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Anne's Courage [Le Club 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 10

by Skye Michaels

  “Jamison Devereau, where are your manners, young man?” he asked with an exaggerated sharpness to his voice and a severe look on his face before he headed upstairs to the Ming Suite.

  “So, that’s where you learned that voice!” Anne gave a happy giggle. She realized Max had a real edge to him that wasn’t readily apparent on the surface.

  Jamie poured another cup of coffee for each of them and sighed. Feeling the need to unburden himself, he said, “Before we go up there, I really need to tell you a little bit about my father and my childhood. We may spend some time at Devereau Plantation, and you will be spending some time at Le Club Beaudelaire. I think you should have an understanding of my background.

  “Our childhood was rather unconventional, to say the least. Justin and I were mostly raised by Max and other caretakers and servants, as well as the priests at the Jesuit prep school we were sent to when I was twelve and Justin was fourteen. Our mother died when I was six. My father, who was a son of bitch of the first order, died a few years ago. He was more interested in business, his membership in Le Club Beaudelaire—New Orleans, and his playroom in the old slave quarters of the Plantation, to pay much attention to me and Justin. No loss there. To say we weren’t close would be an understatement to say the least.”

  Anne said tentatively, “If you need to talk about this, I’m here to listen.” After all he had done for her, she definitely wanted to be there for him.

  “My brother and I snuck into the Playroom in the slave quarters to watch him have sex with his sub or whatever they were called back then. We had done it many times, but this one time we got caught, just bad luck. Dad was furious of course, but we just thought it was a lark. It was just what we did. Anyway, he gave us both a beating and sent us away to Jesuit boarding school in Pennsylvania. After that, we went to Harvard and Harvard Law School. We spent summers and holidays at home with Max and some maternal relatives. Thankfully, we saw very little of our father. He was not a nice man, and he had no parental instincts at all. I think that part of my attitude about family life stems from the poor relationship we had with him, and our mother’s death at a young age. At least Justin and I were together, and that’s one of the reasons why we are so close now. We spent Christmas and other holidays with Nanna, our maternal grandmother, and our aunts and uncles. But for the most part, it was just Justin and me.

  Anne stirred her coffee reflectively. “I can see that you and Justin have a very close relationship. You were lucky to have each other. You know, Jamie, nothing you tell me about your past is going to affect the way I feel about you. I can see the kind of man you are. Although you try to hide behind your ‘bad boy’ façade, I can see your sense of responsibility and caring, not only in the way you handle your business and the way you treated me, but also in the way you stepped up to help Mark Taylor. Not everyone would have done what you did to help him and his mom.”

  “Well, that's good to know. I appreciated your support with that. Sometimes doubts just creep in, you know? The BDSM thing…Don’t think that I don’t recognize that’s a little off the wall. Anyway, a few years ago, Justin discovered some old journals in the library, and they shed a lot of light on the family history. Apparently, the kinky sex drive runs in the Devereau family way back into the 1700s. Devereau Plantation was built in the early 1800s. According to the journals Justin found, there was a lot of kinky behavior in the males of the family, mostly with slaves, mistresses, and prostitutes. According to the journals, it was pretty extreme, or ugly if you consider it wasn’t particularly ‘consensual.’ In any case, except for Max, we didn’t have a very secure upbringing. And dear old Dad did not provide a good role model.”

  Anne took his hand and squeezed it as her heart ached for him.

  “Justin was two years ahead of me, and by the time I graduated from law school, he had already begun taking over the family businesses. When I finished school, I joined him. The old man was really out of it by then, and he died in an institution a few years later. We both think a taste for the kinkier aspects of sexuality was hardwired into us at an early age. But Justin and I adhere to the “safe, sane, and consensual” premise of BDSM. Neither of us go in for the really extreme practices. Anyway, that’s the saga of the Devereau clan. It’s not a pretty story, and I didn’t want to go back home to the plantation and face those old ghosts without telling you and giving you an opportunity to opt out if you want to.”

  He was not usually one to admit his insecurities, but he felt it only fair to let Anne in on the family history, given the way he was beginning to feel about her. He had not felt this strong of a connection with any other woman. Up until now, sex had been for fun and games, not for emotional connections. He thought that maybe her emotional needs at the beginning of their relationship had triggered some of his own.

  “Jamie, everybody has skeletons in the closet or baggage of some kind. There are no people or families that are absolutely perfect,” she said comfortingly. “I have my own baggage as you know. Thanks to you, it’s gotten a lot lighter recently. So I have to thank you for that.”

  “Anne…You know that I care a great deal for you. This has moved past the fun and sex stage for me, and I hope for you, too.”

  “You know it has. I feel a lot more for you than I really want to admit to you or to myself. I’ve realized over the last weeks how much you are coming to mean to me. I’m very nervous, however, about the ramifications of a long term relationship with you. I’ve mostly come to grips with my physical deformities. Don’t give me that threatening look. I know you are not happy to hear me refer to my scars in that manner, but I’ve felt that way for a long time. I’m also worried about the five-year age difference. There, the ugly truth is out! I’m five years older than you.” She grimaced.

  Jamie laughed. “Wow. A whole five years, you cradle snatcher!”

  “Five years does not seem like much, but it depends on which section of your lifetime they occur in. And don’t laugh at me!”

  “Sorry, cher. I really can’t help it.” He was still chuckling. Of all the ridiculous notions. Women are amazing. Next she’s going to worry she might get gray hair before I do.

  “The difference between five and ten or fifteen and twenty is a lot. It shrinks to insignificance at twenty-five and thirty or thirty-five and forty or fifty and fifty-five. But it mushrooms again between fifty-five and sixty or sixty-five and seventy. It’s funny but it shrinks again at seventy and seventy-five and eighty and eighty-five. It’s definitely a concern to me. Stop laughing! This is important to me.”

  It was clear to Jamie that she had given this absurd concept a lot of thought. “I really think that your concern is ridiculous, but you have a right to it, as stupid as it is.”

  “Stupid? Now I’m stupid? See how quickly romance seeps away at our age?” She was starting to breathe through her mouth as she got more upset.

  “In a minute, you’re going to be stupid and have a sore butt!” he said, narrowing his eyes.

  “Don’t threaten me!”

  “Are we having our first argument?” He gave her his most devastating grin.

  Anne took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes, and then they both burst out laughing. “I guess we are. How dumb is that?”

  Jamie gave her an understanding look. “How about this? Let’s argue about something really important. Let’s just cut to the chase and ignore all the unimportant bullshit. You make me laugh, you make me think, you make me feel, you support me when I need it, and you’ll kick me in the butt if I needed that. I love you. I don’t care about your stupid five years. I wasn’t really ready to say that yet, but hell, facts are facts.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as he took her hands and pulled her into his lap right there on the club’s veranda. “Do you really mean that? Because I love you, too. I have since that first morning I woke up in your bed and you made me confront my scars.”

  Magically, the difference in their ages had disappeared, at least for the moment, as Jamie wiped the tears
from her cheeks.

  Jamie smiled into her eyes and kissed her nose. “Let’s go back to the suite and discuss this further. We have all the time in the world since we’ll be together forever, even if you are the ‘older woman!’ We can explore all the nooks and crannies and enjoy every minute. Our future is there for us to grow into.”


  Justin and Kelly pulled into the driveway of the farm on a lovely day in May. They were finally home from their honeymoon. Jamie had left the black Range Rover for them at the airport, and they had just arrived. Of course, Justin’s first stop was at the barn to see Jester. It was a happy reunion as Jester bellowed his greeting when he heard Justin’s car and his voice. Justin and Kelly ran into the barn to greet him and hand over treats. Jester really did have everyone trained, and his newest slave was Mark Taylor.

  “Hello, big guy. Have I ever missed you!” Justin said, as he scratched behind Jester’s ears. Ripples of joy ran down the big horse’s back as Justin scratched his withers. No one could scratch like Justin.

  Kelly threw her arms around his neck, and Jester whinnied, lifted his massive neck, and picked her up off the ground, then gently put her down again. “Nothing smells as good as a nice warm horse! It’s wonderful to be home, Justin. Provence was nice, but the smell of our own green pastures, hay, barn, and warm horseflesh is precious beyond belief. I can’t wait to see the house.”

  “Max, Jamie, and the housekeeping staff moved us in during the last few days, and we’re going to be in our own home for the first time. I can’t wait to sleep in our own bed. I wanted it to be a surprise.” A month’s honeymoon sounded great, but he had been anxious to get home, and he had known Kelly was anxious as well.

  * * * *

  Mark watched this reunion from the doorway of the barn office and had a moment of intense terror. Jester really is the apple of Justin’ s eye. He realized with horror just what would have been his fate if permanent damage had been done to the horse. The guy was a serious black belt. Luckily, the stitches had been removed, and there were no scars, just a little disturbance of Jester’s hair coat that the vet said would smooth out. The last month at the farm had been a growth experience for Mark in more ways than one, beginning with the confrontation with Jamie in the barn. The new school was a challenge, especially starting at the end of the school year, but he was beginning to make friends. Being driven to school a couple times a week by Jamie in the Maserati hadn’t hurt there either.

  Having to toe the line with Max and Jamie had given him a new respect for authority. They didn’t take any crap. That was for sure. Well, as Jamie told him all the time, be a man. He had to step up and confront this situation head on.

  Mark walked over to Jester’s stall, and when Justin and Kelly turned to him he said, “Hello, Sir. I’m Mark Taylor. I guess you know who I am. I just want to say right up front that I’m sorry about what happened with Jester, and it won’t happen again. He and I are buddies now, and he’s forgiven me. I hope you can, too.” It was a mouthful for a fifteen-year-old to get out, but he had done it, he thought proudly.

  Justin took Mark’s arm and walked him into the barn office. Oh shit! He’s gonna kill me. He cast a glance at the crop that still resided on the wall next to the desk.

  * * * *

  Justin had to respect Mark’s courage in confronting the problem head-on. He’s probably scared shitless.

  “Have a seat, Mark,” Justin said. He could see the kid was terrified. Let him stew in his own juices for a minute or two. “I know you’re probably very nervous right now, but I am pleased to see you handled this like a man. Jamie e-mailed me the tape of what happened, and I could see how scared you were but still determined to get the job done. That’s all good. You have to know that you can count on people here to help you out when you have a problem, whether it’s with a horse or something else.”

  “Thank you, Sir. So you’re not going to kill me?” Despite Max’s and Jamie’s reassurances, he had been really worried about Justin’s return.

  “No. That’s not the plan at the moment. Give me a good reason, and that could change though,” he said with a smile.

  Mark gulped. Then he smiled. “I can’t wait to see you ride Jester. Jamie told me all about him being a war horse and all,” he said.

  “We’ll see about that tomorrow. I can’t wait to get on him myself. Right now though, I have to take Kelly home to our new house. Neither of us have seen it finished though Max has been sending pictures by e-mail.”

  “Well, welcome home,” Mark said with a relieved smile.

  * * * *

  Justin left the barn after giving Jester a final treat. He took Kelly’s hand and dragged her back out to the car. “Well, Mrs. Devereau, are you ready to be carried over the threshold of our new home?” He couldn’t wait to get her naked and into their own bed.

  “You bet, Mr. Devereau. I can’t wait!” she replied, kissing his cheek.

  He pulled her into his arms for a kiss that shook her to her boots. God, I’m glad to be home!





  I was born in New Jersey and grew up an only child on a small farm in the “Garden State.” My father grew acres and acres of flowers for commercial florists and various produce such as tomatoes. My high school years were spent at Wayne Hills High School, where I was not one of the popular preppy kids, or one of the hoods—which kind of left me in limbo as I wasn’t one of the brainiacs either. Weekends were spent going into “the City” and Greenwich Village with my friends and doing a lot of things I probably shouldn’t have—don’t tell my grandkids!

  After attending Katharine Gibbs School in Montclair, New Jersey, I began a career as a legal secretary and then a paralegal. I moved to Florida and currently live in Davie, Florida with my dog, Snickerdoodles, and my cat, Mimi. I was married for eight years but have been single for many years. My major addiction is jewelry, but any kind of shopping will do for a fix!

  After my long-time job as a paralegal was ended by the economic downturn, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade and finally write the stories I’d had in my head for many years. I had always wanted to write romance novels, but my family and job kept me too busy.

  My major interest aside from my family and friends is horses. I enjoy putting an animal character into my stories if possible. I am extremely “low tech” and probably should have been born in the 1800s as I enjoy driving a horse and buggy for fun. I also enjoy horseback riding, but the ground has gotten harder and further away over the years.

  I have a small farm and vacation home in Ocala, Florida which is my favorite place in the world. There’s nothing as wonderful as swinging in the hammock in the shade and listening to the music of the wind in the pines cuddled under a quilt while reading a good book. Books have always been my escape into love and adventure, and through reading, I have been able to be many people, do many things, and go to many wonderful places I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to be, do, or see.

  I hope that all hardworking women who have a moment to put up their tired feet and relax with a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine) enjoy getting to meet my fantasy friends and to experience something new and different with a touch of hot romance thrown in for good measure!

  Also by Skye Michaels

  Siren Classic: Le Club 1: Calleigh’s Collar

  Siren Classic: Le Club 2: Kelly’s Challenge

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

>   Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  About the Author

  Also by Skye Michaels




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