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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 38

by Debbie Behan

  ‘He’s a hard-headed son of a bitch.’ Kayden was clearly annoyed.

  ‘Did Cassie wear him down at all?’

  Kayden shook his head. ‘Wouldn’t even talk to her, and we got nothing. I had to hold Woody back from giving him a good thump when he was so arrogant to the men.’

  ‘It’s your zone, Kayden. But remember I have a vested interest in this; he nearly killed one of my team. So if you want help, just say the word. Maybe a bit of extra muscle will help adjust the attitude of the self-indulgent dictator. ’

  ‘That is precisely what I hoped you’d say.’ Kayden wiped the sweat from his brow. ‘But I had my sights on just one of them.’


  ‘I’d like her to take a crack at it. That power she used to calm the gods might just work. Settle him down just enough to allow us some kind of exchange with him while she keeps the big guy quiet.’

  ‘She’d jump at the chance to get out there again, but I’m not ready to send her.’

  ‘Axon, if it were one of the men that wore the blast, would you be so protective? The girls are just as tough as the guys. Don’t baby any of them; they have a job to do. If she says she’s ready, she is. Get her out there and let her do what she’s been given this gift to do. I bet Rory agrees with me.’

  Axon’s face reddened. They hadn’t had words in a long time and doing so in his own home made it worse. ‘I do not baby her, ever! And I take offence to you insinuating that I – do!’

  Kayden stood with hands on his hips, unable to back down. He was a bit sour he even had to ask for Cait. He felt Cassie should have been gifted with the same skill or at least be able to access it, but as hard as she tried, there was a wall up. Some of Cait’s gifts were hers to keep and hers alone. ‘I need her.’

  ‘I know. So does every other blatzing man in the solar system. One day!’ Axon looked down, fuming.

  Kayden slapped his shoulder. ‘Let me shout a refreshment.’

  ‘Might as well. Better make it a Starstarter, straight. You don’t give up when you get your mind set on something and I know I‘m not going to win, am I?’

  ‘And a cigar.’ Kayden grinned.

  Axon gave up. ‘I’m coming then.’ His stubbornness was met with a laugh.

  ‘Thought you’d say that.’

  ‘Well, after I talk Rory into letting me be the one to go with her. He’s so pig-headed.’

  ‘Mmm love to be a fly on the wall with you two.’ Kayden rolled his eyes with a smirk.

  ‘No different to you and Woody.’

  ‘Point taken – now, about that Starstarter.’

  ‘And cigar,’ Axon added, feeling a bit better knowing he was going too, regardless of what Rory had to say.

  * * * *

  Outside, Caitlin was given another horse to ride. ‘Shargan is still recovering, Red.’ Woody handed her the reins. ‘That piece of shrapnel in her rump saved you from being decapitated and went in deep, but it’s healing nicely. She’ll be home soon.’

  Caitlin took the reins of the new horse and patted its nose. ‘I hear her bravery didn’t go unnoticed and she is receiving VIP treatment back on the Pegasus constellation. Hope they don’t spoil her too much. I want her back.’ She huffed at having to ride a horse she didn’t know. ‘This horse better not put me in a stupid dress,’ Caitlin complained while Axon lifted her up onto the horse. ‘I liked the pants and boots that Shargan dresses me in.’ She continued to sulk as the magic powered up and she waited for the glow to dissipate.

  ‘Wow.’ Axon stepped back and gave her a wolf whistle.

  Caitlin looked down, excited for just a second at Axon’s reaction until she saw what she wore. ‘Oh – my – goodness, hell no.’ Her hands went to her face, unimpressed. ‘I knew it.’

  The fleck in the sheer golden fabric glistened in the light. The material fell soft and loose down her back to reveal a tattoo of Shargan. The front fell softly across her chest in light folds that left little to the imagination and the gown that somehow gathered in the right places, sat elegantly on the horse. It was such a heavenly softness that even with the slightest of movement it lit up like fairy dust.

  ‘Where’s the halo?’ Woody blinked.

  ‘Bet it’s dropped and ready to strangle you,’ Rory teased as he arrived in time to see them off. His look alone let Caitlin know he was very pleased she was back on a horse.

  ‘Smart-aleck!’ She put her arms out to Axon, moving her fingers at him impatiently. ‘New horse, this one’s crackers.’

  ‘You’re staying put. We haven’t time and anyway, I like it.’ Axon grinned and jumped on his horse as they lifted so quickly off the ground she had no chance to make any further protests.

  ‘You did that deliberately, Kayden,’ she pouted.

  ‘And if we are going to suck in the stubborn rogue ruler, I need a real angel on board to do it. Now quit the antics and enjoy the ride.’

  ‘Hate you!’

  ‘Love you!’ Kayden turned and winked, as his comment made her smile.

  ‘Okay, but if he laughs at me, I’m hopping on your horse, dressing like a man and whipping your hide.’

  Axon and Kayden cracked up laughing. They both knew she wouldn’t shut up now until they got there and they looked forward to the laugh along the way. Axon had fallen for her the very first trip. He met his match that day and gave in as they all had to befriend this mysterious beauty.

  Kayden led and as they hit the clouds all chatter ceased, and his was the last word. If she doesn’t dazzle our boy in that outfit today I give up, he communicated telepathically.

  Axon glanced at Caitlin, aware she would hate this voiceless part of the journey where the chatter was silent due to the magic of the approaching portal.

  * * * *

  Coming into the airspace of Orion’s Home World, Caitlin took her mind off the possible explosive situation ahead, and glanced around to see how the hunter lived. She expected overgrown meadows and bush, and to see livestock penned waiting to meet its fate. If they were invited for a meal she imagined the meat when cooked, to be still mooing and slapped on a paper plate to devour, she chuckled at the thought. Although she doubted a hunter would be so hospitable as to even offer a drink never mind a meal. Her thoughts wandered to what he might look like and she imagined a slightly ignorant man who spoke with a drawl. Possibly he’d be dressed like a farmer and would be in dire need of both a bath and a shave. She had never asked about him, and it was unusual for her to make an assumption until she met someone, but he had to be a real bad arse if the Riders had not yet broken him down.

  Closer to the ground, she sucked in her breath. How wrong was I. The mountain range stretched out as far as the eye could see, rivers twisted within the gullies and tall blossoming trees lined the rivers. His house from the air looked like a tropical holiday resort and now as they landed out front, the enormity of the two-storey building filled her with a sense of helplessness. No wonder this guy wasn’t interested in making a deal or amends; he had it all and what do you offer a man that has everything?

  Suddenly an army of soldiers appeared. Caitlin hadn’t noticed, too busy in her own thoughts. Guns weren’t aimed, but were held at the ready as if they expected trouble. Caitlin turned quickly to Kayden. They looked trigger-happy, and there was an awful lot of rifle power.

  Settle Cait, this is our usual welcome; Orion knows our power and is just flexing his muscles.

  This was going to be a tough assignment, and Caitlin suddenly felt very unsure of her abilities. She tried to subdue the anger that kept raging for his vicious attack against her friends and for the pain he caused her personally.

  Axon saw the frown, picked up her hand and held it. ‘I see your emotions are all over the place, but you know how to control them, don’t you?’

  ‘I want to blow him up when I meet him. See how he likes it!’

p; ‘Caitlin!’ Axon disciplined. ‘Kayden has taught you how to deal with emotions on a job, or they can be your downfall. Use the technique to calm down, or we go home.’

  She closed her eyes and did as she was trained. Using her inner power, she found the fiery anger and in her mind doused it with water. ‘Flames out.’ She took a deep breath as she opened her eyes and smiled. ‘See how long it lasts this time.’

  ‘If anyone can, I know you can do this.’ He was glad she didn’t look so stressed. ‘Now go do your thing and if it goes nowhere, believe me, it’s not from lack of magical sexiness.’ He grinned. ‘And if you do lose it, I won’t be mad. We’ll just have to find another way.’

  ‘Can’t promise anything at this point, just need to know you will support whatever I need to do.’

  ‘I will.’

  * * * *

  They were shown into Orion’s home, an enormous entrance similar to a grand six-star luxurious motel. Through double doors, the room acted as a grand sitting room that looked out over the immaculately designed outdoor area, complete with pool and meticulously manicured hedges and trees. This was surrounded by accommodation units, and from the view she’d had in the air, she knew each had its own jetty and motorised fishing boat.

  She eyed the white furniture against blood red carpets. On the walls hung heads of beasts; the colours and décor were proof of his love to hunt. The splash of white gave her a hint that there wasn’t only just darkness in his heart.

  The twitter of birds caught her off guard. He had living creatures amongst the deadness of animal heads that hung heavily on the walls. The rug on the floor even sported a head. She wondered what sort of man would enjoy the hunt so much he’d take up arms, and start a war to have his own way. To judge him she felt the need to try this sport first.

  Outside on the veranda, she was distracted and put her hand up. The colourful birds thrilled her when they perched on her palm, and even though distracted she kept her wits about her while listening for the villain of this elegant home to enter.

  It was Kayden who spoke to Orion as he came into the room, but she heard no response. She lifted her hand for the birds to fly off so she could meet him, wondering about the greeting she would get from someone so arrogant that he wouldn’t even speak to a guest that had talked to him. Possibly he gave a nod and that was it, what a douche bag. This had her more intrigued to see the person who owned all this magnificence, yet was so incredibly unsatisfied. She smiled at the birds, and at the same time turned. Aurek! What’s he doing here?

  Aurek already knew who was there; he could smell the delicious fragrance. What is Glow Girl doing here, surely she’s… no, she couldn’t be a rider? There had to be a reasonable explanation, he wanted to speak to her and now! He snapped his fingers at a servant. ‘Fix the guests a beverage.’ His superior tone surprised her.

  He turned to Kayden. ‘Is this one of your Riders?’

  ‘A Rider but not directly one of mine. ‘Her name is…’

  Before Kayden could finish the introductions, Aurek hushed him with an upraised arm. ‘I know who she is, she is Glow Girl, and it is she I have come to speak with. I was on my way out, and had no intentions of joining either of you today, until that fragrance…’ His egotistical tone tapered off. ‘Amuse yourselves. Get a drink, whatever.’

  Orion had no intention to wait for permission; he had to have time alone with her. Had Glow Girl tricked him? Did she know him? To lose her friendship shook him to the core, in fact, Orion barely kept it together as he took her arm and led Caitlin quickly outside and into the garden.

  It was at that moment when a stunned Axon and Kayden clicked that this was the friend she had met at Jett’s. They could read how annoyed with her he was and were both ready to snatch her away if he flexed his muscles. They both knew Orion well. He was full of games; it was in his nature. Neither trusted him and what would happen next was anyone’s guess.

  ‘Did you know who I was? You did, didn’t you? What game are you playing? I thought we were friends. This isn’t good, Glow. You should have told me who you were.’ He was angry, yet shattered at the same time.

  Tears stung her eyes. She didn’t understand his attack. ‘I’m not here to see you, Aurek. I’ve come to talk to Orion. He’s the son of a bitch that nearly blew me up. I have no beef with you.’

  His tone grew almost high-pitched. ‘That was you!’ His hand ran roughly over his matted hair. The dreadlocks today were clean and a little frizzy at the roots from a vigorous lather. She could see his mind tick over. ‘All the bruises! I did that to you? Are you serious?’ The bench seat creaked as the force of his body weight sat heavily on it.

  ‘You’re Orion! No! You couldn’t be that arrogant, hot-tempered, selfish man.’ She collapsed beside him, bewildered. ‘You’re lying to me, you’re my friend. We drank together, laughed and even shared dark secrets together. Please don’t say you’re him.’

  ‘I’m so sorry, Glow. I’m the monster you hate. Hell, I feel sick that I did that to you.’ Orion got up and spat in the bushes.

  Had he just been sick, did he care he hurt me that much?

  He turned and stared at her. Glow Girl had her head down and to lose her respect and friendship at this point, upset him more than he understood. Why he felt this way towards her, he had no clue but knew if it wasn’t sorted out somehow, it was he that would be the loser here. He bent down in front of her. ‘Your bruises…’ He shook his head and looked to the ground. ‘I wanted to kill the bastard that did that to you, and now I find it was me.’ Orion glared at her. ‘Why are you still sitting here? How can you stand to be anywhere near me and not run?’

  They locked eyes while time paused, as if she saw deep in his soul. He knew that was impossible or was it? I will miss you Glow. His eyes betrayed his thought. She squeezed her hands tightly in her lap, not taking her eyes from him, her next words so quiet he strained to hear. ‘You’re just Aurek to me, and you’re my friend. Before, when you did the unthinkable to me, you were Orion. Aurek could never do that, not to me, I am sure.’

  She patted the seat beside her and as if under a spell, he moved at her request. As she stood up and left him sitting the effect was angelic. Her gown looked saintly and floated with each movement. She turned her back on him, and he eyed the flawless complexion of a woman he’d most likely never see again. The thought stabbed at him.

  He dropped his eyes and felt the softest touch lift his chin.

  ‘I stood to show you, look, the marks of the tragedy are all gone. Not even a scar. Feel.’ She shifted side on so his hand could feel her back and at the same time gave him the most adorable smile that moved him.

  He rolled his eyes as she watched him intently. ‘Yes it’s better now.’ His hand dropped down and held hers with the same care he had on Pluto.

  ‘Orion is evil, and it was immorally wicked of him to have attacked the Cloud Riders. As a result, from trying to protect all our precious horses, not only I but my own horse Shargan was hurt badly, and we both ended up in much pain. Truthfully, I should have you flogged for such an act. That being said, as my friend, Aurek, you have never harmed me, and even now you feel sick to think you did so. How about we start again?’ She extended her hand, and he took it.

  ‘Hi, my name is Caitlin Warner, and I am a Cosmic Rider, attached to Axon’s team, not Kayden’s, and don’t ask why I am here helping out. I guess I just wanted to meet the swine, Orion. Kick him in the shins, pinch his ears, and maybe bitch slap him a few times.’

  Although he found her sweet and was pleased she was trying to make him feel better, his unhappiness at the pain he’d caused her wouldn’t subside. The only thing that would cheer him up is knowing she felt safe with him again, as she had while on Pluto together. He couldn’t raise a laugh as he was feeling so horrid.

  ‘Caitlin, you are Glow Girl to me, and so you never have to think of me so poorly. I would like to keep the
name you gave me when you knew me as your friend.’

  She smiled, let his hand go and sat beside him. ‘Aurek.’

  ‘Yes, Glow.’

  ‘Does that mean we can put aside our true selves and as friends, talk?’

  ‘I would like that if you can put what happened aside for a bit.’

  ‘I can do better than that.’ She raised her hand and placed it over her heart. ‘Caitlin, the Rider, in your company does not exist. We are the two we were when we met at Jett’s. Teasing, fun-loving buddies.’

  ‘I would appreciate that more than you know.’

  ‘Me too.’

  ‘So what now?’ He gave her a sideways look.

  ‘Cheer up, get off your butt and show me around this oasis. I couldn’t believe what I saw when we flew in. You’re one hell-of-a-catch! Want to marry me too?’

  ‘In your dreams, Glow Girl. No woman is getting a ring out of this man.’

  ‘You’re gay, then. I’m crushed, and hundreds of woman all over the galaxy are shattered.’

  ‘Give you gay. Spread that rumour and you’ll see Orion flex his wicked ways again.’

  ‘Orion will get his just desserts if he ever crosses my path again.’

  He eyed her, forgetting for a second how she liked to stir him. ‘Can you seriously put it aside?’

  ‘Look, tosser, I’m not scared of your tough, bad-boy side, so don’t even go there.’ She straightened with dignity.

  He thought her adorable. The copper hair toned by cool, bright-green eyes provoked him with gusto. ‘Call me a tosser!’ He snatched up the temptress and threw her over his shoulder.

  Caitlin’s reactive squeal had Kayden and Axon at the ready.

  ‘It’s okay boys, don’t get your jocks in a twist, just taking cheeky here on a tour.’ He put her down when he saw the daggers from the men watching. He didn’t want them to leave and take her just yet.

  Caitlin ran her hands down her thighs and straightened her dress before she slipped her arm through his and smiled. ‘Well, I’m waiting.’

  His weird but welcomed grin was the first since their arrival, and to her, that said it all; they were friends again. Axon and Kayden were speechless. His smile was a phenomenon neither had seen before.


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