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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 33

by Morgan Kelley

  And they did.

  As she sank her fangs into his flesh, he moaned in pleasure. The blood flowed from him into her, and he could feel that heat building. When he glanced over at Jacques, he was watching them.

  “The energy feels different,” he stated, as they fed. That blue haze that they’d seen ebb from Jolie’s mouth when she fed from someone in battle was now surrounding Flynn.

  The detective didn’t speak.

  Instead, he held on for the ride.

  When she pulled away, her eyes had bled black, and she tingling from the feeding.

  “You taste different.”

  He shrugged. “Do I?”


  He didn’t say a word.

  Jolie went to press him.

  “We need to get going. I happen to agree with not being out where the Tueur can get to us. Also, we need to work on a protection strategy. They’re going to hit us hard.”

  “When do we leave for France?” Jacques asked, recalling Death’s hint at where they could find the head of the Tueur.


  Flynn placed Jolie on her feet and kissed her on the tip of her nose. Reaching for her mind, he tried to soothe her.

  ‘Later. I promise. When the time is right.’

  She hoped he’d keep it. Something was going on, and she couldn’t help but suspect Death was behind it.

  Jacques reached for Percy and gave him his instructions, knowing the man would follow them to a T. Since they had banished Balzac from their family, the house has run nothing but smoothly. It was a pleasant change from Balzac’s continual nagging.

  “If I have to torture the vampyre, I will,” Jolie warned.

  Neither man cared.

  At this point, they were focused on the end game.

  Saving Jolie.

  “Let’s get this done.”

  With that, the three of them headed into the night and into the unknown.

  Who knew what they were going to be facing?

  When they arrived, Jolie opened the door and stepped into the pulsing room. The music was dark and heavy. It reminded her of sex, and that was most likely the purpose.

  It was definitely getting the patrons in the mood.

  She scanned and took in the various couples in positions of both dominance and submission. She could see many of them were vampyre and knew that they were from the underground societies that were overflowing New Orleans.

  They were lawless.



  Walking into this den of iniquity was a crapshoot, and she knew it. All Jolie could hope was they’d make it out alive. One way or another, they needed to figure out what Mulduk knew.

  He was the key.

  “Wow,” stated Jacques as someone screamed. “I didn’t miss this place.”

  Flynn didn’t either. Although, he liked what happened after very much.

  Still, he knew how serious the moment was, and he shouldn’t take it lightly.

  When one vampyre headed straight for Jolie, Jacques moved in front of her.

  He sent his energy out, and it warned the vampyre away.

  This place was full of deviants.

  He could spot them right away.

  All the vampyres without a society would come together and form little bands of rogue groups, some tried to live peacefully, and some would try to hire themselves out for murders and other nefarious things.

  That was the clientele of this place.

  Jolie sensed the two guardians approach, and she warned Jacques to let her handle it.

  Moving in front of her mates, she needed to show their power and strength. After all, a vampyre was a vampyre.

  “Mistress, we have been sent to retrieve you for Mulduk.”

  “Yeah, we’re not going anywhere with you while you’re thinking about hurting my mates.”

  The vampyres grinned.

  “They aren’t coming, but we’ll keep them company, especially the human one.”

  That was never happening, and for so many reasons.

  “Come, Mistress,” he said, stepping toward to take her arm. Both men hissed behind her, and she was amused at the two vampyres before her.

  Did they think it would be that easy?

  “Do you think you can make me go with you?” she asked, calling for the black tendrils. Once they appeared, the show began. Both men tried to back up, but Death was there, and she was hungry.

  As one was completely consumed, the other began begging for his life.

  “Fine. Take us to Mulduk. Let me worry about what he wants later,” she said, setting him free.

  “Yes, my Mistress,” he said, as if he was hypnotized.

  All three followed him.

  Jolie warned them in their minds.

  There was no way she was letting anyone be hurt. They were going to get in, and then get out.

  When the door to Mulduk’s chamber was opened, and they stepped inside, they were not surprised to find the vampyre alone as he lounged on his oversized bed.

  It appeared that he was waiting for Jolie.

  “I see my men failed with their one job,” he said, glaring at the two mates flanking her.

  “Don’t worry. One won’t be failing you again. He’s gone.”

  Mulduk stared at her.

  He didn’t look happy.

  “We’re doing this my way,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind me taking control. You bore me, Mulduk, but my Flynn does not.”

  He took that as his sign.

  He hit the floor on his knees and kept his head adverted from everyone’s eyes. His shoulder length black hair fell in front of his face.

  Jolie tormented Mulduk by touching her mate. When she lifted his chin, so he was staring at her, she kissed him.

  Flynn stayed on his knees, even when he wanted so much more. The monster in him tried to rise to the surface, but he was still in control.

  This was for his family.

  He couldn’t slip up.

  Jolie broke the kiss.

  “See how obedient he is, Mulduk? He knew to bow. You’re a horrible toy.”

  Mulduk growled.

  Jolie’s claws lengthened and everyone there expected her to make Flynn bleed.

  Only he didn’t.

  She gently sliced at her wrist, causing blood to drip down her arm. Then she offered it to her mate.

  “He gets the reward.”

  Gently, Flynn licked it from her flesh. He could feel her pulse beating just beneath her skin, and he wanted to sink his fangs into her.

  But he didn’t.

  Lust washed across his body and pulsed through him. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him as he tried to focus on their job, not the need.

  It wasn’t easy.

  He was thinking about the last time.

  “You don’t need to dominate them, Mistress,” Mulduk whispered, watching with sick fascination as he slid off the bed and moved toward Jolie.

  “Stop, Mulduk!”

  He obeyed as if waiting for her next demand.

  Jolie walked toward the middle of the room and paused at a chair. “Flynn, come to me,” she said softly, as she waited for him to move slowly across the floor.

  He crawled like a big sleek cat.

  It turned her on.

  When he got to her, she simply pointed at the chair.

  He took a seat.

  Jolie sat in his lap, resting her arm over his shoulder. “Thank you, my pet,” she said touching his cheek.

  Mulduk hissed in jealousy.

  Jolie rewarded Flynn with a kiss. Then it was time for the fun to begin.

  “Now, Mulduk, if you don’t mind, we have some business to attend to, no?”

  “Yes, we do,” he said kneeling in front of her.

  When he touched her booted leg, Jolie swung out with her hand and disciplined him with her closed fist. He flew to the floor. “Don’t touch me Mulduk. You’re beneath me. I don’t welcome un authorized touch—especially fr
om a worm like you.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said, licking the blood from his lip.

  It was clear that it turned him on.

  Jacques grinned, understanding the game she was about to play. Jolie was in control. She was going to use lust to break him.

  That was fine by him.

  “That will be the last time I touch you Mulduk, unless you tell me what I need to know,” she said, running her nails down Flynn’s arm.

  Everyone in the room watched the blood bead. She could feel the shudder run through his body as she lifted his arm to lick across the blood.

  Flynn moaned.

  Her mouth was making it hard to be calm.

  As Jolie spent the next minute tormenting and tasting him, she reveled in rubbing Mulduk’s face in it.

  “Mistress,” he croaked, wishing she was sitting on him like her personal throne. “What do you wish to know?” he asked, crawling back toward her.

  “How did you know the Tueur was after me?” she inquired calmly.

  “I heard it through the underground. That’s all,” he said as she stood from her man-chair.

  “If I give you more pain, will you elaborate?”

  “Yes,” he hissed.

  That was exactly what he wanted.

  “I’ll do anything you ask,” he added.

  Jolie crossed to her other mate. As she ran her fingers across Jacques’s well-defined pecks, her eyes flashed with fire. “That depends, Mulduk, on how much you please me,” she purred. In her mind, Jacques objected, but Flynn remained quiet.

  He’d witnessed this once before.

  “Please, Mistress,” he begged. “Touch me.”

  Jolie stepped away from the men. “Jacques and Flynn, please chain him up for me,” she said softly.

  Neither man was happy that she was going to touch him. They could feel the depravity oozing from him in wave after wave of sick energy.

  Mulduk was the truest form of deviant.

  They didn’t want Jolie near him.

  ‘We’ll do this for you,’ said Jacques, whispering love into her mind.

  Jolie didn’t want to be there, but what choice did she have? This was her job. She needed to find out where he had gotten his information. Someone had betrayed her to the Tueur.

  It was dire that she find out who.

  While the men were doing what she asked, Jolie crossed the room to a wall of whips. Once there, she carefully looked over the selection. “Flynn, come here please.”

  He did as she asked.

  “Yes, my Mistress,” he said, keeping his eyes adverted as was expected.

  “Which would you like to be abused with?” she inquired as she pointed at the wall of torturous devices.

  “Whatever you wish, Mistress,” he said loud enough for Mulduk to hear.

  His growl was low in his chest, and he knew only Jolie heard that. While he wasn’t into being hurt, he was into Jolie, and that made it more than pleasurable.

  Jolie lifted his chin and kissed him gently on the lips. “Which, Flynn?”

  He lifted a hand and removed the long single strand whip and handed it to her carefully. It was the type that would be used to tame a lion. At the end of the whip, it was tipped with silver.

  “This one, Mistress.”

  Jolie took it from him and didn’t know what to think. This was going to do some damage, and she hoped Flynn knew what he was doing.

  She reached for his mind.

  ‘Are you sure?’


  “Come, Flynn.”

  Both walked to where Mulduk was now strung up in a prone position. His toes barely touched the floor and Jacques was standing beside him, waiting for Jolie’s next instruction. She was after all the dominant.

  “Who told you, Mulduk? I don’t believe that you ‘heard it through the grapevine’. This isn’t my first day as a Primus.”

  “Mistress, I don’t know,” he said, as he tracked her movements. Jolie began to unroll the whip and gave it a wicked flick.

  It cracked and Mulduk moaned.

  Jolie moved toward him and administered the first strike with the whip.

  Only, it wasn’t Mulduk who screamed in pain.

  It was Flynn.

  The whip struck across his chest, leaving a vicious red line and then blood.

  She reached for her mate’s mind.


  ‘I’m fine, baby. The scream was more for Mulduk than because it hurt. Do your worst. I’m indestructible.’

  She didn’t know what he was thinking, but the show had to go on.

  ‘Later, I’ll kiss and make every wound better.’

  ‘You better keep that promise, my love.’

  She watched his eyes bleed black. They were deeper and darker than she’d ever seen before. His fangs were peeking out, and they were scary sharp.

  Alarms began going off in her head.

  This was off.

  She could feel it.

  “Please hurt me,” Mulduk begged.

  “Until you tell me what I want, Mulduk, I won’t touch you. I’ll give all your punishment to my mate.”


  Jolie walked toward Flynn and knelt behind him. As she touched him, he leaned back, pressing his torso into hers. When she wrapped her arms around his body, their energy mingled.

  He felt the same, and yet different.


  ‘Later,’ he ordered, knowing what she was thinking. He was in her mind, and Jolie was beginning to put it all together.

  Jolie continued.

  “Would you like me to ignore him, Flynn?”

  “Yesssss,” he hissed, feeling the lust fill him as she rubbed against his back.

  What he wouldn’t do to get her alone.

  Flynn was starving, and she was the only one who would quench that need.

  Jolie bit down into his shoulder, keeping her eyes fully locked on Mulduk’s as she drank from her mate. When she pulled away, there was a small stream of blood running down her chin.

  “Delicious as always.”

  Moving around his body, she let him lick the blood from her face. While he expected it to be his, it wasn’t.

  It was hers.

  Jolie was in his mind, and she must have felt his hunger.

  Flynn licked every drop, taking his time. Instead of satiating the craving, it made him want her even more.

  ‘Jolie,’ he whispered into her mind, as his body screamed for her.

  Jacques watched the show.

  He’d be lying if he said it didn’t turn him on. Watching Jolie always heated his blood. Watching Jolie and Flynn had double the effect.

  Mulduk struggled to break free from the silver.

  He was trapped.

  “Please, Mistress.”

  “Then tell me about the person who passed you this information,” she said, standing in front of him. Jolie could feel Flynn approach on his knees. She didn’t even have to look to know that he was forming a bench with his body for her.

  She sat, trusting him.

  “I’ll tell you if you promise to punish me.”

  “I will.”

  He stopped fighting his restraints, believing that she would indeed keep her word. “I had a few members from the underground here in the club, and they told me that they heard the Tueur were after you.”

  “Continue,” she said cracking the whip. His eyes went crazy with need at the sound it made.

  “They said the Tueur heard it from an individual.”

  Jolie crossed her legs and ran her fingers through Flynn’s silky black hair, being careful not pull it. She loved the way it flowed through her fingers like silk.

  “That is all I know.”

  Jolie stood to face Mulduk. “You know I could just tear into your mind and find the truth for myself,” she admitted.

  “I know, Mistress,” he answered.

  Jolie knew he was holding back.

  It was time to put on a show.

p; As she walked toward Flynn, his eyes dilated.

  He was ready.

  “Down flat, Flynn,” she said gently.

  “Mistress, I am telling you all I know,” Mulduk shouted, not wanting Jolie to put her hands on the other man. He wanted her all over him.

  Jolie placed her booted foot, with the painful looking spiked heel, on Flynn’s back.

  “I think you lie, Mulduk,” she admitted. Then she proceeded to step onto Flynn’s body, allowing him to take all of her weight.

  Jacques watched from not far away, proud of his mates. Jolie was working Mulduk into a frenzy, all the while not having to hurt Flynn too much.

  Flynn moaned.

  She reached for his mind, but before she could speak, he reassured her that he was fine.

  And he was.

  Only, he was thinking about getting her home and using her until he was satisfied.

  This performance deserved a reward.

  Jolie continued, “Tell me, Mulduk!” she ordered as she lifted the whip. When she dropped her arm, it cracked against Flynn’s shoulders. The sound reverberated through the room.

  He jerked but not much. Across his back, the blood formed in an angry red line.

  Then the wound was gone.

  Jolie glanced up at Jacques.

  He’d seen it too.

  ‘What the hell?’ she asked, making sure Flynn wasn’t in his mind.

  ‘Jacques, I don’t know what is going on. Flynn…’

  ‘Is fine,’ Flynn interjected, hearing them, despite their attempts to keep him out.

  Jolie gasped, losing her balance.

  Flynn rolled fast, as he felt her falling. Before she could hit the ground, he caught her in his arms.

  Jacques didn’t know what to say. Flynn was stronger than them, he could break through their blocks, and he moved quicker than Jolie and himself.

  This was odd.

  She was held in his arms as he sat on the floor. When her hand went to his cheek, he turned his face to place a kiss on her palm.

  ‘I love you. I’ll explain. I promise.’

  ‘You are my Flynn, right? You came back from Death, didn’t you? I’m scared.’

  ‘Kiss me.’

  She did.

  As soon as their lips met, Flynn let her into his mind, seeing everything that had happened. When she gasped, he knew she saw the truth.

  ‘I did it for you.’

  ‘Oh, Flynn.’

  ‘Finish this, and we’ll spend some time alone.’


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