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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 10

by W. Ferraro

  His words didn’t register for her, she just continued to focus on the still incredible feeling that was sizzling throughout all of her nerve endings. She was sure her baby toe was feeling as much of the orgasmic relief as her core was.

  The trail opened up to a grassy space with trees and a small pond. Logan had already dismounted his horse and was waiting for Boyd and Blossom. Blossom walked to her tie post, and once Logan had her cinched to the post and given her snack, he helped Boyd down. Boyd was trying to undo his helmet, when Lucky strolled up next to Blossom. Wes slid down, helping Lola to the ground. He gave Lucky his snack and then walked around to assist Boyd.

  Wow, her thighs were a little stiff. Whether that was due to Lucky or Wes’ gift orgasm, she didn’t know, but she rubbed at her thighs regardless.

  Once free from his helmet, Boyd hurried to Lola, “Lola that was so much fun. Can we come and visit Blossom every day? Will she come and stay at Aaron’s Place when the horses are there?”

  She laughed at his excitement. “No Buddy-Boyd, Blossom’s home is here, but I’m sure there will be lots of other really nice horses at Aaron’s Place.”

  “But I love Blossom.” Boyd said, with obvious disappointment.

  “Well, it doesn’t mean we can’t come visit her here; not every day, but perhaps on the weekends.”

  “Hey, Boyd, do you want to help me brush Blossom? She likes it after she has had her apple and sugar cubes,” Logan asked, pulling a horse brush out of his back pocket.”

  “YEAH!” Boyd bound back toward Logan and Blossom, listening as Logan showed him how to brush Blossom.

  “Looks like Boyd is really enjoying himself,” Wes said to Lola, as he watched as Boyd began to brush and care for Blossom. Turning his attention back to Lola, he moved in to wrap his arms around her waist and asked, “How about you? Did you enjoy your first time in the saddle?”

  Enjoying this playful side of him, “Oh yes. Tell me, are all your riding partners, given such personal treatment and instruction?”

  Laughing at her returned playful banter, he tugged her closer, feeling her erect nipple and full breast against his chest. “That was a first for me. I’ve never made someone come astride a horse. But watching you, made me think that I’ll have to remember that.”

  Touched that it was a first for him, but disappointed in his remark for the next time, Lola leaned up and kissed him. It was a simple kiss. Just lip to lip, but even that, with Wes Thompson, was more than an orgasm with any other man. She tried to end it, but he had other plans. She allowed him access to her mouth, and his tongue rubbed the inside of her mouth quickly before he sucked her bottom lip and ending the kiss.

  “Come on, I think this is enough of a break. We need to get back, because I need to have you naked if I’m going to survive the rest of the day.” Wes signaled Logan, who was currently standing with Boyd teaching him how to feed Blossom her sugar cubes.

  Intrigued by what he would have in mind, reality set in. She needed to think of Boyd and couldn’t just go off with Wes and spend hours on hours doing naughty things.

  “Yeah, we actually need to be getting back. Thank you for bringing us here.”

  Wes noticed Lola’s face etched with uncertainty and knew he would do anything to wipe the expression from her, regardless of what he needed to do. “What’s the matter? And why does it sound like you are ditching me once you are back at your jeep?”

  Lola toyed with one of the buttons on Wes’ shirt, allowing her finger to pierce the fabric, and connecting with smooth warm skin beneath. As soon as she swirled, she looked up into his desire filled blue eyes, as his nostrils flared and his ears reddened, showing his arousal. Like the tent pole sticking in her belly wasn’t enough of an indication. Feeling pride rising up inside her, that she was having just as much of an effect on him, as he did to her.

  “I think that would be the safest bet. Boyd can’t be left alone and I really don’t think what you have in mind is conducive to my couch. So no point in talking about it.”

  “Hell, no! I’m not allowing you to put a road block up now. Don’t know what your couch has to do with anything, but your bedroom perhaps could allow some temporary physical relief.” Wes winked, and then became more confused as Lola’s face fell even lower. “What?”

  “I don’t have a bedroom; I literally sleep on the couch.” Lola said, suddenly sticking her hands in her pockets and becoming obsessed with the toe of her combat boot.

  Assuming she was feeling embarrassed, Wes didn’t want to make her feel more self-conscious, so he opted for neutral ground. “Location is irrelevant. Sleep is sleep, and I have no intention of letting you sleep when we are together. Just means I need to find a way to get you alone and to my place.” Wes said, as he pulled her hand free of her pocket, and brought it to his lips kissing her knuckles. Hoping she would smile and not be upset, she rewarded him with a timid smile. It was a step in the right direction, he would take it.

  Soon they were back at the stable; Boyd was ecstatic to learn how Logan broke down their saddles and brought each of the horses back to their stalls. After they said their goodbyes to Logan and the horses, the trio walked out toward the two cars.

  “How about we stop at Daddy-o’s for a bite to eat? They have the best burgers in the county, not to mention onion rings so good, you will want to lick the plate.” Wes asked as he gently massaged Boyd’s shoulder. Knowing he was using Boyd as his reasoning for prolonging their time together.

  “YEAH! I want a burger! Can we Lola? Wes said we could.” Boyd asked, as he looked toward his sister.

  Boyd was so happy, he was hanging on Wes’ every word. Convenient, how Wes seemed to work in extending their outing by playing on Boyd’s constant growing boy appetite.

  Knowing she was annoyed from his blatant ignorance of her desire to part ways, he tried to soften her up by saying, “Come on, they have the best strawberry milkshakes too. You know you want one…”

  “Yeah come on Lola, us men are hungry,” Boyd said, as if that was enough to lean her towards their way of thinking. Both Lola and Wes stared as his statement registered. Yet, Wes was the only one that was smiling.

  “Fine! Burgers, onion rings and milkshakes. After all, the men are hungry. Who am I but a little old’ woman, who can’t take men away from greasy meat, deep fried oily vegetables, and let’s not forget, the stomachs worst nightmare in dairy form.”

  “Exactly! I’ll just hop in with you guys; you can drop me back off here after we eat. Sound good?” Wes exclaimed. Without waiting for an answer, he was already opening the passenger door to the jeep, and somehow folding his long form into the miniscule backseat.

  Boyd was inside the jeep, talking a mile a minute about Blossom when Lola finally climbed in the driver’s seat. She ignored the equestrian love chatter as she pulled to a stop at the end of the gravel drive. Wes gave instructions of where Daddy-o’s was. Lola drove trying not to react to Wes’ gaze burning into the back of her neck. She had to hand it to him, he was having a full conversation with Boyd, but his gaze never wavered. Lola thought for sure she would continue to be the third wheel inside the jeep when Wes changed topics.

  “You drive a stick well,” he said plain enough, but knowing, full well, he was baiting her.

  Lola’s eyes shot to the rearview mirror, and collided with his brilliant blue stare. She noticed his nostril flair, and his cheekbones covered with a rouge coloring. Lola swallowed, and decided to ignore the statement, for her sanity, as well as her libido.

  They walked into Daddy-o’s and it felt like a time warp. High gloss black and white checkered tiles covered the floor, where bright red vinyl booths with chrome edged tables and matching stool at the counter. There was nostalgic memorabilia everywhere the eye could see; actors, models and even sport legends. Boyd slid into a booth under a shelf containing a shrine to Marilyn Monroe. Lola was just about to slide in next to Boyd, when Wes gentle grabbed her hand, indicating for her to slide in opposite her brother, and Wes slid right in
next to her.

  They were perusing the menu when a tiny older woman came over to take their order. She wore slim black pants along with a white blouse underneath a teal satin jacket, which had the name, Doris, embroidered on it. She chewed her gum loudly as she asked and wrote down their meal selections. She bound off, a moment later.

  Boyd continued to talk nonstop about Blossom and riding. He picked Wes’ brain about everything from when he was going to take him riding again, to why Blossom was the color that she was. Lola listened as Wes answered every question freely, never hindering Boyd’s constant and sometimes repeating questions. She looked at the man who sat next to her and tried not to stare, he was a gorgeous man who could have any woman he wanted, yet for some reason he chose her. She knew she had been lying to herself by dismissing her deep all-consuming attraction to him, but to consider even a portion of the same desire was being willingly returned from him, it was just mind-boggling. The fact that she was even having these feelings of doubt was so unlike her. She knew she wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, physically or emotionally, yet she knew she offered a lot and could rock anyone’s world. She just hadn’t been very interested in the last few years; hell pushing a decade if she continued, to be honest. All up until she saw him. As if all those years of desire built up in her, and now no matter what she tried to do to stop it, it was just going to flow, long and slow. As if he sensed her constant turning sexual thoughts, he moved his hand under the table so it rested on her thigh. Without breaking conversation or eye contact with Boyd, his hand slowly and methodically began a slow pattern through her jeans. With the zing that was shooting directly through her thigh, to the vinyl below, Lola was concerned the booth would start to smoke.

  Finally, Wes turned to Lola and said, “Isn’t that right?”

  Lola looked from one to the other, not knowing what she was supposed to be agreeing or disagreeing too. All she could focus on was this man and his magical fingers.

  Wes looked at her with humor and complete awareness of the well-planned muddled moment she was in, however, Boyd was annoyed that she wasn’t responding quickly enough. So, he added his own, urgency.

  “Lola, tell him!” Her brother looked at her with his dark eyebrows crossed in aggravation as his chubby fist curled into a fist on the linoleum tabletop.

  “Yes, Lola, tell me.” Wes said with a broad smile and a twinkle of mirth in his blue eyes. Whether the twinkle was from his pleasure at catching her off guard or because his fingertips were moving higher up her thigh continuing their stimulating massage.

  She was rescued from her sure to embarrass herself moment, by their meal being delivered. Doris placed Lola’s burger in front of her and Lola could only gasp. This wasn’t a burger this was a skyscraper made of beef, lettuce, tomatoes and bread. Lola looked at Wes’ and Boyd’s and discovered her burger wasn’t the only one. Boyd’s dripped with barbecue sauce, while Wes’ had sautéed onions oozing out from under the top roll. If these burgers were not enough to make your eyes bug out of your head, the mountain of golden-crusted flaky onion rings placed in the middle of the table would be.

  Boyd dug in with vengeance. After only a few bites, his mouth, chin and fingers dripped with barbeque sauce. Lola looked at him and couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Dig in.” Wes said, as he smiled and winked.

  Between unladylike bites and the taste explosion that was occurring in her mouth, Lola enjoyed her meal. There was very little conversation at the table, as each were consuming their burgers. When Lola was sure nothing else was going to fit in her belly, she let out a sigh of contentment as well as one of desertion. She looked to her right and was met with twinkling blue eyes. Without a word, Wes brought his hand to her face, and gently rubbed his thumb at the corner of her mouth.

  “Missed a spot.”

  She watched as he brought his thumb to his mouth and licked off the bit of mayo. She was sure she stopped breathing.

  “Mmm, delicious. Just like I remember.”

  Boyd’s coughing broke the moment.

  “Geez, Buddy-Boyd, it’s okay to chew a bit before stuffing more in your mouth,” Lola said, pushing his almost full beverage cup into his hand.

  When all of their bellies were full, Wes insisted on paying the tab, before heading out to the jeep. Once again, Wes climbed into the back. Lola headed back the way they came. Most of the ride was quiet, until Lola pulled the jeep up to the gold SUV.

  “Wes, wanna come over and play some more Guitar Hero?” Boyd asked.

  “Boyd, I think Wes has spent enough time with the Nash siblings. He probably has something to do tonight or maybe even a date.” Lola said, as she looked at Wes, arching her perfectly shaped brow.

  “I could be persuaded to extend my time with you. And, as it just so happens, I do not have a date. I very rarely date, and when I do, it is always exclusively. I’m not much on sharing my possessions.” Wes answered never letting his eyes leave hers. Knowing he chose his words carefully and specifically to let her chew on that. “Let me just head home, get a quick shower, then I will meet you at your place.”

  With a quick agreement from Lola, she opened her door, allowing him to exit the back seat. Where she stood, with the jeep and door encasing her, it was easy for Wes to crowd her. Leaning down so that only she heard, “You know you will have to be alone with me eventually.”

  “I know.”

  “Good. And I meant what I said, I don’t share. So from this moment, no other man Lola.”

  “No other man.” She whispered.

  Her acknowledgment and promise was all he needed to take everything he intended. As he inhaled her scent one more time, he walked towards the Lexus and prayed Lola Nash knew exactly what she just agreed to. Their affair was going to be no everyday sweet dating with some love between the sheets. She just signed on to become his sexual canvas. Everything he has thought and dreamed about doing with her, was now within his grasp. Hell, things he didn’t know he wanted to do were possibilities. He intended to consume, ravage, pleasure and above all possess her and that goddess body, until neither one of them had any sense left in them to do anything else. And he couldn’t wait.

  Lola ran around the apartment making sure everything was picked up and if it wasn’t, at least to ensure it was hidden properly. She had enough time to hop in the shower before her doorbell rang. She took two quick deep breaths before opening. There he stood, looking even more gorgeous than he had before. His short blond hair shined in the dimming light coming through the hall window. Wes carried his beautiful form in an open collar button down black shirt, which hung over dark denim. But the most attractive item on his person, was his smile. His eyes pulled tight at the corners of his eyes, but the brilliant blue was still visible. It was then Lola noticed the bouquet he held. Lola lifted her eyes to his, and arched her brow.

  “What? You don’t like flowers?” Wes said, as he extended the bouquet to her, and stepped in as she stepped back.

  Lola looked at the exquisite blooms. This was no run to the grocery store floral bouquet, these could only come from a florist, and an expensive one at that. The black calla lilies were gorgeous. They were not black like their name depicted but rather a deep purple. Their long, thick, stalk like stem was bundled together with an expensive looking silver satin ribbon.

  “I like flowers just fine. You didn’t need to stop and purchase them, but thank you, they are beautiful.”

  He liked how she accepted his gift. He was happy in his choice. He knew roses or any other ordinary bud would not do. Someone like Lola deserved something distinctive, yet exotic.

  She turned her back on him and took the few steps to grab a pitcher that she kept on top of the refrigerator. Lola gasped when she felt his hard chest against her back. He gently moved her hair so it hung over one shoulder. He leaned down and placed a few wet kisses on her neck, then moving his lips to her ear and whispered, “Where’s Boyd?”

  “The shower,” she panted as her head rolled back until it rested on his

  Wes chuckled but made the most of the time he and Lola were alone. Continuing to nuzzle and nip along her ear lobe, neck and jaw line, he let his hand wind around the front and skillfully flicked the button closure on her jeans. He allowed both hands to separate the stiff fabric as he slid his hands into her panties.

  “You robbed me today of your taste when you came. I will not allow that to happen again. I want to taste you on my fingers. I want all of your juices to flow all over my hand so I can suck them into my mouth and savor your cream.

  Lola squeezed her eyes shut. His words had made her muscles begin to buzz, now that she focused on his fingers magical maneuvering; she knew her orgasm would peak within seconds. She could feel her muscles beginning to convulse, and within seconds of his increased stimulation right where she needed it, she called out.

  God, he loved hearing her loud moan and explicit description of pleasure. He was glad the water in the shower was still running so Boyd wouldn’t hear. He held her mound, containing as much of the vibration of her inner muscles, so that she got that much more out of her pleasure. With one final kiss on her neck, he withdrew his fingers and turned her. Only when she opened her glazed over eyes, did he follow through on his earlier promise. He started with his thumb, sucking it into his mouth and removing all her glorious juice. Quickly moving to his other fingers, giving each the same care; only when all three fingers he used had been thoroughly cleaned, did he speak.

  “To steal the phrase from fast food; you, Lola, are definitely finger licking good.”

  Soon, Lola was sitting on the couch with her legs curled underneath her watching musical battle after musical battle occur, laughing and utterly enjoying herself. Currently, Wes was ahead in score, but his current solo was not ranking high score. Boyd was chanting smack talk, which only made the intensity on Wes’ face that much funnier to Lola. When the round ended and the screen told Wes he lost, he fell to his knees and continued to fold himself down so he rested on his knees, forearms and head, on the floor. From that position, he loudly complained, “The Devil Went Down in Georgia. Really? There is no one that can play that and score high.”


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