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The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps

Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  She wanted to feel his arms around her, she wanted to feel his lips against hers, but there was another need, a new need; more than anything, for some unfathomable reason, she wanted him to spank her.


  During the drive home, Sharon and her mother could not stop talking about Matt’s offer of sponsorship, and Dusty’s rise to fame. Sharon was convinced Dusty was going to become a big star, and not just in the western show ring.

  Karen was thrilled and relieved that the financial burden was being lifted, and even though the hour was late, she couldn’t wait to get home to call Tom and give him the exciting news.

  Sitting in the back seat, Dusty listened to them chatter away, offering occasional words of agreement when necessary, but she barely heard them. Her mind was swimming.

  Did Matt make the offer because he was interested in her romantically, or was the sponsorship his only motivation? Had he purposefully searched out who she was because he wanted her to represent his company after she’d won that day? If so, that meant he hadn’t remembered she was Dot Anderson after all.

  I guess it doesn’t matter, she finally concluded as the car swung into the driveway of her parents modest house. It’s a fantastic thing. I’ll just play along and see where it takes me. I’ll have a new saddle and I won’t have to worry about money so much. It’s all good.

  After Sharon had driven away, Dusty and her mother placed the call to her father. He was ecstatic about Dusty’s good fortune, and promised they’d have their own celebration when he returned. Ending the call, her mother hugged her yet again, and they both gazed out the kitchen window at the horse that had made it all possible.

  “He’s something special,” her mother sighed, “and the way he performs for you is a gift, but then, you rescued him and nursed him back to health. He knows what you’ve done for him.”

  “I love him so much,” Dusty murmured, “and not just because he’s such a great performer, but because of how we are together. The way he looks at me is…honestly, I can’t describe it. I can feel him, I swear I can.”

  “You two are a match,” her mother smiled. “Let’s hope you find a man as solid, and as loyal, and as loving as Licorice.”

  Dusty’s mind flashed immediately to Matt, and kissing her mother goodnight, she ambled into her bedroom. As she undressed and cleaned off her makeup, she wondered how much he dated, and if she should go out with him if he asked. Would that be a risk too big to take?

  Finally slipping into bed and closing her eyes, she sent her fingers crawling between her legs. She drifted, allowing her mind to take over, and she imagined Matt in a large room surrounded by his beautiful, handmade saddles. There was leather and silver everywhere, and he was leading her to a saddle that was on display. The scene began to play itself out like a movie in her head, and her fingers danced urgently again her clit.

  “I told you, no hissy fits. I made that real clear little lady, and now I’m gonna spank you. Maybe if your bottom is stingin’ for a while, you’ll get the message.”

  “I’m not a child,” she protested. “I’m a grown woman. You have no right to treat me this way.”

  “I have every right. You’re the face of Silver Streak Saddles, and you need to remember that,” he declared bending her over the wide seat of the chestnut colored saddle. “When you misbehave it reflects on this company, and I’m not havin’ it.”

  The saddle seemed to wrap around her as she sank into its comfortable seat, but as his palm started swatting, any sense of comfort dissolved. His smacks were hard and hot, and she wriggled as they fell in a slow rhythm, purposefully landing on the same spot each time.

  “I’m sorry, Matt, I’ll be really good, I promise.”

  “Sir, you’ll call me Sir when I’m whippin’ your butt.”

  It was just a fantasy in her head, but she could smell the leather, she could see the concrete floor, she could feel the smooth leather under her stomach, and his hand was unrelenting. Her fingers rubbed furiously, and as the shuddering spasms rippled through her limbs, she felt the tears slip from her eyes.

  I want him so badly. I’ve wanted him my whole life, and nothing has changed.

  When it was time to leave The Sunset Lodge and Matt had stood up from the table, he was grateful for his jacket. It wasn’t a chilly evening, but cool enough to warrant him slipping it on and closing the buttons. He’d been fighting a growing erection, and during the conversation about the sponsorship offer he’d lost the battle. His cock was as stiff as the proverbial board and refused to go back to sleep.

  As he’d discussed the details of the offer, he’d been sinking into the deep green of Dusty’s eyes, and occasionally glimpsed her sharp nipples under the thin fabric of her dress. It had been extremely difficult to concentrate, but that wasn’t what had put him over the edge. It was when he started talking about fitting the saddle the following day.

  Dusty would have to sit in the saddle, and he would have to watch her bottom as she rode. The thought of watching her lovely backside bouncing in one of his saddles had surged his cock to life.

  Though he lived only a few minutes from The Sunset Lodge, driving home hadn’t been easy. His mind would not let him rest. He wanted her! He wanted her on her hands and knees wearing her hot pink chaps, her ass naked, framed by the sexy leather, and blushing almost as pink from the smacks of his hand. He could picture it so vividly; her pussy wet and waiting, her legs separated, and her long blonde hair falling across her back.

  Pulling into his garage, he moved swiftly to his bedroom as Jinx chased him, barking to welcome him home. Wasting no time stripping off, he threw himself on the bed and took his cock in his hand. He could feel the orgasm building almost immediately, and though he tried to milk the moment the need was too great, and with the lascivious images drifting through his mind, he exploded with a powerful release. It left him with his heart pounding against his chest, and closing his eyes he let out a heavy breath.

  “Damn, girl, you’re under my skin,” he muttered.

  As he recovered, he considered calling one of the many girls who would happily go out with him, and make plans for the following night. He had no doubt seeing Dusty in the afternoon would set him on fire again, but as the thought took hold, and he pondered which of the girls to call, he felt uncomfortable.

  Huh. Why isn’t this feelin’ right? Strange. Since when I have I had a problem with casual sex? Maybe I’m just tired. It’s been a helluva a day. Yep, that’s it, I’m just tired. It’s too late to call anyone now anyway. I’ll call Lucy in the mornin’.

  Satisfied, he ambled toward the bathroom, stopping to pat Jinx and let him know he was still loved, then took a quick shower.

  A short time later as he fell into bed, he knew he wouldn’t be calling Lucy or any other girl in the morning, and fleetingly wondered why.


  Matt had overslept, but as he started driving down his street in a hurry to get to work, he knew he had to see his father. He needed the man’s counsel and wisdom. In the clear light of day he wondered if his offer of sponsorship might have been unwise, and then there was the matter of Dusty’s horse.

  “How did things suddenly get so complicated?” he muttered as he pulled into the driveway of his parent’s house.

  The home was a single story, rambling ranch house overlooking the lake, and as he let himself in he could hear his mother humming in the kitchen. He smiled. It mean his father had slept well.

  “Hey, mom,” he called as he ambled down the hallway.

  “This is a lovely surprise. Would you like some breakfast? There’s a fresh brew in the pot.”

  “That sounds perfect. Thanks. Dad had a good night?”

  “Your dad has had several good nights,” she said happily. “Of course, he always sleeps well after a day at the office. It’s good for him.”

  “I think so too. He seems like his old self when he’s there,” Matt agreed as he poured himself a mug of coffee. “I need to talk to him. I
s he in his den?”

  “He might be, I’m not sure. He said something about tinkering in his workshop.”

  “I’ll find him.”

  “You’ve got a twinkle in your eye this morning,” she remarked. “A twinkle and worry. Must be a girl.”

  “It is,” he sighed.


  “The girl or the worry?”

  “Aren’t they one and the same?”

  “Kinda. Do you remember Dot Anderson?”

  “Dot Anderson? Sure, that sweet girl who never seemed to grow up? Skinny as a rail, and, wait, is that who you’re talking about?”

  “Yep, and she has grown up big time,” Matt exclaimed. “Believe it or not, she’s become a barrel racer and she’s goin’ to the State Finals. I’ve offered to sponsor her. I’m gonna fit her horse this afternoon.”

  “Oh, that is a worry,” his mother said solemnly.

  “I really like her, I’d like to date her, but I want Silver Streak to back her as well.”

  “Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too, but you’d better lay down some ground rules real quick. No skulduggery. Make sure everything is out the open, everyone knows, that way there’s no shadow over your heads.”

  “You’re right,” he nodded, “but it’s early days. What if things between us don’t work?”

  “Make sure the contract gives you both an easy out. It’s not a good feeling to be trapped in something.”

  “I was thinkin’ the same thing, no secrets, our goin’ out plain as day, but an easy out-clause in the contract, that’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think of it? Jeez, I’m supposed to be runnin’ things.”

  “You would have, if someone had come to you with the same problem.”

  “I’m too close to it,” he said shaking his head. “Thanks, I love you, mom.”

  “I love you too, honey.”

  “I’m gonna go find pop.”

  “Careful. If you’re taking that coffee with you, don’t spill it on my rug.”

  “Um, I think I’ll leave it here,” he grinned, and taking a long swallow he left the mug on the counter.

  As he wandered towards his father’s den, he thought about Dusty’s unfathomable green eyes gazing across the table at him the night before. He wanted to believe the intense attraction was mutual, but if he was wrong, would he screw everything up by asking her out?

  I wanna help her. I wanna make life a bit easier for her and her folks. She’s worked hard, she deserves it.

  “Hey, pop.”

  “Matt, come on in. You look like you’ve got somethin’ on your mind.”

  “I do. I need to talk to you about a horse.”

  Patrick had been thrilled when Dusty had called him and shared the news about Matt’s sponsorship offer, and he’d promised to try to swing by during the saddle fitting.

  Relieved that Patrick would be at her side, she applied a little makeup and changed into white slacks and a pale green shirt. Her mother worked as a secretary, and with her morning free, Dusty had promised to go into town and do the weekly shopping.

  She had just picked up her bag and was about to head out when the house phone rang. When she picked it up and heard Matt’s voice, her pulse quickened and she felt a hot blush cross her face.

  “Is everything okay? Are you still coming this afternoon?”

  “Yes, I am, but I need to talk with you before then. Is there any chance you could swing by my office? It’s in town at the end of Henderson Street.”

  “Sure, I was just on my way in, and I know Henderson Street.”

  “It’s the grey buildin’ at the end of the block. You can’t miss it. There’s a large sign, Silver Streak Saddlery, with a saddle underneath the name.”

  “I’ll stop in before I go to the store. Is fifteen minutes okay?”

  “Yep, perfect. Jeanette is at the desk when you walk in. I’ll tell her to expect you.”

  Hanging up the phone, she took a deep breath and tried to quiet her racing heart.

  “I wonder what he wants to talk to me about,” she muttered. “Shoot. This is so nerve racking.”

  Walking to the window she stared out at Licorice grazing happily in his pasture. The sight always calmed her, and picking up her bag for the second time, she headed to her car.

  Turning on the radio she tried to find something that might distract her, but it was hopeless. Her mind wandered back to the dinner, how elegant the restaurant had been, how fabulous the food had tasted, and how sexy Matt had looked sitting across from her. Unexpectedly her fantasy from the night before floated into her head, and she felt a strange churning in her stomach.

  Hitting the main road, she followed the twists and turns that would take her to Henderson Street, and as she turned down the block she saw the large grey building at the very end. The sign was exactly as Matt had described it.

  Deep breaths! Just take deep breaths. This will be fun. He probably wants to show you the different leathers, maybe have you pick a color or something.

  There was plenty of parking, and as she pushed through the double doors into the reception area, she almost gasped as she looked around.

  Several life-sized horses were standing on synthetic grass, each wearing a saddle more beautiful than the next. Large photographs of barrel racing, team penning and rodeo scenes graced the walls, and a portrait of Frank Montgomery, the founder of the company, was hanging behind the reception desk.

  “You must be Dusty,” the woman behind the counter smiled. “Matt told me you’d be arriving.”

  “Yes, I am,” Dusty nervously replied. This place is amazing. I knew it was big-time, but I had no idea it was like this.

  “I’ll page him. I’m sure he’ll be close by. There’s a coffee bar behind the Palomino if you’d care for anything. There’s water, soft drinks-”

  “Uh, no, I’m fine, thank you,” Dusty replied, but as the kindly woman picked up the phone to issue the page, Dusty couldn’t resist taking a wander to see exactly what the coffee bar was.

  A large machine offered various types of drinks, everything from espresso, flavored teas, and latte’s. A small, glass-fronted refrigerator contained a selection of sodas and bottled water. There were three porcelain, lidded jars, and opening them she found individually wrapped chocolate-chip cookies, oatmeal-raisin cookies, and granola bars. As she replaced the last lid, she felt something touch her leg, and jumping away she stared down to find Jinx sitting beside her, offering his paw.

  “Jinxy,” she laughed leaning down to pet him.

  “Help yourself to whatever you want,” Matt smiled as he approached, “but the coffee in my office is much better.”

  “Hi, um, thanks, but I’m fine. Do you have a lot of people coming in here? I mean, this is like a self-serve coffee shop.”

  “We do have quite a few visitors, and it’s for the people who work here as well. They have a break room, but the machine there doesn’t have as much variety as this one. I might get a second one for them.”

  “So, why am I here?” she asked, though still intimidated by her surroundings.

  “Come on up to my office,” he said warmly. “I’ll take you on the scenic route.”

  “The scenic route?”

  “You can get there two ways, and one of them is through the workroom where the magic happens.”

  “You mean where the saddles are made?”

  “Yep. There are guys workin’ there that started with dad. I say magic happens there, because they are magicians. We won’t stop and talk this trip, because they’ll never let you leave, but next time you can visit with them if you want.”

  With Jinx leading the way, they had moved through a door that opened into a wide hallway. Stopping at the entrance to the workroom, Matt punched in his code, slid in his card key, then pushed open the heavy steel door.

  “Oh…my…gosh,” Dusty breathed. “This is amazing!”

  “Keep walkin’,” he chuckled. “Even I have trouble if I stop. My eyes get glued on somethin�
� and I can’t pull them away.”

  “I think I know what you mean,” she mumbled staring at a group of silver ornaments that had just been made to adorn a show saddle.

  As they moved through the room, she realized the floor was concrete, exactly as she had seen it in her fantasy, and there was a chestnut saddle on display. She gulped as she felt a rush of moisture between her legs, and was grateful Matt was looking ahead. When they reached the end of the room he led her up a staircase, down a short hallway, and sliding a key into a lock, he opened the door of his office.

  “So much security,” she remarked.

  “It’s essential,” he nodded locking the door behind him. “Let’s go out on to my patio. It’s private there, and quiet.”

  “It’s private in here,” she replied as he moved across the room to a door with frosted glass.

  “Uh, yes, but people walk by all the time, and it can be distractin’.”

  He was holding the door open, and as she moved towards him he gestured her forward.

  “Wow, this is incredible.”

  The patio had high walls on either side, and overlooked a pine tree forest. A wrought iron table had four chairs and an umbrella, and two loungers were against the far wall, one of which was covered by a fuzzy blanket. Jinx immediately trotted over and jumped on it, settling into his spot.

  “When I have to do anything technical I come out here,” he said as he pulled out a chair for her at the table, “or contracts, I also read contracts out here. It’s quiet and I can concentrate.”

  She sat down, and he took a chair next to hers.

  “Jinx is certainly happy out here,” she smiled. “I have to say, your office, this place, it’s not what I expected. I thought it would be like a shoe repair place, only bigger.”

  “It used to be like that,” Matt replied. “That’s how it was when my father started the company.”

  “Now will you tell me why I’m here? What is it you want to talk about?”


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