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Abducted And Enslaved For The Talistaun

Page 8

by W. L. Dowd

  But before the smaller transport trucks exited the tractor trailers, the speakers came squealing back to life.

  “We’ve arrived! In just a moment, the transport trucks will exit the trailers and take you the last mile to the Talistaun Nation. The Talistaun enjoy the ceremony and excitement around entering through their front gates with the captives on display, as opposed to hidden in these trailers. It’s not so bad really, and it also gives you-all a chance to see your new homeland as you enter.”

  After a short pause, a female voice took over the mic. “Thank you for traveling with us,” she said with a snicker. “Once inside, we have another 50 miles or so before we reach the staging facility. As you’re unloaded you’ll be assigned a destination. Of course the men will be unloaded last and will be going directly to the labor mines. We’ve found that witnessing their wives and/or daughters being led away for service is a powerful tool of control. Most of the females will be heading for service at the milking farm, while the remaining will be delivered for breeding or for training as pleasure slaves. And for those select few who are destined for interrogation, your spouse and/or offspring will most likely join you there. I highly recommend you cooperate quickly, and good luck!”

  When the speakers popped off, the trucks fired up and began to slowly roll out of the trailers. Lined up once again, the flat bed trucks were underway.

  Within minutes the two trucks carrying the exposed captives rolled up on the huge tall entry gates. The walls that extended from either side of the entrance were bigger and taller than any of them had ever imagined. And lining the walls and roadway as they entered, were several dozen folks, hooting, hollering and pointing. Most of them were men, but there were a few females mixed in amongst them, and looking on with just a little less enthusiasm.

  Once inside, the enormous gates closed behind the trucks, sealing them inside. For the next mile or so, the trucks slowly rolled forward, allowing the folks gathered about to get a good long look at them. This also allowed the captives to see the people who supported their capture, and to stare out at the imposing landscape.

  The last 24 hours of travel had been inside a dark closed truck, so the landscape before them was now very different. It was truly like a different country to them. Once they cleared the small village just inside the gates, the land before them looked flat and baron, with oil rigs pumping their precious ‘liquid gold’, while tumble weeds rolled about.

  Proceeding along the long, straight, flat, and now lifeless highway, the sun was hot as it beat down unmercifully upon their exposed bodies. It was many more miles before the captives first spotted their apparent destination. Off in the distance they could see an absolutely huge oasis of green vegetation, with several large buildings nestled within.

  When the trucks finally slowed and entered the huge fenced-in compound, they immediately felt the natural radiant cooling effect of the greenery. It felt at least 15 degrees cooler. Slowly driving forward, they could see a large building ahead, with large doors that were already open. But it was the structure to one side of that building that now had their full attention.

  Off in the distance they could see many women milling around inside a very large screened-in structure. From behind the screens, many of the women were now gathering along the side near the road and watching the trucks approach. Those who were watching the trucks arrive were now shaking their heads back and forth as they looked on with expressionless faces from within their screened-in pen.

  Inside the pen area, they were all wearing identical looking outfits. They wore skirts that barely covered them, and above those they all wore upper body harnesses made of several thin leather straps that extended up and around the backs of their necks for lifting support. Most of the harnesses were black, with a very few white ones mixed.

  As they got closer, they could see how the harnesses strategically circled and supported their enormous breasts, which were struggling mightily to extend outward. The harnesses also appeared to include backside straps that kept their arms and elbows securely fastened behind their backs. This feature combined with the supporting straps encircling their swollen globes, managed to keep their apparent milk filled tits at relative attention.

  And for every frantic sole on the approaching trucks, it was terrifyingly evident that they were looking at a milking farm!

  Finally the trucks drove into the facility, allowing the captives to escape the brutal sunlight and horrific view of the milking farm. Slowing to a stop, the engines fell silent and the drivers exited. As the drivers began to cut the plastic zip-ties that held their knees and ankles apart, the SUVs entered the facility. Soon, several soldiers from the SUVs were out and assisting with releasing the captives from the posts.

  One at a time, the women were lifted off the truck bed. They were frightened and confused, but still relieved to be dismounted from the posts. It had been a long and torturous 24 hours for them. It took a moment to regain their balance and control atop their heels, and once they did, the soldier holding a clipboard and tags quickly approached.

  With Veronica and her daughter Kimie now standing together before the man with the clipboard, both still tightly bound and collared, Angie watched the soldier clip a 1 inch round metal tag on Veronica’s collar and say, “Milker.”

  Next, he turned to Kimie and attached a similar tag to her collar. Smiling, he said, “Milker, although this one would make a nice breeder.”

  Immediately Veronica and Kimie jerked back against their leashes, as they began to sob and shake their heads in protest. The thought of being relegated to Milkers within the vast farm of helpless women was too much to bear.

  Jerking hard on their leashes, he said, “Wow there….. Do that again and you’ll both quickly learn about punishment.” Their eyes now wide with panic as their impressive tits heaved up and down on their hyperventilating bodies, they quickly settled down.

  Looking at each other’s new tags, they could see the large “M” that was prominently stamped on it, as hung from the collar’s ring.

  Handing the leashes to a waiting soldier he continued, “Now move along quietly, or I will reassign this lovely teenager to the breeding barn,” as he waved them off with a backhanded shooing motion.

  Feeling their leashes pull tight, Veronica and Kimie reluctantly shuffled forward atop their heels. “Let’s go, you need to receive your hormone injections and get fitted with your harnesses.”

  Again, the terrified women began to shake their heads in objection but they feared punishment for resisting against the pulling leashes, so they begrudgingly followed along with little protest. Veronica knew what it was like to have milk laden tits, after all she was a mother. But Kimie had no idea what to expect, and neither of them could forget the sight of the bound and engorged women behind the screens.

  Still mounted on the truck, Angie and Ashley watched from behind as their suffering and straining neighbors were led toward the door labeled, ‘Milking Chamber’.

  When Veronica and Kimie disappeared through the door, Angie’s attention was once again drawn back to the floor near the truck. This time it was Mrs. Solberg who now faced the soldier with the clipboard. As if waiting for Angie to witness it, he clipped a tag on her collar and said, “Interrogation.”

  The silver haired woman was too terrified to react. Her legs were now shaking as she tried to maintain her footing atop the amazingly tall heels. Reaching out, the soldier took one of her seasoned nipples between his thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze and roll it about.

  “If you give up your son quickly, you’ll be allowed to retire to the milking farm. Trust me, if you don’t cooperate, you’ll soon find the thought of being a Milker a very desirable thing.”

  Soon, a sobbing moan began to escape from behind her large ball gag as her eyes begged for mercy. Handing off the leash to a waiting solder, she was quickly drawn toward a barred cell door at the front of the building. Tagged with an “I”, Jill knew she being led to the torture chamber!

sp; From behind, it was quite evident that Jill had no experience in such shoes. With her arms tightly strapped together behind her back, her ankles twisted and rolled all the way to the interrogation chamber. And while she slowly made her way along, her head shaking in objection, another soldier took several photos of her bound and hobbled body at the end of the thick leash.

  Angie knew exactly what the photos would be used for. She knew they’d be used to draw her son out of hiding, and that it might actually work. She also feared that when Jack saw the photos of her and Ashley, that he too would likely fall into the hands of the Talistaun. Angie also knew that if Jack was captured, all hope for escape would be lost. Jack was their only hope and he needed to be smart.

  While Angie was lost in her own thoughts about Jack, she suddenly heard the deep voice of the soldier holding the clipboard echoing out, “Breeder!”

  Refocusing her eyes back to the action on the floor, she saw her sister-in-law Tina standing in front of the soldier. Her beautiful 5’ 7” tall frame was unmistakable as her long flowing red hair and bright green eyes were mesmerizing, even as she stood bound and helpless with a tag stamped “B” hanging from her collar. Angie hadn’t noticed her mounted to a pole before they left Arizona, but obviously she had been. She also noticed that the red welts and marks had nearly disappeared since she saw the awful photo of Tina hanging by her ankles.

  With Angie now staring at the menacing mini barbells that still pierced Tina’s large sensitive nipples, the man took Tina’s chin in his hand and turned her head toward the truck. “Look, you have family here too!”

  As soon as her eyes engaged with Angie’s, she gently shook her head in despair as her wide stretched eyes welled over with tears. Still shaking her head in disbelief, Tina’s knees soon began to buckle as she took in the stunning sight of Angie, Ashley and Jason, all atop the awful truck.

  But before she could fall, a soldier quickly grabbed her bound body and re-stabilized her on her heels. Then grabbing her leash, he started walking her around the other side of the truck, and out of view. With her heels clicking and clacking on the hard floor, Angie heard her walking farther and farther away until she heard a door slam shut, and sound of her heels was gone.

  Next, the soldiers pulled Angie and Ashley from the truck. Standing before the man with the clipboard, the soldier snapped a tag on Angie and said, “Milker!”

  Angie was now shocked and confused; she expected to be going to interrogation first. She assumed that the Talistaun would torture her unmercifully until they extracted some kind of information about Jack. But escaping torture suddenly caused her even greater concern. She couldn’t help but fear for Ashley. Would they be taking her to the torture chamber instead!!!!!

  Clipping a tag on Ashley’s collar, the man barked out, “Breeder!”

  Ashley immediately responded in panic, grunting and moaning loudly, as her garbled pleading tore at her mother’s heart strings. Of all the fates possible, breeding was the one the young woman feared the most. The thought of being impregnated by strange men and kept in hard bondage while her helpless body stretched and grew before her eyes, was unthinkable to the young woman. Like a horrible nightmare, she couldn’t help but envision herself strapped to a birthing table, with her legs stretched wide and tied to cold metal stirrups, while the baby forced its way out.

  Angie was now even more confused and freighted than she was just seconds before. As much as she dreaded the thought of Ashley being tortured for information about her father, information she didn’t have, the fact that she was about to be delivered to some god awful breeding camp was equally mystifying and horrific.

  Sensing their anguish and consternation, the soldier spoke out. “We don’t believe either one of you actually have any information about the General, so interrogation would most likely prove fruitless. But, as we release more and more photos and videos of his lovely wife and pretty little girl in the throes of their new lives in Nation of Talistaun, the General will soon come running to us, and that will be that.”

  Shaking and gasping in petrified shock, Angie and Ashley couldn’t move. It was almost beyond comprehension that they were about to be led away to serve as Milkers and Breeders at the hands of the evil Talistaun. That’s when Heather suddenly appeared and began to whisper in the soldier’s ear. After several long seconds he began to smile, just before he handed Heather the leash and said, “Looks like this is your lucky day Ashley.”

  Removing the tag from Ashley’s collar, he continued. “The Captain here has apparently convinced the Talistaun commanding officer that you should be her payment for services rendered on this mission. It looks like you’ll escape the breeding barn, for now!”

  Pulling Ashley close by her leash, Heather spoke. “That is unless you’d rather go to the barn? Would you rather do that Ashley dear?”

  She vigorously began to shake her head ‘No’, as her large pleading eyes stared back at Heather.

  “So let me be sure that I understand your wishes. You would prefer to serve as my lesbian sex-slave, destine to lick my nipples and eat my pussy daily, rather than become a breeder, even if we were to let Jason father your first born?”

  In large sweeping motions, her head rocked up and down on her shoulders in full approval.

  “Very well then, I accept your willful desire to serve as my slave. And, I’m sure we can get some nice photos of your sucking mouth between by legs; photo’s that will make your father proud,” she said with a laugh.

  That’s when the clipboard man handed Angie’s leash to another soldier. “Take Mom here to the Milking Farm. Those magnificent mammaries should prove to be generous producers.”

  Struggling slightly against the leash, Angelina was now shuffling toward the entrance door to the farm. With Heather and her daughter standing behind her, she slowly and reluctantly walked behind the soldier while the leash was drawn tight from her collar.

  But before Angie was out of sight, Heather yelled out, “Don’t forget about those nanites. They were invented by the Talistaun, and they know how to use them!”

  With her head now shaking about in wild objection, Angie shuffled through the milking chamber doorway, as the door slammed shut behind her.

  Pulling on Ashley’s leash, Heather said, “Come on, we need to see Jason off too.”

  Leading Ashley closer to the truck where Jason was now standing, she reached out and took his amazingly swollen manhood in her soft hand. Squeezing gently, Jason’s eyes began to roll back in his head as Heather started to speak.

  “Jason honey, your wife has agreed to be my sex slave! She’s actually looking forward to sleeping with me nightly, and serving me faithfully. Aren’t you Ashley?”

  The thought of the breeding barn was still fresh in her head, as she started to gently nod her head in agreement.

  “See that sweetie, your wife’s ready to pick up where you left off two years ago! Except I don’t expect she’ll be unfaithful like you were.”

  Heather then released his throbbing equipment. “Enjoy your time in the labor mines. And don’t be concerned, if we do utilize your impressive sperm for the breeders, I’ll be sure to bring Ashley along to watch you deliver your seed.”

  Heather laughed out loud as she pulled Ashley’s leash in one direction, while Jason was immediately jerked the opposite way.

  Chapter 6 - The Torments Really Begin

  Inside the Milkers Farm, Angie was overwhelmingly dazed by the clean and sterile appearance of the room. Just inside the entrance door, it looked like a hospital room. Everything was clean and shiny, including the four metal barred frames that occupied the center of the room.

  Two of the units were currently occupied by Veronica and Kimie, while the other two were empty, but not for long. Like her neighbors, Angie soon found herself in the tight grip of a menacing metal unit. With help from the soldier, her head was slid into an oval opening which had padded grips that lined each side of her head. Once her head was inside, the grips quickly clamped down snugg
ly around her head, while her cuffed and hobbled ankles were carefully maneuvered into the unit’s openings at the floor, and locked-in tight.

  Locked in place, her arms still tightly bound behind her, she then heard a quiet hissing noise. Instantly, the unit now clamped around her head began to rise. Slowly the unit pulled her head upward while her ankles were kept secured at the floor. Inch by inch, her body was stretched tall and tight, just like her friends were.

  “Three new milkers, good deal,” said the woman dressed in medical whites. “Looks like we’ll only have to discuss the rules and procedures once, and I highly recommend you-all listen carefully. I’m the Farm’s head nurse, and I’ll be looking after your health and overall production while you’re here.”

  Circling behind them, Angie soon heard a squeal come from Veronica. A few seconds later, Kimie also squealed from behind her gag. Within seconds Angie discovered what that was all about when she suddenly felt a long needle driving deep into the cheek of her ass, followed by a deep burning sensation. And before she had a chance to think much about it, another needle quickly piercing her other ass check as she too chirped out a squeal.

  Tossing the empty syringes in the nearby bucket, the woman stepped back into their view. “Ok, that’s all done. You just received your genetically engineered hormones. The Talistaun have acquired some of the brightest medical minds in the world, and these folks have developed the perfect lactation hormone. Trust me, by this time tomorrow you’ll each be ready to deliver your first quarts of precious milk.”

  Their bodies shivered at the thought, but the device held them so tight that they couldn’t really react, except to groan and gently sob.

  Reaching to a cabinet, the nurse pulled out three leather body harnesses and three tiny skirts from the shelf. They quickly recognized the outfits from their view of the screened-in pens as they arrived.

  After sorting and setting the equipment down behind each of them, she returned to Kimie and picked up the white harness from the floor behind her.


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