The Dark Knight [Part One]
Page 8
I pinch her clit once more and she comes around me, screaming my name, neatly wrapped up in obscenities, her walls tightening to the point that makes me come seconds after her. I roll off her, landing on my back, our deep breathing filling the dark room. It's warm and my body is covered in sweat. We didn't even go at it all that long, but that was some fucking I just gave her. I peel the full, sticky condom from my cock, knot it and toss it to the floor. What? I'm a guy and that is what guys do. We don't care about how clean and tidy our homes are. Granted, I better move it before Ma comes over to clean this weekend. Okay, so she cleans my apartment for me, only because she knows I have more important things to be doing. That doesn't make me any less of a man, and if you think so, I won't think twice about smashing your face in. Get me?
“Thought you were going to come all over me?” I was drifting off, but my ears perk up at the word 'come'.
Like I said, guy.
Emilia wants me to come on her? You could hammer nails with my suddenly rock solid dick. “How about you come all over me?” She probably has no idea what I'm talking about since she only had her first ever orgasm the other day, but I'll show her. No one needs to ask me twice. She's on her back, so I roll over her and end up with my head between her thighs.
“What are you doing? Move!” She whisper hisses. It's stupidly late and she's probably hoping not to wake Kaydee up – if she's still alive that is. At that precise moment, there's what sounds like a body being slammed against the wall. Don't bother asking how I know what a body being thrown against a wall sounds like – I've done it enough times to know. There’s a, 'Fuck, Kaydee!' Followed by, 'ELLIS!' I think it's safe to say everything seems to be in order next door.
“Oh my God. Do you think she's alright?” Hell no, I don't.
“Let's not worry about Kaydee's cunt, let's worry about yours.” I shove my tongue inside her and start pumping, as if it were my dick.
“Shit, Caleb. What the fu...” Finally, something that keeps Emilia's mouth fucking quiet. She's squeezing my head between her thighs, pulling at my sex crazed hair and grinding herself against my face. It gets me so hard knowing that she can't control herself. I start licking her clit, going above and beyond what I would normally do for a girl occupying my bed, shoving my fingers inside her and curling them. “I'm... I'm...” Coming? Damn, she’s like a fucking river.
“You taste sweet, like fucking candy. So good.” I keep curling my fingers, making it last as long as I can for her. Her legs flop down beside my head and I know she’s done. I climb back up beside her and tuck her into my arm. I'm not sure what I'm doing, I've never spent the whole night with a chick before. I guess this is okay, right? I hear her yawn and she places a soft kiss on my shoulder.
“You know, you just fucked my face. How does that make you feel?”
She groans and pushes away. “Go fuck yourself, Caleb,” she mumbles, and I lightly laugh. I always know the right things to say. Ha! Yeah, right.
“Oh, and Emilia, don't ever fucking slap me again, unless you want one back.” Yeah, I'm definitely better with my cock than with words.
“If you don’t want me to slap you, maybe don’t talk to me like crap.” Her reply is muffled against the bedsheets, but I hear her just fine.
“Suck my dick, Emilia,” I growl into her ear as I lean over her to reach my smokes perched on the dresser on her side of the bed. I can feel her body tense up whilst leaning over her curled up form. I don’t know if that means she’s never had a dick in her mouth before or she wants to slap me again. I think I’m kind of excited about both those prospects. I light up, toss everything back on the cabinet and lie back with one arm behind my head, the sheets pooling around my legs.
“Oh, Ellis. Oh my gosh! Do it...” pause, “Again! Harder!” I feel Emilia shift slightly beside me as we both listen to Kaydee being thoroughly owned next door. I’ve never heard such a softly spoken girl scream, ‘give it to me harder,’ than her. I mean, who says gosh and harder in the same sentence while being fucked? Ellis lives for dirty talk so I have no doubt he’ll have her screaming fuck, cunt and wet in no time.
“Are you getting excited listening to your friend next door, Doll?” I whisper into the night. I know Emilia is rubbing her thighs together, I can feel her jerky movements.
“I... Um...” Well damn. My girl gets horny listening to her girlfriend being fucked five ways to Sunday in the other room? I put my cigarette out, not wanting to analyse the ‘my girl’ statement just yet and roll onto my side to face Emilia’s back in the dark. Kaydee is still calling out, nothing too obscene of course, but we can still hear everything.
“Listen, Doll. You like what you hear?” I’m not touching her, but I know my breath is kissing her cheek.
“I, uh. I think I do.” Holy fucking damn. I honest to God thought she would tell me to fuck off again and go to sleep. My cock is so fucking hard right now, I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be able to carry on with dirty talk for much longer.
There’s a loud bang and crash. “Do you think Ellis just shoved Kaydee so hard onto the dresser, that she knocked everything to the floor? I think he’s got her sprawled out over the hard wood, sucking her nipples, flicking her clit and pounding his dick into her. What do you think?” I hear her moan, but that’s it so far. I want to see how far I can push her by...
“I want to go and see, Caleb.” Dude! I don’t know what to say after her softly spoken whisper, so I say nothing, I just haul her out of bed.
We’re both completely naked and stood by my closed bedroom door. “Unless you want them to catch you, you’d better keep quiet,” I warn her as I pull it open. I don’t give a fuck if Ellis sees me. We’ve had more threesomes together than I can count.
“Okay,” she squeaks. Where did this chick come from?
This is nothing like the porn I watched with Phoebe that one time
Caleb quickly pulls me out of his bedroom; it’s probably so I don’t have time to change my mind about what we’re about to do. I don’t know what was running through my mind when I said I wanted to see what Ellis and Kaydee were doing. I’m weirdly excited and horny as hell at the thought. I feel conflicted; my body is nervous but I’m not changing my mind. I’ve never spied on anyone in my life. Oh God, what is wrong with me?
Caleb has a tight hold on my hand as he pulls me silently across the hallway, towards Kaydee’s delicate cries. He slowly pushes the door open, but there’s no sound for the action, only the rise in volume coming from inside the four walls.
“Take it like a champ, Kaydee. I know you love it. Tell me how much you love my cock inside you.” Ellis is... Well, he is super hot right now. He’s a cheeky chap, but I had a feeling there was something darker underneath that charm of his.
“I, oh gosh, Ellis. I love your... your...” She can’t say cock! I feel epically turned on right now. Kaydee is being fucked like a pornstar, but she won’t talk like one. Girl has manners, and it turns out that doesn’t change even when shit gets dirty in the bedroom.
The room smells of sweat and sex and I can feel my groin getting wetter by the second. Caleb is just standing next to me, thick arms folded across his wide chest, just watching with a neutral expression on his face. It looks like he’s only waiting for me to get my fill, so we can leave; like this isn’t the first show he’s been to.
I honestly only intended to scratch at my hot, prickly skin, but I accidently end up dragging my hand across my peaked nipple and gasp. I thought it was quite loud because Caleb’s eyes shoot straight towards my hand, but neither Kaydee or Ellis stop what they are doing to look over. Caleb’s breath warms my ear when he leans down to whisper in it. “You like it, Doll? Are you touching yourself? Your fingers moving as quick as Ellis’ hips?” I thought I gasped, but it could’ve been a moan instead. It still doesn’t attract any attention, luckily.
I watch wide eyed as Ellis falls onto the bed, landing with a slight bounce on his slick back. “Get
on top of me. Now,” he grinds out, and I swear I nearly take a step. It feels like he’s talking to me, but then I watch Kaydee walk over with a sway in her hips that I haven’t noticed before. She has the most perfect body. Long legs, curves for days, her butt is perfectly rounded, and her chest is unreal. Who knew she was hiding those beautiful mounds under her clothes? I lick my lips, but I don’t even know why. I’ve never been attracted to girls. I’m not attracted to them. I think I’m just in the moment. I at least hope that’s all it is!
Kaydee swings her left leg over Ellis’ waist and while she’s wide open, I can see how drenched she is between her folds, just from the moonlight streaming through the open curtains. She groans deep and low – or it could’ve been me – when his rock-hard erection slides into her. My knees wobble when I hear the noise. This is nothing like the porn I watched with Phoebe that one time! As soon as Kaydee starts grinding on Ellis, my hand shoots between my folds. I can’t take it anymore, I’m so turned on and my arousal is running down my legs; my thighs sticking together. I start rubbing my clit in time with Kaydee’s movements, slowing and speeding up when she does. I feel my legs buckle and I know there’s an orgasm cresting on the horizon. Caleb rips my fingers away and drags me away from our spot by the open door. He throws me into his bedroom, watching me pick myself up from the floor while he quietly closes the door. My legs are so weak I can barely stand on my own two feet.
He strides over to the lone chair in the corner and sits down, his legs wide apart just like the last time, with his solid length resting on his tummy. “Get on the bed,” he growls deep. “Sit up against the wall and open yours legs to me. Finish what you just started.” I’m not even going to argue with him, I’m so fucking horny, I need this release more than I need air to breathe.
Caleb flicks on the small table lamp next to him, the soft glow making this even more erotic. I can see he looks just as flushed as I feel, and his erection is pulsing. I know he needs relief just as much as I do. I get as comfortable as I can, leaning against the hard wall, bringing my knees up to my chest and drop my legs to the sides. I can hear the rumble in Caleb’s chest but neither of us say anything.
I start to rub my clit at the same pace as I can see the huge penis in front of me twitching and pulsing. The glint from his piercing keeps catching in the light, shining like a beacon and getting me more excited. I feel like this should be wrong. I literally only just lost my virginity and now I’m suddenly this nymphomaniac, needing her release more than her next breath. Caleb brings something out of me that I wasn’t even aware was inside me, but whatever, I just need to fucking come. I speed up my movements, my clit is throbbing and aching immensely. I know the feeling of coming very well now and just when I think I’m there, Caleb swats my hand away. I must have closed my eyes through the building pleasure because I didn’t even realise he had moved from his seat.
He takes my wet and sticky fingers, putting them into his mouth and slowly sucks them clean, keeping our eyes locked in some intense stare off as he does. I can feel my pussy clenching and I might come right this second just from his act. “Get up. I need to fuck you right now.” I thought we were having a moment, but he goes and kills the mood as usual.
“Just make me fucking come, Caleb. I need it!” I have no idea who I am right now. I don’t recognise myself and I don’t have it in me to care. He grabs under my thighs and practically throws me into the wall. I cry out, but he doesn’t stop. He’s already wrapped his dick and pounds straight into me. I scream so fucking loud, I fear the police will be breaking down the front door shortly. I figured with how wet I am and the fact that I’m not a virgin anymore, I wouldn’t feel any more pain. Turns out I was wrong. Very wrong. I think Caleb has either split my body in half or severely ripped my vagina. After he thrusts really deep and hard a few times, the pain disappears, and I can feel this warmth flood my tummy. “Caleb, oh fuck, yeah! I need... I...” Please just make me come, dammit. I can’t even string a full sentence together right now. I’m so close.
“I know, Doll,” Caleb grinds out, panting all over my face. The sweat is pouring from both of us in waves, our chests sticking and sliding together. I don’t even know if Ellis and Kaydee are still at it, nothing other than right now matters to me.
“CALEB! FUCK!” My throat is killing, my voice shaky and hoarse.
“FUCKING SHIT FUCK!” I don’t really know what that means, but just as he curses my name behind his gritted teeth, I come around him so hard, everything goes black and I think I may have died in his arms. I can feel Caleb flood the condom inside me and after he slows his pumps, he circles his hips a couple of times to prolong the feeling and then falls backwards onto the bed. With me. I’m still attached to his semi hard penis. I feel it jolt inside me when we land, and I think I almost come again.
“Jesus fuck, Caleb!” I squeal as I hastily climb up his magnificent body and away from him and that torture device. Okay, it doesn’t really torture me, well only sometimes. It seems most of the time it takes me to outer space. Sigh.
I grab a cigarette from Caleb’s packet when I’ve managed to finally crawl to the top of the huge bed, leaving Caleb practically comatose at the bottom where he landed moments ago, and I light up. After he growls at me a few times instead of just saying please because he’s a fucking caveman, I toss the packet and watch as it bounces off his head, so he can too.
We’re both silent, only the sizzle of our smokes making any sound. Well, I’m still breathing like Darth Vader, but whatever. Eventually I stub out the butt, fight Caleb for some covers and fall into the most blissful sleep I think I’ve ever had. What a fucking night. It beats pizza and movies anytime! I’m never telling anyone what just happened, though.
Absolutely not.
I've been lying here for ages just looking at Emilia. I know, creepy as fuck. I can't help it, though. Her skin is so smooth and tanned, but still slightly flushed from earlier. Her shoulders and back are covered with millions of tiny freckles, they look like stars in the clearest night sky you’ve ever witnessed. She’s the best star I’ve ever fucking seen. Her long, dark flowing hair that falls half way down her back catches the light at her every turn, hypnotizing everyone within a five mile radius. But that body; tits, ass and a pussy that could make a grown man obey her every command. Emilia Gold is basically a visual representation of a Siren. Instead of luring men in with her enchanting voice, she sways her hips and bounces those tits and we drop like fucking flies at her feet.
How could this girl be sixteen with the body of an Angel and attitude of the Devil? Fuck, and after what we did tonight, I could get into a lot of trouble, but that's honestly the last thing I care about right now. My head is screwing up and I don't know what to do about it. I’ve never met a chick like her.
As I start to drift off to sleep, a thought briefly flits through my mind; I’ve never once believed a female could end me. Women are weak. But Emilia… yeah, she might be the one to finally bring me to my knees.
Go big or go home, I guess
Shit. It happened again. There are a million things wrong with the situation I'm currently in – also known as Caleb's bed. The main one is, in fact, that I'm in his bed. The first time I have a sleepover with a guy that I had sex with and it's Caleb fucking Knight. I was hoping it would be the love of my life, maybe my boyfriend. Someone I actually liked at the very least. No such luck on any of those accounts.
I get this dickwad instead.
Why can't I ever tell him no and honestly mean it, like really deep down mean it? I know he can be an awful person, but then his eyes and body put me under a spell and my body goes into a fucking frenzy. I end up acting like a bitch in heat.
I climb out of bed and look for something to wear. I grab what looks like my over-sized black slouch t-shirt, but it's one of Caleb's long sleeved sweaters. Screw it. I pull it ove
r my head and watch as it drowns my small frame in masses of extra fabric. Again, screw it. Then I leave the room. I know Caleb is awake, I felt his eyes burning into my back as I walked out, the only reason he didn't stop me is because he knows I can't actually leave. Psycho locked the front door last night, obviously making sure Kaydee and I couldn't escape in the dead of night. He probably did us a favour, who knows what could’ve happened to us on the streets at stupid o’clock in the morning?
I still fucking hate him, though.
I drag my aching body into the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee and fall into one of the bar stools with a yelp. I didn’t forget to put my underwear on, I saw them strewn on the bedroom floor in the shreds Caleb made of them last night. My ass is stinging with the chill, but more importantly, my vagina is utterly bruised. I really need to learn to stay away from him. Being used by someone isn't something that I'm used to.
Not five minutes later, Kaydee stumbles in wearing a shirt that she most definitely wasn't wearing yesterday. Suddenly the rest of last night comes back to me in a flash and I don’t know where to look.
Play it cool, Emilia.
I’ve already made a pact to myself that I will never be telling anyone about what I did last night, especially Kaydee. She will be none the wiser if I can get my act together. I raise my head, that had fallen into my hands to hide my flaming cheeks, to look at her in a much less sexual way than the last time I saw her. She looks like the walking dead and I know exactly why. “Rough night?” I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes whilst nodding her head slightly.