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Abducted And Enslaved For The Talistaun

Page 7

by W. L. Dowd

“Oh how wonderful, may I please, Sir?”

  “Yes Captain, please do.”

  Strolling back and forth behind them, she began running her soft hands across their shoulders and backs, before she began to talk about Talistaun.

  “You’re going to a very special place. I won’t get into all the details that would take too long. So let me give you the highlights……… The Talistaun have long coveted the cultural and religious value of a woman’s fresh breast milk. As a result, they’ve now established milking farms for their most prized females. And by prized, I mean those who have been acquired, such as you Angie,” she exclaimed as she reached over Angie’s shoulders and began massaging her magnificent tits from behind.

  “With a genetically intensified hormone injection, I bet these fine mammary glands will produce as much as a ½ gallon a day! The call for fresh breast milk is extraordinary; they can barely keep up with the demand.”

  Angie tried to pull away and stand, but Heather quickly put a stop to that. She violently pinched Angie’s nipples until she fell back to the bench, and landed against her in compliance with a groaning exhale.

  “Please don’t do that again. And the next one who thinks they can escape will force us to use your nanites in unthinkable ways, to keep you under control……… Now, did I mention that nipple fly season is about to start?”

  With her eyes closed, Angie just slowly shook her head back and forth in denial of her possible fate.

  “And that‘s a very uncomfortable experience. You see, for 6 months of the year, these pesky little flies can raise hell with the women. They’re drawn to the sweet pre-milk that tends to ooze from the nipples. The smart little buggers have learned to cover the nipples and areoles, and buzz like crazy to excite the nipple. This ingenious adaptation expels more milk. They can’t get enough of the sweet milk; it’s like candy to them. Now that might not seem so bad, but don‘t be fooled!”

  Releasing her groping grip on Angie’s breasts, she continued. “Milkers are kept cuffed so that they can’t reach their breasts; this trick has proven to keep milk production at max capacity. So if you’re unlucky enough to fall victim these insidious flies, they’re like Chinese water torture as they relentlessly buzz and nibble without mercy. In fact, I’ve heard stories of the flies being used as interrogation tools, and very effective ones at that!”

  By the time Heather was done, Angie was sobbing in distress.

  “Then we have the breeding barns. The Talistaun have recently discovered the lucrative market of loving family’s looking to adopt newborns.”

  Standing behind Ashley now, she was running her fingers through her pretty blonde hair as she spoke. “Young, healthy, vibrant women can produce 6 to 8 off-spring without any trouble.”

  Ashley was frozen with fear as the mere idea of bearing children for the Talistaun while kept in bondage petrified her.

  “And then we have the pleasure slave stables. The Talistaun have also discovered the benefits of possessing slaves strictly for their own personal pleasures. A number of the leaders find it more palatable to experience their darkest fantasies with trained sex-slaves rather than their wives.”

  Shifting over to behind Jason, she gently ran her soft hands over his cheeks and face as she went on with her story. “But for you Jason, there are other fates possible. One that I think you’re well suited for, and which I’m sure your wife will agree, is that of a breeding stud. Strong and well-bred men like yourself are highly desirable. And when you’re not active in the breeding operations you’ll probably be sent to the labor mines or camps. Many capable strong men are needed to keep the Talistaun infrastructure functioning. But what I’d be most concerned about if I were you, are the secret unspoken uses of male slaves.”

  Bending down closer to Jason’s ear, she spoke softly. “I heard there’s a small faction of Talistaun men who like the male slaves for themselves.”

  Giggling she continued, “Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, so keeping a secret male slave in bondage can have many benefits to a few certain men. Just think…… you could be going from enjoying the pleasures of your beautiful wife, to serving a horny hairy man. One who enjoys having his cock sucked daily, and ramming his shaft up a man’s protesting asshole!”

  Grunting and jerking about, Jason was now as visually shaken as Angie. But when Heather pulled his earlobe into her mouth with her tongue and started to bite down hard, Jason calmed down.

  Releasing his lobe, she said, “Come, come, don’t think the worst. There’s only a slight chance you’ll end up in that situation…… So tell me baby, was the General’s daughter worth it?”

  After sliding the tip of her wet tongue in and out of his ear, she continued. “But you know….. I do think she enjoyed watching you fuck her mother, I could see that special look in her eyes.”

  Leaving Jason to moan in defeat, Heather stood up and got dressed. She slipped her baggy pants back-on over her fishnets, and then her shirt to over her exposed breasts. Walking to the garage door’s controller, she paused to pull her hair back into a ponytail, and said, “We wouldn’t want the soldiers seeing their Captain naked, now would we?” as she reached out and activated the opener.

  As the large door slowly rose, the afternoon sun was shining bright and warm. That’s when they realized how much time had passed since their capture; it was clearly the next day. When their eyes adjusted to the bright morning sunlight, Angie, Ashley and Jason were completely unprepared for what they saw next.

  Chapter 5 - Delivery Commences!

  Finally the large door clanked and clunked upward to its fully open position. What they saw next brought them to a new level of fear and despair. Standing all around the street and yards were heavily armed soldiers, and parked in the cul-de-sac circle were two terrifying flatbed trucks. The trucks looked like standard military issue, but had no identifying markings.

  Unlike typical flatbed transports, the rear platforms were quite low to the ground, not more than two feet high. Mounted securely on the rear platforms were many sturdy looking vertical posts. The posts stood side by side, about two feet apart, and lined each side of the trucks. With 8 posts affixed to each side of both trucks’ rear beds, there was a total of 32 posts mounted in place. But what actually made the seemly odd looking trucks so terrifying was the apparent cargo being loaded aboard.

  “Welcome to the first day of your new lives!” exclaimed Heather.

  The scene before them was surreal. In the roadway right outside their house, many of Angie’s friends and neighbors were being cruelly strapped to the trucks’ posts. These were mothers, daughters, sisters, and a few select others who were systematically being mounted in-place, or being led to the trucks for mounting. Some were protesting and fighting their abductors, while others were too stunned and scared to protest. It looked like the entire neighborhood was under seize. Apparently, the close community on the cul-de-sac was where the other ‘designated targets’ resided. Their friends and neighbors were the other targets that Heather referred to when she dismissed the soldiers from the garage!

  It was clear that the Talistaun soldiers had been very busy. The women who were lined-up outside their homes were naked, cuffed, collared and gagged, very similarly to Angie, Ashley and Jason. From their vantage point in the garage’s doorway, Angie quickly recognized her next door neighbor Veronica and her teenage daughter Kimie, as they reluctantly approached one of the trucks. Both were beautiful brunets with dazzling bodies, big brown eyes, and pretty oval shaped faces, whose smiles would light up any room they entered. Only two days earlier, Angie was celebrating Kimie’s 18th birthday with the family. But now their happy jubilance was completely erased, as their tear streaked cheeks and terrified eyes dominated their faces.

  Bound and gagged, the two were quickly pulled to the rear of a waiting truck and strapped to their assigned posts. From their foreheads to their ankles, Veronica and Kimie were tightly secured to the poles and completely immobile. They now stood side by side, their delicate se
xy bodies exposed and on full display to all those looking on, including Veronica’s husband and Kimie’s father who was watching frantically from the front window of their house. Stan desperately wanted to do something, anything, to save his wife and daughter, but he was in no position to fight the heavily armed men.

  With Angie’s, Ashley’s and Jason’s attentions focused on the activities outside, Heather quickly snapped leashes on their collars and collectively pulled them to their feet.

  “Let’s find some empty mounting posts for the three of you,” said Heather as she jerked them forward by their thick collars.

  With the girl’s heels clacking along on the driveway pavers, they shuffled toward the first truck that looked to have three empty poles in row.

  Pulling them directly to the waiting truck, Heather continued. “As you can see, the Talistaun have a greater need for women than they do men.”

  They could see that most of the occupied poles indeed held women. Mixed in amongst the bound female captives, were a few select strong young men, mostly young husbands and in a couple cases teenage sons. Still horrified and distraught by the sights before them, Angie soon spotted Mrs. Solberg strapped to a post. She was a widow in her mid-fifties, and was the mother of a high ranking officer in the former U.S. Army. He was an officer who like the General had not been heard from since the start of the takeover.

  Jill Solberg was 5’ 5” tall and 105lbs, with sparkling hazel eyes and long lashes. Her brilliant silver hair was relatively short and wavy, which made her tall black leather collar look even bigger and bolder than everyone else’s. She was a very attractive woman for her age, well-kept and in great shape. Jill generally dressed rather conservative. Angie had never seen her in heels before and certainly not the 6 inch monsters that were now wedged on her feet. Angie was also startled to see her breasts encircled so tightly with thin ropes, causing her middle aged globes to swell and stand out rather dramatically. Her cinched and swollen mounds looked uncomfortably hard and purple, as they extended straight out from her chest. It was quite evident that Jill had suffered her own ordeal before she was loaded on a truck.

  Angie knew she must have been a high value target for the soldiers. Not only was her son a feared adversary of the Talistaun, but Jill was also Jewish by marriage. Even though her husband was dead, she was still considered a Jew and everyone knew the hate and contempt that the Talistaun harbored for the Jews. Angie feared the worst for the poor woman as she stood strapped to her post with a look of traumatic devastation on her pretty face.

  Approaching their designated poles, Angie, Ashley and Jason were quickly lifted onto the truck and summarily strapped in place. Jason tried to resist but the effort was largely symbolic as he was easily contained and mounted with minimal extra effort. With her prizes secure for the trip, Heather stepped up on the truck. Standing near Jason, she pecked a quick kiss on his cheek before she shifted to Ashley and slowly ran her wet tongue over Ashley’s lips that were stretched around the ball gag, before she said.

  “Ashley honey, I’m going to request you for myself. I’m starting to see what Jason saw in you, you are quite adorable. And to own a General’s daughter, Mmmmmm that would be nice……. I’ll see the three of you in Talistaun!” as she stepped off the truck.

  Spinning back around with a camera in hand, she took another couple photos of the three. With that done, she pulled a PDA from her pocket and began to enter a large amount of data. All three feared the worst as they watched Heather with the machine in her hand. When she was done, she held the unit up and pressed the enter key.

  They all expected their bodies to react with sexual torment, but were instead surprised by the sudden nothingness that swept over their bodies.

  “I turned off your nanites, for now. I’m sure the Talistaun will make good use of them later.”

  She then slipped the unit back in her pocket, and quickly stepped into one of the waiting black SUVs, and sped away.

  With all 32 poles finally occupied with bound, gagged, and collared captives, the engines fired up, followed by the gears grinding into action. And with a stuttering start, the trucks fell into line and began to pull away. The sudden jerking motion caused the women’s tits to jump and sway as the trucks headed toward the main road. And for the family members left behind to watch their loved ones being driven away on the trucks of torture, to the Nation of Talistaun to face unthinkable fates, the vision was devastating and unbearable.

  Slowly, the trucks made their way along the short narrow road. They were purposefully allowing those left behind the maximum time possible to witness their loved ones unwilling departures. Pulling onto the main road, the trucks immediately picked up speed and disappeared from view.

  The now increasing winds were enveloping their helpless bodies as the trucks approached 30 mph. And to add further humiliation to their situation, folks began to gather along the roadside to catch a glimpse of the naked and bound captives. With an SUV leading the way, and another following behind, both with their lights flashing and sirens singing, no one missed the convoy. And unfortunately for them, the road they were on went directly through the heart of their little town before it reached the highway.

  When they finally arrived downtown, the trucks slowed to 10 mph. Creeping along at what felt like a snail’s pace, the gathering folks got a great view of the cargo. Unable to stop themselves, no one on the trucks could resist the urge to stare back at the crowd, to see who was there to witness their demise.

  Slowly crawling along the now crowded street, Angie soon spotted her boss who immediately recognized her. His wild and wide peering eyes couldn’t seem to see enough of her exposed flesh, as he watched her slowly pass by. Then she spotted two female co-workers, who also recognized her and the kids. In shock and disbelief, their mutually terrified eyes locked onto Angie as they immediately placed their hands over their gasping mouths and slowly shook their heads in denial.

  The repeating scenes of gasping and stunned folks, standing alongside the obviously excited and entertained, was a common sight as much of the gathering crowd recognized someone on the trucks. Just seeing the reactions coming from the crowd caused many of the humiliated captives to jerk and strain against their bonds. With each passing minute, the reality of their destination and fates became more and more terrifyingly real.

  After several long agonizingly minutes, the convoy finally cleared the downtown area. With only a few stragglers left standing alongside the road they picked up speed once again. Speeding along, the wind tormented their freshly shaved pussies and exposed tits. None of the captives had ever had their naked and sensitive bodies exposed to such conditions.

  Another 10 minutes into their trip, the trucks slowed to a stop at a large staging rest area. Waiting there were two large tractor trailers with their large rear doors lowered like ramps. The smaller trucks carrying the captives slowly drove up the ramps and inside the waiting trailers.

  Once inside, the drivers exited the transport trucks, and with the help of some soldiers they quickly released the straps that held the captives ankles and knees to the poles. Next, they took their knees and pulled them apart to meet up with their neighbor’s knees. Then, taking plastic zip-ties they quickly connected their knees to one another’s, followed by their ankles. This left the captives bodies still tightly strapped to the poles but with their legs spread open by their knees and ankles, which were secured to the captive on either side. With that task complete, they exited the trailer just before the large powered ramps slowly began to close. Slowly the sunlight disappeared as the heavy ramps closed and locked tight.

  Inside it was pitch black. All those mounted to the posts were now desperately trying to see something in the blackness. Moaning and groaning in blind fear, they heard the big diesel engines of the tractors revving up. Next, they heard a loud hissing noise as the air brakes released and trucks began to move.

  As the trucks picked up speed while shifting through their gears, a set of speakers crackled to life in
each trailer.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, our estimated time to the Nation of Talistaun is 24 hours. We hope you’re comfortable, and if you find it necessary to pee, please feel free do so. As you‘ve noticed, we‘ve carefully prepared you for the long trip with the zip-ties. FYI, positioned as you are, your warm urine will not run down your legs and fill your shoes. So please relax and enjoy the ride.”

  With that announcement, many of the captives began to sob as the reality of their abductions and destination began to overwhelm them.

  * * *

  It took a number of hours, but inevitably it began. First one, then another, streams of thick gushing urine could be heard splashing to the floor, followed immediately by humiliating sighs of embarrassing relief. It sounded a little different when it was one of the men who had to go. First it was a deep grunt, and then it was the sound of water streaming against the trailer’s metal wall. And before the trip was over, nearly every captive had no choice but to bare the humiliating experience of emptying their bladder inside the closed dark truck.

  But the earlier voice that echoed from the speakers was right; they weren’t pissing all over themselves or filling their shoes!

  * * *

  The 24 plus hour trip was incredibly long and tortuous, as the smell of urine and the relentless sounds of suffering captives filled the closed-in trailers. When the transports finally stopped, there was actually a feeling of relief at arriving. The darkness, the smell, and the tormenting sounds seemed worse than anything anyone could imagine experiencing within the walls of Talistaun. If only they’d known what truly awaited them!

  After sitting stopped for several minutes, the large ramp doors at the back of the trailers started to lower. Immediately, the warm bright sunshine started streaming into the boxes. They’d traveled throughout the night and now it was morning once again, presumably someplace near the gates to the Nation of Talistaun.


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