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The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps

Page 4

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Thanks. I could use a long sleep in.”

  Giving her a last quick hug, he picked up his satchel and headed out. He was parked behind the barn, and as he climbed into his late model BMW, a snappy silver truck pulled up alongside him. He paused, wondering who was visiting the barn so late in the afternoon, and was surprised to see Matt Montgomery and his border collie.

  “Hi,” Patrick waved. “Can I help you? Are you looking for me?”

  “Uh, no, I have Dusty Anderson’s check here. I found it.”

  “Oh, she was in the tack room, but I think she’s gone to check on her horse. She’ll be in the barn somewhere.”

  “Great, thanks. See you later.”

  Matt watched the BMW drive away, then wandered into the barn. Poking his head into the tack room he found it empty, so began walking down the barn aisle, his footfalls quiet in the soft dirt. He could hear the murmurings of a soft female voice coming from one of the stalls, and as he reached it he peered through the bars. Still wearing her hot pink chaps, Dusty was combing her horse’s mane with one hand, as she stroked his neck with the other.

  “Dot Anderson,” he said softly.


  She froze.

  “Dot, or, I guess you prefer Dusty these days.”

  As the jolt wore off, she wanted to turn around, but she had no idea what to say, and she knew she looked a mess.

  “I have something I think is yours,” he continued, wishing she’d stop combing her horse’s mane and talk to him.

  “What’s that?” she asked quietly.

  “Your check. You must have dropped it when, uh, you must have dropped it earlier,” he said feeling clumsy.

  “Oh, thanks, I’ve been looking for it. You can leave it in the tack room if you want.”

  She still hadn’t turned around, her voice sounded weak, and the furious spitfire with whom he’d done battle was gone.

  “Dusty, Dot, I don’t know which name you prefer, but-”

  “Dusty,” she interrupted.

  “Okay, Dusty,” he said tentatively, “are you feelin’ all right?”

  “Fine. I just won a really important event, what could be wrong?”

  “You tell me,” he answered softly, “or Jinxy here. I’m sure he’d be happy to listen.”

  “Jinxy is with you?”

  “Jinx is always with me.”

  There was a part of her that wanted to talk to him, but she hated the thought of him seeing her with red-rimmed eyes, and she certainly didn’t want him to ask why she’d been crying.

  “I have an idea,” he said breaking into her thoughts. “Are you gonna celebrate your victory tonight?”

  “My mom and my aunt are going to take me somewhere for dinner,” she replied moving her head slightly, offering her profile.

  “I’d like a chance to start over,” he began. “How would you feel about me takin’ the three of you to The Sunset Lodge? As one of the sponsors of the show, it would be my pleasure to treat the winner of the 1D division.”

  “Really? The Sunset Lodge?” she murmured. I’ve always wanted to go to the Sunset Lodge.

  “Would that be okay? We can go somewhere else if you’d like.”

  “Uh, no. The Sunset Lodge sounds great,” and I really want to go.

  “Is that a yes?” he pressed.

  “I appreciate the invitation, but it feels kinda weird,” she admitted. “I mean, after what happened.”

  “Let’s put that behind us, at least for tonight. I would like to talk about it at some point, but like I said, we could start over, and I’d like to help you celebrate your win today. You and your horse were spectacular,” then risking a little levity, he added, “your mom and aunt will be there so we’ll both have to be on our best behavior.”

  “I need to call mom and ask her,” she replied, his comment eliciting a small smile. “My phone is in the tack room.”

  “No time like the present,” he said sliding open the stall door. “The manager is a friend of mine so I can always get a table, but with the show in town they’re busy every night, so I need to call right away.”

  “Okay, I’ll try her now,” Dusty replied, and keeping her head down she moved out of the stall, but Jinx demanded her attention, barking as she stepped into the aisle.

  “He’s not gonna to let you go anywhere without sayin’ hello,” Matt chuckled.

  “Jinxy,” she muttered dropping down to pet him. “The cutest collie ever. You want to come to the tack room with me? Come on, let’s go call mom.”

  Matt had turned back to admire the gleaming black gelding, and was just about the close the door when he saw a flash of white. Leaning down, he saw the small white patch between the horse’s front legs. A chill shivered down his spine. Raising his eyes he looked at the horse more carefully, then gently placing his hands on the horse’s muzzle, he opened his mouth to check his teeth.

  “What’s up?” Dusty asked.

  “Just wondered how old he is,” Matt replied casually.

  “The vet thinks around eleven, maybe twelve. I’m going to make that call. I’ll be in the tack room.”

  “I’m done,” he replied closing the stall door.

  As Matt followed her down the barn aisle, Jinx trotting beside her, his curiosity about Licorice slipped to the back of his mind. Watching the wiggle of her beautiful bottom framed in the pink chaps, he felt his cock stir in his jeans.

  I am definitely gonna be spanking that lovely butt soon, and that’s a promise.

  Wanting to give her some privacy when she called her mother, he wandered outside, and as he picked up a stick to throw for Jinx, he spotted a truck and trailer rolling towards the barn. It pulled slowly to a stop, and a young man jumped from the cab and began to ready the trailer for loading.

  “My mom said that would be lovely, and thank you.”

  He turned around. Dusty was standing a few feet behind him, and he immediately saw why she’d been reticent to look at him. The evidence of her tears was still apparent, and it was clear she was feeling self-conscious, but before he had a chance to comment the driver of the rig jogged up.

  “Hey, Dusty? Licorice ready?”

  “Yep, I’ll go get him,” she said quickly. “Matt, thanks ever so much for the invitation. What time should we be there?”


  “Seven’s good. We’ll see you then.”

  “Wait,” he smiled, “your check.”

  “Oh, right, thanks.”

  He stared at her for a moment, thinking back to the shy, scrawny teenager who barely spoke and was usually wearing dungarees. He could see the resemblance, but he knew it would never have occurred to him that Dot and Dusty were the same person. As she walked away, he called to Jinx and climbed into his truck.

  “So, Jinx, looks like I got a second shot,” he remarked starting up the engine. “I’ll make sure dinner goes well tonight, and then I’ll call her and make plans for coffee or lunch. I’m gonna make her listen to my side of the story, even if I have to put her over my knee to do it.”

  Inside the barn, Dusty heard Matt’s truck crunch against the gravel as he drove off, and slipping a halter on Licorice, she led him from his stall and out to the trailer. Her bottom was tender, rubbing against her jeans, and she was aching to get home and peel them off.

  “I’ll follow you,” she said as she walked Licorice around the trailer and loaded him.

  “Sounds good,” the young man replied as he closed up the back doors.

  Moving to her car, she stopped to unzip her chaps and throw them in the back seat. They’d become a part of her, and she didn’t feel complete around the barn without them on. Climbing in behind the wheel she winced as she sat down.

  “Ouch. Well, that will go down as one of the most embarrassing moments of my life,” she muttered. “If Patrick wasn’t gay I would have been totally freaked out.”

  Her mind unexpectedly flashed back to the comment Matt had made.

  “You know what you need?
You need an old-fashioned, over the knee spankin’.”

  A fluttering bird burst to life in her stomach, and as she began to follow the trailer, the thought of Matt doing what Patrick had just done, sent a hot, moist surge between her legs.

  What the hell does this mean? Ow, my butt really hurts, but I swear it’s turning me on? Wait, Patrick doesn’t turn me on, not at all. Matt has always turned me on, he still does, so what is two plus two making here? The thought of Matt spanking me is a turn on? Oh, shit!


  The Sunset Lodge was a log cabin restaurant set above a lake. It was a twenty-minute drive from the small ranch where Dusty lived with her parents, but Matt was a mere five minutes away. His father lived in the small lakeside suburb, and wanting to be near him when his health began to fail, Matt had sold his condominium in town and bought a home a couple of blocks away from his parents house. He didn’t mind the drive into work every day, and enjoyed the serenity when he returned in the evenings. Most importantly, he was on hand if his father or mother needed him.

  He arrived at the restaurant early, and settled at the busy bar to have a drink before Dusty, her mom and her aunt arrived. He wasn’t exactly nervous, but he wasn’t relaxed either, and as the Jack Daniels started to take the edge off, his mind wandered to the horse Dusty called Licorice. He needed to know how she came to own him.

  When the three women entered they turned heads. Dusty’s svelte, willowy frame was draped in an aqua dress, and with her intense green eyes and long blonde hair, Matt thought she resembled Darryl Hannah, but even prettier than the famous actress. Her mother, Karen, wasn’t tall like her daughter, but she was a very attractive woman and carried a sparkle in her eye. Not knowing that Sharon King, the show secretary, was Dusty’s aunt, when Matt saw her it was a happy surprise, and helped to break the ice.

  They were shown to a window table, and though the sun had set the view of the lake was still a majestic sight, the moon’s reflection on the water turning it into a postcard.

  “This is very generous of you, Matt,” Karen said warmly, “and Tom, Dot’s father, wanted me to thank you as well.”

  “He’s out of town?” Matt asked.

  “He’s a long-haul driver, so yes, he’s on his way back from the other side of the country right now.”

  “He must be very proud of his daughter.”

  “He is. It hasn’t been an easy road for either of our children, but they have risen to life’s challenges. Brian, our son, is pre-med, and it looks as if our girl here could be a national champion.”

  “Don’t count the chickens, mom. You know I’m superstitious about that stuff.”

  The waiter arrived, and as they perused their menus, when Matt glanced across at Dusty he couldn’t help but notice she was shifting in her seat. She was also sporting a twinkle in her eye, and a warm blush was firing her cheeks a delightful pink.

  If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you’ve had your butt warmed today. Come to think of it, how do I know you haven’t? You’ve sure got all the symptoms.

  Feeling his gaze she lifted her eyes. The soft pink blush turned a deeper red, and she immediately looked back at her menu.

  Now that was tellin’, and sexy as hell. Dusty Anderson, you just get more gorgeous by the minute.

  As the evening continued there were no awkward silences, mostly because Sharon was filled with gossip about the show. Matt caught Dusty staring at him more than once, but when their eyes met she would be the first to look away. Her mother continued to call her Dot, which he could see Dusty found annoying, and not wanting to offend either of them he refrained from using any name at all.

  “Licorice is such an athletic, talented horse,” Matt remarked as dessert and coffee were served. “How did you find him?”

  “I was driving one of the student’s home, close to here as it happens, and I saw him alone in a field. He looked so sad and skinny, and I couldn’t stand it.”

  “She can be a bit impulsive,” Sharon interjected, “and she just walked up to the front door and knocked. The woman there said she could just take him.”

  “Really?” Matt frowned. “Did this woman tell you anything about him? Where he came from? Anything at all?”

  “She was very close-lipped, wasn’t she, honey,” Karen replied. “We couldn’t really afford a horse, what with Dusty starting college and a Rob a few years in and wanting to be a doctor, but Dot promised she’d get a job and help pay for him, and do all the grunt work, and she was true to her word. We already had Itsy and Bitsy, so that helped. He wouldn’t be by himself.”

  “Itsy and Bitsy?” Matt grinned. “Who are Itsy and Bitsy?”

  “Our goats,” Dusty replied. “We got them so dad wouldn’t have to keep dealing with an overgrown lawn when he’d come home. Licorice hit it off with them the minute he walked into the field.”

  “How long ago was that?” Matt asked casually.

  “Let’s see, you were in your first, or second year of college, and you graduated a year back, so about four, maybe five years? Would that be right, Dot?”

  “Something like that,” she nodded. “He looks so different. I have pictures. You wouldn’t believe he’s the same horse, and the way he took to barrel racing was crazy. It was like he was born to it.”

  Matt suppressed a smile.

  A bit like you. You look nothin’ like that skinny, timid girl who used to come to the cafe and play with Jinx.

  “Did you pay the woman, get a bill of sale, anything like that?” he asked.

  “Um, I can’t remember. I’m not sure,” Dusty replied. “Did we mom?”

  “No, dear, I don’t think so. Patrick might have. He’s the one who picked him up for you.”

  “Loaded into that trailer like he couldn’t wait to get out of there,” Dusty remarked. “The horse Gods were smiling on both of us that day.”

  “When are the State finals?”

  “In a couple of weeks.”

  “Who’s your sponsor?”

  “Sponsor? I don’t have a sponsor. I may have won the division, and people know who I am now, but this is the first year I’ve done well, so no-one’s chasing me yet.”

  “Silver Streak Saddles would benefit from sponsorin’ you. Would you allow us to do that?”

  “My goodness,” Karen breathed, “that’s such a generous offer, isn’t it Dot?”

  Dusty eyed him warily.

  “Yes, very generous,” she said without smiling. “What does that entail? I don’t know much about sponsorship.”

  “Oh, you should do it,” Sharon piped up. “I’ve known Matt and his father for ages. He’s a good guy. He won’t mess you around.”

  “Is that right?” Dusty said, shooting Matt a look that suggested she wasn’t sure if her aunt’s assessment was accurate.

  “Every sponsorship deal is different,” Matt began. “We sponsor riders and shows because it highlights our brand. You’d be given a custom made saddle with our logo on it, and it would yours to keep, no strings. Quite frankly, I think it’s the best saddle on the market, and I suspect your racin’ times would improve because Licorice would have greater freedom of movement.”

  “Honey, that old saddle has to be replaced, you were just saying so the other day,” Sharon declared.

  “We’d cover all your travel expenses,” Matt continued, “and promote you individually. You already have a unique look with those hot pink chaps of yours. We can use that to market you, and Licorice as well. You could be like a spokesmodel.”

  “Me? A model?” Dusty gasped.

  “Sure, but we tailor our sponsorship deals to fit the individual rider, what they want as well as what we want. Everythin’ must be mutually agreed. The first thing though, would be to fit you and Licorice for a saddle, and if we’re gonna do that it has to be right away. They aren’t made overnight.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Dusty said slowly. “I mean, I didn’t expect anything like this. I’m really complimented. Are you sure? I mean, I’m
a nobody.”

  “I wouldn’t call someone who just blitzed the competition all summer, and who has risen to the top of her division, a nobody,” Matt declared. “Not only do you have truckloads of talent, you’re a very attractive young woman. Silver Streak Saddles will benefit from havin’ an association with you.”

  “Say yes, sweetheart,” Karen said softly. “This would take so much pressure off.”

  Dusty stared at her mother. She was right. The financial burden of traveling to the State Finals was something that had been worrying them both. She’d certainly made money from her success, and Patrick paid her, but if she ended up going to the nationals the cost would be a heavy weight. Then there was her saddle. It was old, and though she’d done her best to pad it effectively, she knew it didn’t offer Licorice the comfort it should.

  “I’ll say yes, but on the condition that we go through the details with Patrick. I’ve never done anything like this before, and he has, and it’s not that I don’t appreciate the offer, I do, very much, but I-”

  “Say no more,” Matt said raising his palm. “I think that’s an excellent suggestion. I was gonna ask if there was someone objective you could talk to about this, someone who could look over the paperwork for you. Patrick would be ideal.”

  “This is wonderful,” Karen exclaimed. “Matt, thank you so very much.”

  “I’ll come out tomorrow and fit Licorice myself,” he promised. “I’ll bring Kevin, he’s my best man, and we’ll get this ball rollin’.”

  Dusty smiled and nodded, suddenly not trusting herself to speak. A wave of emotion had turned her throat hot. She could hardly believe that she’d be riding in a brand new, expensive saddle, tailor-made for Licorice, and her financial stress might be over. The thought was almost overwhelming.

  “How does two o’clock sound?” Matt asked.

  “Good,” she managed, “that sounds good.”

  “Excellent. Then it’s settled,” Matt declared.

  Dusty swallowed back the hot, achy lump in her throat. It had been such an emotional day. Her bottom was still scratchy, and every time she looked across the table at Matt she was filled with the old, familiar need.


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