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Packing Double: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 5)

Page 6

by Dixon, Ruby

  More talking, and then Gem speaks. “We’re keeping Kitty, by the way.”

  I scowl to myself, because they’re going on with this whole ‘keeping me’ thing again. I’m my own person and I get to decide, not them. So I might scrape Gem’s cock with my teeth a little, just to let him know I heard that.

  His hand twists in my hair, pulling my mouth away from his dick, the only sign he felt it. Pouting, I lick him like a lollipop, swirling my tongue over the head of his cock.

  “I think we’ve got a snitch,” Gem says.

  “Snitches are bitches,” I say automatically. Both Gem and Domino start to laugh, and I can feel their laughter right down to their cocks. Gem’s hand guides my head back to his dick and I automatically take him deep into my mouth. He begins to push on the back of my head harder, encouraging me to take him deeper, so I suck him into the back of my throat and nuzzle at the base of his cock with my lips, showing him what a good gag reflex I have.

  His hand holds my head in place, and I feel the hot spurt of cum in the back of my throat, so far back that I don’t even taste it. My throat works reflexively, and I give a little choke as I pull back, more of his cum filling my mouth. I swallow it all and then lick him clean, then tuck him back into his pants with a small kiss. He caresses my cheek, and then I move to take Dom into my mouth. I run my tongue down his impressive length, fist both hands around him, and work him for a few minutes before he’s coming in my mouth, too. Dom comes all over my lips and tongue, though, and it’s messy. I spend just as much time licking myself clean as I do him, but he tastes good and I love giving head.

  Then I sigh and tuck him back into his pants, too. My knees are starting to hurt from kneeling on the floor, so I get back up into my seat next to Gemini. I see that my tea is there, and I take a sip of it, thirsty.

  Both men are looking at me and grinning.

  “What?” I say, and give my mouth a cautious swipe. “Am I still wearing some?”

  “Nah,” Dom says. “Our company’s gone, though.”

  I pout. Sure enough, the area around our booth is empty. “I didn’t get to meet them.”

  “You were busy being naughty,” Dom says, but he looks far too pleased.

  “She used teeth on me,” Gem drawls, glancing over at Dom. “I think she needs punishment.”

  I give a squeal of outrage. “What?”

  “Punishment,” Dom agrees, a wicked grin crossing his handsome face. “You want to punish, or shall I?”

  “Was my dick that got teeth.”

  “Fair enough.”

  I look back and forth at them, shocked. They’re not really going to punish me, are they? If so, this relationship is at an end for sure.

  Gem pats the table surface and looks at me. “You sit here.”

  This...doesn’t seem like punishment. I narrow my eyes but get to my feet, and then climb onto the surface of the table, sitting right in front of Gemini. Dom pushes our drinks to the far end of the table. From this vantage point, I can see several people in nearby booths glancing over, wondering what’s going on. Heck, I’m wondering, too.

  “Naughty Kitty,” Domino says. “Time for you to lay back and take your punishment.”

  And Gem flips my skirt up and begins to tug my panties down.

  My eyes go wide. I look around again. He’s going to lick me in front of all these people? Oh God. I’m probably going to have to scream his name or something as an apology before he’ll let me come. And instead of getting freaked out, I squirm, because I am instantly, totally soaked with lust.

  “Back,” Dom commands again, and he reaches around to my front and plants his hands on my tits. I make another soft little moan of protest, but I’m not exactly fighting this. I lean back and my shoulders cradle against the top of Dom’s chest as he holds my breasts. His fingers begin to play with my nipples, and I watch with unabashed arousal as Gem carefully finishes rolling my underwear down my legs. Then, he looks up at me and there’s a naughty gleam in his narrow eyes. With one swift move, he pulls my knees apart and then hikes my hips up, cradling them against his forearms. My knees are now close to his ears, my pussy bare.

  And everyone is watching.

  “Lick her out,” Domino commands Gemini.

  “All in good time,” Gem says. He turns to me and gives a small shake of his head. “Teeth,” he begins, his tone lecturing. “Are very, very bad. But I think you know this.” He drags one finger up and down my pussy lips, and to my embarrassment, I’m so aroused that my sex makes audibly wet sounds as he touches me.

  Dom says nothing, but his fingers pinch my nipples through my t-shirt and bra. They’re stiff and aching, hard little points just begging to be sucked on, but he just keeps coaxing them with his fingers. I’m totally alert right now, my pulse pounding between my thighs. I’m starting to think that the moment Gemini’s tongue touches my pussy, I’m going to shatter into a million pieces.

  But when he finally leans down and his fingers part my flesh, I’m shivering with need. I watch as his tongue slides out of his mouth and it grazes over my heated skin, flicking over my clit. “Unh!” The sound escapes me and to my horror, I hear a stranger chuckle nearby. Instead of making me want to stop, though, it turns me on even more. My thighs tremble as I watch his head descend and he begins to nuzzle me, then lick me with long, slow strokes of his tongue. And I make that awful noise again. “Unhhh.”

  The fingers toying with my nipples aren’t letting up, and every lick of Gem’s tongue on my pussy is making me crazier. He’s not moving fast enough for me to come, though. In fact, I think he’s going deliberately slow to torture me. But he slips a thick finger deep into me and curls it against my g-spot and I nearly come off the table, bucking. Yes!

  But then he just stops. He just fucking stops. And stares at me with a smug grin on his wet, sexy mouth.

  I whimper and raise my hips, asking for more. but he’s ignoring me.

  “Now,” he says, voice soft and dangerous. “Isn’t it frustrating when you want to come and someone doesn’t play fair?”

  I moan, and Dom squeezes my breasts again. He’s right. It’s so, so unfair. “Please.”

  “Say, ‘I’ll be a good girl, Gemini. I’ll never use teeth again. Please lick my pussy properly.’”

  “I’ll never use teeth again,” I pant. “But I won’t be good. You won’t like me that way.”

  Now both he and Dom chuckle at my words. Dom’s mouth nuzzles at my ear, and then he licks my earlobe, and I moan long and hard again. “That’s what I like about you, Kitty. You always keep me guessing.”

  I wriggle against Gem’s finger pushed deep inside me, but he’s not thrusting or licking or anything. He’s still waiting. Shit. What was I supposed to say? “No teeth,” I pant. “Please lick my pussy.”

  “Well, what do we think? Is that a good enough apology?” Gemini asks, and for a moment I think he’s talking to Dom. But a chorus of boos surround us, and my eyes fly open. I realize there are several men standing around, watching us. Watching me writhing on the table, Dom manhandling my tits and Gem with his finger deep inside me.

  And instead of making me freak out, I’m aroused even more. I can feel my wetness dripping all over Gem’s hand, and I rub against him, moaning. “Please Gem. Please make me come.”

  “Louder. Tell me what you need me to do.”

  “Gem,” I moan, raising my voice. “Lick my goddamn pussy!”

  He chuckles. “And what will you do?”

  “I’ll be so fucking good,” I yell. God, I need to come so badly. “I’ll suck your dick every night and let you fuck my tits, whatever you want. You can come in my ass or all over my stomach. I don’t care, as long as you make me come right freaking now.”

  “And teeth?” He asks in a silky voice.

  “No teeth,” I bellow. “Never again. Now, please! Lick me!”

  My begging must please him, because his head descends and then he begins to work my pussy like he did late last night. His tongue swipes over my
clit, and then his finger curls against that spot inside me and rubs even as he licks.

  I scream, and my hands go to his gorgeous hair and I shove his gorgeous face against my pussy and come as he licks and licks and licks and Dom holds my breasts and tongues my ear.

  And I come down from my orgasm to the sound of applause.


  For the next week, Domino and Gemini do their very best to give me a slice of what club life entails. Or rather, what club life with them entails. Because we’re always together. Just being with them makes the most mundane sort of chores fun. A trip to the grocery store? A laugh riot. A quick jaunt to the post office? Fun, because Dom and I cuddle in line. Heading to the Meat Locker? Even more fun, because I ride behind Gem and get to feel him up as he drives. He says that I’m naughty, but he’s not exactly booting me off of his bike, either.

  We ride all the time, too. I’ve been on the back of a motorcycle more in this last week than I have my entire life. They drive just for shits and giggles, sometimes, just to wind down. But mostly? We drive with a purpose. Gem and Dom drive to meet club officers in nearby states. They drive to check in on far-flung Butchers in neighboring cities. They drive to powwow with some of the guys from the Hellfire Riders and the Death Lords who are heading to Lake Tahoe. To meet them, we drive straight through for about fifteen hours, and my face gets chapped from the wind and my hair’s a mass of tangles, but I’ve never felt more alive. I love the wind rushing through my hair and cruising down the highway, and I see why my boys are addicted to their bikes.

  And when we get to Tahoe? Instead of going gambling right away, the three of us pile into a hotel bed and make love for hours. When we meet the ambassadors for the other clubs, they get a good laugh out of my sore waddling, but Gem and Dom just grin, pleased as punch that they’ve worn me out. We hang out in Tahoe for two days, and then head back to Albuquerque for Friday Night Fights. I get to meet Lucky, Gem’s little sister, who’s about my age and seems to carry the weight of the world on her slim shoulders. Must run in the family.

  We also fuck like bunnies. God, I love making love with those two men. We all end up sleeping in the same bed every night, me stretched between the men like the meat in a very sexy sandwich. One of them usually wakes me up to fuck me again—usually Gemini, since he’s a light sleeper. Dom, however, can sleep like the dead, so I tend to wake him with a blow job just to get the reaction out of him that Gem got out of me not hours earlier. It’s fun to be with these two men, and I even get a kick out of their possessiveness or how one always seems to be touching me no matter where we go.

  I have to admit, I’m not hating the Lifestyle. The constant riding on the bikes? Love it. The two-on-one action? Really loving it. The way these men seem to live without paying attention to the rules of society? It’s totally me.

  But something holds me back from saying “Yep, I’ll take both of you” to the men and committing myself. I think I’m afraid that this is all somehow a fluke, and that I’ll wake up one morning and be trapped. So whenever they joke about keeping me, I keep my mouth shut.

  There’s a tiny kink to my happiness, though: Chrome. I call in sick to work every day, which I’m sure pisses Joleen off, but I feign strep and a sore throat—not hard to do when I wake up raspy from screaming my lungs out every night. I know she doesn’t believe me when I say I’m sick. Maybe I sound too happy. Maybe she heard the smacks of Gem’s mouth as he ate out my pussy during her last call. Whatever it is, I know Joleen’s not happy with me in the slightest.

  And maybe it’s that guilt that makes me pick up the phone the next weekend when she calls. “Hi Jo,” I tell her, keeping my voice casual. I’m in the laundry room of Gem’s ranch, and it’s a fair distance away from the garage, which is where the boys are at currently. Two of the guys stopped over—Muscle and Beast, the Warlords of the Bedlam Butchers—and they’re all out there dick swinging and talking shop or whatever it is that guys do when they get together.

  Me? I’m doing my laundry, because Gemini’s got a kick ass washer/dryer and my shitty apartment doesn’t. And I need clean panties. I seem to be running through them like there’s no tomorrow.

  “Oh, thank God,” Joleen says, and she sounds terribly stressed, which makes my guilt ratchet up another notch. “Tamra, honey, are you ever coming in again or do I need to write you off the schedule entirely?”

  “I’m coming in,” I tell her. “Soon. I’m feeling much better.” Mostly I’m running out of excuses. I can’t have strep for two weeks, can I? I’ve never had strep so I don’t know how long I can fake it. I squeeze out a pathetic cough just to keep my cover story going.

  “When are you coming in? Tonight?”

  I toss a new load of panties into the washer, and throw in some of Gem and Dom’s briefs while I’m in here. I almost don’t mind being domestic around them, because they handle the kitchen. Least I can do is the laundry. “Am I on the schedule tonight?”

  “Well, no, but I’m desperate. Cindy’s on vacation and Kimmy and Sue both called in. I’ve got no one to work the floor and it’s Sunday night. You know how crazy we get on game nights.”

  I wince in sympathy. Weekends are always crazy, but never more so than when football is on. It’s great tips, though, and I could use the money considering I’ve been spending the last week neglecting real life. “I’m not sure if I can get away.”

  “Let me guess,” Joleen says, and her voice is cold and biting. “You have to ask permission, right?”

  I bristle at her tone. “What are you implying?”

  “Come on, Tamra. We both know I’m not stupid. You need to ask your new owners if you can go play off the leash for a bit. I know how the Lifestyle works.”

  Her words irritate me. “That’s not how it is at all. I can do what I want. No one owns me.”

  “You sure about that?”

  My hands happen to land on my black Chrome t-shirt as I pull it out of the dryer. “I’m sure. I can work if I want to. I don’t have a ride, though.”

  “That’s not a problem,” Joleen says quickly, her voice turning wheedling. “I’ll come get you. Please, Tamra?”

  I hear the sound of multiple boots entering the kitchen. “Give me five minutes and I’ll call you back,” I tell her, then hang up. I shove my phone in my jeans pocket, grab a stack of clothing, and then head toward the main part of the house.

  All four men are there in the living room, and I’m surprised to see both Domino and Gemini putting on their patch-covered vests. They look up at the sight of me, and I see Dom’s gorgeous smile a moment before he grabs me, squishes the laundry between us, and kisses the hell out of me. When he releases me, I look over just in time to see Gem’s face descending on mine for an equally ravaging kiss. By the time both men let me go, I’m blinking and dazed.

  “We’re going out for a bit, babe,” Domino tells me. “Club business.”

  “You stay put,” Gem adds. “We’ll be home late.”

  Stay put? What am I, a dog? I ignore that, since I don’t have any intention of staying put. Instead, I change the topic. “What kind of club business?”

  Dom leans in and his mouth goes to my ear. He gives the shell a quick lick, and then murmurs, “Snitch business.” Then, he grabs a pair of lacy pink panties off the top of my clothing pile. “Wear these when we get home.”

  I snatch the panties out of his hand, since Muscle and Beast are both grinning. “You boys have fun,” I say, and then turn and head for the bedroom to put away the clothes. Gem’s hand smacks my ass as I walk past, and I should be annoyed at them, but I’m smiling. Truth be told, I like their handsiness. I like their possessive hands always touching me. I like that I always feel wanted around them.

  Even so, I recall Joleen’s words about my new owners, and so, when I hear the bikes roar away a few minutes later, I call her back and give her the address so she can come and get me for my shift.

  • • •

  Joleen’s looking more haggard and tired than
usual when I see her. She pulls up to the ranch in her Ford Focus, which tells me that her old bike is probably on the fritz again and she still can’t afford a new one. I’m glad to see her car, though. Riding behind someone feels like something special that I share with Gem and Dom. I climb in the passenger seat wearing my Chrome t-shirt and jeans, and a pair of sneakers. I’m not dolling up tonight, not if there’s no one important to see me. Everyone important is on snitch business.

  She lights up a cigarette next to me and I crack my window so I won’t have to smell it. Much. “You look tired,” I comment, and notice her hands are shaking as she smokes.

  “Been a rough week,” she tells me, but doesn’t look in my direction. As soon as I buckle up, she pulls out of the driveway and tears down the road, heading for the highway.

  “Because it’s been busy?” I ask, making conversation.

  “Among other things,” she tells me. “Lots of club activity in the area, so we’re getting lots of people stopping in other than just regulars.”

  “That’s good for business.”

  “Yeah,” she says. Then she looks over at me. “I got myself a man, too.”

  I brighten, because Joleen’s always on the lookout for Mr. Right, as long as he comes in a leather jacket and rides a Harley. “Oh? This is new.”

  “Been seeing him for about two months, actually,” she tells me.

  I’m surprised, because Joleen hasn’t said a thing to me, and I tell her that.

  “We were trying to keep things on the down-low, but I don’t suppose it matters now,” she says, and takes another shaky drag of her cigarette. Her lined mouth is pursed hard.

  “Why is that?” I ask, even as I realize we’re going west on the highway instead of east, toward Chrome. “I think you missed your turn, Jo.”

  “I just want you to know, Tamra, honey,” she says, grimly staring ahead. “It’s not personal.”

  I blink. “What’s not personal? Where are we going?”


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