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Packing Double: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 5)

Page 4

by Dixon, Ruby

  “Do we get a vote?” Dom asks with a grin.

  “Just for that, let’s go with accessories,” I say in a teasing voice, and wag a naughty finger at him.

  I move around the men and divest them of belts, then shoes, then socks. Neither one is wearing jewelry, so there’s nothing to strip down there. I go for shirts next, making sure to run my hands over their beautiful bodies while I pull them free. I can’t help it—I love a big, strong male body taut with muscle, and I’ve got two of them right in front of me, just begging to be touched.

  Domino’s first, of course. I started with him. His shirt peels off of his sleek, muscled chest and I’m pleased by the sight of him. His chest is hairy across his pectorals, but it tapers down to a thin line that disappears below the waistband of his jeans and teases me for more. He’s got big arms, big shoulders, and a surprisingly lean waist. I drag my fingers over his skin, delighted by what I see. He’s yummy, all right, but he knows it. It’s evident in the big, cocky grin he always wears across his face. Across his back, he’s got the inks of the club, and it covers him from neck to tailbone. His shoulders read BEDLAM BUTCHERS. Across his lower back is NEW MEXICO. It’s the only tattoo he has, though.

  My fingers trail over his body and then I move to Gemini in his dark shirt and his closed expression. Our game feels light and a bit silly—after all, I’m naked and undressing these men and I don’t even know their real names. Nor have we kissed. But Gemini always looks so intense that anything that might seem trivial suddenly isn’t. And I recall Domino’s words from earlier—that they don’t fuck around much. Seeing Gemini’s focused look, I believe it. And I’m even more flattered.

  Even before I tug Gemini’s shirt free of his waistband, I know he’s going to be covered in tattoos. They crawl up his arms, two loud sleeves of black ink. His back is covered with an identical tattoo to Domino, and his front is crisscrossed with a mural of different things—a death’s head, a joker, a gun, some tribal looking symbol I don’t recognize, and a horseshoe. All of that is centered on his right side, because his left is a mass of scar tissue. I blink in surprise at the sight of it, and can’t help but run a hand over him. It’s clear he’s been stitched up from a massive wound. Even the muscle dips in here. I glance at his back and notice there’s a matching wound on that side, but smaller. All right, the front is the exit wound, then. “Iraq?” I ask.

  “Ayup,” Gemini says, his voice gruff. His hand laces into my hair again, but he’s only running his fingers through it. “Dom saved my life. Been closer than brothers ever since.”

  And of course, the whole club-in-pairs thing suddenly makes sense. A brother to watch your back at all times. It’s a little out of the ordinary to fuck a girl with your buddy, but I’ve heard of stranger things. I think it’s kind of sweet, actually. Sweet and a bit erotic. “It’s a good thing you’re not like brothers,” I tease. “Because then it’d be creepy if you fucked together. Or do you want to call me ‘Sissy’ next?”

  “Dom’s right,” Gem says. “You do have a sassy mouth.” His hand tightens in my hair and he drags me against him. Suddenly, my breasts are pressing against that firm, tattooed chest and a jolt of pure lust shoots through me.

  Then, he angles his head and he captures my mouth in a kiss.

  It’s a rough kiss—I knew it would be with Gemini. I don’t think he does anything in halves. Nor do I think that he bothers with niceties, or soothing. He’s the bad cop and Dom is the fun, easygoing one. He kisses like he’s the bad guy, too. His tongue thrusts into my mouth with a sense of ownership that makes my toes curl at the boldness of it, and his goatee scratches at my skin. But oh God, can the man kiss. Over and over, he tongue-fucks me in a rough but sensual way that makes me think of all the good things that are about to come. And I whimper low in my throat, dazed by pleasure.

  “Now, Gem,” Domino says, and I realize he’s moved behind me. “We’ve talked about sharing the toys.” Arms circle around me and then Dom’s big hands cup my breasts. I gasp against Gemini’s mouth as Dom begins to nuzzle my neck. Hot, liquid heat pours through my body, and I can’t stop the little groan of need from escaping my throat.

  “She’s got a sexy mouth,” Gem says when he eventually lifts his lips from mine. I stare up at him, dazed, and moan when he gives my lips one last, possessive lick. “I like that.”

  “You should feel her tits,” Dom murmurs, and gives them a squeeze, his fingers coaxing my nipples into hard points. “Fucking gorgeous.”

  I’m so ready to fuck at just a kiss and a bit of breast play that I nearly forget about our game. My head is lolling back against Dom, my body sagging as he teases my nipples. I reach for Gemini’s cock...and realize he’s still clothed. Not fair. “Hey,” I tell them breathlessly. “It’s my turn still. I haven’t finished unwrapping my presents.”

  “Make it fast,” Dom tells me. “I want to start licking at this sweet pussy of yours. I can practically feel it dripping.”

  I bite my lip to stop from moaning again, but I force myself to turn in his arms and his hands drop from my breasts. I put shaking fingers on the waist of his jeans and start to undo his fly. Even as I do, I feel Gem’s rougher hand cup my breast, and then he’s dragging me against his body. His other hand slides between my legs and delves between my pussy lips. “She’s definitely wet,” he says.

  “God, you guys don’t play fair,” I protest, but I’m secretly loving it. Two sets of hands to move over my body? Two hard bodies to sandwich mine? This is like a dream come true. I see now why it’s a fantasy of so many women to have two men at once. I eventually get Domino’s pants open and shove them down his strong thighs. I drag his briefs with them, and in doing so, I bend over and deliberately push my ass against Gemini’s hard cock.

  Then Domino’s stepping out of his jeans and I get a good look at the motherlode. Sweet holy fuck, he’s got a big, long cock. It’s smooth and beautiful with a prominent head, and it’s easily eight inches. I’ve never been a size queen but I’m impressed. My hand automatically wraps around it and I lean down to take the head into my mouth.

  “Uh uh,” Gem says, and he grabs my hips and thrusts his own jeans-covered cock against my core. “My turn to get naked.”

  I moan with frustration that I’m being thwarted, but I obediently straighten and turn to face Gem. My hands slide down his rock-hard abdomen again—he’s all scars, tattoos, and six pack. Then I work on his jeans, curious if he’s going to be boxers to Domino’s briefs. Turns out that he’s also briefs, and for some reason, this makes me smile. Just coincidence for my bad cop, then. I slide his pants and underwear down his legs, and my face gets up close and personal with his dick, too.

  If Domino’s the length, Gem’s the girth. He’s got an average length, but he’s thick as fuck. So thick I can barely wrap my fingers around him, veined and meaty. It’s like having the best of both worlds. And since I’m a determined kind of girl, I wrap my hand around him and try to take his cock into my mouth like I did with Dom.

  And just like Gem, Dom distracts me. His cock slides between my parted legs and then he’s rubbing that long length up and down my soaking wet pussy. I’m unable to stop moaning, but I still tongue Gemini’s cock.

  “She’s got the sweetest little ass, Gem. I can’t wait to fuck it.” His cock continues to rub back and forth, dragging across my sensitized flesh.

  “Condoms,” Gem growls, and I wonder if he’s talking to me. But Domino leaves, and my backside feels bereft, my pussy aching and empty. I wrap my fist around the heft of Gem’s cock and suck on the head, lapping up droplets of pre-cum as they appear.

  Then Domino returns a few moments later, and I hear the crinkle of packets. I keep sucking on Gem’s cock even as I hear Domino unwrapping a condom and my body—my pussy especially—is quivering with anticipation. My hand goes to Gem’s balls and I tease them with my fingers. His hair is a soft, downy, dark blond here, and I tickle his flesh, trying to heighten his pleasure.

  As I do, I feel Dom’s hard
cock nudge against my entrance. I flex my ass, trying to encourage him to sink deep, but my mouth doesn’t lift from Gem’s cock. He’s got his hand in my hair and is guiding my face now, and I love that. I love a man getting so into my blow job that he can’t help himself from guiding my mouth to do the best job possible. It tells me he’s forgotten all about being nice and polite and is more interested in fucking my mouth.

  I love a good mouth-fucking.

  Domino slams into me from behind, seating his full length, and I moan, my eyes closing with sheer pleasure. God, it’s been so long since I’ve been filled like this that I take a moment to simply savor. He feels incredible.

  “She’s tight,” he tells Gem. “I’ll loosen her up for you.”

  Gem’s fingers caress my cheek as I flip my hair and continue to work on tonguing his cock. “Just don’t come yet,” he murmurs, voice low and husky. “She deserves a bit more fun.”

  “Easy for you to say,” Dom groans. “You’re not balls deep inside this sweet little cunt.” He pulls out and then thrusts hard again, and Gem’s cock slides back along my tongue, pushing at the back of my throat and startling my gag reflex. I cough, embarrassed, but Gem’s fingers simply soothe my skin.

  Dom starts to pump harder, and I can’t concentrate on the cock in front of me anymore to give it my full attention. I rub my face against it, but I’ve always been sensitive, and Dom’s pushing into me so hard that he’s causing all kinds of friction that’s making my body go off. I’m seconds away from coming when Gem speaks.

  “Let’s go to the bed.”

  Dom smacks my ass with a big palm and pulls out. “You heard the man, sweetheart.”

  I whimper a protest as he leaves my body—he felt so good deep inside me. I’m weak-kneed with desire, and a little dazed as Gem puts a finger under my chin and tilts my face back toward his. Then, his palm caresses my breast and he’s kissing me again, and his cock is pressing hard against my hip. I’m moaning and trying to wrap a leg around his hip when Dom smacks my ass again. “You heard the man.”


  “I got her,” Gem murmurs, and he picks me up in his arms, one hand going behind my knees, and carries me over to the big bed.

  I stretch playfully as they lay me down. “I hope we’re not done.”

  “Hell no,” Gem says. Dom leaves the room for a minute, and I watch Gem as he rolls a condom on his thick length. He climbs into bed too, but instead of getting on top of me, he moves to the other side and lies down. He pats his lap, his cock sticking up obscenely from his hips. “Come have a seat, babe.”

  With an excited wiggle, I do just that. He looks mouthwatering all spread out on the bed, and so I crawl over to him. I want to run my mouth on his cock again but he’s got all that damn latex on it. So I lick my way up his chest back to his mouth, and then move a leg over his hips to straddle him. I reach between us and guide his thick cock inside me. As I do, I suck in a breath. Domino has a great cock with a wonderful length, but Gemini’s dick seems to rub me in completely different places. I rock my hips, riding him, and he’s so thick he’s pushing against the inner walls of my cunt with every thrust, and it drives me fucking wild. “Oh God, Gem,” I moan as I start to flex my hips with every push down on him. “You feel incredible.”

  “It’s about to get better,” he tells me, voice a harsh rasp.

  Then, warm hands are smoothing over my back, and as I ride on Gem’s cock, Dom gets on the bed behind me and begins to play with my breasts again. I feel Gem’s legs spread, and I’m forced to lean against Dom for support, because my body’s so weak with pleasure I can hardly stand it.

  Dom’s fingers pinch my nipples, and I cry out as it sends a spasm through my body. An orgasm has snuck up on me, and my pussy clenches hard around Gemini’s thick cock. I shudder against Dom breathlessly as I come, my hips still rocking.

  “Good girl,” Dom murmurs in my ear, and keeps toying with my sensitive breasts. Each touch seems to make my pussy quiver anew, and the orgasm just keeps sputtering along, sending new waves of pleasure through me.

  Gemini’s hands move to my hips and he lifts me up, then thrusts me back down on him again. I’m boneless at this point, still on the edge of pleasure, and I moan as it makes me tremble. I’m so wet from coming that my pussy is making sounds as he thrusts into me, but it feels so good that I’m not sure I want him to stop. I could come again so quickly, really.

  Then, Dom’s big hands lift from my breasts, and one pushes between my shoulder blades. “Lean forward onto Gem, babe.”

  I do as he says, and then I’m pressing my torso against Gem’s rock hard one even as he continues to move his hips, thrusting into me. He kisses me as I move in, surprisingly gentle. Then, I feel Dom stretch my ass wide. I hear the sound of something squirting, and then wet, cold lube drips down between my ass cheeks.

  I yelp in surprise, and Gem’s hands move to my arms. He rubs them up and down, soothing me. “Don’t be scared, babe. We’ve got you.”

  Tender words. I melt a little at them and want to say that I’m not scared, just startled, but I decide to kiss him again instead, drugged on his nearness and the cock still rock hard inside me. He continues to flex his hips in little rocking movements.

  As he does, Dom’s hand caresses my back, and I feel him press a finger against the pucker of my ass. I stiffen in surprise—I’ve never done this before—but he pushes in before I can protest. It feels tight, and foreign, but...not so terrible. I rock into Gem’s next thrust and close my eyes, trying to ride the pleasure to another orgasm, and I’m surprised when Dom starts to thrust into my ass with his finger.

  And it...still doesn’t feel terrible. Actually, it’s kind of an unusual pleasure. I push back against his fingers, and he adds a second one, rubbing deep. It’s on the verge of ticklish, really.

  I’m so focused on Dom’s fingers in my bottom that I don’t realize I’m no longer laying flat against Gem. I’m still sprawled over him, but when his hands cup my breasts, I moan and another burst of pleasure makes my legs jerk in response.

  “I want to come again,” I breathe, and I’m not sure if I’m talking to Gem or Dom or both. I just need more of everything. “Please.”

  Another hard finger presses into my ass. This time, it burns for a moment before he starts to pump in and out, and I whimper. The sensations of being filled are getting stronger, and I feel like I need more. Gem’s thumb is stroking one of my nipples, and then he drags me forward and points it at his mouth.

  He bites down on the tip—not hard, just enough to give me teeth—but I cry out in pleasure again. I’m so close to coming back over the top once more. “Please,” I moan. “Fuck me harder! I need to come again.”

  Domino pulls his fingers from my bottom. “This is gonna pinch a little, babe, but I’ll go slow. Just relax.”

  I know he’s about to put his big, long dick inside my ass and I can’t help but tighten a little in suspense. Gem nibbles on my breast and then gives the nipple a long, dragged-out lick, and I forget about everything but his mouth on my breast and his cock filling up my cunt.

  And then there’s another cock, pressing at the entrance to my bottom. I suck in a breath, but I’m slick and it doesn’t hurt yet. It just feels...tight. I give Gem a hot, needy stare as he releases my breast and begins to palm them again, teasing them with his fingers instead of his mouth. Dom’s body is warm against my backside, and his hand grips my hip, as if to hold me still.

  “Gonna push in a little deeper, babe,” he tells me, and brushes his fingertips over my clit.

  I light up like a firework, and then I’m coming all over again, my body clenching even as Dom shoves deep inside me. It hurts, and I cry out, but it’s lost in the shimmering orgasm racing through my body. I don’t know how he can push deeper as I feel like every muscle in my body is locked, but he’s in and working himself deep into my ass, even as Gem holds still underneath me.

  Then, I’m full. God, I’m so full. I’m still coming, my breath coming in sha
rp, needy little gasps as Dom continues to strum my clitoris, pushing slowly onward. Just when I think I’ve taken all of him, he pushes a little deeper. And just when I think I’ve finished coming, I tremble and start all over again.

  I’m not sure if this is several orgasms or just one giant one, but nothing’s ever felt better in my life.

  At that moment, a phone rings.

  Both men still.

  “That’s the club phone,” Gem says. He stretches an arm out to the nightstand and his movements send quivers through my body, but Dom holds me still. We’re in the middle of sex and Gem’s taking calls? I’m surprised and a little offended.

  “What,” Gem snarls into the phone. “This better be fucking important.”

  Okay, I feel a little better at that.

  I run my hands over his chest, and Dom decides at that moment to play with my clit again. I moan loudly, and my ass clenches tight, and then Domino moans in my ear, too.

  Gem waves a hand at us, indicating we should be quiet. “What’s up, Solo?” He’s quiet for a long time, and then he says, “Is she safe?” His face is expressionless.

  I tense. She? “Who’s ‘she’?” I ask, slapping a hand on his chest.

  Gem frowns at me, but his focus is still on the phone. Dom continues to rub my clit and I have to bite my lips to keep from crying out with pleasure again. I’m wiggling on Gemini’s cock—Dom’s too—and trying to be still, but I’m mighty bad at it. I can tell Gem’s getting distracted.

  “Look,” he says into the phone, and closes his eyes. “I’m a little...busy at the moment. You need me to come there?” He pauses. “Okay. Good. Call if there’s more trouble. Take care of my sister, Solo.”

  Sister? Oh. I’m okay with sister.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” Gem hangs up and tosses the phone back down, closing his eyes for a moment.

  “Everything okay?” Dom asks, oh so casual as he continues to tease my clit toward another orgasm. I clutch at his big forearm as he continues to drive me wild even as they have a conversation.


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