Inside Job
Page 26
“The Verifier - Polling Place Equipment - Current,” 193n232
“A Very Early Look At The Battle For The House In 2018: Donald Trump is unpopular enough that Republicans could lose the House, but there’s a lot of uncertainty.” (Enten), 156–157n56
Vieth v. Jubelirer [02-1580], 42, 158n64, 160n75, 200–201n285
Virginia voter ID laws, 66–67
Virginia voting rights, 67
“Virginia’s breakthrough on rectifying an enormous injustice” (Editorial Board), 171n127
Volkswagen, xxi
von Spakovsky, Hans, 134–135
vote certification, 106
vote discrepencies, post 2016 election, 105–112
vote hacking, 196n252
vote recounts, 147n2, 194n236, 194n237, 194n238, 194n239
Michigan, xviii–xxi
Wisconsin, xiv–xvii, 174n138
voter bias a.k.a. tilting, rigging, gaming, 35–39
voter caging operations, 185n188
voter fraud, 51–59, 72–73, 163n86, 163n87, 164n91, 165n93, 165n94, 166n101, 166n103, 170–171n126, 171n128, 175–176n144, 175n142, 175n1443, 176–177n149, 177n154, 184n185, 198n263, 198n264, 198n265, 198n266, 198n267, 199n279
voter fraud hijacks, 83–90
voter ID laws, 50, 53, 59, 61–63, 66–68, 75–78, 97–98, 101, 118, 124, 164n90, 166–167n106, 167n108, 174–175n141, 174n137, 174n140, 176n147, 176n148, 185–186n191, 188–189n205, 189–190n211, 189n208, 196n256, 198n269
“Voter Identification Requirements | Voter ID Laws” (Underhill), 174n140
voter impersonation fraud, 41
Voter Integrity Project, 185n189
“Voter Integrity Project boot camp teaches how to challenge voters” (Porter and Ball), 185n188
Voter Integrity Project of North Carolina, 90–93
voter laws, 61–66, 168n117
voter machine hacking, 123, 192n220, 192n221, 193n229, 193n230
voter purges, 22, 41–50, 83, 90–92, 124, 135–136, 162–163n84, 180–181n167, 180n166, 181–182n175, 181n168, 181n173, 182–183n179, 185n189
voter registration database problems, 22–23, 173n136, 174n137, 174n138, 184n184, 186–187n192
voter registration laws, 71–78
Voter Registration Modernization Design Working Group, 88
voter registration verification, 178–179n159, 178n158, 178n159, 179–180n164, 179n161
voter suppression, 30, 132–133, 135, 167n109, 199n280
“Voter Suppression in the Mirror and Looking Forward: How much damage occurred in 2016, and what’s in store for 2018 and beyond?” (Rapoport), 194n237
“Voter Suppression Works” (McElwee), 167n108
“Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections: 1828–2012” (American Presidency Project), 165n95
votes, intentions of nation’s founders, 35
“Voting Advocates Announce a Settlement of ‘Exact Match’ Lawsuit in Georgia: Minor Typos and Data Entry Errors will No Longer Deny Eligible Georgians the Right to Register and Vote,” 179–180n164
“Voting Law Changes: Election Update” (Weiser and Kasden), 167n110
voting laws, 167n110
voting laws, restrictive, 164n90
“Voting Laws Roundup 2013” (Brennen Center for Justice), 168n117
“Voting Laws Roundup 2017” (Brennan Law Review), 165n96
“Voting Machine Digital Ballot Images Could Let Public Recount Elections, But Many Locales Aren’t Saving or Sharing This Data: Publicly verified elections are key to de-corrupting our democracy” (Brakey), 201n291
voting machine tampering, 19–20, 108–110, 141, 196n253
voting machines, xxi–xxii
voting machines, assumptions of integrity, 113
voting maching verification, 201n291
voting operating rules, gaming, 35–39
voting rights, 58–59, 61–67, 171–172n129
Voting Rights Act, 1965 (VRA), 20, 31, 43–44, 47, 64–66, 92, 96, 120, 127–128, 133, 168n115
“The Voting Rights Act of 1965” (US Department of Justice), 167n111
“For Voting Rights Advocates, Court Decision Is ‘Temporary Victory,’” (Wines), 160–161n78
Voting Section, US Department of Justice, letter, June 28, 2017, 200n281
voting vigilantes, 90–93
VR Systems hack, 110
Waldman, Michael, 36, 58, 84–85, 155n52
Walker, Scott, 118
The Wall Street Journal, “The GOP Targets State Legislatures: He who controls redistricting can control Congress” (Rove) March 4, 2010, 157n58
The Wall Street Journal, March 4, 2010, 37–38, 49, 54
Walsh, Ben, 150n20
Walsh, Joan, 96, 98, 188n199
Walsh, Shushannah, 153n42
Wang, Samuel S.-H, 159n67
war on voting, 131–141. see also Republican Party/GOP
Warner, Mark, 195n249
The Washington Post, 68, 116, 120, 123, 132, 140, 144
“1.7 million people in 33 states and D.C. cast a ballot without voting in the presidential race” (Bump) Dec. 14, 2016, 193–194n235
“Do voter identification laws suppress minority voting? Yes. We did the research.” (Hajnal, Lajevardi, Nielson) Feb. 15, 2017, 167n109
“Donald Trump is wrong. Rigging an election is almost impossible: This is how hard it would be to pull off widespread voter fraud” (Berman) Aug. 5, 2016, 187n196
“It’s time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class” June 5, 2017, 147n1
“Justice Dept. sides with Ohio’s purge of inactive voters in case headed to Supreme Court” (Horwitz) Aug. 8, 2017, 200n284
“No, 1.8 million dead people aren’t going to vote in November” (Bump) Oct. 18, 2016, 172n130
“Poll: Nearly half of Americans say voter fraud occurs often” (Guskin and Clement) Sept. 15, 2016, 184n185
“Recidivism Watch: Trump’s claim that millions of people voted illegally” (Kessler) Jan. 24, 2017, 197n263
“Republican redistricting is taking a beating in the courts (again)” (Phillips) May 22, 2017, 160n74
“Trump’s voter fraud claims undermine the democratic process and his presidency” (Balz) Jan. 25, 2017, 198n267
“Virginia’s breakthrough on rectifying an enormous injustice” (Editorial Board) June 11, 2017, 171n127
The Washington Post, Feb. 2017, 62
The Washington Post/ABC News poll, 90, 184n185
Wasserman, David, 156–157n56
Wasserman, Harvey, 166n101
“Watch: Hackers Demonstrate How to Crack Into Electronic Voting Machine in Minutes: Disturbing footage from the DEF CON 25 hacker convention” (Friesdat), 196n253
Waters, Maxine, 128
Weaver, Jeff, 13–14, 18
Weiser, Wendy, 167n110
“Were 2016 vote counts in Michigan and Wisconsin hacked? We double-checked” (Mebane and Bernhard) June 6, 2017, 196n252
“We’re Supposed to Be a Democracy, But Half the GOP Is OK with Postponing 2020’s Election: A party full of delusions exposes the dark underbelly of America” (Rosenfeld), 201n290
“What 6 Top Election Experts Are Saying About the Next Big Step in the 2016 Recount” (Rosenfeld), 194n238
What Happened in Ohio? A Documentary Record of Theft and Fraud in the 2004 Election (Fitrakis, Rosenfeld and Wasserman), 166n101
“What We Know and Don’t Know about Election ‘Hacks’ in 2016” (Becker), 193n229
“When Does Political Gerrymandering Cross a Constitutional Line?” (Liptak), 159n672
Whitlock, Liz, xv–xvi
“Who Hacked the Election? Ad Tech Did. Through ‘Fake News,’ Identity Resolution and Hyper-Personalization” (Albright), 195n249
“Who We Are” (, 183n182
“Why Did the Founding Fathers Choose a Republic?” (DeMichele), 155n48
“Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump” (Suprun), 196n257
/> “Why Republicans Can’t Find the Big Voter Fraud Conspiracy: If the last federal investigation is any guide, the answer is simple: It probably doesn’t exist” (Rab), 166n103
WikiLeaks, 5–6, 29–30, 95, 108, 149n9, 153n40, 155–156n53, 156n54, 158n63
“Will Keith Ellison Move the Democrats Left? By running for the D.N.C. chair, the Minnesota congressman hopes to lead a populist opposition against Trump” (Cunningham), 154n44
“Will North Carolina Lead the Way to a New South? Progressives like Reverend Barber and candidates like Deborah Ross are hoping to assemble a multiracial coalition to defeat a conservative backlash” (Walsh), 188n199
“Will third time be a charm for those who want NC Supreme Court to invalidate election maps?” (Blythe), 169–170n121
Wills, Garry, 155n48
Wilson, Woodrow, 10
Wines, Michael, 160–161n78, 160n75, 163n85, 175n142, 178n157, 186n192, 189n208, 196n256
Winger, Richard, 108
Wisconsin Elections Commission, 118
Wisconsin recounts, 117–118
Wisconsin redistricting, 200–201n285
“Wisconsin Strict ID Law Discouraged Voters, Study Finds” (Wines), 196n256
Wisconsin voter hijacks, 98
Wisconsin voter ID laws, 99
Wolf, Richard, 38, 157n60
women’s rights and gerrymandering, 47–48
Wood, Erkia, 171–172n129
“Would-be independents joining the American Independent Party could blame California’s voter registration card” (Myers), 152n35
Wright, Dan, 148n6
WWIR,, “Governor McAuliffe Provides Update on Restoration of Rights Numbers” Jan. 18, 2017, 171n127
Yelton, Janet, 97–98
Yen, Hope, 153n38
Yolo, Ted, 36
younger voting block, 3–4, “Hacking The Diebold Machine” (Felten), 192n220
Zeleny, Jeff, 148n7
Zuckerman-Parker, Michelle, 119