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Packing Double: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 5)

Page 5

by Dixon, Ruby

  “Lucky near got jumped by the Eighty-Eight,” Gem says, and he lifts up and thrusts into me roughly. “Solo took care of her. No one got hurt.”

  “Fucking Eighty-Eight,” Dom says, and I have no idea who else they’re talking about. Solo? Lucky? I start to orgasm and scream my pleasure as Domino’s hand strokes my flesh over and over again. “We’ll take care of business in the morning.”

  “Yeah,” Gem says, thrusting hard into me. “Solo’s got it covered. And we’ve got business here.” He tweaks my nipples again, and the orgasm doesn’t stop. “This naughty Kitty kept making noise during a club phone call.”

  I’m incoherent with pleasure as Dom pushes me forward slightly, and I forget all about the phone call. Dom’s hands go to my hips. He begins to move slowly, rocking in and out, deep in my ass, and I feel each thrust in my bottom, in my pussy, and strangely, against Gemini’s thick cock. I gasp and my gaze meets his, and I can tell he’s feeling the same thing. A moment later, they’re timing their thrusts, and I can’t even process it. I’m still coming. I might be screaming at this point. I might be snarling for them to fuck me harder. All I know is that I’m so incredibly full, and I’m sandwiched between two gorgeous men with their cocks planted deep inside me. Stars dance in front of my eyes as I start to come again.

  Dom holds me tenderly, even as his cock slams brutally into my ass again. “Breathe, babe. Breathe.”

  I suck in a deep breath, and the stars fade a little. But I’m still coming, and I wail this with an uh-uh-uh that follows every thrust, every stroke, every inch of cock shoved deep into my willing, pleasure-drenched body.

  And then Gemini’s fingers are brushing over my breast again, teasing my nipple. I scream and cling to Dom, who’s stroking his cock back into my ass. Hot fingers—I don’t even know whose at this point—find the curls of my sex and then someone’s touching my clit, and my brain can’t handle all the sensation. I’m rolling through the most intense orgasm of my entire life when the world goes black and I fall into a blissful sleep.

  God, do I sleep good.


  I wake up some time later, disoriented. It’s dark. My head’s resting on a muscled chest, and a hand’s holding my breast protectively. There’s a cock resting on my shoulder, and my arm is between his legs.

  And there’s a head moving between my legs. I moan and spread them wider as I realize Gemini’s mouth is on my pussy, licking me like there’s no tomorrow. My fingers go to his hair and I knot them in those dark blond locks, and I rub against his mouth. Fuck, he’s good. Fuck, I might be saying that out loud. I don’t care. I’m coming a few moments later with a cry and an intense wave of pleasure so fierce that I squirt, and this time, I hear Gemini moan his own pleasure.

  He licks me for a little longer, and then I barely hear another condom being opened before Gem’s cock is sinking deep between my legs, and I wrap my limbs around him and hold on as he fucks me hard until he comes. Then, he presses a series of hot kisses to my mouth, slaps my ass, and gets up from the bed.

  “Back to sleep, Kitty,” he tells me.

  I snuggle up to Dom and do just that.

  • • •

  The rest of the night goes something like that. It’s a haze of naps and fucking. I’m pretty sure at some point, Dom rolled me onto my belly and fucked me, doggy-style. I’m also pretty sure Gem and I had sex again. Either that, or I have pretty filthy dreams. But by the time morning rolls around, I’m exhausted, sore, and completely happy. I’m also in bed alone, the sheets a rumpled, sex-smelling mess.

  My throat hurts, which is odd. I mean, I expect my pussy and my ass to hurt—and they do—but my throat? Huh.

  I step over piles of dirty clothes on the way to the bathroom and clean my aching flesh up a bit, then I brush my teeth and finger-comb my hair. I smell breakfast, so I grab one of the men’s shirts off of the floor, slip it on, and then follow the scents to the kitchen.

  Gem’s doing the dishes while Dom’s cooking bacon. My mouth waters. They’re both dressed in sleep pants and shirtless. And both look heavenly.

  “Hello,” I say, but it comes out as a croak.

  “Babe,” Domino says, and comes over to greet me with an enthusiastic kiss and a squeeze on my ass. I take both gladly, only to turn around and get the same treatment from Gem as soon as Dom lets me go.

  “Mmm,” I tell them. “A girl could get used to this.” Not that I should. It was last night, only. Pity. I wince at my scratchy voice. “I think I’m coming down with a cold, though. You probably shouldn’t kiss me.”

  “Throat hurt?” Gem asks. He abandons the dishes, heads for the fridge, and pulls out a new bottle of water and hands it to me. “Drink this.”

  I do, sipping it. “How did you know my throat hurt?”

  “Because you screamed our goddamn ears off last night,” Dom calls over his shoulder with a chuckle.

  I flush with embarrassment. “I did?”

  “Ayup,” Gem says. “You also passed out when you came.”

  “Ohmigod. I did?” Last night rushes in through a blast of hazy sex-filled memories. “Oh shit. I am so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Gem moves to the table and sits down, and then tugs me into his lap. Wow. When this guy opens up, I guess he really opens up. “Drink your water,” he tells me, and I do. Dom serves up breakfast, and I eat mine while still sitting on Gem’s lap, because he won’t let me up, and I really don’t mind, either.

  “I should probably get home soon,” I say between bites of toast. I had a glorious time last night but I don’t want to overstay my welcome.

  “You got a boyfriend or something, Kitty?” Dom asks me.

  “Of course not,” I say, indignant. “You think I would fuck two other guys while I’m dating someone else? Jesus.”

  “You want two of them?” Dom asks, with a crooked smile. “Cuz Gem and I were talking, and we’re of a mind to keep you.”

  “Keep me?” I’m trying to keep the horror off of my face at the thought.

  “Make you our old lady,” Gem says. He brushes a lock of hair off my shoulder absently. “Until we’re all sick of each other, of course. That might never happen, though.”

  I shake my head. “Isn’t that like...marriage?”

  “Pretty much,” Dom says. “But when you know, you know. And we both know when it comes to you.”

  Gem’s hand is rubbing my ass, which is a little distracting. “I don’t think I do,” I blurt.

  He stops rubbing. “Why the fuck not?”

  “Because I’m not real good at listening to rules,” I tell him, even though I want to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him again. Both of them, again.

  Dom chuckles. “Who says we’re good at listening to rules, babe? We’re one percenters for that very reason.”

  What they’re saying is not jiving with what Joleen told me. But I trust Joleen. She knows the Lifestyle. She lives it. “I’m going back to college next month. I’m in the middle of my senior year.”

  “Local college?” Gem asks.

  “Well, yes, but—”

  “That’s fine,” Gem says. “You can live with us instead of whatever housing they have set up for you.”

  I frown. “But...I don’t want my life controlled.”

  Gem’s hand begins to rub my ass slowly again. “Kitty, there’s a distinct difference between letting your old men take care of you and letting someone control your life. We just want you to be in ours. We don’t want to grind you underneath our boot heels.”

  Dom winks at me. “We kind of like you sassy and outspoken.”

  They’re destroying all of my arguments. I don’t know what to do. “But...what if I change my mind? What if I’m not into the Lifestyle?”

  “Tell you what,” Dom says. “We make you our old lady, and if you want to back out, you have a week to do it.”

  My eyes widen. “But what if I say no? Will you guys be upset if we break up?”

  “Upset because you leave, yes. Upset
at you, no. We’ll just tell the club some made up shit. Like you went to join a nunnery or something.”

  I giggle at the thought of me in a nunnery. As if he can read my thoughts, Gem snorts.

  “You’d have to give up that waitress shit,” Gem says. “We want you spending your time with us.”

  I guess I should be offended at that. Strangely enough, though, I do like the idea of belonging to them. My job at Chrome’s just to waste time and pay the bills. I’ve never been particularly ambitious when it comes to career paths. Having two hot sexy men at my beck and call and quitting my waitress job? Uh, yes please! “And what will I do as your old lady? Do I get a new job?”

  “Official cooze of the Bedlam Butchers’ presidents?”

  I wrinkle my nose. “You did not just call me cooze.”

  “Noted,” Dom says, still grinning and mischievous. “Never call Kitty ‘cooze’. Seriously though, if you want a job, we could probably use an assistant up at the Meat Locker.”

  “Is that the gym up the highway?” I’ve passed it a million times but I’ve never stopped in. It looks hardcore.

  “Yup,” Gem says. “Enough about jobs for now, though. We need to get dressed and head to the Road House. I need to check on my baby sister.”

  • • •

  Crandall’s Roadhouse is a hole in the wall steakhouse covered with kitsch and license plates. I can recognize biker decor when I see it, and this pretty much screams ‘leather and Harleys go here’. Gem and Dom are possessive of me as we head inside, keeping me sandwiched between them. Gem even slings a casual arm around my waist, and I wonder at why. We head in and they pass by the waitress without so much as a nod to her. It’s like they own the place.

  Of course, as soon as I get a good look around, it’s clear that this isn’t a normal restaurant. There are nothing but men in leather Butchers tags in the room. There are round tables in the center of the floor and along the walls are deep booths. It’s dark and shadowy inside despite it being early in the day, and AC/DC is playing on the radio.

  This is clearly Bedlam Butcher territory. I look around with interest. Other than the waitress, it’s mostly men in the place. There’s a table full of ladies in the center of the room chatting, and they’re dressed similarly to the Butchers, but they’re not wearing cuts. A few men at a nearby table are wearing cuts without the patches. And every booth along the walls is occupied. I see one table has what looks like two men and the third is grossly fat—

  Until half of him moves, and I realize it’s a big man with a tiny woman in front of him, and she’s moving up and down on his lap, her face buried on his neck.


  I’m fascinated as we stroll past as if nothing is going on, and these two aren’t fucking in public. The big guy just grins and pushes on his lady’s hips, and as we walk past, I can hear her moaning with pleasure. She’s wearing a skirt that’s totally rucked up around her thighs, and she’s bouncing on his lap as if there’s no tomorrow.

  Public sex. I’m fascinated and titillated, and okay, a little startled. I mean, you hear all kinds of shit about the Lifestyle, but you never think you’re going to walk into a restaurant and see a couple of people fucking.

  Gem’s arm tightens around my waist and he pulls me against him, whispering in my ear. “Quit staring.”

  “It’s kinda hot,” I whisper back.

  He only chuckles and the three of us head to the booth the furthest in the back. It’s nice and dark here, and I can just barely make out the moans two booths north of here.

  They pause at the booth, though, and Gem releases me. “You wanna go sit with the old ladies?”

  I stare at him, incredulous. He might as well have asked me if I felt like going to the knitting circle. “No. I want to stay with you two.”

  They exchange a look.

  “We’re going to be talking club business,” Domino says.

  “I won’t listen,” I tell him, and slide into one side of the booth before they can go suggest I sit in Lady Corner again. “Even if I have to put my fingers in my ears and hum.”

  “You’re not real good at listening, period,” Gem murmurs as he sits down next to me.

  “Told you,” I point out. “Which is why I’ll make a shit old lady.” Which is why I shouldn’t take them up on this offer of a week trial, and I should hit the doors and run, but I somehow can’t make myself do it.

  A waitress swings by and slops down two drinks in front of the men. “Hey Gem, hey Dom,” she purrs. She gives me a blank look and then goes back to smiling at them as if I’m not here.

  “Hey,” I say, snapping my fingers to get her attention. “Iced tea. No lemon. Make it happen.” I do not take shit from bitchy waitresses, being one myself.

  She looks at Gem.

  “Did I fucking stutter?” I ask her. Why is this woman ignoring me?

  Dom chuckles. “This here is Mouth,” he tells me, and pats Mouth’s hip like she’s a good dog. “She’s what we call club sweetbutt.”

  Mouth smiles broadly at him and slides a hand over his arm and up his shoulder. “And if you ever want to have a good time—”

  “—He’d tell you to get me an iced tea,” I say, cutting in. “With no lemon.”

  “Mouth works for the club only,” he explains. “She only takes orders from patches or old ladies.”

  I give him a pointed look. If I’m supposed to be testing out the old lady waters, this is not the way to get me to do it.

  But his pretty eyes just crinkle with amusement as if I’m being funny, and he looks over at Mouth. “Get my old lady a tea, please.”

  Her eyes widen at his words and she nods, heading off.

  “You might not be sure if you want to be an old lady,” Dom says, voice low. “But you’ve already got the right attitude for it in that you don’t take shit from the sweetbutt.” He sounds approving of my sassiness, and I relax a little.

  I look over at Gem and he’s staring down at his phone, his face pinched as he texts. He’s not paying attention, it’s obvious. I nudge him. “You okay?”

  The look he gives me is absent, and he leans over and kisses the side of my head in distracted affection. “Just waiting on an update about my sister.” The stressed look on his face doesn’t go away.

  Poor guy. I wish there was a way I could distract him until he gets the update he wants. I prop my chin up on one hand, thinking. As I do, I hear a loud cry coming from two booths up.

  “M-muscle!” the woman shrieks. “Make me come, Muscle!”

  “Louder,” I hear a man say, and the sound of an ass being slapped. A few chuckles ripple across the Roadhouse.

  The woman gets even louder. “Muscle! Please, Muscle! Yes! God! Yes! Muscle!” Her screams are making the rafters ring. I cross my legs because I’m getting wet, imagining the public pounding she’s getting. Why is that so fucking sexy to me? Maybe because I imagine Dom or Gem doing it to me and instead of being repulsed at them taking me in public, I’m rather titillated. Would I come harder, or would I be distracted by all eyes watching my tits bounce while they fuck me?

  I start breathing heavier, and my hand slides to Gem’s leg. I caress his thigh, and he flicks me a glance and a half-smile, but then turns back to his phone.

  And suddenly, I know what I can do to distract him and relax him until his sister gets here.

  I give Dom a teasing look. “If that sweetbutt comes back with my tea, make sure it has no lemon,” I say, and then I slide under the booth.

  “Where you going?” Dom asks, and Gem shifts in his seat.

  Down here, I see nothing but two pairs of legs sitting across from each other. I maneuver around the solid center leg of the table and go to Gem’s legs, and push them apart.

  “What—” he begins, but then I rub my hands up and down his crotch, coaxing his cock. Immediately, I feel him start to harden. His chuckle turns into a sharp intake of breath when I rub a finger down under his balls. “We’re definitely fucking keeping her,” I hear him tell Domi
no softly.

  “Jesus, I like this girl,” Dom says. And because he’s a sweetheart for saying that, I reach over one hand and give his cock a little rub through his jeans, too. His hand reaches under the table and caresses my jaw. I press a kiss to his hand and then move back to Gem, because it’s him I want to cheer up, him that needs distracting. Domino will be distracted just wondering what I’m doing under the table, but Gemini needs a bit more.

  So I unzip Gem’s pants and push aside his underwear. I keep waiting for him to ask me to stop, to tell me that this isn’t the place, but he’s letting me do what I want. That’s pretty heady stuff. Finally I’ve uncovered him and his thick, rigid cock springs free. I take the head of him in my mouth, and I can feel the twitch that reverberates through Gem’s body as I do so. He likes this. The taste of precum tells me that he’s extremely aroused already, so I wrap a hand around the base of his cock and begin to stroke it in time to the sucking movements of my mouth on the head.

  As I do so, Dom’s boot shoves between my legs, up my skirt, and then he begins to rub the toe of his shoe against my pussy. Even though I’m wearing panties, I gasp in surprise at how good it feels, and I begin to rub up against him in response. I reach backward with my other hand and manipulate Dom’s crotch even as I suck on Gem’s cock.

  Then, Dom’s fingers are under the table and undoing his jeans, and his long cock springs free. I drag my mouth from Gem’s cock and give my palm a sloppy lick, then wrap my hand around Dom’s cock and begin to stroke. His hand covers mine, helping me along, and I return to nuzzling Gemini’s cockhead with my lips. When he gives an audible groan, I giggle with pleasure that I’m able to distract him.

  I’m so wrapped up in pleasuring both men that I don’t notice there’s a conversation going on above the table until I hear a female voice say “Oh gross! You have sweetbutt under there?”

  Oops. Busted.

  “I’d introduce you to Kitty,” I hear Domino say even as his hand helps mine stroke the length of his cock. “But she’s got her mouth full at the moment.”

  My laughter chokes around Gem’s cock. How right he is. I give him a little squeeze of appreciation, and he begins to jerk harder.


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