Inside Job
Page 25
response to Trump win, 106
“Revised Redistricting Plans Face Strong Public Opposition: GOP lawmakers on a key Senate committee approved a revision Friday of controversial redistricting plans, but Democrats and others accused Republicans of lacking transparency” (Kaplan), 161n80
suspicion of hacking of voting machines, 108
“A Very Early Look At The Battle For The House In 2018: Donald Trump is unpopular enough that Republicans could lose the House, but there’s a lot of uncertainty.” (Enten), 156–157n56
vote rigging, xxiii–xxiv
and voter fraud hijacks, 83–90
and voter hijacks playbook, 95–101, 122–123
and voter laws, 69
voter laws, 62–66
voter suppression, 30–32
and voter technicalities, 35–39
war on voting, 131
“We’re Supposed to Be a Democracy, But Half the GOP Is OK with Postponing 2020’s Election: A party full of delusions exposes the dark underbelly of America” (Rosenfeld), 201n290
“Why Republicans Can’t Find the Big Voter Fraud Conspiracy: If the last federal investigation is any guide, the answer is simple: It probably doesn’t exist” (Rab) April 2, 2017, 166n103
“Republican redistricting is taking a beating in the courts (again)” (Phillips), 160n74
“Republicans limit early voting in Marion County, letting it bloom in suburbs” (Hussein), 187n197
“Restore lawful enforcement policies in the Civil Rights Division,” 198–199n271
“Results from the 2016 Nevada GOP caucuses” (Mihalik, Pesce and Walsh), 150n20
Reuters, 87, 144
“Special Report: Behind US race cases, a little-known recruiter” (Biskupic), 168n115
“Revised Debate Memo,” April 27, 2015,, 148n6
“Revised Redistricting Plans Face Strong Public Opposition: GOP lawmakers on a key Senate committee approved a revision Friday of controversial redistricting plans, but Democrats and others accused Republicans of lacking transparency” (Kaplan), 161n80, 169–170n121
Richmond Times-Dispatch, “Va. Supreme Court strikes down McAuliffe’s order on felon voting rights” (Moomaw) July 23, 2016, 170–171n126
Riley, Michael, 191n216
Roberts, John, 31, 64
Robertson, Jordan, 191n216
Robison, Mark, 150n21
Rolling Stone, “The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters: Will an anti-voter-fraud program designed by one of Trump’s advisers deny tens of thousands their right to vote in November?” (Palast) Aug. 24, 2016, 181–182n175
Rolling Stone, Aug. 2016, 85–86
Romney, Mitt, 12
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 10
Rosenfeld, Steven, 162n83, 166n101, 192n224, 193n232, 194n238, 196–197n259, 197n262, 201n287
Ross, Deborah, 98–99, 188n199
Roth, Zachary, 155n50
Rove, Karl, xxi, 37–38, 49, 54, 58, 157n58
Russia and US voters, xxi, xxiii
“Russian Cyber Hacks on US Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known” (Riley and Robertson), 191n216
Russian hacking, 99, 106, 108–109, 113, 120–122, 127, 186–187n192, 187n195, 191n215, 192n221, 195n249
and GOP voter hijacks playbook, 122
and Trump victory, 129
Russian intelligence hackers, 5
Ruthelle Frank, et al., v. Scott Walker Case no. 11-CV-01128, 189–190n211
Ryan, Micael, 23
Sablosky, Bret, 129
Sales, Ruby, 196n258
“Same-day voter registration,” 174n139
A Sampling of Election Fraud Cases From Across The Country (Heritage Foundation), 165n94
Sanders, Bernie, xiv–xv, xiv, xxii–xxiii, 95
2016 election, 3–7
California 2016 primaries, 25–28
and Iowa Caucuses, 2016, 8–13
March-April primaries, 19–24
Nevada Caucuses, 2016, 15–18, 150n22
New Hampshire primary, 2016 election, 14
voter suppression, 31
“Sanders campaign sues DNC after database breach,” 148n7
Sanders-Clinton split, xxv
Santorum, Rick, 12
Scalia, Antonin, 76
Schneiderman, Eric, 23
Schuette, Bill, xix–xx, 115–116
Schultz, Debbie Wasserman, xxii, 6, 29–31, 153n41
Schwartz, Mattathias, 193n231
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 140
Scott, Rick, 85
“Sean Spicer wrongly uses Pew study to bolster claim that noncitizens vote in large numbers” (Carroll), 184n184
“Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas” (Woodall), 176n147
Section 5 of Voting Rights Act, 64, 167–168n113, 168n114
segregation. See Jim Crow South; redistricting, extreme, 72, 173n136
“Senate Approves Redistricting Plan; Black Democrats Object: The Alabama Senate approved new legislative districts over the objections of black Democrats” (Chandler), 161–162n81
Senate Intelligence Community, 195n249
Senate seats, 35–36
“Separate and Unequal Voting in Arizona and Kansas: Two states want to create a two-tiered voting system reminiscent of the Jim Crow South” (Berman), 172–173n134
Sequoia AVC Edge, 123
Sessions, Jeff, 69, 132–133, 172n131, 198n268, 199n272
Seventeenth Amendment, 36, 138, 148n6
Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign (Allen and Parnes), 11, 99, 149n13
Shelby County v. Holder, 65–66, 71, 167–168n113, 168n115, 168n117
Sherman, Amy, 181n168
Sherman, Gabriel, 192n226
Simas, David, 105
Simon, Jonathan, 107–108
Simons, Barbara, 108–110, 192n220
Smith, Grant, 182–183n179
“Snagged Votes In Los Angeles” (Frankel), 152–153n37, 150n22
Snyder, Timothy, 121–122, 195n245
social media operation, Russian hackers, 121–122
Social Security Administration (SSA), 79–80
Social Security numbers, 133
“Some States Review Election Systems for Signs of Intrusion” (Dalesio and Mulvihill), 186–187n192
“Special Report: Behind US race cases, a little-known recruiter” (Biskupic), 168n115
Spicer, Sean, 89
SSNVS, 178–179n159
SSOLV, 178–179n159
Stanford Law Review, June 2016, “Three Tests for Practical Evaluation of Partisan Gerrymandering” (Wang), 159n67
“The State of Redistricting Litigation (March 2017 edition)” (Brennan Center for Justice at New York University, 157n60
state-issued ID, xvii
“Statement From A. G. Schneiderman On Voting Issues During New York’s Primary Election,” 152n32
“Statement on Hillary Clinton’s Victory in the Iowa Caucus” (Paul), 149n14
Stein, Jill, xiv–xv, 105–110, 115–116, 118, 192n222, 193n228, 194n236
Stein, Sam, 198n266
Steinbuch, Yaron, 154n45
Stephanopoulos, Nicholas O., 46
Strach, Kim Westbrook, 85–86, 186–187n192
“Strict North Carolina Voter ID Law Thwarted After Supreme Court Rejects Case” (Liptak and Wines), 186n192
Sublette, Constance, 155n49
Sublette, Ned, 155n49
“The Success of the Voter Fraud Myth” (Editorial Board), 184n185
Sullivan, Andy, 182–183n179
Sullivan, Jake, 110
Super PACS, 5
Super Tuesday, 15, 18
superdelegate system, 29–32
superdelegates, DNC, xxii–xxiii, 6–7, 9, 18, 24–25, 27
Supreme Court
Arizona Prop 200 overturned, 75
Baker v. Carr, 42
Blum law
suits, 168n115
campaign finance rulings, 31
emergency recount petitions, 126
and extreme voter redistricting, 136
and filibuster rule, 48
Florida recount, 2000, xx
and gerrymandering, 46–47, 66–67, 72, 157n60, 160n75, 162n82, 169–170n121
Gill v. Whitford, 200–201n285
gutting of Voting Rights Act, 151n24
Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute, 200n283
Ohio voter purge, 81–82, 86
and Ohio voter purges, 135–136
overturns Arkansas voter ID law, 74
and race redistricting, 46–47
rejects voting rights case, 186n192
Shelby County v. Holder, 167–168n113
Supreme Court, 39
and the Voting Rights Act, 20, 64, 92, 96–97
“With Supreme Court appeal, Texas wants to keep congressional map intact: Attorney General Ken Paxton revealed that Texas has no plans to ask lawmakers to redraw the state’s Congressional map in a fresh round of legislative overtime. Instead, Paxton is appealing the ruling to the US Supreme Court” (Malewitz), 162n82
“The Supreme Court Could Make It Easier for States to Purge Voters; The Court has decided to hear a new case from Ohio, where Democrats were twice as likely as Republicans to be purged from the rolls in the state’s largest counties.” (Berman), 162–163n84
“Supreme Court forced to confront the ‘unsavory’ politics of district lines” (Wolf), 157n60
“Supreme Court: Virginia redistricting must be reexamined for racial bias” (Barnes), 169–170n121
Suprun, Christopher, 125–126, 196n257
Swedlund, Mark, 86
Tampa Bay Times, “Florida halts purge of noncitizens from voter rolls” (Bousquet and Sherman) March 27, 2014, 181n168
Tea Party, 91
technicality hijacks, 61–83
Tempey, Nathan, 151n30
“Texas, Wisconsin Photo ID Wins Could Help Nearly 1 Million Registered Voters” (Brennan Center for Justice), 189–190n211
“Texas Agrees to Soften Voter ID Law After Court Order” (Wines), 189n208
“Texas Democratic primary and caucuses, 2008,” 149–150n18
Texas NAACP v. Steen (consolidate with Veasey v. Abbot), 164–165n92
Texas Republican Party, 61
The Texas Tribune
“With Supreme Court appeal, Texas wants to keep congressional map intact: Attorney General Ken Paxton revealed that Texas has no plans to ask lawmakers to redraw the state’s Congressional map in a fresh round of legislative overtime. Instead, Paxton is appealing the ruling to the US Supreme Court” (Malewitz) Aug. 18, 2017, 162n82
“Trump administration confirms plans to drop key claim against Texas Voter ID: The US Department of Justice confirmed Monday it plans to ditch its longstanding position that Texas lawmakers purposefully discriminated against minority voters by passing the nation’s strictest voter identification law in 2011” (Malewitz) Feb. 27, 2017, 198n269
Texas voter hijacks, 97–98
Texas voter ID laws, 66–67, 132, 185–186n191, 121
“Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election” (Cole, Esposito, Biddle and Grimm) June 5, 2017, 187n195
“There Were 5-Hour Lines to Vote in Arizona Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act” (Berman), 151n24
“This Election Is Being Rigged—but Not by Democrats: The GOP’s voter-suppression efforts are the real voter fraud” (Berman), 181n173
Thomas, Chris, xviii–xx, 106–107, 118
“Three Tests for Practical Evaluation of Partisan Gerrymandering” (Wang), 159n67
Three-Fifths Clause, Article 1, 35
“Top Democrat backpedals after saying primaries were ‘rigged’” (Steinbuch), 154n45
The Topeka Capital-Journal, “Kris Kobach supports Donald Trump’s assertion millions voted illegally” (Carpenter) Nov. 20, 2016, 177n154
“Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election” (Cole, Esposito, Biddle and Grimm), 187n195
Torres, Kristina, 176n148, 178n158, 179n161
Toutant-Beauregard, Pierre Gustave, 69
Treyz, Catherine, 148n7
Tribune News Services/Associated Press, “Judge: North Carolina counties must restore voters removed in ‘insane’ process” Nov. 4, 2016, 185n189
True The Vote, 185n188
TrueTheVote, 91
Trump, Donald, xiii–xiv, xvi, xx, xxiii, 31, 147n1, 147n3, 175n142
and empowerment of voter suppression, 132
“Lock her up,” 95
“Obama’s DOJ Fought Texas Voter ID Law. Trump’s New Civil Rights Chief Offered Tips On Writing It: That’s not a great sign for voting rights” (Reilly) Jan. 25, 2017, 198n270
Pennsylvania election, 99
Putin and Russian hacking, 120–121
“Recidivism Watch: Trump’s claim that millions of people voted illegally” (Kessler), 197n263–198n263
and REDMAP targeting, 44–45
and Russian hacking, 191n216
“Trump administration confirms plans to drop key claim against Texas Voter ID: The US Department of Justice confirmed Monday it plans to ditch its longstanding position that Texas lawmakers purposefully discriminated against minority voters by passing the nation’s strictest voter identification law in 2011” (Malewitz), 198n269
“Trump’s Former Aide Concedes There Was No Voter Fraud In New Hampshire: Corey Lewandowski is not reading from the same script” (Stein), 198n266
“Trump’s voter fraud experts registered in 3 states” (Burke) Jan. 31, 2017, 198n264
Tweet July 1, 2017, 199n277
Tweet “Stop Crooked Hillary From Rigging This Election!,” 90
Tweet: Voter Fraud Panel, 134
victory in 2016 election, 100–101
voter fraud, 69
and voter hijacks, 89
voter ID laws, 74–78
and voter machine hacking, 120
and war on voting, 131
“Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump” (Suprun), 196n257
wins Wisconsin, 99
“Trump administration confirms plans to drop key claim against Texas Voter ID: The US Department of Justice confirmed Monday it plans to ditch its longstanding position that Texas lawmakers purposefully discriminated against minority voters by passing the nation’s strictest voter identification law in 2011” (Malewitz), 198n269
“Trump Election Observers,” 90
Trump-Russian probes, 140. see also Mueller, Robert; Russian hacking
“Trump’s Former Aide Concedes There Was No Voter Fraud In New Hampshire: Corey Lewandowski is not reading from the same script” (Stein), 198n266
“Trump’s voter fraud claims undermine the democratic process and his presidency” (Balz), 198n267
“Trump’s voter fraud experts registered in 3 states” (Burke), 197n264
Tubbs-Jones, Stephanie, 54–55, 126
Turner, Albert, 198n268
Twentieth Amendment, 140
“2011 State and Legislative Partisan Composition” (National Conference of State Legislatures), 157n59
2004 Election and the Implementation of The Help America Vote Act, 54–55
2016 Pre- and Post-Election State Legislative Control (National Conference of State Legislatures) November 9, 2016, 156n55
“On Tyranny: Lessons From The Twentieth Century” (Synder), 195n245
Uchill, Joe, 193n230
“Uncovering Kris Kobach’s Anti-Voting History” (Lopez and Clark),
Underhill, Wendy, 174n140
unions and gerrymandering, 47–48
“United States House of Representatives elections, 2012,” 155–156n53
“United States House of Representatives elections, 2016,” 156n54
“Update: Suspicious votes, long times at Dem caucus” (Robinson), 150n21
“Upgrading Democracy: Improving America’s Elections by Modernizing States’ Voter Registration Systems” (Pew Center), 183n181
US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP et al. v. Pat McCrory et al. July 29, 2016, 186n192
US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, File Name 16a0241p.of, A Philip Randolph Institute, Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless, Larry Harmon v. Jon Husted Sept. 23, 2016, 182n177
US Department of Justice, 167n111, 181n170
“About Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act,” 168n114
US District Court Eastern District of Wisconsin, April 29, 2014, 189–190n211
US District Court, Nov. 4, 2016, North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP et al. v. North Carolina State Board of Elections et al, 185n190
US Election Assistance Commission (EAC), 76, 108
US Government Accountability Office, 41
“Additional Data Could Help State and Local Elections Officials Maintain Accurate Voter Registration Lists” June 2005, 173n136
Issues Related to Registering Voters and Administering Elections June 2016, 158n62
Issues Related to State Voter Identification Laws Sept. 2014, 158n61
US House, 2012 election, 44
US Supreme Court
USA Today, 15, 38, 144
“Supreme Court forced to confront the ‘unsavory’ politics of district lines” (Wolf) May 25, 2017, 157n60
USA Today, February, “Harry Reid delivers for Hillary Clinton: Nevada’s ‘neutral’ power players may have saved a campaign and changed history.” (Ralston) Feb. 20, 2016, 150n19, 174n137
“Use it or lose it: Occasional Ohio voters may be shut out in November” (Sullivan and Smith), 182–183n179
“Va. Supreme Court strikes down McAuliffe’s order on felon voting rights” (Moomaw), 170–171n126
verification of voting machines, 115–116, “The Verifier - Polling Place Equipment - Current,” 193n232