The Dark Knight [Part One]
Page 7
“I don't think they will be taking us home tonight, Kaydee. I'm really sorry I dragged you into this.” I do genuinely feel terrible. Kaydee doesn't even swear. There's no way in hell that she is used to lying to her parents and hanging out with older boys. Boys, period.
“I really think we should leave, just sneak out or something.” She's nervously playing with the sleeves of her jumper. I wouldn't know where to go on my own, but Kaydee grew up not far from here so she should be able to get us back home safely.
One can only hope.
I smile at her and nod. She looks relieved and I can see the tension leaving her shoulders already.
The kitchen is hidden from the living room by a partition wall, but the front door is visible from both the lounge and the kitchen. We're out of sight right now, hiding and making our escape plans, but as soon as we step around the wall, we need to move fast.
Kaydee explains after exiting, we need to turn right and go down two flights of stairs. I wasn’t paying any attention to the layout when we were being dragged up here, too busy hurling more abuse at my captor, so I'm glad she was. I look down at our feet and I'm glad to see that we're both wearing Converse trainers. I'm not much of a runner in any kind of shoes, but I can bet my life I'm better in trainers than anything else. We don't have time for any stealth like shit, we just need to get to the door as fast as we can and not stop running until we reach a house with adult supervision.
I know it sounds like I've been kidnapped, and I'm being held against my will, but it's not like that. Pinky swear. Neither me nor Kaydee particularly want to be here, but we know that if we ask them to drive us home the answer will be a resounding no. I also know that Caleb won't just let me walk out of here. I've recently learned that he's a prick who enjoys making my life as difficult as possible.
I risk a quick peek around the wall, seeing the boys still sat on the sofa, still drinking but now they’re shouting at some sports game on TV. It kind of looks like rugby, but it kind of doesn't at the same time. Who fucking cares? I look at Kaydee and nod. I run to the door first, Kaydee hot on my heels. I release the latch and swing it open.
We were doing great until I realise I've pulled the door far too harshly and it's swung back and smashed into the wall. The dent that it's going to leave in the plaster will resemble the one Caleb will no doubt put in my head, but that is the least of my worries right now.
“What the...” Ellis says, and Caleb is already on his feet.
I can’t breathe. “Kaydee, run!” The adrenaline flowing through my body is making it seem like my legs are moving faster than they physically are. I'm fucking slow, but Kaydee is behind me. She has longer legs and she can't keep up with me? We're screwed.
We've made it down the flights of stairs and outside the building. We’ve just started running across a grass playing field that's across the street, but then I hear Kaydee wailing just before she's pinned to the ground with Ellis sat on top of her. She's flapping her arms around, but Ellis just laughs at her and pins them both in one hand above her head. I turn my head around quickly, so I can watch where I’m going and keep running. I'll come back for Kaydee with my mum, given I can find my way home without her.
One minute I'm on my feet charging forward like I’m about to win a Gold in the Olympics, the next I'm face down ass up in the damp grass with something heavy on my back. I'm out of breath anyway so this is really affecting my breathing.
“You're never gonna learn, are you, Doll?” Brilliant. What feels like a parked truck on my spine is really only Caleb.
“Move. Fucking… Dying.” I manage to huff out. He hovers over me and I roll to my back, gulping precious air into my screaming lungs.
I am never signing up for cross country at school.
Or entering the Olympics.
This is just embarrassing; Caleb is acting like he's just been for a nice evening fucking stroll. All perfect hair, not a drop of sweat to be seen, or a pant of strangled air released. Asshole.
He drags me up and wraps a hand into my loose hair. “You should just give up trying to run from me, Doll. You're mine,” he whispers in my ear. My mouth feels like it has cotton balls stuffed inside it as I try to swallow. What does he mean I'm his? Is he asking me out? God, no. We hate each other, and he already has a girlfriend. “I don't understand,” I whisper in reply, still gasping air.
“What is so hard to understand about you're mine?” He pulls back to look into my eyes and I frown at him.
“What, like your second girlfriend?” I don't want to be anyone’s second anything. I don’t want date Caleb either. Period. He's an asshat.
He barks out a genuine laugh in my face. Well I guess that clears up that little mishap. “You're mine, Emilia. As in whatever I want, you'll give it to me. Whenever I want something, I'll take it from you. You do what I say, when I say it. Mine.” I pull out from his grasp, but his fist was too tight in my hair and my scalp is burning from my actions. He is joking, right? I'm practically going to be his slave? He will suck a fat, juicy dick in front of the entire school before that ever happens.
I push into his chest with my fists. “What is your problem, Caleb? You don't even like me so why do you want me around?” I feel a rush of emotions. I'm angry and upset, but above all, embarrassed.
“It doesn't matter what my reasons are. All that matters is that you belong to me. Let's go, I'm missing the game.” I'm so stunned by him and his easy attitude that he manages to get me moving without any struggle and before I know it, all four of us are back in the apartment.
Ellis has a smug look on his face, Kaydee looks flushed while picking grass out of her hair and Caleb looks down right pissed. I probably mirror his expression.
“Kaydee, bathroom. Now.” I stand up and take my first step away from the sofa when Caleb grabs my wrist. I glare down at him, but he doesn't let up his hold. “I'm going to help Kaydee get the fucking grass out of her fucking hair that ended up there when your fucking friend tackled her to the ground. Is that alright?” I spit at him. I’m bloody livid. He's bruising my wrist because he doesn’t like my attitude, but there’s no way I’ll be losing it. Still throwing him my stink eye, he eventually lets me go when Kaydee stands from her seat and we walk down the hallway to the only bathroom. “What happened?” I ask her firmly once we’re alone. She looks away from me and I instantly know Ellis did something. “You want me to go kick his ass for you, because I will?” I see a hint of a smile as she shakes her head.
“Emilia, I didn't know what to do. He was sat on top of me, like in a really sexy way. He had me pinned down, so I couldn't move, and then he was kissing me all over. My neck, chest, forehead. He didn't touch my mouth, though.” She raises a finger to trace her lips, eyebrows furrowed.
“Did you enjoy it?” I ask her, and she looks shocked, but then blushes ferociously.
“What? I... I don't know. I think I did. This is only a game to him anyway. I’m only a game. Please don't tell anyone. He'll just make me look like a fool.” She looks defeated, so I grab her and pull her into me.
“I won't say anything, Kaydee. Don't worry.” Kaydee is clearly shy and easily embarrassed. Even I've managed to pick up on that after knowing her for only two days.
She hides around every corner and blushes at every word spoken directly to her.
Basically, she acts like a four-year kid.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I've never been around anyone like her before. Do I say what I would say to Phoebe?
Shut the fuck up, Pheebs. Just go in there and snog his face off, if that's what you want.
Or do I treat her like she is a timid child and speak soothing words of encouragement to her?
I go for option three and instead rub her back in a soothing motion a few times. Yeah, I'm not sure that Kaydee wouldn't die on the spot if I spoke to her like I do Phoebe.
There's suddenly a loud bang on the locked door. The result of the deafening interruption
means I actually pull Kaydee's hair out and not the blade of grass I was working on.
“Ouch, Emilia!” She rubs the sore spot while I throw apologetic eyes her way.
“Get out, Doll. It's bedtime.” My heart drops. Does he expect me to go with him? I can't leave Kaydee with Ellis. No way! I swing the door open and face the two bouncers guarding the hallway, arms folded securely across their wide chests and staring me down.
“Where should me and Kaydee sleep?” I ask Caleb.
He smirks at me before replying, “Kaydee will be sleeping in that room. With Ellis. You will be in that room. With me.” He points at two different doors. One that I know is his bedroom and the other I assume is for guests. I start to shake my head and open my mouth ready to give it to him straight, but he drags me out of the bathroom, by my freaking hair, and down the narrow hallway.
“Kaydee, baby. You ready for bed? It's gonna be a long night,” I hear Ellis seductively growl behind me. I don't hear exactly what gets said next, if anything, but I do hear a lot of wet kissing sounds and, shit, was that a moan? Fuck, I hope she makes it through the night.
She's squeezing my head between her thighs
I know I'm a cunt. Neither Emilia nor Kaydee want to be here, but when we got back to my place after our visit to the titty bar last night, a drunk Ellis told me all about how he has been waiting for months to rip Kaydee's cotton panties and training bra from her modelesque body. In one way I was confused, but then it clicked. Ellis really enjoys a challenge. We both do. And this pair are going to make us work for it. Especially Kaydee. I’ve already made a start on Emilia.
Ellis likes the forbidden, but I like the chase.
If Emilia thought I was rough with her, she's gonna be glad it was me that took her and not him when Kaydee tells her that her pussy has been destroyed for life tomorrow morning. She's obviously still a virgin, which is gonna make Ellis even fucking hotter for her. He's been fucking Christina, a cheerleader on Anya’s team from school, on and off for about a year. They aren't a couple, although Christina seems to think there is something between them. She’s basically another Anya, but tamer.
Ellis is a typical dude. If he likes a cunt, he will keep on tapping it for as long as it holds his interest. He says when the ‘when we get married...’ bullshit starts, he just sticks his dick back inside her to shut her up. That’s happened to me with Anya many times and I can confirm, sticking your dick back in promptly stops the flow of word vomit.
Unlike me, Ellis doesn't break a girl's heart just for the fun of it. Don't get me wrong, we're both dickheads, but I'm a few notches above him. We just like sex and Christina and her bestie, Anya, are good for when there's no one else around. I haven't called Anya in a few weeks, despite what she tells everyone, we are not a couple and never will be.
Years ago, I ended up breaking her nose in a role play game at school. We were only kids, but she had to go to hospital and I got kicked out. We crossed paths years later; older, but I was still a cunt and she was still as desperate as before. She latched onto me the first day we met again and hasn’t released me from her sharp claws yet. It’s never going to happen between us, but she’s an easy lay when I’m feeling super lazy. Plus, she lets me stick it in her ass every now and then too, so why wouldn’t I call her back?
I think after I finished nailing her one time, she rolled over whilst I was still catching my breath, saying she wanted her boyfriend to meet her parents. I was still grunting precious air into my lungs, not giving a fuck that she was cheating on him, allowing me to use her as my on call come bucket.
I realise now, after all these years, Anya only hears what she wants to hear. That grunting noise I made, that to her was me answering her ‘boyfriend meeting parents’ comment and somehow confirming that I was her boyfriend. Ever since then, we’ve been a fictional couple she made up in her fucked up head.
And I’ve never met her parents.
Sometimes I tell her that we aren’t a ‘thing’, but most of the time I let it slide. It makes no difference to me what people might think, and I don’t speak just for the fun of it. Why waste my limited words trying to drill into Anya that she lives in a fantasy world? She won’t pay any fucking attention to it anyway.
When chicks get too clingy, like Anya, I tend walk the other way. I break hearts daily. It's all fun and games until the bitch you fucked a few times wants your digits, home address, blood type and shoe size. Fuck that! I don't plan on settling down for a long, long time, if ever. I'm happy being on my own and just picking up some slut when my dick needs servicing. And I’m an eighteen-year-old guy. No dude thinks about settling on a life sentence until he’s at least thirty. I think I'm pretty much set with Emilia, though. I told her earlier that she is mine and I plan on keeping that promise. I don't want a girlfriend, but the sex we had yesterday was incredible, best I've had, and I want that pussy on speed dial. Anya was nothing in the sack compared to this girl.
I had no idea that we were going to run into Emilia and Kaydee tonight, it was just pot luck. We all live around the same area, only twenty minutes at most between the furthest houses. Ellis and I were on our way back to my place after stopping at the store to get some liquor for a night in watching the game, when I recognised the ass prancing around in front. I told Ellis we were taking the girls back to mine and he high-fived me. He knew tonight was the night he would get between Kaydee’s thighs.
After we managed to get them in the car, which was a challenge all on its own, I then had to put up with Emilia's attitude, chasing her and my dick rubbing on her bouncy ass when I had to tackle her outside my apartment. Stupid girl doesn't get that she can’t run from me.
Once I've slammed my bedroom door closed, I start undressing. Emilia might not think she wants to be here, and I know she doesn't like me, but I know for sure that her body does.
“Caleb, what are you doing?” She arches an eyebrow at me, arms folded over her generous chest. I can't wait until I get to fuck those full tits. I can feel myself getting hard at the thought.
“Stop with the attitude, Doll. I'm tired and I want to go to bed, but not until I've fucked that tight little pussy raw.” I've lost all of my clothes, apart from my boxers and I walk over to my bedside table to pull out a strip of rubbers. I've never gone bareback with anyone, ever. I hate the feel of rubbers and I want to feel Emilia’s walls clenching me when she comes all over my dick, skin on skin. Naked. I think I'm about to blow my load already. I feel like a thirteen-year-old virgin all over again. She needs birth control, stat.
With my back to her, I hear her gasp and it makes me smirk. I guess Miss Gold isn't used to being spoken to like the dirty little bitch that I know she secretly is. I’ve got a feeling, you know? I know what's coming before I even turn around to look at her and feel the sides of my mouth tug into a slight smile. “Fuck you, Caleb. I'm not fucking you and you don't get to talk to me like I'm one of your whore hook-ups!” An angry Emilia is my fucking favourite, although it's hard to tell as I haven't been around her when she's expressing any other emotion towards me. I guess I bring out her claws.
“But, Emilia...” I stalk towards her, my eyes as dark as the night. “You are one of my whore hook-ups. You fucked me the day after meeting me. What does that tell you? Now get in my fucking bed. Naked.” I know what I'm doing. She makes pushing her around so easy and so fucking hot. I can practically see the steam rolling in waves out from her ears as she grinds her teeth and clenches her tiny fists.
“Argh! What makes you think you can order me around? I'm not just going to let you walk all over me.” She's getting pretty angry, but I think I can make her flip her lid for real. Tonight is going to be the best sex ever.
“How about you just let me come all over you instead?” Her hand comes up so fast, even I'm impressed. Until it hits me right across my cheek, forcing my head to the side slightly, and I'm not so impressed anymore. Her lid
has officially flipped. No woman gets to put their hands on me until I've told her to.
“You are a fucking disgusting person, Caleb Knight. You don’t get to talk to me, or any female, that way. What the hell is wrong with you?” The way she says my full name gives me chills, the best worst kind of chills. I hate that I love the feeling.
Emilia moves on from slapping me to ramming her tiny clenched fists into my chest, just skimming the bottom of my chin a couple of times in the process. I give her all of two minutes to let off some steam before I wrap my hand around her smooth throat and slam her onto the bed. She's kicking and screaming at me, but I'm three times her size so it's easy for me to handle her, even with a struggle. It just makes my dick all that much harder. “Get off me, you pig!” I rip away her clothes easily, only leaving her wearing a black thong. I twist her over, face down into my mattress and slap one of her exposed ass cheeks hard. I watch it shake with the force I put on it and feel my dick straining. I will own this ass. “Ow! What the hell are you doing?” Her shouting is muffled by the comforter, but I hear her just fine. I don't answer because I'm too busy watching her perfectly smooth and toned globe turn scarlet with my hand print. I’m hypnotized, more turned on than I’ve ever been before.
“Are you done wailing for all the wrong reasons, Doll? Can I fuck you now?” I don't even know why I asked, she doesn’t have chance to answer me anyway. I'm pulling off my underwear and shredding hers in my hand. My dick is wrapped in seconds and I raise her hips in line with mine, right before I slam into her wet cunt from behind. She screams so loud that my ears are ringing, but I don't let up. From this angle I have the most incredible view of her red raw ass cheek, with my cock sliding in and out of her weeping pussy. I’m in the best position to reach around and palm her tits and flick her clit – which is exactly what I do.
“Caleb! I can't. It's too much, you're too much!” She's squeezing my length like a fucking vice. I know why she thinks it's too much for her, I'm practically touching the back of her throat fucking her this way. I know it feels as good for her as it does for me, she's just not experienced enough to know what to expect. At that thought, I grit my teeth and force myself forward even harder. She's never going to have a cock inside her again, unless it's mine. I'm confused. I met this girl three days ago and, although I know I'm attracted to her body, something feels off. I don't want to want her, but I do. I think I want her. Shit, I'm all fucked up over some pussy. I shake my head to clear my mind and keep pounding into Emilia. She feels too good to be thinking about anything else.