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Sasha: The Wallflower (The Wallflower Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Fletcher, R. J.

  Dmitri licked his lips suggestively and grinned. “’Til then.” He turned and walked away.

  When Dmitri was far enough away not to hear, Dina cleared her throat once more and leaned into Sasha. “You should hook that fish immediately, Sasha.”

  The young waitress turned to her co-worker, surprised. “What?”

  Dina grinned at her. “It’s the way he looks at you. Like you’re the only woman in the world and he can’t stand to take his eyes away. I think you two are beautiful together,” Dina gushed romantically. “Despite the height difference.”

  At this, they both laughed.

  The rest of her day, even with the disparaging remarks from her boss, passed by quickly because her thoughts were filled with Dmitri and Dina’s comment. She had woken up the morning after her emotional breakdown to find herself in bed. When she asked Teagan what had happened, she found out that Dmitri had stayed with her for most of the night, before finally tucking her in and leaving. Sasha didn’t know what to feel with that tidbit of information. A part of her was shocked he hadn’t dumped her completely and preferred to never see her again after she had insulted and slapped him before kicking him out of her apartment.

  There was no doubt in her mind that she was still hurt by his remarks but she felt conflicted. Why would a man like Dmitri, who could easily get another woman, choose to stay with her who he barely knew? She wanted to hope that maybe he felt more than what he told her but she was wary of giving herself any false hope.

  She was wringing her hands in nervousness while she waited in front of the diner for him to arrive.

  “Who are you waiting for?”

  Sasha looked over to see Dina walking up to her. Dina’s mass of wild hair was put up into a messy bun and her eyes looked tired from the day’s work.

  “Well…Dmitri is picking me up today.”

  Her co-worker smiled at this. “That’s nice. I was gonna ask you if you wanted a ride but now that I know you’ll be getting one from Mr. Hottie, I’m not worried. So, how long have you two been seeing each other?”

  Sasha immediately shook her head and said, “Oh, no. We are not dating. I-It’s just…complicated.”

  Dina’s brow rose at this. “Well, I hope it works out for both of you.”

  Wanting to change the subject from her relationship with Dmitri, Sasha asked, “What about you? Anyone special?”

  Dina bit her lower lip and blushed slightly. “Remember the guy who comes at least once a week? Asian. Long hair. Gorgeous.”

  “Oh! You are dating him?”

  “No but I finally got up the courage to accept his offer of a date this past week. We are supposed to be going out this weekend and I’ve never been so nervous.”

  Sasha couldn’t believe a beautiful woman like Dina could ever be insecure about anything. She had seen her interactions with Slade and they seemed to be very cute together. Dina’s mood would always benefit from his visits to the diner. The food wasn’t so great so she could only determine that he made continual visits just to see Dina.

  “I’m sure the date will be fine. You two have been seeing each other unofficially for almost two months!”

  Dina nodded her head. “You’re right. I’m not going to be nervous. I’m going to get excited. This is the first time I’ve been out in too long, you know? I love my job at the art gallery but having to come here part-time is draining the life from me. I’m hoping for a promotion from the curator soon. If I get it, I’ll definitely be saying good-bye to this hole-in-the-wall.”

  She paused for a minute before looking at Sasha excitedly. “You know what? I’ve worked with you for so long and yet we’ve never gone out together. Let’s go to a club this Saturday. My treat.”

  Sasha wasn’t much of a fan of nightclubs but she knew she couldn’t say no to the excitement on Dina’s face. Giving in, she said, “Sure. Why not? Would you mind if my friends came along?”

  “The more the merrier. See you then! I’ll give you a call.” Dina walked away excitedly.

  Almost as soon as she had left, Sasha saw the familiar black sports car pull up to the curb. Unlike last time, Dmitri stepped out of his vehicle and walked up to her with a sweet smile. She was taken aback by his display of affection towards her. Watching him approach, she was frozen as he bent down and gave her a slight peck on the corner of her mouth.

  “Come on,” he whispered, taking her hand and leading her to the passenger seat. Sasha had never had someone open a door for her in any romantic sense but she recognized that was what he was doing. She took a seat and buckled herself up as he made his way back to the driver’s side.

  “So,” he buckled his own seatbelt, “do you mind if we went to my place this time?”

  Sasha wrung her hands in nervousness. “I don’t think that is a good idea.”

  His smile faltered slightly but he nodded his head in understanding. “I give you my word that nothing will happen that you are uncomfortable with.”

  Still hesitant, she gave in. “Okay.”

  The trip to his home was a quiet one. Dmitri had soft jazz playing in the car as he hummed along. Sasha was looking out the window, noting that they were travelling more to the center of the Boston area. She noticed that the car was heading toward the Ritz Carlton, which was composed of extremely expensive condominiums. It towered over the surrounding buildings with over thirty stories. Her state of shock continued once they finally made their way into his condo.

  “Welcome to my abode,” he stated jokingly.

  “I-I didn’t know you lived here.” Her mouth gaped open at the floor to ceiling windows that encompassed the living area, giving her a fantastic view of the Boston skyline. She didn’t think she even wanted to sit down on the perfectly white couch with its large fluffy pillows. Dmitri, seemingly unaware of her dazed state, grabbed her hand and led her to the couch. He plopped down upon its surface and released a relaxed groan.

  “You can relax Sasha,” he laughed at her erect posture as she sat. “I keep my promises.”

  She nodded her head and forced herself to settle back. Muffling a moan of pleasure at the feel of the soft surface, she looked out the large windows, completely taking in the beautiful view.

  With her blissfully unaware, Dmitri took the moment to look at Sasha. With her rosebud lips, large dewy eyes and rounded nose, she looked so innocent. Her skin was smooth and youthful adding to her attractiveness. She was completely unlike any other woman he had ever been interested in or slept with. The thought of her uniqueness immediately brought up memories of the other night. Now, every time he saw her, he was sure to think of the little girl Teagan described, desperate for company and terrified of being forgotten.

  Knowing her at such an intimate level made it more difficult for him to use her as he had planned. How could he in good conscious take her virginity, something she obviously valued, with no intention of continuing to see her.

  “I’ve been rather harsh to you Sasha. And I wish to apologize for that.”

  She looked at him. He was taken aback by the vulnerability in her eyes. If anything, it made him even surer of himself.

  “It was never my intent to hurt you. If I had known about your inexperience, I wouldn’t have been so crudely direct with you. That was my mistake and, if we are to part ways, I do not wish you to think that you are…somehow worthless. I stayed with you that night because I couldn’t stand the thought of having hurt you to the point that you became inconsolable.”

  He laughed quietly to himself. Reaching out and stroking her cheek, he continued, “You really are something, you know that? I’ve said it before but now I know it goes way beyond just your innocence. There is something special about you that draws people in and makes them just want to protect you. Like Teagan.”

  Sasha sat in stunned silence as he spoke. She didn’t know where he was going with this but, for some unknown reason, she felt goose bumps raise on her arms and butterflies in her stomach. The tone of his voice was oddly mournful and serious.

/>   “She told me,” he said, referring to Teagan, “that you grew up in foster care.” He paused to gage her reaction. Sasha visibly stiffened and scooted away from him. He quickly continued, “Don’t be upset. I’m not judging you. To be quite honest, I admire you for having gone through so much.”

  “Why are you saying all this to me?”

  Dmitri smiled at the confusion on her face and said simply, “Because now I know that what I asked of you, a sexual relationship with no emotional ties, was not something you could do. The very implication insulted you and that was not my intent.” He sighed. “I’m used to women jumping at the opportunity and it surprised me when you didn’t. And, of course, my reaction was less than appealing.

  “If my actions were not indication enough, I want you to know that I have never felt so strongly for any other woman before.” His eyes were almost pleading with her. “For me, you are different. And I want to try something I have avoided for quite a long time.”

  “Try what?” she croaked.

  Dmitri took in a gulp of air and asked, “Will you go out with me? A date?”

  “What?” She looked at him, confused. “I-I don’t understand.”

  “I want to be with you, Sasha. You don’t have to understand why I feel this way. Just know that I do. Your someone special, I knew it the first time I saw you but I couldn’t fathom exactly why. A part of me still doesn’t understand it but I don’t want to throw away my feelings anymore.”

  Dmitri purposely used those words, watching her eyes widen in shock before a bright smile spread across her face. She stared up at him, her lips trembling as she fought to hold back her tears. Sasha closed her eyes and sniffled. “Y-you don’t want to throw me away?”

  Instead of answering, he lowered his lips to capture hers in a fierce kiss. After they finally parted, Dmitri pulled Sasha to his chest and rested his chin upon the top of her head.

  Chapter Seven

  Sasha eyed herself in the mirror, looking over the skin-tight dress Teagan had forced her to wear for tonight. The back was open to her lower back emphasizing her rather large ass and wide hips, and the top showed a fair bit of cleavage. She knew she wasn’t tiny by any means, but the dress helped focus be placed on her hour glass figure instead of how thick her thighs and ass were. For once, she had styled her locs so that they weren’t simply falling down to her back. She had placed them into a large braided bun in order to accentuate her thin, long neck and delicate features.

  She stood there, continually eying herself in the black dress, when Teagan burst into the room. Sasha almost wanted to cringe at her own image when she saw Teagan. Her friend looked like a model in her large stiletto heels, lace top, and fitted skirt. She had curled her hair and put dark mascara and eyeliner on her eyes to make them stand out.

  Teagan, on the other hand, was in awe of Sasha’s transformation in the dress. Her friend looked downright sexy. And she told her so. Seeing her blush and look away, Teagan continued. “I’m being serious. You look amazing Sasha. Your body is rocking!”

  “Thank you, Teagan. You look amazing too!”

  “But,” she brought her hand from behind her. “Your look is not complete without ridiculously high heels. Since I know you can’t walk in stilettos I have brought my own beautiful wedges to grace upon your feet.”

  Sasha laughed as Teagan bowed and handed her the pair of shoes. “You are so ridiculous.”

  Teagan sat on her bed and bounced energetically. “No, I’m just happy to be hanging out with my girl, again. You’ve been spending so much time with Dmitri this week I’ve rarely gotten to see you. I was shocked you even wanted to go out with us this weekend. And that you invited that girl Dina from work.”

  That was one of the many times Teagan had mentioned Dmitri without any sort of encouragement from Sasha. She was still worried about her friend’s feelings.

  “Teagan, I know we haven’t really talked about this but…are you sure you are okay with me dating Dmitri?”

  Teagan’s smile immediately disappeared and her expression grew serious. “Honestly?” Sasha nodded and waited for her to continue. “I’m mostly worried about you. The few dates we went on, he was not very emotionally engaging. I know how sensitive you are and I don’t want him to hurt you. That is the only reason I’m upset. I was surprised when you came home and told me but we had already parted ways and were never serious to begin with. But I know you, Sasha. You’re in this relationship for the long-haul and you’re hoping for the happily-ever-after into the sunset. You need to know and accept that that may not happen. It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. Relationships sometimes just don’t work out.

  “I saw his face when he was holding you that night. He seemed serious about his feelings and so I wish the best for both of you. If anything goes wrong, however, know that I am here and I will gladly cut his balls off if he hurts you.”

  Teagan opened her arms wide and pulled Sasha to her chest. “You’re the bestest friend I’ve ever had, Sasha. I love you and I just want you to be happy!”

  Sasha smiled through her watery tears. “You made me cry, Teagan!” They laughed together. “I love you too, best friend.”

  They both parted ways at the sound of their doorbell. Teagan pinched Sasha’s cheeks affectionately before running to their front door. Dina stood at the threshold dressed in a beautiful red number. Teagan had met her a couple of times during her visits to the diner but the two had never really held any long conversation. Awkwardly, Teagan said hello and motioned for Dina to enter their tiny apartment.

  Just like herself, Teagan noted that Dina was above average height. However, she had a voluptuous figure that was pleasantly highlighted by the bold red dress. Her hair was in its normal wild state; it was like a lion’s mane that fell down to her rounded shoulders with a single braid in the front that was decorated by dark beads. Afro-centric and outspoken, Dina had an affectionate personality and was very likeable so Teagan had no problem with her accompanying them.

  “How’s it going, Teagan? You look amazing!” Dina smiled widely.

  “Thank you! The same to you.”

  As they spoke to each other, Sasha made her way from her room. The wedged heels added three inches to her height and brought out the muscular strength in her legs, due to years of running. Dina, amazed at Sasha’s transformation, squealed in excitement.

  “Oh my god, you look great!”

  Seeing Dina’s authentic response to her dress and remembering Teagan’s compliments, Sasha felt a surge of renewed confidence. She had never been very skinny but neither had she considered herself to be overweight. But the events of the week had given her a sense of her own worth, something that she had rarely considered before. If she had not been working at the diner or studying, she had continually found herself spending time with Dmitri who was not at all shy about expressing his appreciation of her physical attributes. A part of her would still look at him in disbelief. She would never have guessed a man as handsome as him would ever give her a second glance. But he had. Over the rest of her friends no less!

  She smiled thinking of him. He had been severely disappointed to find that she had previous plans of spending time with her friends but had tried to hide it by saying he would be busy with a new client at the PR firm. Seeing his response had been another ego-boost. Every day she spent with him in whatever context made her feel beautiful and she was slowly starting to believe it was true.

  “Faye and Jaelynn said they would meet us there. So we can head out now,” said Teagan.

  Sasha’s shy smile almost immediately disappeared at that. She had not spoken to either of them in quite a long time. In the case of Faye, it had been on purpose. The night Faye had vindictively deserted her at the bus stop had been a wake-up call, spurring her desire for a new start somewhere else. It had been a realization that the friendships she had assumed meant something to at least a certain extent were just a figment of her own imagination.

  Inviting them tonight had been he
r last desperate attempt at forming a bond with them. She had promised herself that she would not give her all to someone who had no intention of giving anything back.

  “Okay, let’s go, then.” Sasha exclaimed excitedly.

  Sasha swished her hips alongside Dina to the sound of the reggae coming from the DJ’s bass. For the first time, she was enjoying herself without feeling like an outsider, an observer. They had been dancing together since after the group had separated from getting drinks. Sasha had kept a watchful eye out for Teagan who was intensely flirting with one of the bartenders. Faye and Jaelynn had only greeted them before delving into the sea of good-looking men featured at the club. They hadn’t taken a break since.

  Dina motioned for drinks and she nodded. Still swaying to the beat, they made their way to the bar. Gasping, Dina threw herself onto the surface and laughed. “Oh my god. This is so much fun!”

  Sasha laughed with her and nodded enthusiastically. “I know! The DJ is really great tonight. So, what are you gonna have?” she asked, referring to drinks.

  “Just water for me, please.”

  Sasha motioned to the bartender and asked for free cups of water. After getting their drinks, they made their way to a quieter section of the club and took a seat on a fluffy couch. They sat trying to catch their breaths for a while and cool down.

  “I hope you don’t mind me saying this but, what’s up with your friends Faye and Jaelynn? They were really standoffish when you introduced me.” Dina set her empty cup of water on the floor.

  Sasha grimaced at the question. She had decided from the night so far that Faye and Jaelynn were not the best of friends to have but she didn’t want to completely shut them out of her life. They had known each other for almost two years and they had meant a lot to her even if they didn’t feel the same.

  “That’s just their personalities. You have to get used to it.”

  Dina didn’t know what to think of her response. She could tell there was more that Sasha wanted to say but Dina recognized that this was probably not the right time to delve too deep into Sasha’s relationship with them. From her small experience with the two women, she had immediately come to the conclusion that they were both self-absorbed and superficial. Faye especially. When Sasha had introduced her, Faye had barely said a polite hello before running into the club to flirt with strangers. Dina had never felt so dismissed by anyone before. It had surprised her that Sasha, who was one of the sweetest women she had ever met, would associate with someone so cold.


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