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Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5)

Page 18

by Rhonda Brewer

  “I see you brought the right people.” Stella followed into Mike’s office and shut the door. “I haven’t shown these to anyone, and as soon as I looked at the first one, I dropped it.”

  Mike walked around the desk and glanced down. The first thing he saw was someone laying on a floor surrounded by blood. He didn’t know who it was because the bastard covered the head. What shook him to his core was Billie's face photoshopped on the picture. Mike held up his hand to keep the photo hidden from Billie.

  “What is it?” Billie asked.

  “You don’t need to see this,” Mike motioned for his brothers to come closer.

  “Oh, my,” Stella covered her mouth when she looked at Billie. It was obvious she recognized Billie’s face.

  Nick slid a glove from his back pocket and slipped his hand into it. He moved the top picture to the side to see the next one. It was another body, and again Billie’s face was covering the person’s real face. The third one was a body in the middle of what looked like a room that was on fire.

  “What the fuck?” John motioned for Nick to check the next photo.

  The last one had Mike shaking with rage. Again, Billie’s face but the person didn’t appear dead. The woman was tied to a pole as a faceless man appeared to whip her.

  “What is it, Mike?” Billie hadn’t come closer, but it was probably because Stella had wrapped her arm around Billie’s shoulder. Probably Stella’s way of keeping Billie from going closer to the desk.

  “It's several crime scene pictures,” John told her.

  “Why do you all look so freaked?” Billie wasn’t naive by any means.

  “You don’t want to know?” Nick growled.

  “Yes, I do.” Billie took a step forward, but Stella held her back.

  “Your face has replaced the face of the victims.” John sounded cold.

  “My…. Face…” Billie’s face lost every bit of color, and Mike wanted to kick his brother’s ass for doing that. He hurried around the desk and helped Billie sit down on one of the armchairs.

  “It’s just someone’s idea of a sick joke.” Stella tried to reassure Billie, but his secretary didn’t know what had happened.

  “There’s something else here.” Nick held up a postcard with writing on the back.

  “What is it?” Mike wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  “You can’t protect her forever.” Nick read the note aloud.

  “I’ve had enough of this.” Billie was in tears, but Mike had a feeling it was anger, not fear.

  “I got someone coming from the lab to get this. If there are any fingerprints, they’ll find them.” John put the phone up to his ear and walked out of the office.

  “I don’t know who’s trying to torture me, but I’m not letting this guy play with my life or the ones I love.” Billie stomped over to the desk, and when Nick stepped in front of her she glared at him

  “Billie, I don’t think you should…” Nick should know better than to step in front of a pissed off woman.

  “Nick, I appreciate you're trying to protect me, but I’m not hiding from this idiot anymore.” Billie moved around him.

  Mike held himself back because he could see she needed to take her life back. It killed him as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she glanced down at the desk. Her initial reaction had him moving toward her but she held up her hand, and he stopped. “John said these were crime scene photos.” Billie’s voice was soft.

  “Yes,” Nick answered.

  “The first one is Peggy.” Billie wasn’t asking, and Mike knew why. She’d already seen that one.

  “Yes, it is.” John entered the office again.

  “And the others?” Billie lifted her head and met Mike’s gaze.

  “The second one is Eugene Wilks.” Billie’s expression didn’t change as John continued. “The third one is the fire at Abbie’s real estate and that body is photoshopped into the picture.”

  “The last one?” Billie stared down at that picture.

  “I don’t know.” John’s voice came out like a growl, and Billie’s head snapped up.

  “You haven’t found this woman yet?” Billie sounded as if she was about to pass out and Mike moved next to her.

  “No.” John met Mike’s eyes.

  The hair on the back of his neck prickled because from the way John’s brow furrowed he had a feeling the last picture was what this sicko had planned for Billie.

  Chapter 22

  Her body trembled as the contents got carefully placed into evidence bags. The last photo burned into her brain, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that the reason John didn’t know about the fourth crime scene was that it hadn’t happened yet.

  Mike’s secretary sat with John to give her statement. Mike kept his arm around Billie, and she’d never been so glad to have someone to lean on.

  She did her best to put on a brave front, but inside she was frozen with fear. Her body was numb and cold as she crossed her arms to calm her shaking.

  “You’ve got to be the bravest woman I’ve ever met.” Mike kissed the top of her head and whispered.

  “Then why do I feel like my body is vibrating.” Billie turned her head into his chest and took a huge breath.

  “I think that may be me.” Mike squeezed her against him, but she knew that wasn’t true.

  Billie had never been inside Mike’s office, and to distract herself, she glanced around the room. The first thing she saw was the credenza behind the desk lined with pictures. She tried to zone out and take in each photo.

  There were several of his brothers and their families, but the one that caught her attention was the picture of Mike in a graduation gown in between his parents. He looked like a kid with the mischievous smile and his arms draped over his mother and father. She loved that grin, and a terrifying thought crossed her mind.

  “I can’t be putting you in danger.” Billie sighed and stepped away from him.

  “Don’t do that.” Mike reached for her, but she shook her head.

  “No, think about it. Everyone that was hurt or killed was because of me.” Billie shouted.

  “This isn’t your fault, Billie,” Nick said.

  “This guy has some sick twisted mind.” John moved next to her.

  “Yes, and his sick twisted mind is the reason Peggy is dead. I hated Eugene, but he didn’t deserve to be murdered because of me. Then there’s Abbie and Dana who could have died. Even the big bad Trunk or Ben or you know who I mean. No, I need to get this guy to grow a set of balls and come face me.” Billie stomped out of the office, but she didn’t get far.

  She was brought to a sudden stop just outside the office by two of Keith’s employees. One she hadn’t met before but the other she knew they called Bull. The other guy wasn’t quite as big as the rest but had the don’t screw with me look.

  “Billie, this is Cannon.” Bull stepped forward.

  “What’s your real name?” Billie sighed.

  “Joel Wiseman,” He gave her a half smile.

  “Joel, I’m sure your just as good at your job as the rest, but right now I think you need to back off with the Bull here.” Billie tried to step between them, but Bull stopped her.

  “Billie, let's go back to my place, and we’ll figure this out.” Billie spun around at the sound of Mike’s voice.

  “What’s to figure out? I’m putting all of you in danger, and I don’t know what I did to this guy or why this guy hates me so much that he…” She didn’t know when the tears started, but they streamed down her cheeks, and it was hard to catch her breath.

  “Sweetheart, this guy is out of his mind. You didn’t do anything wrong.” She struggled in Mike’s arms for a minute, but his last words had her clinging to the front of his shirt.

  “Mike’s right, Billie.” She felt Bull’s hand on her shoulder.

  “That last picture. It’s a warning of what he wants to do to me.” Billie pulled her face away from Mike and looked up at him. “He wants to torture me even more than
what he’s doing now.”

  “He won’t get near you.” Mike cupped the back of her head and pulled her back to his chest.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Billie turned around to see a very distinguished looking man with gray hair and an expensive looking three-piece suit. “Where’s Stella?”

  “I’m here Charles,” Stella scurried passed Bull and wrapped her arms around the man.

  “Are you okay?” He asked looking Stella up and down.

  “I’m sorry about all this, Charles,” Mike guided Billie toward the man.

  “Why are the police here?” Charles had Stella pulled into his side.

  “Charles, someone’s trying to hurt Mike’s girlfriend.” Stella reached out and grabbed Billie’s hand.

  “I wasn’t aware Mike had a girlfriend.” The older man tilted his head and gave Billie a friendly smile.

  “Charles, this is Billie Carter.” Stella squeezed Billie’s hand gently. “Billie this is my husband, Charles Bond.”

  “Charles is my boss,” Mike explained.

  “I’m glad to meet the woman who finally reigned in this guy,” Charles said. “I don’t know what’s going on but what can I do?”

  Billie couldn’t believe this man she just met offered to help and he didn’t even know the situation. It amazed her how many people had come into her life willing to help.

  “Right now, we just need to get back home but thanks for the offer. I’ll let you know. I do think Stel needs a little mini vacation though.” Mike wrapped his arm around the woman and gave her a quick hug.

  “She can have whatever she wants.” Charles looked down at the lovely older woman, and Billie had no doubt the two of them were madly in love.

  “Can we just go home and you can wait on me hand and foot for the day.” Stella cupped his cheek.

  “Say no more.” Charles turned with his arm around his wife but stopped for a moment and turned back. “You need anything, call me. Got it, Mike.”

  “Got it, and thanks.”

  The drive back to Hopedale was quiet. Billie’s brain was going a mile a minute as she tried to think of someone she knew that could be doing this. Someone who would hurt others to get to her. She couldn't think of one person. Even when she was in Labrador, nobody threatened her, and she removed several children from their homes.

  No, it didn’t make sense.

  Chapter 23

  Everything happens for a reason. That’s what Mike always believed and since he's four-bedroom house was now full of temporary residents. He guessed the reason the house had fallen into his lap was that he needed the room for Billie’s family and friends.

  Keith had supplied the beds from the bunkhouses he used for his employees when they were in town. Billie’s parents and grandfather temporarily moved to Mike’s parent’s place. His mother and grandmother were overjoyed to have a full house for a while. Tom was also there because Nanny Betty figured he’d be great company for Frank.

  Philip, Abbie, and Dana were crashing with him. Matt and Chloe were with Ian and Sandy. Of course, Billie felt a little better with everyone close by but she still worried when everyone went to work. Abbie, of course, worked from his place.

  Hopedale was probably inconvenient for most of them but considering what his family had dealt with in the past it wasn’t beyond crazy to keep everyone close. Billie had asked Philip and Cannon to check on her mother’s neighbor whenever they went to St. John’s.

  Billie’s nightmares got worse since the photos appeared which was why she insisted someone check on Rita and Mrs. Fifield. Keith sent Cannon right away.

  “Sweetheart, you need to stop.” Mike took her into his arms when he saw her pull out the copy of the list she gave John.

  “No, I’m missing something.” Billie held up the paper.

  “You know, I’ve heard of people being stalked by people they didn’t even know.” Abbie wasn’t using her brain, apparently.

  “Thanks, Abs. That helps a lot.” Billie grumbled.

  “Sorry, I was watching Rex stretch outside. That man … H.O.T.” Abbie fanned herself, but it made Billie laugh.

  “Jesus, if her, A.J. or Nick ever get together, watch out.” Dana chuckled.

  Billie’s friends had figured out to watch out for his two brothers.

  “How about Nick and A.J?” Abbie flopped back on the sofa and moaned.

  “What about Nick and A.J.?” Nick sauntered into the house and grinned at Abbie.

  “Abbie was just saying that…” Dana got suddenly silenced when Abbie tossed a pillow at her head.

  “Two of us Abbie, sorry, I don’t cross swords.” Nick winked.

  “Not all men are secure enough with themselves for that little Nick.” Abbie laughed

  The little distraction seemed to take the tension out of Billie’s body, and she relaxed into his embrace. It seemed like at least one of his brothers would drop by every day to check on things. Apparently, the constant security around his house wasn’t enough.

  “Rita said to say hi and that it wasn’t necessary for you to worry about her. She’s worried about you though.” Philip said when he and Cannon returned that evening.

  “I promised me and the girls would drop over and have a glass of wine with her before all this started.” Billie sighed.

  “Can’t she come here?” Abbie asked.

  “No. Rita's the only one to care for her mom, and it’s hard to get her out of the house,” Billie explained.

  Mike felt bad for the woman. If something happened to one of his parents, they had lots of help but being an only child must be hard when a parent got sick.

  “Maybe we could go there Friday.” Dana seemed to cringe as she waited for a reply.

  “We’ll see how the next couple of days go.” Mike didn’t want to forbid it because maybe it was what Billie needed.

  “Turn on NTV news,” Matt shouted as he burst through the door.

  Mike turned on the television and changed the channel, and all the air whooshed out of his lungs. Being led into a courtroom in handcuffs was Felix Morris. Billie and Philip gasped as the reporter spoke.

  “Child Protection Worker, Felix Morris was arrested today for child pornography, child endangerment, as well as fourteen counts of human trafficking. Police say Mr. Morris was taking children from safe foster homes and placing them in homes where the children were put up for auction. Although Mr. Morris was one of fifteen people arrested, he was the only CPS worker arrested. He’s being held without bail.”

  “That’s not the same worker ….” Mike hadn’t heard Abbie’s voice so soft since the day he’d met her.

  “That’s the fucking bastard.” Matt looked like his head was about to explode, and Philip’s face was close to the same.

  “I knew something was wrong with that guy,” Philip growled, and Mike agreed.

  The day that he’d met with him, something about him just gave Mike an uneasy feeling.

  “My God, if Chloe didn’t have us….” Billie turned to Mike. “If she didn’t have you.”

  “I did what I was hired to do, but someone was watching over her.” Mike glanced around the room at the shocked and angry expressions.

  “Peggy,” Abbie, Dana, and Billie said at the same time.

  “Do you think it’s why he tried so hard to keep Chloe away from us?” Billie’s voice was just above a whisper.

  “It’s not something we’ve got to worry about now.” Mike hugged her. “I do wonder what his snooty supervisor is saying about him now.”

  “I never got to meet him.” Billie stood up.

  “You wouldn’t want to the guy was a complete ass and tried to assure me that Morris was only acting in the best interest of the child.” Mike rolled his eyes. “Both of them were only acting in the best interest of themselves.”

  “Do you think he’s involved too?” Philip asked.

  “I don’t know, but the pencil nose little prick was lucky I didn’t punch him when he told me that he would be able to take me m
ore seriously if I’d showed up dressed more professionally.” Mike had gripped onto the table to keep from lunging at the guy.

  “What’s his name anyway?” Philip asked. “All I ever heard him called was, my supervisor.”

  “Boyd Bassett.” Mike couldn’t hide the disdain in his voice.

  “Sounds like one of those guys who got beat up in school.” Nick chuckled. “Then again so does Felix.”

  “Are you sure his last name wasn’t Bastard,” Abbie said.

  When he felt Billie’s body shake at first, he thought she was upset, but when he looked down, she was laughing. Leave it to Abbie to lighten the mood.

  Billie and the girls sat in the living room entranced in some chick flick with his cousins. Mike took the chance to catch up with some emails. He had a few days off, but in reality, he still had information that he expected emails from on a weekly or daily basis.

  There was an email from Stella with the court schedule for the next month. October didn’t look like it would be too busy a month. He checked through several emails he received from other lawyers concerning a few other custody cases. He’d almost cleared his inbox when another email popped up.

  It was the last person he expected to receive an email with thank you in the subject line. He opened the email from Yvonne Duffy and read it to himself.

  Mr. O’Connor

  First, I would like to give you my sincere thank you for all your work with my darling daughter Whitney. She’s so happy with her custody arrangement. I was thrilled to be able to see my little girl so relaxed and enjoying life.

  Her father and I have decided it was best if we hired a third party to do the transfer between us since when we see each other there is nothing but yelling and name calling. My lawyer told me to contact you to see if you had any suggestions or if you would be interested. I promise you it would be worth it.

  I’ve enclosed a sample of the perks you would receive if you’d be willing to take on this extra duty. Please, do not hesitate to contact me.


  Yvonne Duffy


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