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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 11

by W. Ferraro

  Both Boyd and Lola told him that Boyd could. With much production, Wes pulled himself off the floor, passed the plastic guitar and restarted the game to watch Boyd play. He sat down next to Lola on the couch, placing his arm over the back of the cushion where her head rested. The two watched as Boyd played, and Wes was honestly beyond impressed. The kid really could play and easily beat his previous score.

  They continued to watch Boyd beat level after level. Soon enough though, Lola noticed the clock, “Hey, Buddy-Boyd, I think it is time to turn the game off. There is still time for you to catch that movie you wanted to watch. Head on into your room and you can watch it in there, okay?”

  To Lola’s surprise, Boyd didn’t argue. He went about shutting down the game console, and turned to Wes and said, “Can we go see Blossom again soon? Will you come back and hang out with me again?”

  “Definitely, my man, as long as it is alright with your sister. Good night Boyd.” Wes returned the fist pump Boyd issued.

  “I’m just going to go in and get him settled.”

  “No problem. Take your time.”

  Lola returned a few minutes later. Wes remained right where he was when she left. She folded herself onto the couch, but put some space between them.

  “What are you doing over there?” Wes asked, as he slid closer, effectively caging her in between him and the arm of the sofa.

  “Can we talk?” Lola asked, after she returned his sweet kiss.


  “So, who do you know with Down syndrome?” Lola questioned, knowing it was blunt.

  Wes smiled infectiously; she missed nothing, and spoke her mind. His respect and attraction for her, increased right then.

  “My brother.”

  “Ah! How old is he?” Lola asked.

  He remained silent for a moment, never letting his eyes leave hers. He knew she understood what he was trying not to say.

  Her heart broke for him right then. Not only did he know the ins and outs of having a family member with Down’s, but he also knew, first hand, the severity of health conditions and challenges they face.


  “About ten years ago. He was fourteen. He lived in Texas with my dad and stepmom. Christopher was such a happy kid but his constant sick body just couldn’t take anymore. He went peacefully though. I was there with him the last few days.” Wes said, swallowing loudly. “Boyd reminds me a lot of Christopher. He is a great kid.”

  Lola looked down and toyed with the hem of her shirt. His hand reached out and pulled her fingers away, entwining them with his. His palm was so warm and his thumb rubbed a soft pattern over her skin.

  “Now it’s my turn. You are a great sister, but where is everyone else?” Wes probed, keeping his voice low to ensure their conversation was private.

  Still looking at their joined hands, she hesitated, but found comfort in his touch. She knew she would tell him, what she very rarely told anyone.

  “The same woman birthed both of us.”

  Wes thought it was unusual for Lola to word her relationship with her mother like that, but knew not to ask, but rather listen.

  “Helene always thought being pregnant, or having an infant was stylish. She knew she would be given extra perks than just any normal beautiful woman got. But, when there was no one left to perform for or reap what she thought were her entitled rewards, all that was left was a woman who didn’t want to care for a child. Any who, Helene suggested maybe it was time to make it on my own, I was fifteen. I was lucky, though. A sweet older woman who lived across the hall from Helene took me in. She was the one who looked after me all the time anyways, I just slept on her couch permanently now. I stayed with her until I finished high school, a year earlier than I was supposed to.” Lola focused on the feeling his soft thumb pad had on her skin. She really hated thinking of Helene, but no sense in not finishing now. “So one day, I was living in Arizona, and I got a call. It was Helene. She said she found my number through a friend of a friend. She wanted to meet for coffee or lunch. Since I knew her pleading would not stop, I agreed. When I arrived at the diner she suggested, she sat there looking perfectly put together with Boyd in a booster seat and a bag packed for him. She told me some sob story of how she was torn up inside because she found this great job on a cruise ship but kids weren’t allowed. She said she knew I wouldn’t want her to miss such a wonderful opportunity. Next thing I knew, she was out the door and Boyd was waving bye to Helene, who was not looking back for him.”

  Wes couldn’t believe his ears. He thought due to ill health or death, was the reason why Lola was the primary caregiver for Boyd. Never did he imagine it was because a poor excuse for a woman would just dump her child. As seething as he was toward their mother, once again, Lola’s respectability rose another notch. At this point, he was sure no one other than Mother Teresa could compare to Lola.

  “You were what? Twenty-five caring for a toddler?” He asked never letting go of her hand. He watched as her beautiful gray eyes looked soft and inviting.

  “Twenty-two. I had some friends around the same age that had kids so it wasn’t that big of a deal. I had a good support group around me there, but I lost my job. We moved around for a couple of years, all over the west coast. We went to Chicago a few years back where they were offering a medical trial for a new pulmonary medication at Northwestern Memorial. Though, after we moved there and set up everything, we found they had too many people and Boyd got cut. The caseworker in charge of the trial got me in touch with Aimee and Aaron’s place. So, six weeks later, I packed us up and here we are. Aimee helped us get the apartment and offered to help with watching Boyd so I could work. Sleeping on the couch is worth the flexibility she has given me.” She withdrew from him, stood up and paced over to the counter, where she looked at the beautiful flowers he had brought her. She turned back around to face him, crossing her arms over her breasts and said, “Look, I know this isn’t the best place to live and I know I’m probably not the type you are usually interested in, but I’m not embarrassed for any of it. I would do it all over again. The only thing I would choose to change would be letting Boyd remain with her for the first two years.” Lola held her gaze firm, hating the possibility that she would see pity returned in his gaze.

  Wes came off the couch and cut the distance between them. Using the counter behind her, effectively caging her in so his chest touched hers, he looked deep into her eyes and said with complete sincerity, “You are an amazing woman. Not only do you have a body made for sexual fantasy but you also have the compassion of a saint. You didn’t think once of the difficulties your life would contain taking on a child with disabilities, you just knew you’d figure it out. If anything, it makes you even sexier to me.” Wes let his head fall, so he could leave a trail of kisses starting at the corner of her mouth, following her jaw line, down her neck creating a sensual and erogenous path she felt all the way to her center. Between nips and tastes, he continued, “I never once had ill thoughts of you or where you live. Hell, if you had to sleep on the floor, I am sure you would do it. Just proves even more how much heart you truly have. Boyd is damn lucky to have you. But, tell me, when was the last time someone did anything for you, Lola? When was the last time you did not have to think about anything? Let me do that for you. Let me be the one whose mission is to give you absolute pleasure and release. I want to be the one that gives into your needs above all. What you felt today on the horse, is only the beginning of the pleasure I want to give you. I want to bring you to a completely different plane of ecstasy. I want to know when you come for me, it will be like no other orgasm you have ever had with any other man.”

  His words were her undoing; there was no longer any reason to deny her consent to everything he said. She would surrender to everything and anything he wanted to do to her. Lola moved her head to accept his kiss. Their tongues challenged one another to see who wanted the other more. His taste was everywhere. Her lips followed his lead. His hands stretched down, caressing the back
of her thighs and her subtle ass. His touch ignited every nerve ending, heating her body to well past boiling. Her arms sought and clung to his strength, needing to anchor herself to ensure this wasn’t just another of her dreams.

  To Lola’s surprise, Wes easily lifted her so her bottom sat on the counter. She naturally spread her thighs and he took his place inside them. He cupped her breast in his hand, despising the material between his palm and her flesh. He easily brought her nipple to a rigid point as his fingers squeezed and twisted. The intensity of their desires causing them to pause as both quietly laughed at how quickly they could get out of hand.

  Thoughts of letting him take her right there on the counter with Boyd on the other side of the wall were consuming her mind when the door opened.

  “Lola, so how was your….OH MY GOD, I AM SO SORRY!” Aimee said as she tried to backpedal out the door, completely embarrassed at what she walked in on and obviously interrupted.

  Aimee dropped whatever was in her hand onto the floor and tried to pick it up as quickly as possible. Lola and Wes looked at each other and shared another laugh.

  With her blonde head still cast downward, trying to pick up the papers that had scattered everywhere, Aimee said, “I’ll just be out of here in a minute. Don’t let me interrupt. I am so sorry, I should have knocked!”

  Hopping down from the counter and righting herself, Lola bent down to help pick up the mess as she said, “No Aimee, it’s alright, you don’t have to go. Stay.”

  “Yeah, Aimee, stay. I was just leaving…” Wes said as he picked up the stray paper that slid all the way over to his feet. Unembarrassed by being caught making out with Lola, he only could hope Lola wouldn’t be.

  Aimee met his gaze and Wes got the immediate look of warning. Damn, why was he getting the feeling there was an unseen line, many deep, in front of Lola, to protect her. Regardless of how many, he would work his way through all of them. With a quick kiss to her swollen lips, he said good night. He opened the door and stopped. With his hand on the knob, he turned to the small blonde and said, “Oh and Aimee, if you could help me out by giving Lola some time to be swooned properly, it will be much appreciated.” He winked at the blonde’s blush and closed the door behind him as he exited.

  “Okay, tell me everything! And do not spare one detail.” Aimee said as she pulled Lola by the arm toward the sofa.

  “Excuse me, I’ll just be a moment.” Wes removed himself from the meeting he was having at a restaurant in Burlington, to answer his cell phone. “Wes Thompson.”

  “Uh, hi. It’s Lola, is this a bad time?” The uncertainty in her voice was charming, Wes thought.

  “No. I have a minute. Everything okay?”

  “Oh, yes. I just wanted to let you know I am free Thursday night, if you would want to…”

  With a low sexy laugh, Wes said, “Fuck your brains out? Absolutely!” He heard her audible sigh on the other end of the phone; to hear her nerves, only helped increase his anticipation. “What time are you free?” He asked, looking over his shoulder to the man and woman he was meeting with.

  “Six o’clock.”

  “Okay, I’ll pick you up then. I know a great little restaurant I think you’d enjoy.”

  “Oh, we don’t have to go to eat. We can just, uh, get to it.”

  Unable to contain his laughter, Wes answered, meaning every word. “Oh Sunshine, for what I have in mind, fuel is a necessity. What time do you need to be back?”

  “I don’t. Well, what I mean to say is, Boyd is staying at Aaron’s Place. There is no school on Friday, and they are doing a monster marathon.”

  Today was Wes’ day apparently, or more over, Thursday would be. “Well, pack a bag. I plan to take my time with you. But, no need to pack pajamas, you won’t be needing them. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock. Oh, and Lola, remember, nothing is off limits to me.” He disconnected the call, and walked back to his final design meeting for a new bank branch, with unknown patience. He could not wait for Thursday to arrive.

  “Okay, Boyd, do you have everything? You aren’t coming back tonight and I won’t be here to run something down to you, so make sure you didn’t forget anything.” Lola said, as she tried to steady her hand as she brushed a funky orange color onto her nails.

  “It’s Thursday, you usually don’t work tonight,” Boyd said, as he tried to slip some extra candy bars into his bag.

  “I have...plans.” Lola said, as she jumped back so that the now tipped over nail polish bottle didn’t drip onto her shirt. “Boyd, grab me that towel, please.” She wiped up the spill and decided she wasn’t calm enough to do her nails. Quickly reaching for the nail polish remover, she vigorously removed the paint she had applied. “Oh, and you can put those peanut butter cups back. Don’t think I didn’t see you put seven in your bag. It’s bad enough you probably won’t sleep because of the twelve zillion movies you boys will watch, but you don’t need a sugar high to add to it.”

  “FINE!” Boyd huffed, as he pulled the candy out of his bag and threw it back into the cabinet. He watched as Lola ran around aimlessly. She seemed antsy, which is so unlike Lola. “What’s the matter? You are tweaking.”

  At the sound of his voice, Lola turned and caught her toe on the leg of the chair, effectively stubbing her baby toe.

  “SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!” Lola hissed, as she hopped over to the couch to rub her smarting toe.

  Boyd thought Lola was hysterical. He laughed so loud that he began to gasp for air and hold his belly. He stomped his foot a couple of times for dramatic and pain easement effect but the decreased air intake and cringing abdominal pain still occurred.

  Regardless that her toe was throbbing, Lola rushed to Boyd, “Boyd calm down, you are going to have an asthma attack. Breathe Boyd, in and out, in and out.” She reached for the inhaler, pushing it into his hands.

  “I don’t need it.” Boyd barked, between gasps.

  “Really? Gasping for breath and feeling your airways close, is a much better thing to do. Don’t be ridiculous, just use it.”

  One puff, two puffs, Boyd could feel his breathing regulate. He threw the inhaler back onto the counter and couldn’t help but be irritated that his sister bossed him around so much. He didn’t need the inhaler, he would have been fine in a minute or two.

  “Better put the inhaler in your bag, just in case.” Lola said as she went about straightening the kitchen, not looking at Boyd. Purposely not doing as she told him, Boyd went into his room to get away from her.

  Twenty minutes later, Aimee walked through the door.

  “Hi. All ready for the big night?”

  Lola looked at her friend, then over to Boyd’s closed door before saying, “What the hell am I doing? I must be completely insane.”

  “Honey, insanity would be NOT to do it. He is a prime male specimen, he obviously is very interested, so why the hell not? I mean you never know, he might be some sort of sex freak.” Aimee said, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. She missed the enlargement of Lola’s eyes when she said the last bit.

  “All I know is Wes Thompson is probably going to regret his interest, when, and if, things go too far.”

  “If this is about your weight again, I’m going to slap you. You are GORGEOUS! And Wes is a very smart man.” Aimee said, going to the fridge she grabbed herself a bottle of water. “He was at Aaron’s Place today. He kept checking his watch. Looked like an anxious man to me.”

  “Really?” The thought of Wes anxious to see her, made Lola feel completely giddy. “Ahh, I’m completely mad to have sex with Wes!”

  “You are having sex with Wes?” Boyd’s voice came out confused.

  Lola whirled around to look at her brother. Boyd had been constantly asking about Wes when he was going to be coming back around and such. “Boyd it isn’t polite to eavesdrop.” Lola blushed, knowing Boyd’s hearing of what she said really was the least of her problems.

  “If Wes is coming over, why can’t I stay?” Boyd said thickly.

  Because I want to
scream at the top of my lungs from multiple orgasms and I’d rather my brother didn’t hear me.

  Yet, it was Aimee that came to the rescue. “Because you and me, handsome, have plans. You aren’t going to make me and the others watch all seven episodes of Swamp Lizard’s Revenge without you, are you?”

  “But, I wanna see Wes. He’s my friend. I hate you Lola, you are so mean!” Boyd pulled at his dark hair and spun around until he collapsed on the floor. He attacked his shoelaces as he rocked back and forth. Lola squeezed her eyes shut and let out a held breathe to calm her, crouching down in front of him, she pried his fingers away from his laces. Gripping his hands so he wouldn’t start it again. Calmly, she spoke, “Buddy-Boyd, listen to me. I know you want to see Wes, but you are going to go to Aaron’s Place with Aimee. I’ll talk to Wes and see if we can set something up in a couple of days, okay? Tonight is just for grownups, okay?” Lola patted his soft brown hair that stuck up at all angles. Boyd started to cry, pulling his hands from Lola’s, he rubbed at his eyes rather roughly.

  Between tears he spoke, “I’m not a kid! I’m happy I’m getting away from you. You are so mean Lola.” He pulled himself up, grabbed his bag and walked out of the apartment.

  Aimee looked at Lola who was still down on her haunches, with her head hung. She knew better than to put her two cents in when the siblings were arguing. She knew Lola did everything to protect Boyd, but Aimee wondered if there was another reason behind the need?

  “I’m going to go catch up with him. Don’t worry, you know he’ll be over it shortly. You, have a great night, and I expect full details later. Love you.”

  Lola looked at the closed door, then the clock on the cable box, and realized she had exactly forty-five minutes to get ready for either the greatest night of her life, or the worst mistake she was ever going to make.


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