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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 32

by Morgan Kelley

  As she rubbed against him, trying to get a rise out of him, he still stared blankly ahead.

  “Just feed and send me to my cage,” he stated.

  “You can stay with me. I have a very large bed.”

  “I’d rather not. I don’t sleep with anyone but my Jolie. Let’s make that crystal clear.”

  “You could enjoy this. It would make it so much easier on you. There’s nothing wrong with getting pleasure from our situation.”

  Yes, it would be easier. Yes, it would make the time pass faster.

  Still, he didn’t give a shit.

  “You didn’t bargain for that, Death. You simply asked for a millennium of servitude. You didn’t say I had to enjoy it. I won’t betray Jolie’s heart.”

  She sighed. “Are you going to sulk the entire time?”

  “No. I made a deal, and I’ll keep it.”


  “I love them more than I love myself. They’re my family, and now she’s dead.”

  Death lifted a well-manicured brow.

  “What? What do you mean she’s dead? I healed her.”

  “You told me I was the only one who could kill the head of the Tueur to save them. Now that I’m gone, you’ve left her out in the open. You’re never going to get back in control. I was your only chance. Jolie will die, the babies will perish, and you’ll lose your Harbinger and control over the Tueur. By making this deal, you’re going to tie your own hands. Congrats.”

  She laughed.

  “Flynn Brogan, I underestimated you. I was going to enjoy you in my bed for as long as I could, then send you back when you figured it out, but you’re too smart.”

  He didn’t speak.

  His hopes were up.

  Could it have been this easy?

  “You’re right. You aren’t staying. I simply wanted to study the man who was going to be my left hand man. Jolie is my Harbinger, but you’re going to be my execution squad.”

  If it meant getting back to his mates, he’d do it.

  He didn’t get excited, but he wanted to celebrate. His big fear was being happy, only to have Death torment him with it.

  She was a bitch like that.

  “How about we talk about the Tueur, and I get you ready for what’s coming? Since you’re destined to rule over my children one day, you need to be prepared.”

  “Then I can go back?”

  “Yes. I can’t really keep you here for long. You are absolutely right. There are rules.”

  He relaxed.

  “Drink? I have a proposition for you.”

  That worried him on so many levels.

  “I’ve read the tale of Persephone and Hades, so no thank you.”

  “I like you, Flynn. I think we’ll get along.”

  He doubted that, but he was going to play nice.

  For now.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  She couldn’t believe she lost him.

  A thousand years was a very long time. Jolie thought back to the past eight hundred years, and they seemed to go on forever.

  How was she supposed to live that long without Flynn?

  Without his touch?

  Her heart ached.

  As she sat on the bed, crying inconsolably, Jacques tried to comfort her.

  Only, it wasn’t working.

  She was to blame.

  Had she not left alone that morning, they wouldn’t be in this position. Sometimes, her stubbornness got the best of her, and this was one of those times. It had cost her happiness and Flynn his freedom.

  She hated that she’d done this.

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  Jolie glanced up, her eyes full of tears. “How do I go on? How do I go to death every night knowing I don’t have half my heart?”

  He didn’t know.

  He was facing the same pain.

  Vanth cleared her throat. “If only you had some way to get to Death and fight for your mate…”

  Jolie glanced over.

  Was that a hint?

  “Is that possible?”

  Vanth tapped her wrist. “Ticket to Death?” she asked, lengthening a nail.

  Jacques stood. “I’ll go.”

  Jolie stopped him. “You can’t. She won’t hurt me. She’ll harm you without batting an eyelash. Plus, you don’t want to go there. Trust me.”

  He held her hand. “Jolie.”

  She didn’t have time for this. They had a small window. “Jacques.”

  He kissed her, shutting Jolie up. When he pulled away, he took her face in his palms. “Bring our mate home. Do whatever it takes, and we’ll deal with the ramifications later.”

  Jolie loved her mate more than ever. Jacques knew what was at risk, and still, he was willing to put his faith in her.

  Jolie hugged him. “I’ll bring him back.” She turned toward the demoness. “Vanth, I’m ready. Send me there.”

  She rested on the bed, her mouth open. As Vanth sliced through her wrist, the black murk dripped into her mouth.

  It burned.

  Jolie screamed.

  Then everything went black.

  When she opened her eyes, she was wherever the hell Death called home. She could hear the seductive music, smell blood, and it unnerved her.

  She silently prayed that she wouldn’t walk in to see Death seducing her mate. Jolie would snap.

  He may have sold himself, but she wouldn’t accept him being forced to be her sexy plaything.

  No one touched her mates but her.

  Heading down a long hall, she could hear the screams of torment coming from behind the doors.

  She hoped one of them wasn’t her beloved Flynn.

  As she approached the billowing curtains, she heard Death’s melodious laughter.

  “Oh, Flynn Brogan, you’re naughty.”

  Jolie got angry.

  She expected the worst.

  As she headed in, she stopped in her tracks. There, sitting at the table, was her mate. Only, he wasn’t in a compromising position. He was having a glass of wine and smiling.

  Had he forgotten her already?

  Was he happy here serving Death?

  Had she made a mistake?

  “Hello, Jolie. How nice of you to join us,” Death said, without even looking over. She felt her presence the second Vanth sent her there.

  Flynn’s head nearly spun off his shoulders as he jumped up. “Jolie? Baby?”

  She rushed him.

  Flynn opened his arms and caught her as she landed against him. The scent was there.

  The feel was familiar.

  It was indeed Jolie, and not some sick trick.

  She kissed him, nearly climbing into his body by way of his mouth. Nothing in her life felt like that moment.

  They were lovers reunited.

  “Get a room,” said Death, “unless you’re going to let me participate or watch.”

  Jolie broke the kiss.

  “Oh, Flynn, you’re an idiot,” she said, touching his cheek. “I should kick your ass for doing this.”

  He grinned. “Baby, what wouldn’t I do for you?”

  “Ugh,” muttered Death. “Really? Okay, Romeo and Juliet, knock it off.”

  Death waved her hand and they slid apart.

  “You can’t keep him here,” stated Jolie. “He’s partially human, and can’t remain.”

  “You don’t say.”

  “I do! You can’t have him. If you try to keep him, I’ll end this pregnancy right here. I love my children, but he’s my mate. I can’t live one thousand years without him.”

  Death laughed. “Okay.”

  Jolie stopped. “Wait! What?”

  “You can have him back. He made a sacrifice. That’s all that was really required. He loves you more than himself. I wanted to get in his pants, but he’s not letting me have my way. I can’t control him, and he knows it.”

  Flynn grinned.

  “We were talking about what’s coming. I can stop the Tueur. We’re going on th
e offense and planning. I’m ready for them now!”

  Jolie still couldn’t move.

  She struggled to get to him.

  Instead, Flynn came to her. Apparently, Death was right. She couldn’t lock him down.


  She was glad.

  “What did you discuss?” she asked, as Flynn ran his mouth across her shoulder.

  “This and that.”

  Jolie wanted to touch him. “Death, please.”

  Suddenly, she could move.

  “Let’s go back,” he said. “I want to be with my mates. I missed them.”

  Jolie wanted to cry.

  “Give me a second,” he said.

  Flynn then faced Death and did something that no one expected. He hugged her.

  Death was shocked.

  Jolie was horrified.

  “Well, you could have done this before your mate arrived,” she purred.

  He whispered in her ear.

  “Don’t forget it,” she replied.


  The vessel was filled and it could be foretold.

  “Let’s go, Jolie. Send us back.”

  Death snapped her fingers.

  For the first time, in a long time, she had hope. The detective would hold up, Jolie’s babies would be safe, and she was set.

  When Fate appeared, she didn’t look happy.

  “What’s wrong, Sister?”

  “You gave him an advantage. That’s not fair! You’re playing dirty! It’s already written! You cheated and brought our father back!”

  “Actually, that man is the wildcard, and we both know it. He was born to be part of this in the original plan, so I didn’t give him anything that isn’t rightfully his. When he came here, he died. I think you know that. Face it, Sister. I win this round.”

  Fate snapped her fingers and left.

  “Take that, bitch. This isn’t over yet. This old dog has a lot more up her sleeve—that I can promise.”

  Then Death roared with laughter.

  The best was yet to come.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  When Jolie opened her eyes, she looked around for him. Flynn was nowhere to be found.

  Her heart began pounding.

  “Are you okay?” Jacques asked.

  She started to cry. “Death sent us both back. Where is he? He’s supposed to be here with me!”

  Jacques also looked around the room.

  “I’m okay, baby,” he said, entering their quarters. “I ended up on the kitchen table. Death has a sick sense of humor. Tea?” he asked, holding a cup.

  Jacques was up and off the bed.

  “Flynn! How? You were trapped.”

  He hugged his mate. “Let’s just say that I pointed out the fact that if I stayed there, no one would take out the head of the Tueur. Death wants power more than anything, and she can’t risk Jolie and the children.”

  Jolie took the tea and sipped it. “My hero is smart. That’s sexy in a man.”

  Flynn grinned.

  Then he pointed at her.

  “Had someone not disobeyed us, none of this would have happened. You did something stupid, Jolie, and this was the outcome. This cannot, and will not, happen again. Am I clear?”

  Jacques waited for the explosion.

  Flynn was angry, and when you added that fuel to the fire that was Jolie, there was bound to be one hell of a stubborn explosion.

  It was will against will.

  She stared at him.

  Then she spoke, “I know. I’m sorry, Flynn. I won’t do it again.”

  “I know, baby. It’s okay.”

  Jacques simply stared. “You’re a magician. No, that’s not powerful enough. You’re a sorcerer. That’s the only explanation for what I’ve just witnessed.”

  Flynn laughed as he opened his arms. Jolie moved into them without hesitation.

  “I just know how to handle bad girls. Our ‘Mistress’ is one of them, aren’t you?”

  Jolie nuzzled her cheek against his still bare chest. “Yes, I am.”

  Jacques was still shocked.

  This side of Jolie still surprised him.

  “Well, what’s next?” he asked.

  That was easy.

  “We need to visit Mulduk. I still want to know how he knew the Tueur was after us. When I find out, I may just end his life.”

  They didn’t think he was kidding.

  Flynn was a man on a mission—Mulduk’s death.

  ∞ Chapter Twenty-Seven ∞

  Wednesday Night

  It was time to head there.

  Flynn was looking forward to it, even if it meant he was forced to play sexual submissive to Jolie. He only hoped that Jacques would hold up and not freak out.

  The two men were very different, and Jolie would need to concentrate.

  As they headed downstairs, side by side, they were dressed the part.

  Well, Flynn was…

  Jacques must not have gotten the memo. He was dressed in a pricy business suit, and looked like some hired gun.

  Then again, he was the one charged with playing guardian. It made Flynn grin that they were blending even more. Months ago, he would have still been in leather pants and ready for a brawl. Now he was more like Flynn and less like himself.

  “Nice pants,” Jacques offered, grinning. “You picked leather?”

  Flynn had been warned by Jolie.

  He needed to be in his boy toy gear.

  “She expects Mulduk to want to watch.”

  He glanced over. “Watch?”

  “Yes. She’s going to likely have to knock one of us around, and since you’re not into being a top or bottom in the game of bondage, she asked me.”

  Jacques was clearly upset.

  Flynn stopped, glancing over. “What?”

  “Why did she think I wouldn’t do that? I’d do anything for Jolie and you. If you want, I’ll play the role, Flynn. I want to be part of this relationship, even if it’s out of my comfort zone.”

  He leaned against the wall. “Oh, so you want Jolie to hit you, torture you, and make you have sex in front of Mulduk.”

  “Well, no, but I will. She’s my mistress. I’ll serve on my knees for her. She’s also my mate.”

  Flynn put his hand on his arm. “She chose me for a reason.”

  “What? Tell me. I feel off balance here.”

  “She knows you’d willingly take it, Jacques. She knows you’d let her damage you, and you’d never say a word. That hurts her. With me, she knows it’s like foreplay to sex. That helps her get through it. She needs to survive it too.”

  He thought about it.

  “I think I understand.”

  Flynn touched his arm. “We do love you, and you are part of this, Jacques. Don’t doubt that. Jolie is doing what she has to in order to stay strong.”

  He sighed. “Am I a bad person for not being able to hurt her like you can?”

  He lifted a brow at the implication of that one question. “I don’t actually ‘hurt’ her. Maybe she also wanted you to watch tonight for a reason. So then, you’ll see the love behind it. Jolie doesn’t hurt me. She makes sure of it.”

  “Maybe. We should head down.”

  “Just watch and keep an open mind.”

  He would.

  What choice did he have?

  Besides, honestly, he was curious as hell.

  Jolie met them in the library.

  When they entered, she was lounging on the couch, booted feet up, and eyes closed.

  “Hello, loves.”

  They both headed her way.

  “I need to feed, and then we should head out. I want to get back inside and as soon as possible. I don’t like the idea that the Tueur are strong this time of night.”

  They didn’t blame her.

  “Vanth,” she called, having the demoness appear in the room. “Can you feed them, so I can take blood?”

  She didn’t hesitate. Heading their way, she touched both men on the chest.
  First Jacques.

  Then Flynn.

  As soon as she touched him, her eyes went big.

  Flynn touched his lips with a finger in silent warning. Death had warned him. Vanth would be able to pick up the secret he was now harboring.

  “Thank you,” he said, when she pushed energy into his body. Only, he wasn’t talking about the feeding.

  He didn’t need it.

  Flynn was talking about Vanth keeping his secret.

  “Anything for my family,” she said, bowing to him. “Call me if you need me, Master.”

  With that, she popped out of there.

  Jolie glanced over. “You didn’t tell her not to call you that. Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m good,” he said.

  “Then let’s begin. Come to me,” she said, standing.

  Jacques arrived at her side, and he tugged his shirt collar from his throat.

  Jolie didn’t hesitate.

  She jumped up, wrapping her legs around his hips. “I love your suit, Jacques. It’s very sexy. Remember that time in the Roaring twenties?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Yes, yes, I do.”

  He bared his throat.

  ‘I’ll love you forever,’ she promised.

  He would too.

  Jolie sunk into his flesh. As she fed, she relieved that moment with him in his mind.

  When she pulled away, she licked her lips. “As always, you’re delicious.”

  He held her in his arms. “Jolie.”

  She took a moment to ease his fears.

  “I heard what you said to Flynn. He’s right. I couldn’t do this to you tonight. Don’t hate me for choosing him, but I can’t…”

  He stopped her.

  “He explained. I’m glad you can with him. I’ll make sure you’re both safe. He has his role tonight, and I have mine.”

  He placed her on her feet. “Finish feeding so we can go.”

  Jolie turned to face her other mate. He’d dressed in the leather and silk like she had asked. He looked so very handsome too.


  He opened his arms. When she jumped into them, again wrapping her legs around his hips, she stared into his eyes. “I’ll love you forever too.”

  He grinned, his fangs peeking out. “You know how I feel about both of you.”


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