Page 49
basilican form, origins of, 319
Battle of Anghiari, The (Leonardo), 118–20, 124
Battle of Cascina (Bastiano da Sangallo; after Michelangelo), 121
Battle of Cascina, The (Michelangelo), 120, 251n
cartoons of, 122, 125, 139
Michelangelo’s abandonment of, 124
Battle of the Centaurs (Michelangelo), 23–24, 23, 25, 122, 376
Bayezid II, Ottoman Sultan, 142
Belting, Hans, 71n
Belvedere, Vatican, 133, 136, 161, 196
Benedetto da Mantova, 296
Bernardo della Ciecha, 99
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 238, 345–46, 378
St. Peter’s rebuilding and, 338, 340
Bertoldo di Giovanni, 20, 24, 60, 280
Bettini, Cesare, 349
Biagio da Cesena, Last Judgment and, 291–92
Bibbiena, Cardinal (Bernardo Dovizi), 206n, 269
Biblia vulgare istoriata (Malermi), 153n
Bichiellini, Niccolò, 31
Birth of Eve, The (Michelangelo), 171–72
Birth of Venus, The (Botticelli), 35, 40
Black Death (1348), 80
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 12
body, as soul’s prison, 61–62, 198, 232, 283–84, 356
Bologna, 165n-66n
Michelangelo in, 38–39, 143–46
Bonfire of the Vanities, 35
Book of the Courtier, The (Castiglione), 287
Borgia, Cesare, 44, 82, 84, 129
Borgia, Lucrezia, 44
Borgia, Rodrigo, see Alexander VI, Pope
Botticelli, Sandro, 35, 40, 99, 147
bozzetto, 57n
Bracci, Cecchino de’, 356
Bracciolini, Poggio, 44–45
Bramante, Donato, 133, 141, 142, 158, 185n, 194, 205, 214, 316, 322–23
archaeological investigations of, 318–19
arrogance of, 134, 135
death of, 323, 325
Julius II and, 134
Michelangelo’s rivalry with, 133, 138, 140, 162, 334
St. Peter’s rebuilding planned by, 63, 138, 164, 314, 318, 319, 320, 322–24, 333, 334–35, 340, 344, 353n
as self-serving, 140
Brancacci Chapel, 27n
Brazen Serpent, The (Michelangelo), 179
Bruges Madonna (Michelangelo), 90n, 115n
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 80–81, 98, 134, 204, 205, 208, 216, 221–22, 224, 248, 318–19, 335, 344, 368, 377
Brutus (Michelangelo), 354, 376
Bugiardini, Giuliano, 20, 155–56
Buonarroti, Buonarroto, 14, 37, 86, 177, 193, 211
death of, 248, 352
Michelangelo’s correspondence with, 137, 144, 145, 165n, 183, 201–2, 204
Buonarroti, Cassandra Ridolfi, 362
Buonarroti, Francesca, 1, 9, 14
Buonarroti, Francesco, 9, 11
Buonarroti, Giovansimone, 14
Michelangelo’s correspondence with, 145, 175–76
Buonarroti, Gismondo, 14, 86, 360
Buonarroti, Lionardo (Michelangelo’s brother), 8n, 30
financial problems of, 54
Buonarroti, Lionardo (Michelangelo’s grandfather), 9
Buonarroti, Lionardo (Michelangelo’s nephew), 248, 273, 367, 368
Michelangelo’s correspondence with, 1–2, 248n, 272–73, 307, 310, 348, 352, 355–56, 360–62, 366
Michelangelo’s relationship with, 360–61
Buonarroti, Lodovico, 8, 9, 11, 12, 359
death of, 254, 352
diary of, 8
financial problems of, 54, 175, 211
Michelangelo’s choice of artistic career opposed by, 15, 22–23, 30
Michelangelo’s correspondence with, 49, 54, 55, 86, 87, 136–37, 160, 185–86, 189, 192–93, 212, 230–31
and Michelangelo’s move to Medici Palace, 21–22
Michelangelo’s relationship with, 87–88, 175, 211–13, 230–31, 254
poverty of, 87
pride of, 8, 87
Buonarroti, Lucrezia, 14, 54
Buonarroti family, 359, 361
background of, 7–9
Canossa kinship claimed by, 8–9
Michelangelo’s loyalty to, 54–55, 85, 176, 213, 359
poverty of, 8, 9–10, 11, 15
Buoninsegni, Domenico, 148n, 213–14, 247
Michelangelo’s correspondence with, 206–7, 208–9, 236
Busini, Giovanbattista, 249
Calcagni, Tiberio, 354
calcanguolo, 90
Campidoglio, Rome (Michelangelo), xiii, 328, 330, 331, 332, 341, 342, 378–79
Canossa, Alessandro, 8–9
Canossa, Matilda, 9
Canossa family, Buonarroti’s claimed kinship with, 8–9
Capitoline Hill, 328, 330, 332
Capponi, Niccolò, 249
Caprese, 8
Captives series (Michelangelo), 6, 52, 77, 90n, 169, 197n, 231–32, 251, 355, 376
Caraffa, Cardinal Gian Pietro, see Paul IV, Pope
carcere terreno, 61–62
Carrara, 58, 196, 210–11, 228
Casa Buonarroti, Florence, xii, 376
Casa Nuova, Rome, 47
Castagno, Andrea del, 83n
Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome, 221n, 246
Castiglione, Baldassare, 53, 261, 287, 358
Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of (1559), 351n-52n
Caterino, Ambrogio, 292
Catherine de’ Medici, queen consort of France, 215n, 255, 317
Catholic Church, corruption in, 295–96
Cavalieri, Tommaso de’, 283, 328, 376
Michelangelo’s correspondence with, 257–59
Michelangelo’s gift of drawings to, 261–62, 294–95
Michelangelo’s relationship with, 255, 257–63, 290, 294–95, 297, 352–53, 363, 367
Cellini, Benvenuto, 27, 57n, 238, 245
Cervini, Cardinal, see Marcellus II, Pope
Charles, duke of Bourbon, 245
Charles V, Holy Roman emperor, 227, 233–34, 243, 246, 307, 330
Charles VIII, king of France, 92, 234, 351n-52n
Chigi, Agostino, 196, 323
Christ Giving the Keys of the Church to St. Peter (Perugino), 150n
Christ on the Cross (Michelangelo), 33
Ciarla, Simone, 325
Cimabue, 12
Clement VII, Pope, 4, 29, 191, 195n, 203, 215, 227–28, 246, 250, 265, 370
death of, 263
election of, 233–34
and League of Cognac, 244–45
on Michelangelo, 3
Michelangelo’s relationship with, 148n, 235–36, 251, 252
political maneuvering of, 234–35, 243–44
and St. Peter’s rebuilding, 324
San Lorenzo projects and, 207, 209, 214–15, 221, 228–29, 230, 235, 251, 252, 325
Sistine Chapel proposal of, 268
Cocytus, 244n
Colonna, Vittoria, marchesa of Pescara, 258n, 285, 295, 296–97
death of, 357
Michelangelo’s relationship with, 297, 299–300, 353, 364
Condivi, Ascanio, 2, 5, 6, 18, 24, 39, 48, 63, 71, 86, 91, 125, 249, 252, 258, 297, 300
on Bacchus, 49
on Julius Tomb, 169
on Medici Tombs, 205, 239–40
on Michelangelo’s decision to become an artist, 15
on Michelangelo’s flight to Florence, 138n, 139
on Michelangelo’s meeting with Lorenzo, 20–21
on Michelangelo’s relationship with Domenico Ghirlandaio, 16–17
on Michelangelo’s relationship with Julius II, 136
Michelangelo’s reputed homosexuality rejected by, 52
on Pietà, 65–66
on St. Peter’s rebuilding, 314–15
on Sistine Ceiling, 174, 186
on Sleeping Cupid hoax, 40–41
Consilium de Emendanda Ecclesia, 296
Constantine, emperor of Rome, 315, 316–17
Contarini, Cardinal G
asparo, 296
Conversion of Saul, The (Michelangelo), 304, 305, 306–7
Cordona, Ramón de, 191–92
Corsini, Alessandro, 251
Corsini, Silvio, 228
Cosmas, Saint, 236
Counter-Reformation, 293n, 303, 308, 345
Courtier, The (Castiglione), 53, 261, 358
Creation of Adam, The (Michelangelo), 39, 127, 152n, 179
Creation of Adam, The (Quercia), 181
Creation of Eve, The (Michelangelo), 153, 159n, 173, 180
Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, The (Michelangelo), 152n, 181
Crucifix (Michelangelo), 31, 33, 64, 376
Crucifixion (Michelangelo), 298, 299
Crucifixion of St. Peter, The (Michelangelo), 304, 306–7, 309
cult of personality, Michelangelo as object of, 5–7, 232–33, 262, 373
Cumaean Sibyl, 166–67, 172, 173, 182
Curia, corruption in, 296
Damian, Saint, 236
Daniel, 182
Daniele da Volterra, iv, 309, 367, 371
Dante Alighieri, 12, 38, 65, 75, 104, 244n, 291n-92n, 354n
David, as symbol of Florence, 83, 97, 100, 104
David (bronze; Donatello), 92, 97, 102
David (bronze; Michelangelo), 91–92, 122
David (marble; Donatello), 97–98
David (Michelangelo), 38, 39, 68, 77, 78, 88–92, 94–100, 102–12, 113, 117, 123, 131, 165, 179, 191n, 198, 200, 221, 247, 268, 372, 376
as balance of realism and idealism, 111
as celebration of male beauty, 111–12
contract for, 79, 88, 90
debate on location of, 97–100, 102–4
as embodiment of Renaissance concept of Man, 105–8, 111
fears of vandalism of, 102–3
first public viewing of, 96–97
in Florentine political context, 100, 102–3, 108–9
marble block for (“the Giant”), 79–80, 81–82
as pinnacle of High Renaissance art, 110
Vasari on, 83, 84, 91, 95–96, 100, 109–10
David and Goliath (Michelangelo), 179
Dawn (Michelangelo), 239
Day (Michelangelo), 239
Del Beneficio di Gesù Crocifisso (Benedetto da Mantova), 296, 297n
Delivery of the Keys to St. Peter (Perugino), 322
della Porta, Giacomo, 343
della Rovere, Cardinal Grossi, 188–89, 205
della Rovere, Francesco, see Sixtus IV, Pope
della Rovere, Francesco, duke of Urbino, 265
della Rovere, Francesco Maria, duke of Urbino, 201, 229
della Rovere, Giuliano, see Julius II, Pope
della Rovere family, 184, 201, 230, 235, 254, 263, 266
Delphic Sibyl, 173
del Sera, Neri di Miniato, 9
Deluge, The (Michelangelo), 152n, 153, 159n
Desiderio da Settignano, 13n
De Tolnay, Charles, 168n
Dialogue on Painting (The Aretino) (Dolce), 195–96
Dialogues with Michelangelo (Holanda), 127, 182, 276, 284–87
Dieci di Balia, 92
Discobolus (Myron), 107
Discorso Intorno alle Imagini Sacre e Profane (Paleotti), 303
Dismas, 277
di sotto in sù perspective, 153–54, 178–79
Divine Comedy, The (Dante), 38
Dolce, Lodovico, 195–96
Donatello, 12, 20, 24, 81, 83n, 92, 97, 102, 105, 108, 134, 222, 318, 368
Doni, Agnolo, 115, 117
Doni, Anton Francesco, 6–7
Doni Tondo (Michelangelo), 114, 115–17, 116, 122, 123, 169, 376
Donnino, Agnolo, di, 156
Dovizi, Bernardo (Cardinal Bibbiena), 206n, 269
Dream of Human Life, The (Michelangelo), 262n
Drunkenness of Noah, The (Michelangelo), 171
Duomo, see Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence
Dusk (Michelangelo), 239
Dying Slave (Michelangelo), 197
Egidio da Viterbo, 316
Enneads (Plotinus), 94n
Entombment, The (Michelangelo), 85, 122
Erasmus, 130n
Erythrean Sibyl, 173
Este, Alfonso d’, duke of Ferrara, 146n
Este, Isabella d’, marchesa of Mantua, 42
Euclid, 164
Eve, 170, 172
Expulsion (Masaccio), 27n
Ezekiel, 173
Fabbrica di San Pietro, 324, 326, 332, 335, 337–38, 348, 349
Fachino, Giovanni, 270
Fall of Phaeton (Michelangelo), 262n
as goal of Michelangelo, 15, 70–71, 90
of Michelangelo, 287–89, 347, 357, 373
Renaissance quest for, 74–76
Farnese, Alessandro, see Paul III, Pope
Farnese, Giulia, 265
Farnese, Pier Luigi, duke of Parma, 307, 332n, 337
Fattucci, Giovanni Francesco, 229, 231
Ferratini, Bartolomeo, 334
Ferrucci, Francesco, 250
Ficino, Marsilio, 12, 23, 25, 62, 94n, 150, 172, 284
Fidelissimi, Gherardo, 367
Figiovanni, Giovan Battista, 251
Filarete, 102–3
Flagellation (Sebastiano), 195n
Flood, The (Michelangelo), 174
Florence, 134, 146
artisans in, 11–12
arts in, 12
in conflict over Michelangelo’s burial site, 368
David as symbol of, 83, 97, 100, 104
French occupation of, 39
fresco tradition in, 156–57
map of, xii
Medici dominance in, 12
Medici’s return to power in, 191–92
merchant class of, 11–12
Michelangelo’s 1494 flight from, 37–39
Michelangelo’s 1501 return to, 84, 87
Michelangelo’s 1506 flight to, 138–39, 141–42, 314
Michelangelo’s 1517 return to, 211
Michelangelo’s loyalty to, 89, 95
Michelangelo’s works in, 375, 376–77
plague in, 54, 80, 248
political factionalism in, 100, 102–3
republican government of, 11–12
republican revival in (1527–30), 246
Savonarola regime in, 39–40
Savonarola’s downfall in, 82, 84
siege of, 250, 351
slums of, 11
view of, 10
in war with Pisa, 82, 109, 113
Florentine Academy, 357, 359, 363
Florentine Pietà (Michelangelo), 62–63, 363–64, 377
florins, value of, 15n-16n
Foix, Gaston de, 184
foreshortening, in Sistine Ceiling, 153–54, 178–79
Fortezza da Basso, Florence, 353n
France, 12, 36, 191, 350–51
Francesco da Urbino, 14
Francis I, king of France, 234, 243, 244, 288
fresco painting, difficulty of, 157, 178
fuoriusciti (Florentine expatriates), 353–56
Galatea (Raphael), 196
Galileo, 377
Gallo, Jacopo, 85, 355
Bacchus acquired by, 49–50, 55
Gates of Paradise (Ghiberti), 105
Genesis, Sistine Ceiling depiction of, 151, 152, 153, 166, 169–73
genii, 168
Ghiberti, 105
Ghirlandaio, Davide, 14, 18
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 14, 16–17, 18, 120, 147, 310
as Michelangelo’s first teacher, 17, 18, 19, 155
workshop of, 17, 20, 156
Giambologna, 238
Giannotti, Donato, 286–87, 354
Giocondo, Francesco del, 113
Giocondo, Giovanni, 327
Giorgione, 195
giornate, 159
Giotto, 12, 76, 278–79
God, Sistine Ceiling depictions of, 180–81
God Separating the Light from the Dark (Michelangelo), 159n,
Gonzaga, Cardinal Ercole, 292
Gonzaga, Elisabetta, duchess of Urbino, 123
gradina, 90
Granacci, Francesco, 18, 20, 27, 155, 156
Michelangelo’s friendship with, 14–15
Grassis, Paride de, 158, 165n, 184, 186, 188, 313, 316, 322–23
Great Council, Florence, 118
Guicciardini, Francesco, 128, 130, 183, 243, 245, 250
Hades, 244n
Hadrian VI, Pope, 227, 229, 233, 295–96, 324
Haman, 179
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 105n
Head of a Faun (Michelangelo), 20–22
hemicycles, 341–42, 378
Henry II, king of France, 215n, 255, 351n
Henry VIII, king of England, 246
Heraclitus, 164, 174
Hercules (Michelangelo; lost), 30–31
Hercules (proposed companion to David), 246–47, 248
Hercules and Cacus (Michelangelo), 376
High Renaissance art, 110
Holanda, Francisco de, 127, 182, 267, 276, 284–87, 295, 352
Holy Roman Empire, 233–34, 350–51
humanism, 23, 24, 172, 319, 345
Iacopo, Fra, 156
idealism, balance of realism and, 110–11
ignudi, 152, 167, 168–69, 173, 184, 198, 238
indulgences, 214, 323
Inferno, The (Dante), 244n, 291n-92n
Innocent VIII, Pope, 74
Inquisition, 293–94, 308, 372
intonaco, 272
Isaiah, 166, 172, 173, 182
Jacopino del Conte, xiv
Jacopo di Sandro, 155–56
Jeremiah, 182
Jesuits, 308
Jesus Christ, in Last Judgment, 281–82
Joel, 173
Jonah, 182
Jonah (Michelangelo), 271
Judith and Holofernes (Donatello), 102
Judith and Holofernes (Michelangelo), 179
Julius II, Pope, 128, 132, 150n-51n, 190, 268, 293
as art patron, 129, 178
Bramante and, 134
character of, 129, 190
Church’s well-being as primary concern of, 130
death of, 188, 316, 323
egotism of, 130, 188, 313–14
ill health of, 177–78
mercurial temperament of, 137, 161
Michelangelo’s 1510 meeting with, 177
Michelangelo’s bronze statue of, 144–46, 184
and Michelangelo’s flight to Florence, 139, 141–42
Michelangelo’s reconciliation with, 143–45
Michelangelo’s relationship with, 133, 135–36, 162, 184–85, 188, 236, 314
Michelangelo summoned to Rome by, 124–25, 126
military campaigns of, 142–43, 175, 177, 178, 183–84
Raphael and, 161–62
St. Peter’s rebuilding and, 138, 313–15, 316, 317–18, 319, 322–24, 345, 348
Sistine Ceiling and, 141–42, 147–48, 158, 173–74
tomb of, see Julius Tomb
Julius III, Pope, 350
Michelangelo and, 348–49