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My Stepbrother the Ultimate Collection (Five Complete Box Sets)

Page 44

by Cindy Wilder

  I carried the boxes out to my car while my mom was out with her newest fling. All of the clothes I bought with Rosie and my dad were packed. I hadn't added much to them. My sizes were still pretty much the same. The only other things I had were my tablet and my phone. Kyle was still paying for that. My dad added money to my tablet every few months. I asked him not to, but he wouldn't listen to me.

  The only thing left in my room was my purse and a change of clothes. I got into bed and pulled out my phone to see if Kyle had sent a message. Each month, I sent him a box full of goodies. There was always something silly added to it. I would write letters and draw pictures for him. Of course I sent things he needed as well. I always added a pack of underwear. Some had silly sayings on them, and some were just inappropriate. It was something I looked forward to. Every time I went to a store, I kept my eyes peeled for things to send him. It gave me something to do and brought light to my days.

  I turned on my phone to find a new message from Kyle and one from Rosie. Hers popped up first, so I opened it. She talked about how excited she was that I was coming and wanted me to text when I left the house. When I opened the message from him, I burst into laughter. There was a picture of him in only a pair of boxers I had just sent a few days before. He was so damn gorgeous. His chest was rock hard, and his abs were something out of a damn workout magazine. He had no idea what that picture did to me. I wanted that man so badly, but he didn't think of me in that way. I was sure he was getting tons of action at the base. Just thinking about it brought the jealousy out in me.

  I had sent him a selfie every day for almost two years. He rarely sent me pictures of him, but I made sure to keep them when he did. That was the best part of every day for me. I had to come up with new places and poses. Some of them were just crazy. I had even gotten some friends from school to take some of them. There was one of me standing on my head, one of me in a bikini at the pool, one of a close up going up my nose, and so many more. Once I sent a picture of my ass in a pair of shorts. He was being a shithead, and I told him to kiss my ass.

  Earlier that day, I sent one of me looking through the flowers he sent me for graduation. I also sent one in my cap and gown. He wasn't happy about missing my special event and promised to make it up to me one day. He had also sent me flowers on my birthday as well.

  I looked at the picture of him in boxers again but wasn't sure how to respond. There were a million things I wanted to say, but every single one of them would have given away my true feelings for him. I had to think of one of my usual smart-ass comments. It had to get under his skin though. That was my favorite job of all.

  Me: I thought those little weenies only came in cans.

  I laughed hard as I pushed send on that one. He was going to be pissed. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when he read that. It would have been something else to see his face.

  My eyes were tired, and I knew I wanted to be up super early to get out of the house and on my way. He hadn't responded right away, so I hid my phone under my bed to charge it. I closed my eyes, and all I could see was that damn picture and those muscular abs. He looked so good when he left, and the military had definitely made him look even better.

  I couldn't wait to sleep. The quicker I drifted off, the faster I could see my dad and Rosie. Neither of them had been at my graduation. They both wanted to be there, but I thought it was best if they didn't come. I would see them the next day. My mom was about to lose her shit. If they were there, I knew she would have made a scene and embarrassed me. It wasn't worth it. I knew Rosie and my dad loved me. That was all that mattered.

  The light beamed in through the window. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It was time to go. I jumped up from my bed, grabbed my phone, cord, and purse, changed and got ready as fast as I could, and headed for the door. My mother stood in the doorway with a smile on her face.

  "You don't have to go, you know," she said.

  "What?" I asked.

  "You're eighteen now. You don't have to go see him. I think you should stay home for the summer."

  "I want to go and see him. I miss Rosie," I said.

  "You'd think he would get you a better car than that piece-of-shit," she added.

  "I like this car," I said. "I really need to get going. I want to get there early."

  She leaned in and hugged me. It felt very strange. There was something going on with her.

  "Call me when you get there," she said.


  I took off out the front door.

  "Carrie," she called out.

  "Yes," I groaned.

  "I'll need your rent money. How are you going to get it to me?" she asked.

  I turned and looked up at her. She was standing against the door like we were having a normal conversation about the weather or something.

  "I won't be here," I said.

  "That doesn't change anything," she said with a shrug.

  "I'll figure it out," I said.

  I couldn't believe her. When I slammed my door, I thought it was going to fall from the car. She really had just asked me that. I thought she wanted me to call out of concern. It was shocking, but I fell for it. She just wanted to make sure she got my money. As I pulled out of the driveway and down the street, tears fell from my eyes. I pulled into a gas station to fill the tank and check my phone. My tears instantly dried and a smiled covered my face, as I read Kyle's text.

  Kyle: You just wait until I see you. That is not something you say to an extremely sexy man, sweetheart.

  He always made me feel better, even if he didn't know it.

  Me: Where. I didn't see anyone but you. Hold on. Let me look again. Nope, still just you.

  I got out of the car, filled the tank, grabbed a drink, and was ready to go. Before I started the car, I quickly took a picture of me ready to leave and sent it to him with the caption "On My Way." My phone buzzed with a text at the same time.

  Kyle: Do you know what I'm going to do when I see you?

  Me: What? You can't reach me from where you are. I have to go now. I can smell the delicious spaghetti and hear the cheesecake calling my name.

  I put the car in drive and pulled out as excitement filled my body. The thought of my mom and her rent money was already in the past. I blasted the radio and enjoyed the ride.

  When I stopped for a small break, I turned on my phone.

  Kyle: Look, Princess. You're messing with the wrong man. I'll find a way to get to you.

  Me: Look, Shithead. In your dreams. I bet that little weenie's much bigger in your dreams. Got to go.

  I snapped a picture of me with my tongue out next to the car and sent it with the caption "You know you miss us."

  My hands were shaking as I pulled into the driveway. The grass was neatly mowed as always, but the flowers weren't there. The dirt was bare. I couldn't believe it. Was Rosie okay, I wondered? As soon as I parked and stepped out of the car, the front door swung open. Tears slipped down my cheeks, as I looked up to see Rosie standing in the doorway with a set of keys in her hand. I snapped a quick picture of her and sent it with the caption "I'm home." Then I ran up and wrapped my arms around her neck. She had just as many tears as I did.

  "Where are all the flowers?" I asked.

  "They are waiting for you," she said, as she pointed to the side.

  I looked over to see trays of flowers lining the porch. My mouth dropped open and she began to laugh.

  "You said you wanted to help," she said. "I waited for you."

  I couldn't believe it. She was going to kill me. We went straight to the kitchen. I could smell the delicious food cooking. She got me some cookies, as I sat down and pulled out my phone to see what he had sent back.

  Kyle: That's it. You're going down. I'm going to spank the shit out of you when I see you. You're mom obviously didn't do that enough.

  Kyle: I'm glad you're home safe.

  It was so funny how he was so pissy one second and sweet the next. I knew he cared in his own way.
  Me: I'm eating cookies as I type. If you behave, maybe I'll send you some. You're not going to believe what Rosie did.

  Kyle: Yes, I can. I told her to send me some pictures of your ass working in the dirt. I told her you were going to flip when you saw how much you were going to have to do.

  Me: Very funny. I'm going to my room now. Oh, wait. I have an idea.

  Kyle: Don't you dare. Stay the hell out of my room, Carrie.

  Me: I'm sorry. Did someone say something?

  I ran up the stairs and swung my door open. Then I walked quickly over to his and swung that door open. It looked identical to the summer before. Not a thing was moved. I knew he hadn't been there, and it made me sad. I missed him so much. Rosie had dusted and kept everything clean in both of the rooms. I didn't want to be sad. Quickly, I fell back onto his bed and snapped a picture of me. I made sure he would be able to tell where I was.

  Me: So soft.

  I sent the picture right after the text.

  Kyle: Get out of my room.

  Me: Why? Are you afraid I'm going to find your dirty magazines? Oh, shit! Maybe I'll find your porn stash.

  Kyle: It's not funny. I will get even with you. Get out of my room, sweetheart. If you don't, you're going to be sorry.

  Me: Bring it, tough guy!

  Kyle: Oh, It's on.

  Me: Don't get your panties in a bunch. I'm too tired to do anything right now. I'm going back to my room you big baby.

  I went back to my room and plopped down on my bed. As I looked around the room, I knew I had to do it. The only other person that came upstairs was Rosie. I'd just have to keep her out of our rooms for a few days. If she didn't have all those flowers to plant, it wouldn't take as long.

  I ran out to my car and carried all of my boxes in. Rosie walked into my room and laughed.

  "You really are moving in, aren't you?" she asked. "You have no idea how happy I am."

  "Don't say anything," I said. "I'm going to sweeten him up before I tell him I want to work for him. It would be cool if I could get an apartment of my own. That way I wouldn't have to see Laura all the time. I could make it close. That way I could still see you whenever I want."

  "Just relax and enjoy yourself. We have flowers to plant. Be ready in the morning," she said with a grin.

  I was so happy to see my dad at dinner. We talked about my graduation. Laura sat quietly while we talked. He said he wanted to buy me a car for my graduation present. I told him I wasn't ready for a new car yet and wanted a raincheck. He laughed and joked about me being so careful with money. We talked about my mom. I made sure to leave out the part about the rent. He would be so mad if he knew about it. I didn't need him calling her.

  We had cheesecake for dessert, but I figured I had messed with Kyle enough for the day. I took a picture of me stuffing a huge bite in my mouth later that night, but I decided to save it to send to him later.

  First thing in the morning I was out planting flowers. Rosie had paper and pens. She was ready to plan it all out. We laughed and talked while he figured out where everything should go.

  "I hope you don't mind that I waited for you," she said. "I really did want to do it together."

  We got right to work. By noon I felt like I was going to die. I fell back on the grass with water bottles surrounding me. She laughed, as she grabbed my phone and took a picture of me. I looked up at her with a grin.

  "There's you picture of the day," she said.

  "What?" I asked.

  "He told me about it. You have no idea how good you've been for him while he's been gone. He really cares about you. You like him too. The two of you were made for each other," she said, as she tossed the phone back at me.

  "No," I said. "I like messing with him. You should see how upset he gets."

  "Keep telling yourself that. I know better. You like that boy. I'm going to say I told you so at your wedding."

  "I don't think so," I said. "This is a good picture for the day though."

  We both laughed. I typed a message out before getting up for lunch.

  Me: Picture for today. Rosie is trying to kill me.

  It didn't take long before he replied.

  Kyle: About time you did some work. Send me a picture of the two flowers you planted.

  "He is such an ass," I said, as I showed her his text.

  She laughed so hard.

  "That was funny," she said.

  I took a picture of the flowers. They looked so good.

  Me: There it is.

  Kyle: Okay. Which two are yours? Poor Rosie.

  I threw the phone down on the lawn and fell back again.

  "Come on," Rosie said. "We need to get cleaned up and have lunch."

  "How in the world do you do it?" I asked her.

  "What?" she asked.

  "Nothing," I said, as I grabbed the phone and got up.

  I took a long nap after lunch. When I got up, I checked my phone.

  Kyle: Is Princess sleeping from her hard day of planting those two tiny buds.

  Me: Okay. I've had enough out of you already today. It's on. I have work to do.

  It took him two hours to answer. I knew he was probably busy doing real work.

  Kyle: Don't get any ideas.

  I was hard at work when I felt my pocket vibrate and read his text.

  Me: I have more ideas than I know what to do with, sir.

  Rosie walked up the stairs and stood frozen. I was walking between the rooms and stopped when I saw her.

  "Carrie," she said.

  "Yes," I said with a giant smile.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  "What?" I asked. "I'm just doing what he did to me."

  "He's going to freak when he finds out."

  "You're not going to tell him," she said. "You've known me way longer, Rosie. We have a bond. Don't you dare tell him. I'll tell him on my own. It might take me a few weeks, but I'll tell him when the time is right."

  She turned around.

  "I didn't see a thing," she said. "You're on your own with this one."

  Her voice was stern, but I could see her back shake as she walked away. She thought it was hilarious.

  All of the flowers were planted by the end of the week. I was working hard on the bedrooms. Each day I sent him another silly picture of me or something around the house. My dad seemed happy I was home. Even Laura was looking a little more relaxed. It was actually very nice.

  I was outside rocking and reading when my dad came out. He sat down next to me.

  "How's it going?" he asked.

  "Good," I said. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

  "Okay," he said.

  "I don't want to go back to mom's house," I began.

  "Great," he said. "You can stay here."

  "Well," I said. "I kind of wanted to get an apartment not far from here. Can I work for you until I figure out what I want to do?"

  "Sure," he said. "You don't want to live here?"

  "I want to work for you and take classes. I would really like to live on my own. I have money saved up from the last two years."

  "The money I put in your account?" he asked, and I nodded. "Okay. When do you want to start? You can work from home if you want. I have a bunch of stuff I can already think of that you can do. Some things I don't trust other people with. It would give me more time to grow things with the business."

  "I can start right away," I said. "You won't regret it. I'll work very hard."

  "I don't doubt that," he said.

  We talked for a bit longer. When he went back in the house, I took a picture of what I could see from the swing to send to Kyle.

  Me: It feels so good to be home.

  Kyle: I feel much better knowing you're there. Rosie can watch out for your crazy ass.

  Me: I'm not going back. I talked to him. He's going to let me work for him.

  Kyle: No way. That is so awesome.

  I worked as hard as I could to finish the bedrooms fast. My d
ad would be expecting me to get work done. He said he would only let me work part-time until summer was over. That was fine with me. I took pictures of Kyle's new room. He was going to be so pissed. Then I took pictures of my new room. I knew he would be busy and not able to reply, so I sent the first picture.

  Me: Sitting back and relaxing.

  I was out at the pool later in the day. Rosie came out with a huge smile on her face.

  "He's going to kick your ass, and you deserve it," she said.

  It took a moment for me to realize what she meant.

  "Did he message you?" I asked.

  "No," she said. "He called me. You should have heard his mouth going a mile a minute. He was so mad. He asked me if I knew. I asked what he meant. He told me to go and look in your room. I had to pretend like I was going up there. It took all I had not to laugh at him. He's a grown man. I think he even mentioned calling your dad."

  "No way," I said. "What a baby."

  "I bet he's blowing up your phone. I told him he had to take it up with you. He's going to get you back."

  "You better not help him," I said. "You've known me way longer. We have a bond, Rosie."

  "I won't help him dear."

  She went back into the house, as I got out of the pool to dry off. When I got to my new room, I picked up my phone and laughed. There were ten messages and two missed calls. They were all from him. I was laughing so hard, as I hit the call button. I couldn't even speak when he started going on.

  "You think this shit's funny?" he asked. "I'm going to kick your ass. You just wait until I get my hands on you."

  "I can't wait," I said.

  "I can't believe you did this. That took you hours. Did Rosie know? Don't you lie to me, sweetheart."

  "Rosie didn't know, dumpling," I joked.

  "It's not funny," he snapped.

  "Yes, it is," I said. "You haven't been here in two years. What's the big deal?"

  "Don't you dare," he said.

  "What are you going to do?" I asked. "Oh, wait. I know. You're going to call my daddy."


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