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Anne's Courage [Le Club 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 9

by Skye Michaels

  Chapter Eighteen

  On Saturday evening, Max picked Anamaria Sanchez up at her townhouse for the trip to Gainesville for Puccini’s tragic opera, Turandot, at the Gainesville Performing Arts Center. Her home, located south of Route 40 in a section of well-kept, older homes, was not far from the club. Anamaria’s townhouse had a European flair and was very tastefully decorated with stunning, original Cuban artwork, antiques and many “found” items that gave it a unique look. He was impressed. Inky and Pinky, her twin cats, greeted him and were not shy about checking him out.

  Max and Anamaria were both opera buffs, and Turandot was one of Max’s favorites although certain aspects of the plot were frequently criticized. He had been a member of the Opera Guild of New Orleans for many years and was looking forward to the performance enthusiastically.

  The drive was extremely pleasant and the company very good. They shared a glass of fine champagne and lively conversation. Max really enjoyed Anamaria’s quirky sense of humor. She was intelligent, bright, well read, and extremely sophisticated. Maybe just a tad on the liberal side politically, while I am most decidedly on the conservative side. Well no one is perfect! She certainly looked lovely in a sleek, black sheath, a pair of large diamond studs, and a strand of white pearls with a diamond clasp that looked to be extremely old and valuable. They added just the right touch. A lady could never go wrong with pearls. As they exited the Lincoln Town Car he had commandeered from the club for the evening, he helped her with her wrap and took her arm to enter the theater.

  The Performing Arts Center was elegant, and their center row orchestra seats were excellent. They were enthralled when the curtain went up, and the fabulous set was revealed. An enormous dragon with many different levels and platforms wound around a big tree in front of the Chinese Imperial Palace. It was stunning, and the costumes of Princess Turandot and the other players were extremely opulent.

  At intermission, Max and Anamaria went out to the lobby for drinks and fell into conversation about the performance with a group of Ocala patrons that Anamaria knew from her event consulting. She had planned a good many of the more impressive social events in town over the last several years and knew a great many people. Most of the women were dressed to the nines in glittering jewels and designer dresses, the men in formal wear or good suits. There were a smattering of students in casual clothes, of course.

  Back in the car, on the return trip to Ocala, Max said, “Well, thank you, Anamaria. That was marvelous. I have never enjoyed a performance of Turandot more than this one. The performers, lighting, and scenery were stunning, but not more so than you,” said the sly, old fox.

  “I’m glad you liked it, Max,” she replied with a smile at the compliment as she settled comfortably into the plush upholstery of the backseat beside him. The window between the back seats and the driver was firmly closed. “Tell me, what is the story of that property with the big wall on Fort King Street? I believe your sons have an interest in it, do they not?”

  “Oh, my dear, I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you,” he said, laughing. “That’s not my secret to tell. Can I pour you another glass of champagne?”

  “Thank you, Max,” she said graciously.

  Upon reaching her home, she invited him in for coffee. Max dismissed the driver and followed her into the house. I’ll never hear the end of this if those rascals get wind that I didn’t come home. Well, turnabout is fair play as I have certainly given them a hard time often enough.

  * * * *

  Max looked very dignified and handsome in his tux, and Anamaria’s heart did a little flip as she looked at him. He’s quite delicious. She laughed at herself. She hadn’t had that thought about anyone for a while. Oh well, you can’t blame me for looking! Everyone is entitled to a fling or two at our age.

  They had put on a CD of the Puccini score and Anamaria made coffee as the lyrics of “Nessun Dorma” filled the house. Max turned to Anamaria and took her in his arms. He kissed her warmly. It was a kiss that promised affection and passion both, and she was enthralled as she kissed him back passionately.

  Chapter Nineteen

  After dinner, as they were walking back to the suite, Anne leaned into Jamie’s side and whispered in his ear, “Do you think we could use one of the theme rooms tonight?”

  “What did you have in mind?” he asked with a delighted grin. This is great. She’s initiating the play. That’s very promising.

  “How about the Schoolroom and Principal’s Office?” she said, looking up at him tentatively.

  “What?” he said, astounded. “Why would you ask for that?”

  “Well...” She hesitated. “Truthfully, it’s been on my mind since that incident with Calleigh, Paula, and Robbie. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”

  “What incident?” he asked.

  “Haven’t you heard about the famous Schoolroom incident? It’s club legend. That’s how your brother was able to obtain a membership in the club.”

  “No, I hadn’t heard how that came about,” he said, now getting really curious. “Tell me about it.”

  “Well...after Adrienne Vierra, the only female member of the club, and a very extreme Domme, instigated that episode where Calleigh Steele was publicly punished for breaking her confidentiality agreement, Paula and Robbie determined that they were going to get even with her. They dressed in school girl uniforms and got Adrienne to come dressed as Sister Immaculata. They lured her to the Schoolroom on the pretext that Calleigh wanted a firmer punishment than Jason had given her. When they got her there, they overpowered her and tied her to the spanking bench and proceeded to ‘help her find her submissive side’ or something like that. I don’t know every detail. Anyway, after they had paddled her, they left her there with her two subs, who had apparently had enough of her abuse, and they finished the job. The subs left her bound to the bench with her bare butt in the air for the housekeeping staff to find. After that, she was so angry she resigned her membership, and I was able to offer her membership to Justin. He had been in contact with me before that to make reciprocal arrangements to stay at the club while he was renovating the farm. So, that worked out well. No one was sorry to see her go. She wasn’t well liked, although she is very socially prominent, a real society matron.”

  “That’s a hell of a story! I never heard about that. Does Justin know?”

  “I’m sure he does,” she replied. “Anyway, since then, I have not been able to forget about it.”

  “Baby, are you sure about this? That could turn out to be more than you’re ready for,” he said with concern in his voice.

  “I’m sure. I need to get this out of my system once and for all. I know I can trust you not to go too far,” she said. “Can’t I? Or are you going to beat my butt?”

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out,” he said, raising his eyebrow, knowing the air of uncertainty would add to the anticipation. “Okay, if you’re sure you want this experience, I’ll do it. Get the key, get into costume, and meet me at the room in half an hour.”

  Anne met Jamie at the door to the Schoolroom, and they entered, flipping on the lights to find a room decorated like any schoolroom with a blackboard, desks, and a stool at the front of the room. To the side was a desk with two chairs in front of it simulating the principal’s office, as well as a spanking bench shaped like a saw horse with heavy padding across the top which was secured to the floor for stability. She was in the schoolgirl costume. It consisted of a very short plaid skirt and white short-sleeved blouse. He could see that she felt a little ridiculous but anxious as well. Jamie was dressed in the black jeans, polo shirt, and a sports jacket he had worn to dinner.

  He turned to her, already in the “scene,” and said, “Miss Sutton, I understand that you have been misbehaving again and have been sent to my office for punishment. What have you done now?” He might as well let her exercise her imagination and fill in the details.

  “Nothing, Mr. Devereau. It’s all Calleigh, Paula
, and Robbie’s fault. They started this whole thing,” she whined.

  “Miss Sutton, blaming your bad behavior on other people will only get you a more severe punishment. I think you should think about that.”

  “But, Mr. Devereau...”

  “That’s enough, Miss Sutton. Drop your panties and bend over the stool,” he said sternly. He looked over the array of spanking implements on the wall and tried to decide which would be the best in this instance. He didn’t want anything too harsh, but he knew she wouldn’t be satisfied unless she felt the sting. The cane was way too much, as was the belt and the curved leather paddle. The small impression paddle with “brat” embossed backward on it would be perfect. It would give a good sting and leave an imprinted message as well.

  * * * *

  Anne approached the stool with trepidation. She pushed her white, ruffled panties down around her knees and bent over the stool. This might be a big mistake.

  “Do you know why you are being punished, Miss Sutton?” he asked in his best steely Dom voice. A ripple of anticipation went down her spine as a shaft of current ran straight to her pussy. She could feel that she was already wet.

  “No, Mr. Devereau. I’m a good girl. It was all their fault.”

  “Well, partly it’s those naughty crotchless panties you’re wearing,” he said. “Good girls don’t wear crotchless panties.” He slapped the small paddle down on her right cheek. Anne yelped. She hadn’t expected it to sting so much. She started to reach around to rub her butt, but he took her arms and folded them behind her back.

  “Keep your arms up, Miss Sutton. Do not move. If you do, I shall have to bind you to the spanking bench, and I will double your punishment.” That gave her pause for thought. “In addition, whiney girls get spanked in this school. Further, your grades are slipping.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Devereau,” she squeaked as the paddle came down on her other cheek. “I’ll be good.” He gave her three more sharp whacks before he stood her on her feet, pulled her panties up, and headed her toward the door.

  Her bottom was red with the word “brat” emblazoned across it. Her pussy was hot, dripping cream, and she was desperate to have him touch her, but she could see he was having none of it. She looked at him questioningly.

  “We’ll address your other desires back at the suite,” he said, “after you are out of costume. This particular fantasy makes me just a little queasy.”

  She was amazed. She didn’t think Jamie Devereau was uncomfortable about any aspect of sexuality. Well, well, well.

  * * * *

  As much as he loved to smack a nice round butt until it was good and red, this particular fantasy was not appealing to him. He had only done it because she had asked him to. She would have to wait until she was back in the suite and out of costume before he would make love to her. This was just a little too far on the inappropriate side for his taste.

  Once back in the suite, he said, “Take off the costume while I pour us some wine.”

  “Do you want to tell me why that made you uncomfortable?” she asked as she removed the costume and slipped into a white silk shirt of his and rolled up the sleeves.

  “The ‘little girl’ outfit smacks of pedophilia to me. It just didn’t sit right,” he replied as he brought their glasses of wine to the couch. “But really, Anne, I’m glad you were comfortable enough to ask me for something you wanted. Never be ashamed to tell me what you like, or if there is something you want to do.”

  “Well, good to know. I’ve gotten it out of my system anyway,” she said with a grin as she rubbed her butt and joined him on the couch. “Calleigh, Paula, and Robbie get into some wild stuff. It really was all their fault.”

  “Yeah, you were quick enough to blame them for your bad behavior in the Principal’s Office,” he said, laughing at her. “When your butt was on the line! Come here, woman!” He pulled her into his arms.

  She curled up into his lap and tucked her head under his chin, content to cuddle for a few minutes. Finally, she looked up into his face and smiled coyly as she ran her tongue down his throat to the base of his neck. She pulled the polo shirt over his head and pulled the zipper of his black jeans down. She knelt between his thighs.

  * * * *

  “I love to play with you,” she said as she ran her fingers through the dark hair on his chest and dipped her head to run her tongue around his nipples, teasing him as he often did her. You’re so beautiful.

  She followed the line of dark hair down his chest, over his sculpted abs, to the nest of dark curls surrounding his rapidly burgeoning shaft. She sighed as she circled her tongue around the head of his shaft, teasing the slit as a pearly drop of pre-cum accumulated there. She licked it off. “I want to make love to you Jamie, to give you as much pleasure as you give me.” She bent to her task, licking the thick veins of his solid erection as she took him fully into her mouth and began sucking his thick cock, teasing and tormenting him. His cock was beautiful, hard, and smooth as marble. She wrapped her hand around the base and slowly eased her lips over her teeth, taking his thick, hard length deeply into her mouth. She traced the distended veins with her tongue. He groaned as he grew even harder. She began to work his cock in and out of her mouth in a steady and increasing rhythm, cupping his balls in her small hand. She squeezed his balls as she took his cock as deeply as she could, and he exploded. A burst of semen shot into the back of her throat. She swallowed and then just held his still erect length in her mouth as he relaxed.

  He pulled her into his lap and positioned her legs on either side of his hair-roughened thighs, spreading her wide open over his cock. She sank down on his still stiff shaft until he was fully seated in her eager pussy. She began to ride him as her pulse quickened in response to his demands. She looked into his brandy eyes and saw the jungle cat just below the surface, and every hair on her body stood on end. Her arousal soared until she threw back her head and spiraled out of control. As he surged into her pussy one final time, she came in a whirlwind of sensation. He roughly nuzzled her neck as rippling waves of heat spread through her veins. He kissed her flushed cheeks as her muscles convulsed around his shaft, and he followed her over the edge. His cock continued to twitch inside her. Slowly, they settled, and she curled up against his chest again, fully content and relaxed.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sunday morning, over breakfast on the club veranda, Jamie told Anne that he would have to make a trip back to New Orleans for at least a week, maybe two, as business there required his attention.

  “Do you think you can come with me, cher? I can guarantee that you will love the ‘Big Easy,’ and we’ll have a great time.” This relationship, although a mature one, was really new, and he wasn’t ready to leave her yet. At least that’s what he was telling himself. He had a suspicion it was something more.

  “I would love to, Jamie, and I have a lot of vacation time stored up, but with Kelly on her honeymoon, I don’t know if I can get away,” she said sadly.

  “How about if we bring in someone to handle your office while you’re away. You could actually trade places with Gregory Dempsey from Le Club Beaudelaire and his assistant, Natasha Romanova. Greg can more than handle the office. He does exactly the same things at the club in New Orleans. You would just have to leave him your contact list and a schedule of what needs to be done. He could do the same for you up there. The New Orleans club is like a well-oiled machine. It wouldn’t take much to oversee the operations there.”

  “Really? I don’t know...”

  “Believe me, the club here would run like a top. They don’t call him ‘Gregory the Terrible’ for nothing. I’ll talk to Jason about it and see if he has any objections. Come on, cher. I can see you’re tempted. It would be fun and a challenge to see if you can step in and take over another club.”

  “Okay. If it’s all right with Jason and the board. I really don’t want to be separated from you just yet.” she said with a grin.

  Jamie pulled out his cell phone and dialed Jason S
teele on his cell. After explaining the situation, assuring him that Gregory Dempsey could handle all aspects of club management, and promising not to keep Anne away too long, it was decided that if Greg could be convinced to make the temporary move, they would leave Saturday morning. Jamie didn’t want to be away from the farm for too long either until Justin returned to take over. Max could handle overseeing the farm and their new responsibility, Mark, without breaking a sweat. He had the utmost confidence in him.

  “I have to say, Jamie, the Devereau brothers are single handedly decimating the club’s management team! First Kelly and now Anne. This Greg guy had better be as good as advertised, or you’re going to hear from me!” Jason said, laughing. “But it’s only a week or two. How bad could it be?”

  “As I told Anne, they don’t call him ‘Gregory the Terrible’ for nothing. Everything will be fine,” Jamie said. Greg was known to be a very dominant personality, and Jamie was sure things would run smoothly, or else. Natasha, Greg’s sub and assistant manager of the club in New Orleans, was a force to be reckoned with as well. She was an ex-Domme who had become Greg’s submissive, and she still retained a lot of dominant personality traits where everyone but Greg was concerned. He wasn’t going to let that cat out of the bag though. The staff here would find out about these two for themselves all in good time.

  After one more call to New Orleans and Greg Dempsey, Jamie had it all arranged to his complete satisfaction. That was what he did, after all, make things happen.

  When Jamie put his phone down on the table with a satisfied smile on his face, he looked up and saw Max coming up the stairs and into the club. He was still wearing the tuxedo from the night before. Jamie’s face split into a wide grin, and he called out, “Max, you old dog! Did you get lucky? I can’t believe it! So there is life after sixty.”


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