls the chair out for me. Once I’m seated, he does the same for himself.

  “So, I thought you said a picnic?” I mean, I’m not complaining or anything. It’s absolutely stunning.

  “I said it was a picnic/dinner. It may not be the picnic you anticipated, but a picnic requires us to be outside and it looks to me like we’re outside, and dinner—obviously, we will be having dinner. Wouldn’t you agree?” Liam says with a smirk I’ve come to love and hate. Well okay, Smartass.

  “Yes, I am well aware what the definition of a picnic is. I just thought… never mind, I don’t know what the hell I thought.” I laugh, because even to myself, I sound stupid. Liam reaches over and grabs the wine.

  “Would you like some wine Peyton?”

  “Yes please, that’d be great.” Alcohol? Yes. Yes. Yes.

  He pours us both a glass and sets the bottle back into the bucket. Conversation starts off light, and gradually, I start to relax, letting my guard down enough for him to get to know me. I told myself I would give him a chance. Surprisingly, he’s a really smart and funny guy. I find out that he works for his dad, traveling around the states, scouting for new commercial properties. His dad has plans for him to take over the family company once he retires. It sounds like he enjoys it and I can definitely see how successful he is. He’s a very straight-forward guy and I’m not getting the bullshit vibe from him, which I find to be extremely refreshing. These days, I don’t even expect much from people. Sad, right?

  Liam reaches over the table and softly takes ahold of my hand. The instant our skin touches, there’s an indescribable feeling that connects me to him. A shockwave running through my body. A foreign sensation that I’ve never experienced before, reaching every nerve ending I own. In one touch, he owns every part of my needing and lusting body. I reciprocate the touch and he smiles. That genuine smile that reaches his eyes and shows off those deep dimples that make my heart melt. My thoughts take a turn as I realize just how far gone I am. Where did this guy come from and will he leave once he’s done with me? Can I trust him? I guess only time will tell.

  Five years ago… Meeting Him

  I was sitting in a coffee house near the campus. It was a cold November day, so I was bundled up in a loose off-the-shoulder sweater, scarf, black leggings, and my favorite boots. I was studying for one of my final exams and completely engrossed. At a glance, I saw a guy in his early 30s pull the chair on the opposite side of the table from me, so I just assumed he was grabbing it to join another table, not thinking much of it. Instead, he pulled the chair out and sat down. I looked up from my book, raising my eyebrow, wondering what the fuck he was doing. He sat there with a smile on his face like this was completely acceptable.

  “I’m sorry, do I know you? Is that why you feel it is okay to sit there?” I said with a little too much attitude. He just chuckled like it was the funniest thing anyone’s said.

  “No, actually, we don’t know each other, but I’m hoping to change that. My name’s Demetrius. Now that you know my name, I’d say we’re well acquainted. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Actually, I don’t agree.” Because who name’s their kid Demetrius? And who the fuck talks like that? He’s just so, so proper.

  “Well, I disagree. May I ask your name? Or should I just call you pretty girl?” Pretty girl? Really? Hell. No.

  “For the sake of being called ‘Pretty Girl,’ just call me Peyton. You still haven’t answered my question, though. Why are you sitting at my table? I believe there are plenty of empty ones around?”

  “Yes, but you’re sitting at this one.” He smirked and I found it… kinda cute.

  I felt strangely flattered that a guy like him would be flirting with me. Me? Looking at him in more detail, he was actually exceptionally good looking. He had on gray dress pants, a black v-neck sweater, and a gray men’s pea coat. Everything about him screamed money and sophistication.

  I couldn’t help it. I fed into the line he just spewed out and I smiled. He was just so handsome. His light brown, almost dirty blonde hair was long and disheveled looking like he had been running his hands through it a lot. What intrigued me were his eyes. They were a plain brown color, but they were so… intense. Like he could have reached right down into my soul and made me do things—things I’d never done—with him.

  “So Peyton, I don’t mean to be forward, but would you like to accompany me to dinner sometime?”

�Well, Demetrius, I don’t normally make it a habit to go out with complete strangers.”

  “I thought we just settled this stranger business? I’m Demetrius, you’re Peyton, and this is a meeting of sorts. Dinner would naturally be the next step.” I giggled at that. How appropriate.

  “Well, I guess so, I don’t know, I have reservations with going out with people I just met.”

  He ignored what I said and continued on.

  “So, tell me, when can I come for you, Peyton?”

  Come for me? Well, shit.

  “Uh, I… I guess tomorrow?” I nervously started to stutter and wiped my sweaty palms against my sweater.

  He took a pen out from the inner lining of his coat and grabbed a napkin on the table. Writing his number down, he slid it over to me.

  He got up to leave and I told him that I’d get in touch. He comes over to me and bends down so close to my face that I can smell his scent. It’s a mix of body wash and musk. An earthly smell and it’s all man. It’s fuckin’ sexy.

  “I’ll see you soon, Peyton.” And with that, he walks out the front door. It’s only then that I snap out of my haze and realize I had been staring after him. He didn’t even order anything. How strange… I finally look down to the napkin that he had slid to me and melted right there in my goddamn seat. Wow…

  It was a pleasure to meet you Peyton.

  I hope you use this and I look forward

  to seeing you for dinner tomorrow night.



  Well, needless to say, I did. I called him the next day to set up a time and place to meet. I didn’t feel comfortable letting him pick me up. I may have been interested but I wasn’t stupid. Let me take that back. I was stupid. I had just agreed to go out with a complete stranger. Oh boy.

  We met up at a bar called City Limits. It was only about 15 minutes from where my apartment was, so I arrived early. I went inside, took my coat off and found a seat near the end of the bar. Since it was a weeknight, the bar wasn’t too busy. I decided to order a drink to warm up a little. I waved the bartender over and gave him my drink order. He came back pretty quickly with my apple martini. As I reached into my purse to pay, he smiled and told me my drink was already taken care of. I asked him who took care of it, and he pointed to Demetrius. He was sitting on the other side of the bar where he was no doubt watching me through a clear glass that separated the two sides. Apparently, he got here before I did. I watched as he picked up his drink and started to walk toward me. My heart started beating faster the closer he came. My palms were sweaty and my breath hitched as he approached.

  He leaned in like he did at the coffee house and whispered in my ear, “I’m glad you made it. I’ve been waiting for you.” He took a seat on the stool next to me and stared at me for a moment, appreciating the view. I had on a simple nude wrap dress and black peep-toe pump heels. He leaned in close and placed one hand on my thigh and the other on the lower part of my back. He scooted in closer and asked if I had ever been here before. I told him I had been there a few times with friends. He asked me how I liked it. I said it was nice. It was a very upscale bar. Everything looked new and polished. The people who went there weren’t your typical college students. They were a little older, classier.

  “Why do you ask?” I said to him out of curiosity.

  “I own it Peyton. I own a lot of… things.” Well, I didn’t expect that.

  He asked me if I would like a tour. Of course I said yes, because I’ve never known anyone who owned a bar before. There was a second level to the bar where the pool tables and more bar tables were. We walked up the stairs and passed the pool tables to our left. There was a hallway that led to the restrooms and a couple office doors to the right. He put his hand on my lower back and led me. He took out a set of keys and opened the door. I expected a regular office with chairs and a desk. What I was NOT expecting was a mini apartment above this bar. Walking in through the door, I took a look to my left, which had a desk and computer screen that sat on the corner. The desk was pretty much bare otherwise. I turned my attention to the long black leather sectional that was placed on a white shaggy rug to the right of the room. There was also a small en-suite bathroom connected to the office. I took a seat on the sofa and he mimicked my action. He was looking at me like he was hungry. I’m not gonna lie, I liked it. I didn’t know this man for shit, but all sense had long gone out the window. I felt trapped in the here-and-now. And right then, the way he was looking at me, I wanted it. I wanted him.

  He leaned over, running a finger down my face, tracing along my jaw to the lower part of my lips. I don’t know what possessed me to do so, but I licked it. The fire that ignited behind his eyes told me he wanted me. He was on me in a flash, crushing his lips against mine, sucking them from the top to the bottom.

  He took his hand and ran it through my hair, grasping it in a tight hold. I closed my eyes as I felt his tongue silently asking for permission to enter my mouth. Our tongues collided, clashing against each other forcefully. Hurriedly.

  At this point, I was so lost in the feeling of his hands that were roaming all over my body, I didn’t think, just felt—and it felt so goddamn good. He took his jacket off and threw it to the floor, kneeling in between my legs as I lay back against the sofa. He took his hands and slid them up under my dress on the outer side of my legs. I could feel myself getting so wet and hot, I thought I was sweating. He pulled his hands away from me and sat up on his knees.

  “Take the dress off, Peyton. I need to see you. All of you. Now.”

  I did as I was told and slowly untie the bow that was on the side of my dress. I unwrapped the dress and took it off, tossing it onto the armrest of the sofa. I felt naked, even though I still had on my nude lace bra and matching panties. He motioned with his index finger to come to him. I stood in between his legs as he started to caress me from the bottom of my high heeled shoes up to my calves, onto my thighs, and under my ass. He put both hands around the globe of my ass and held it in a firm grasp. I tilted my head back and enjoyed the sensation that filled my desire. He stuck his thumbs into the lining of my panties and pulled them down to the floor. Tossing those aside and grabbing me by my waist, he pulled me against his face, inhaling in my scent. With my high heels still on, his face came just inches away from meeting my pussy. Thank god I waxed.

  Taking his middle finger, he started running it up and down my folds. I was so wet I was practically dripping onto him. Oh god, I felt wanton and out of control. I just wanted him to fuck me already.

  “Fuck Peyton, you’re so wet. Your body responds to me like it’s been trained to do so. Place your right foot on the couch and spread your legs.”

  He ran his face along the inside of my thighs and inhaled the sweet scent of my pussy. He darted his tongue and ran it along the slits of my lips like he was licking ice cream off a cone. I started to moan and writhe against his face, seeking my already impending release. He sucked and nipped at my clit, and it was all too much, too intense. He grabbed onto my ass tighter, adding more pressure to my clit as he held me still. Licking, sucking, fingering… I was lost in it all. I couldn’t take it. I grabbed onto his hair for dear life as his mouth fucked the ever living shit out of me. My head lolled back and forth, fighting the orgasm willing to take place at any moment. Before I got the release I was desperately seeking, he stopped.

  “Not until I say so. You won’t come until I’m ready to make you come.”

  I had no words. Nothing. I was completely speechless. He laid me down on the couch and spread my legs wide—my left leg over the couch and the other foot still on the floor.

  I felt so exposed. So vulnerable. And I didn’t even give two shits. He unbuckled his belt and brought the zipper down on his pants. He started to unbutton his dress shirt and the muscles I saw rippling through had me salivating. I’d never seen sexiness up close like that. He obviously took care of his body. I can certainly appreciate that.

  Pulling his boxer briefs down, h
e licked his fingers, and rubbed the head of his cock, moving his hand up and down his length. It was so damn hot. I licked my lips and watched as his cock got bigger and harder. He got up and pulled a condom out of the drawer from the coffee table that was next to the couch. Opening it up, he rolled it over his cock. He grabbed me by my legs, forcing me down below him. Bringing his face to mine, he kissed me hard and fast. I took my finger and started to rub my throbbing clit as he devoured my mouth. He grabbed ahold of my neck and slid his palm down my chest, to my breasts. My nipples were hard and standing at peaks. Tugging my left nipple and swirling his tongue around the right one, he made me feel like I was in heaven. The pleasure was so intense, so real.

  Taking his cock in his hand, he jerked it up and down quickly, plunging into my pussy so hard I felt a slight pain from the sudden intrusion. When the pain wore off, the overwhelming need to come hit me hard and fast. I was so worked up, I couldn’t hold off. I arched my back as he took my leg and put it over his right shoulder, going in deeper, hitting that special spot that made me feel like I was going to bust into a hot mess right there in front of him. I moaned so loudly, I couldn’t make out my own voice.

  “Harder! Fuuuuck! I’m gonna… I’m gonna… fuck! Harder! Oh god, there… right there!”

  He was hitting my pussy so hard and deep I could feel his balls slapping my ass as our bodies slipped and slid with sweat. I clenched my cunt as I felt that familiar build-up and I needed to come. I needed it like my last breath. I needed it NOW! I grabbed his ass and pulled him in deeper when I saw lights forming behind my vision.


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