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Packing Double: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 5)

Page 7

by Dixon, Ruby

  “I like you. I really do,” she says. “But my new man is calling the shots, and he doesn’t like the Butchers much. Says that since I know their new piece of tail, it’s my job to bring you in for them to say hello. More than that, it’s a way to get back at the Butchers. So I’m sorry that it has to be you, but if that’s the way things have to be, that’s the way it is.”

  I stare at her, a cold feeling in my gut. “Where are you taking me?” My voice is barely above a whisper. I eye the speedometer, and then the highway zipping past outside. Joleen’s going seventy-five, which makes me a prisoner in the car. If I try to jump out, I’ll kill myself. I need to think. “Joleen?”

  “I’m taking you to meet my new man.”

  “What’s his club?”

  Her smile is thin. “The Eighty-Eight Henchman.”

  • • •

  We drive for an hour in the wrong direction. In fact, we’re heading into the middle of nowhere, and I’m starting to get scared. Okay, scratch that. I’m really fucking scared, but the more endless highway with nothing but cactus and rock around us, the more scared I get. Joleen’s smoked an entire pack of cigarettes in a half hour, so I know she’s nervous as fuck. That makes two of us.

  I tried to pull out my phone at one point, thinking Joleen was distracted, but her reflexes are sharp with agitation. She wrestled it from my hand and tossed it out the window before I could do anything but slap at her.

  I’m well and truly trapped. I’m basically only waiting for the car to slow down so I can unhitch my belt-buckle and make a run for it. I won’t get far, but I have to try.

  I’m filled with hurt and outrage that Joleen would sell me out. I thought she was a mother-figure to me. That she had my back. That she cared about me. Seems like all she cares about is her newest man. Ironic since she’s the one constantly warning me about how unhappy men in the Lifestyle will make me. Which kinda makes me wonder—how much of that was legit, and how much was to sabotage my happiness with Gemini and Domino? Because I’ve been happier with them in this last week than I ever have before. The only discordant notes were planted there by Joleen.


  And now I’m about to get raped, murdered, and buried by the Eighty-Eight in the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere, New Mexico. And I’m almost hoping they murder me first, because getting raped and buried alive is the stuff made of nightmares, and I’ve heard plenty of nightmares about how the Eighty-Eight Henchmen treat their enemies.

  My thoughts are interrupted when Joleen’s car slows down a bit and exits off the highway on what looks like a dirt trail. My fear ratchets up higher. “Don’t do this, Joleen. Please. Don’t sell me out.”

  She ignores me and flicks on her brights, grimly driving out into the desert.

  “If you do this, I swear to God, Gem and Dom are going to kill you. Hell, if you do this, I’m going to kill you first. I’ll let them stomp on your remains.”

  But she only shakes her head. “Like I said, it isn’t personal.”

  Like hell it’s not. I can only imagine what the Eighty-Eight Henchmen plan on doing with me to get back at Gem and Dom. I shiver uncontrollably as she continues to drive into the desert, just fast enough that I’m afraid to jump out of the car and land in a bed of cactus. That might be better than what is waiting for me, but I still can’t make myself do it.

  Then, in the distance, we see six headlights up ahead. They’re in a half circle. There are shadowy figures standing near the bikes, but it’s too dark to make out their faces and the symbols on their cuts.

  “Please,” I murmur one last time, though I know it’s useless. She’s resolved to sell me out, no matter what.

  She brakes and the car screeches to a halt. I’m flung forward, only kept in place by my seatbelt, and then bounce back into my seat. Then, I’m fumbling with the belt and my fingers claw at the door handle. I can get out in time. I can. Then I can run for my life. And then—

  A shadowy form stands outside of the door, and I flinch backward instinctively, now locking the door so he can’t get in at me. I can’t run, I realize. There’s more men than just those standing near the bikes.

  It’s dark without the headlights of Joleen’s car, and I’m panicking. I can’t see faces, and all I know is that there are men everywhere, and they’re going to kill me and leave me here in the desert. A sob breaks in my throat and I look over at Joleen, who’s staring out over the dashboard, regret on her lined, bitter face. “I’m sorry, Tamra, honey,” she says.

  Then someone opens the door on her side, and yanks her out of the car. I scream as rough arms grab her and haul her forward, and then she’s flung to the ground in front of the car. What’s going on?

  A knuckle taps on my window. Panicked, I flinch backward as a man leans down and his face appears.

  Is that...Domino? My eyes widen in horror. Oh shit, is he the snitch?

  “She’s scared shitless, Gem,” he calls out.

  I hear boots on gravel and then another figure comes to the car window, and it’s Gem’s face in the shadows, all planes and dark blond goatee. He looks pissy. “You’re safe, Kitty. Get out of the car. It’s us.”

  “You—you’re both snitches?” My breath comes out as a ragged sob. I don’t understand what’s going on.

  Dom’s grin flashes. “Naw, babe. We’re cleaning up the snitch business. Now come on out so Gem and I can make sure you’re okay and this bitch didn’t hurt you.”

  Trembling, I unlock the door and fall out of the car. Gem’s strong arms are there to catch me, and he picks me up and hugs me against him, stroking my hair.

  “You all right, Kitty?” he murmurs, voice low enough that only I can hear it.

  I nod, letting him comfort me. His hand slides over my scalp, soothing, and I start to calm against him. “I—I don’t understand what’s going on.”

  “Bad shit,” Gem says. He plants a kiss on the top of my head and releases me.

  The moment he does, Domino’s there to haul me against him. He’s more aggressive with his touching than Gemini is, but I don’t mind that. His hands roam all over my body as he pulls me against him, and then they land on my ass and squeeze. “Goddamn, you scared us, Kitty,” he chastises. “Next time we tell you to stay put, you stay.”

  I push away from his chest. “Wait a second here, you’re not my owners.”

  The look on his face is confused. “Who said we were? We won’t tell you to stay put unless it means bad shit is going down and you could be hurt.”

  I...oh. I relax and burrow against him again. “You knew someone was coming after me?”

  “We knew our snitch was buried in with your boss and the Eighty-Eight,” he says. “We figured something was up when they showed up to our panty raid. They had to be tipped off.”

  “Did you find your snitch?” I ask, clinging to him. He’s warm and I’m still shivering, though I don’t know if it’s because of fear or cold.

  “We found a few vipers,” Gem says, striding back toward the other waiting men. “But no snitch...yet.”

  Dom remains, holding me, and I turn so I can see where Gem is going. Joleen’s sitting in the circle of headlights, on her knees, her hands tied behind her back. She’s crying, dark mascara streaks going down her lined cheeks.

  “Where’s Sideswipe?” she yells as Gemini approaches. “What’d you do with my man?”

  “Put a bullet through his head,” Gem says.

  I gasp.

  “It’s more merciful than what he and his boys planned on doing to you,” Dom murmurs in my ear. I know he’s right; it’s just shocking to hear. For the first time, I notice the men standing around are all wearing the Butchers marks on their jackets, and there’re additional shapes on the ground near the bikes.

  Additional bodies. Jesus. Gem and Dom hadn’t lied when they said they were cleaning house. “A-are all those men dead?”

  “They are,” Dom says to me, still holding me close. “And your friend’s about to join them.”

  I suck in a b
reath. I know she was going to sell me out. I know she can’t leave now, because she knows too much. But all the same...I don’t want to see her die. Not right in front of me. “Do I have to watch?”

  “Do you want to?” Dom asks me.

  I shake my head and bury it against his chest. “I want to go home.”

  He looks over at Gem. “Our old lady wants to go home.”

  Gem nods and then points at two of the six men here. I recognize Muscle and Beast from earlier. “Get rid of the bikes, the bodies, and the car. I don’t want any of it traced back to us. Make them all disappear.”

  “Got it,” Muscle says, voice cool as could be. “Have a good night, Prez.”

  Gem gives him a tiny off-hand salute. Then, he comes back to where I’m clinging against Dom and puts his fingers under my chin, tilting it up. He searches my face. “You want to say goodbye to your so-called friend?”

  I swallow hard and push away from Dom. I do want to talk to Joleen, if nothing else, so I can understand why. Why she did this. Why she was okay with letting her boyfriend murder me. So, on wobbly legs, I head to the pool of light where Joleen is squatting. Her face looks haggard in the shadows, but her chin is up, proud. I sit across from her and study her. “Why?” It’s a simple question.

  She sneers at me. “Because you’re just cunt, Tamra honey. My Sideswipe always says cunt ain’t good for nothing but fucking.”

  Her words are cruel. “I thought we were friends.” More than that, I looked to her as a mentor. Maybe even as the mother I never had.

  “There are friends, and there are clubs,” she tells me. “You should know that the club always comes first. You want to know what the Lifestyle is like, girl? That’s what it’s like. It’s all about men, and women don’t fucking matter unless they’re someone’s old lady.” Her voice wobbles a little. “Sideswipe was going to make me his old lady if I brought you to him.”

  “So you were okay with him raping and killing me?” I ask. “As long as you got what you wanted?”

  Her smile is bitter. “Like I said, you’re just cunt.”

  I don’t want to hear anymore. I can’t even be sorry she’s about to die. She was fine with me dying horribly. Fine with the Henchmen raping me and disposing of me out in the desert. The Butchers aren’t going to rape her, but buried out in the desert? Yep. And I can’t even disagree with it. If it was good enough for me, it’s good enough for her.

  And turnabout’s a bitch.


  I ride behind Gemini, my arms wrapped around his waist, my cheek pressed against the patches of his cut as we sail home on the dark highways. The wind dries away my tears, and by the time we’ve made it home, I’m all cried out. I won’t forget tonight; it was a hard lesson in life not to trust anyone.

  And even as I think it, I realize I trust Gemini and Domino. I trust them implicitly. I trust them with my life. I know they won’t hurt me. They could have easily made me watch Joleen get executed, but instead, they’re taking me home to comfort me the best way they know how. To let me know I’m not alone. For them, I’ve come before club business.

  Stupid tears burn my eyes again. I should be feeling trapped, unhappy, miserable, and alone. Instead, I feel warm and relieved that Gem and Dom were there to protect me. The entire Bedlam Butchers club has my back, actually. I have a family, not just someone who says they’ll take care of me and then try to sell me out at the first opportunity.

  We pull up to Gem’s ranch and I’m relieved to see it. It feels like home in a way my apartment never has. And stupidly, I start weeping all over again.

  “Hush, Kitty,” Gem says in that wonderful, rough voice of his. We drive into the garage, get off his bike, and before I can take two steps forward, he’s at my side, swinging me into his arms. And I snuggle against him and let him carry me inside, Domino holding the door open for us.

  He strides into our shared bedroom and sets me gently on the edge of the bed. His fingers caress my cheeks, wiping away my tears, and Dom sits next to me.

  “You okay, babe?” Domino asks, his hand going around my waist. He hugs me again. Dom’s the hugger of the two, and I lean against him.

  “I just feel...I don’t know. Stupid. Hurt. Betrayed. Shocked. A little horrified.” I sniff again.

  “Because we took care of business?” Gem asks, and I can see the tension in his body.

  I shake my head. I’m no twit. I know the Bedlam Butchers aren’t always on the up and up. Sometimes shit has to get done, regardless of the law. “Because I trusted her, and she didn’t give two shits about me. And I went with her and almost got killed.”

  “What you said earlier. About us controlling you.” Dom’s normally laughing voice is serious. “You know the only reason we asked you to stay home was because we knew shit was afoot tonight and it involved people you knew. We tried not to get you into things, because if the law ever came knocking, it’s best that you know nothing. But in general? You know we don’t control you. Shit, we couldn’t even if we tried.”

  I give him a tiny smile. It’s true. The more they try to boss me, the harder I push back.

  “You know we’re in full support of you continuing college this fall. I’d be pissed if you didn’t,” Gem says. “There’s control, and then there’s family. You’re family to us. You belong to us. We don’t want to smother you, Kitty. We just want to take care of you and love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I tell him, and then I caress Domino’s scruffy unshaven jaw. “Both of you. And I want to be your old lady.”

  No more hemming or hawing. I want to go full in. These men are my family, too.

  “Good,” Gemini says in a gruff voice, but I hear the pleasure there.

  “Very good,” Domino says, and his voice is silky. He leans in and kisses my neck. “Because I already don’t know what we’d do without you.”

  “Jerk off a lot.” I reach forward and tug Gemini closer by his belt. “Now, I think I need both of you to make love to me right now.”

  “You sure?” Dom asks. “You’ve had a rough night.”

  I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. I pull off my shirt to convince him, and then the three of us are stripping out of our clothing as fast as we can, hurrying to get naked. I’m the first one undressed (mostly because I don’t have to worry about a belt or boots with laces) and I climb into the center of the bed. My hand goes between my legs and I start to play with myself, encouraging them to speed the fuck up.

  Gemini’s the next one undressed, and he immediately rolls into bed, climbs over to me, and plants his face between my spread legs and shoves my hand aside. I love that Gem’s an enthusiastic muff diver, and it doesn’t take long before I’m rocking my hips against his tongue, moaning.

  “Goddamn boots,” Domino mutters from the side of the bed. His are tall and lace up high, and I’m betting this is the last time he wears them before bed. I giggle, and my giggle turns into a moan as Gemini’s talented tongue slides deeper and pushes into my cunt.

  And suddenly, I want more than just oral. Tongue is good, but I need dick, and I tell him so. “I’m on the pill, too,” I tell Gem. “Let’s go bareback.”

  He grabs me and sits me up, and takes me against his mouth in a long, wet, pussy-tasting kiss. I moan against his tongue and wrap my arms around his neck. As I do, Domino slides up behind me and cups my breasts, teasing my sensitive nipples. His cock nudges against my pussy and I shift my hips so my legs spread apart further. I need someone inside me, filling me up and reminding me of how happy we are together.

  Domino sinks deep inside me, and I moan against Gem’s mouth. My hand goes to Gem’s hard cock, and I want him inside me, too. I push against Gem’s chest and he falls backward onto the bed with a grin, and I service him the way he’d serviced me—with eager mouth. My mouth sinks down over his cock, and my hand plays with his balls as Domino begins a rhythm, pumping into me from behind. He feels so good—hell, all of this feels good. I’m overwhelmed with sensation, and I know I
won’t last long.

  I don’t want my men to last long, either. So I work Gem with my mouth, and even as I do, I sneak a finger under his balls and then push into his ass. And then I rub. He makes a choking sound, and then he’s grinding my mouth down on his cock harder than he’s ever done before.

  “What’s she doing? Does she have a finger in your ass?” Dom asks, all questions suddenly.

  I feel Gem’s nod.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Dom pants as he slams into me from behind. “I need you to do that to me next time, too,” he says, his voice ragged. His hands are bruising in their hold on my hips, and his thrusts are powerful and erratic. It’s like seeing what I’m doing to Gemini is driving him crazy, and he isn’t even touching Gem.

  It’s driving Gem crazy, too. I suck hard, and rub my finger deep inside, looking for his prostate. Suddenly, my mouth is filling with cum and Gem’s yelling—actually yelling—my name as he comes. I swallow his load and continue tickling with my finger, and he seems to come for what feels like forever.

  Then, he’s pulling my mouth off of him with gentle hands, and I release him. “Fuck her hard,” he pants to Dom, and Dom begins to plow into me even harder. My breasts are bouncing with the force of his thrusts, and I bury my face against Gem’s thighs, moaning as Domino’s cock rams into me over and over again. It feels so incredibly good, and his balls slap against my pussy with each thrust.

  And then Dom hisses between his teeth, and I feel him pulse deep inside me, filling me with his load. I flex my hips with satisfaction that I’ve made both of my men come...but then a hand moves to my pussy and finds my clit, and I go over the edge with them, screaming fiercely with pleasure.

  A few minutes later, we’ve all caught our breath and we snuggle together in the bed. Dom’s spooning me from behind, his cock still buried in my wet cunt. Gem’s against my front, idly brushing a hand over my nipples and kissing me softly. This is only a momentary respite, I know. Our next round of mind-blowing sex will start again soon enough, and by the time dawn hits, we’re all going to taste of sex and sweat, and I’m going to be walking funny in the morning. I don’t care.


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