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Abducted And Enslaved For The Talistaun

Page 9

by W. L. Dowd

  “My favorites are the virgins. It’s rare that a virgin makes it to the Farm, and when they do, we identify them with the white harnesses. They produce the sweetest milk so their bounty is collected separately. And they’re also the most fun to watch in the milking chambers.”

  Methodically, the nurse began to wrap the white strapped harness around Kimie’s body. She pulled and buckled a couple of straps around her torso, before she began to work Kimie’s young jutting mounds through the harness’s front loops. Kimie moaned and groaned as the woman sternly and methodically squeezed the young girl’s sensitive globes through the tight openings. When she finished pulling the remaining straps tight around her body and up around her neck, she pulled all the buckles snug.

  The final adjustments left her breasts tightly encircled with straps, and standing outward at full attention from her delicate frame. Just barely able to see her daughter through the head encasement, Veronica’s eyes struggled to see her innocent young tits beginning to swell from the tight grip of the circling straps.

  Noticing Veronica’s eyes straining to look, the nurse said, “Oh don’t worry mom. I know they look tight around her firm globes but let me assure you, once those young mammaries are full then they’ll be tight. And no matter how tight and firm her tits might appear, even her young milk sacks will droop before it’s time to expel.”

  Picking up Veronica’s black harness from the floor, she went right to work again. Within minutes, Veronica looked just like her daughter. It only took minutes for Veronica to understand what Kimie was now feeling, as her own large seasoned breasts strained against the tight straps that now encased them. Her nipples were beginning to tingle as her tits swelled slightly against the firm grip of the harness.

  Next, she moved to Angie and began the precise process of wrapping her upper body in the tight fitting device. The nurse was good at her work and within minutes Angie’s upper body was crisscrossed with the straps. With that task complete, she proceeded to retrieve the short skirts from the floor and wrap them around their hips. One at a time, the flimsy material was pulled around their hips and buttoned up the backside.

  Stepping in front of the women once again, she continued. “You know, I never get bored the awesome sight of a freshly prepared Milker…… Ok, now we some things to discuss. Listen carefully, this is important stuff. Your gags will be removed when you’re released from the frames. You will not be gagged again, provided you follow the rules and behave.”

  Pulling up a stool to sit before them, she went on. “You will not talk excessively amongst yourselves or with the others in the pen. You will not beg or plead to be released. You will not swear or cuss at me, or at the other supervisors…….. And you WILL NOT suck on any ones nipples, I don‘t care how pathetically they beg! And that’s especially true for you mom, no sucking on your daughter’s nipples no matter what!”

  Smiling gently and talking in a slightly quieter voice, she continued. “You will call me ‘Ma’am’ at all times. And whenever we address you, you will be courteous and respond accordingly. If you violate any of these rules, you will find yourself gagged in a very uncomfortable way!”

  Standing and stepping over to the immobile women, she began to caress and tease their jutting tits as she continued. “Now, as I’m sure you’ve already heard, nipple fly season has started.”

  Their frantic eyes widened even further at that remark.

  “We work hard to keep them out of the pens. They can be very disruptive and contaminant the milk. They’re most aggressive in the final hours before its milking time. At this point, your plump expanded nipples will begin to ooze the sweet pre-milk that works the flies into a frenzy. If some flies do get it inside, you can use your hair to shoe them away, if it’s long enough, or you can rub your nipples across one of the other women. But, you might not make many friends doing that. Leaving your sweet nectar behind, can prove to be problematic for them.”

  Reaching to a control box on the wall, she pressed a button that immediately started to lower the head cages. She then clipped leashes back on to their collars and released their ankles from the units below.

  “Carefully move forward from the rack, let’s go.”

  After they carefully worked their bound bodies from the frames, she pulled them together and removed their gags.

  It took each of them a few minutes to regain the use of their jaws. They’d been gagged for a long time and their jaws felt frozen. Sighing and moaning in relief, they finally got their mouths to close.

  Seeing that they had worked their jaws loose, the nurse spoke. “Do you all understand the rules?”

  There was no response at first.

  “I said; do you all understand the RULES!”

  First Angie perked up and said, “Yes Ma’am.” Then Veronica and Kimie quickly followed suit.

  “Ok, I’ll take a few questions while we wait for the milking chambers to empty. You’ve arrived right as the day’s milking process is just wrapping up.”

  She paused for several seconds. “No questions?………….. Fine, I’ll be back shortly,” she said as she reached up and attached their leashes to a hook at the ceiling, and then exited the room.

  Once they were sure the nurse was gone, Veronica spoke out softly to Angie. “We tried to protect Kimie, we hid her in a closet but they found her.”

  “Mom, it’s not your fault. You and dad couldn’t stop them,” Kimie quickly responded.

  Sobbing softly, she went on. “Once they found Kimie, they made Stan remove our clothes and put on our handcuffs and collars. They forced him to strip us naked, one piece of clothing at a time. The look of pain on his face was unbearable. But I thought he was going to die when they made him shave our pubic mounds. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for him; when he had to shave his own daughter.”

  With a crackle in her own voice, Kimie responded. “Mom, please stop. It’s done and over, now we have to hope that dad will rescue us. You know he won’t stop until he finds us.”

  “I know honey, but I can’t get the look on your father’s face out of my head. He was so devastated when they forced him to cinch our elbows and attach the leashes to our collars.”

  “Veronica, it wasn’t just you and your family, and you couldn’t have stopped them. You have no idea what we went through.” Starting to sob a bit herself, Angie continued. “They made Jason fuck me right in front of Ashley. I’m not sure she’ll ever forgive me.”

  Just then, the door opened and in strolled the nurse. “We’re almost ready to go. The last of the women are clearing the chamber. Still no questions?”

  Removing their leashes from the hook, she said, “OK, and by the way, your arms will not be released from behind your backs. We found it impossible to keep the girls from milking themselves when they neared 100% capacity, and that reduces production. It might not feel like it the first time, but your tits and nipples will not burst,” she said with a chuckle. “Now, let’s get you three to the pen.”

  Pulling on their leashes, she walked them through the next door. They entered a large long room that was lined with awful looking machines that the women instinctively understood.

  “Here we have the milking machines. You’ll find it won’t be necessary for us to prompt you in here. In fact, when it’s time, you’ll be lining up at the doors to be the first ones in.”

  As they slowly continued down the long corridor, with the awful machines sitting side-by-side on either side of the passageway, she continued.

  “The doors are opened very morning at 10AM sharp. You’ll make your way to the first available machine and place yourself in it. It’s really rather simple. You’ll press your upper thighs against the padded rail and then you’ll spread your legs, slipping your ankles in the holders below. Once your in position, you’ll lean forward until your engorged breasts fall through the two openings.”

  Pulling the girls directly to a machine, she pointed to the two circular openings in the unit.

  “As yo
u can see, once you lower your milk filled globes through these openings, your body will be bent over at a full 90 degrees. When the machine senses you’re in-place, the automatic restraining arms will close over your back and shoulders, and around the back of your legs. These will keep you secure as the milking tubes rise up and capture your dripping milk sacks.”

  Pointing toward the floor, “And, you’ll want to be sure to spread your legs enough to allow your ankles to fit in these circles. It can be rather painful if you’re not in the proper position when the restraining bars engage.”

  Speaking more softly she said, “Sometimes the Talistaun farm mangers will perform inspections during the milking process, and on occasion they’ll partake in a little backside entertainment, if you know what I mean.”

  Hearing that comment Veronica whimpered, “W-what, what do you mean by that?” as she looked toward her daughter, whose big eyes were still focused on the menacing machines.

  “For you and your friend it’ll mean something a little different than it will for your daughter, at least for a few months, if you get what I’m saying! Now do not interrupt me, you had your question and answer time!”

  Turning back to the machines, she pointed underneath were the girls could barely see. “Once the machine senses that you’re locked in position, these tubes here will raise up and envelope your hanging tits. When the leading edges of the tubes reach your chest wall, the cylinders will close snugly around your breasts. When the constricting tubes have your lovely globes snugly in their grip, several pressure rings along the cylinder’s inner walls will methodically begin to squeeze your tits. Starting at the base of your tits, the rings will contract one at a time, working their way downward to your nipples. This process of squeezing your engorged breasts from their bases to your nubs will continue, over and over again, until all your milk has been pushed out your nipples. And as you begin to drain, the cylinders will sense the reduction in mass and continue to squeeze tighter until you’re empty.”

  Pulling the girls along once again she continued, while the girls followed along in stunned disbelief.

  “That’s not so bad really. I hear it’s the milk collectors that attach themselves to your nipples that bother the girls that most. They latch onto your swollen and weeping nipples with suction. But it’s the nipple stimulators that apparently cause the most grief. These relentless little devices will stimulate your nipples like little tongues, to keep them hard and flowing smoothly. I’ve never experienced the machine before, but I hear the sensations in your nipples will bring you to the edge of climax in such a way that you don’t know if you want to cry or orgasm.”

  “Oh god, please no,” escaped from Veronica’s lips.

  “Yup, you got it Mom. That’s part of what makes the experience so outrageous for the virgins. Their young bodies are producing significant amounts of milk for reasons that their confused bodies don’t understand, so extracting it is even more unnatural and overwhelming for them. But like I said, Kimie here will produce the sweetest and most sought after nectar by the Talistaun.”

  Stopping again, she pointed to a cock shaped phallus that was sticking up just beyond the milking holes in the machines.

  “I almost forgot! Those are your feeding probes. The milking process takes about an hour to compete, and that’s when you get your main meal. From those probes, you will suck out your high-protein and high-fat content diet. It’s a thick gooey texture that also has some of your own breast milk feeding back into it. This is needed to keep your special hormones present and highly active. And just in case you’re thinking that you just won’t eat, the machine measures the amount you consume, and it will not stop the milking process until you’ve swallowed your required portion. So, if you want to spend the entire day in the merciless machine, don’t eat!”

  Turning to Kimie, she asked. “Kimie dear, have you ever sucked a cock before?”

  With tiny tears gently rolling down her cheeks, she replied in a stuttering sobbing voice. “N-n-n-o….. M-m-m’am.”

  “Hmmm, that could be a problem. Obviously you’re a virgin, but have you ever had anal sex before?”

  The look of panic ridden fear consumed her face, and she couldn’t get herself to answer that question.

  “Hmmm, I’ll take that as a No. Well perhaps your mother can give you some tips and advice before tomorrow morning?”

  Reaching the end of the corridor, the nurse opened the door and outside the three women went. They now found themselves in the outdoor pen with dozens of other women, all bound and naked and milling about. The screened-in pen was at least a hundred yards long and fifty yards wide, it was big. It was also rather warm as the hot sun was beating down on the roof above.

  “Ok, now, for the last of the requirements. You will walk the holding pen at least 50 times a day. Exercise is a key component to maximizing production. I highly recommend that you walk early and soon after milking. The fuller your breasts get with milk, the more difficult it will be to walk. There’s a tracking chip in your harnesses, so if you don’t complete the daily exercise regimen, you’ll be removed from the pen and placed on an automated equine walker. And FYI, the walker is outside the protection of the screens, so the nipples flies will have a field day with you!”

  While removing the leashes from their collars, she gave them their final bit of information. “As you can see, the outer walking area is smooth concrete so you’ll be able to walk fine with the heels. And just in case you’re wondering, we nurses and supervisors really enjoy listening to your heels clicking and clacking along during the day while we’re keeping an eye on things.”

  Reaching out to stroke Kimie’s firm young breasts, she said, “I’ll check on all of you in the morning before it’s time to milk. The experience of the first day is the hardest. No matter how much I explain things, feeling your breasts filling to capacity over the course of a single night can be mind boggling……… Get your walking done, and then get some rest tonight. And remember, NO nipple sucking!”

  Exiting the pen, she shut the door behind her with a thud. They were now alone with the other unfortunate women. Standing there in a stunned state of confusion, one of the other women circled close and spoke very softy.

  “Come on ladies, walk with me! The head nurse wasn’t kidding about the exercise requirement.”

  Angie quickly began to walk alongside the woman. That’s when Veronica said, “Come on Kimie, follow me baby,” as she slowly stepped forward to follow Angie.

  Walking along slowly, the mystery woman said, “I’m Tara. I’ve been here for 2 months now. We can talk some while we walk. They don’t mind a little chatting as long as we keep moving.”

  Shuffling along atop her heels, Veronica mumbled, “I’m not sure I can do this? We don’t belong here. My daughter is only 18!! How can this be happening?”

  “Well honey, y-all don’t have much choice, none of us do. And you’ll need to be strong for your daughter. It’s hard enough the first few days, I can’t imagine having to go through this alongside your virgin daughter. But trust me, she’ll need you.”

  Sighing in tormented disbelief, she wasn’t sure how to respond.

  Next, Angie asked, “H-how big will we get?”

  “Big, really big, but try not to think about that. We just left the machines before you arrived, so we’re all on the same schedule. The insidious hormone works on all of us like clockwork, and without mercy. Come tomorrow morning, you’ll all be delivering a full load.”

  “Oh my god……… Is the machine painful?”

  “No, not painful, and you will come to look forward it. The milking machines will be your only relief. You’ll see.”

  “I’m really thirsty, do they give us water?

  Looking to the corner of the pen, Tara said, “In each corner there are watering stations. They’re just like the feeding probes; you have to suck the water out of the thick rubber phallus.”

  “Follow me, I’ll show you how to get a drink.”

ding to a corner, Tara walked up to a large extruding rubber cock, opened her mouth wide, and slid her mouth over it. She then began to suck rather hard until her cheeks were collapsing in on the rubber shaft. Her head then began to stroke back and forth over the device while she sucked the precious water from the cock shaped probe.

  After several seconds, she released her sucking grip on the unit. “Sucking alone is generally not enough. It works better when you use your mouth to work the water through the tube. That’s especially so with the feeding probes. Suckling alone won’t get the job done, you need to use your mouth to pull the pasty substance out.”

  Parched, Angie stepped forward and took the thick rubber cock into her mouth. It was immediately evident how difficult it was going to be to extract the water. She soon found herself bobbing up and down on the probe as she sucked and sucked for her drink.

  By the time she was done getting her water, Veronica and Kimie had stopped behind her and were watching her struggle to get her drink. It didn’t take any explaining for Veronica and Kimie to understand what Angie was doing, and that she was struggling to get the water to flow.

  Lifting her mouth off the large dildo, she turned to her friend. “Veronica, you need to talk with Kimie. If she’s never sucked a cock, she’ll need some coaching and practice on the water probe before she has to suck from the feeding probes. It’s gonna take some technique, something she probably doesn’t have any experience with. I wouldn’t want to see her stuck on the awful machine because she doesn’t know how to pull her meal from the probe.”

  Standing behind her mother with her head down, Kimie could hear the discussion taking place, but she was too distressed to respond.

  “Oh god, this can’t be real, this has to be nightmare……… Angie, I’m not sure I can teach my daughter to suck a cock……. Mothers don’t teach things like that to their daughters!!”

  “Veronica, you have to. You can’t let her go to the machines unprepared. The poor thing will be helpless against it.”


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