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by Miles J. Unger

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  Accademia del Disegno, Florence (Academy of Design), 366, 369, 370

  Accademia Gallery, Florence, xii, 77, 104, 110, 118, 231, 376

  Acheron, 244n

  Adam, 170, 172, 179–80

  Adoration of the Magi, The (Leonardo), 157

  Agostino di Duccio, 81, 91

  Alba, Duke of,

  Albert, Archbishop, 323

  Alberti, Leon Battista, 31, 55, 117n, 150, 286, 315, 319, 321, 342n, 345

  Aldovrandi, Gianfrancesco, 38

  Alexander VI, Pope, 44, 45, 82, 129, 130, 133, 265

  Alidosi, Cardinal Francesco, 143, 144, 146

  Ambrose, Saint, 173n

  Angiolini, Bartolommeo, 261, 263, 355

  Anonimo Magliabecchiano (anonymous), 251n

  Apollo Belvedere, 107, 111, 129, 166n, 281, 378

  Apollo/David (Michelangelo), 376

  Archers Shooting at a Herm (Michelangelo), 262n

  architecture, Michelangelo’s conception of, 340–41

  Aretino, Pietro, 7

  Michelangelo attacked by, 290–91, 302–3, 308

  Michelangelo’s correspondence with, 289–90

  Ariosto, Ludovico, 1, 7, 369

  Aristotle, 164

  art, artists:

  as freed from social norms, 5

  fusion of work and life of, 4, 5, 6

  ideology vs., 309

  as intellectual and spiritual leaders, 3

  Michelangelo’s role in changed image of, 2–3, 4, 6, 194, 374

  mystical powers of, 70

  patrons and, 150, 186, 194

  Renaissance concept of, 76–77, 96, 149–50, 262, 286, 359, 366, 371–72

  as seen by Michelangelo, 285–86

  Arte della Lana, 81, 82, 91, 117–18

  Arte di Calimala, 81

  Assumption of the Virgin (Perugino), 271–72

  Augustine, Saint, 170, 171, 180n

  Avignon, 44, 315

  Babylonian Captivity (1309–78), 44, 315

  Bacchanal of Children (Michelangelo), 261–62

  Bacchus (Michelangelo), 49–50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59n, 64, 65, 108, 165, 376

  Baccio d’Agnolo, 205, 207–8, 344

  San Lorenzo facade and, 206, 207

  Baglioni, Malatesta, 249

  baldachino, St. Peter’s Basilica, 345, 346, 378

  Balducci, Baldassare, 49, 56

  Balducci, Giovanni, 49, 56

  Bandinelli, Baccio, 247

  Bandini, Francesco, 364

  Baptistery, Florence, 81, 82–83, 105

  Last Judgment mosaic of, 278

  Barcelona, Treaty of (1527), 246

  Bargello National Museum, Florence, xii, 49, 354n, 376

  Baroque, 238, 340, 346

  Bartolomeo, Fra, 34


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