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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 39

by Debbie Behan

  * * * *

  After the grand tour, Aurek stopped for a moment, his brows pulled in tight. ‘Please don’t let work spoil what we have. This here, with us two, it won’t change my mind. I’m still not prepared to give in.’

  ‘Aurek, my dearest new friend. I have forgiven that side of you which is untamed, and that is as far as I go. You will face the music, but not by my hands.’

  ‘So whether or not I give in, it’s of no consequence to you; we remain as we are right now.’ Aurek’s eyes were wide in anticipation of the answer.

  ‘You have my promise.’ Caitlin shook on it.

  * * * *

  Axon eyed the two as they walked in, Caitlin all smiles and full of life on the arm of Orion. He looked almost charming until Orion spotted them. His demeanour changed and the arrogance of the man met earlier, was back. Axon wondered if the expression was a glint of gloating. I am in a win-win here. It doesn’t matter if I agree of not, she will stay loyal to me.

  Caitlin spotted the uncertain, almost hateful stare of the men in front of her. ‘Come.’ She dragged Orion over to them. Axon glanced at Kayden who wiggled a shoulder, a habit when he was over the antics and in two minds to settle this one way or another.

  ‘This is Aurek, the new friend I told you about.’ They both froze as Caitlin worked her magic, not allowing either of them to move until she was ready. Axon knew she could control the ones she worked on, but this was the first time she had used it on them. The release of pent-up frustration dissipated as she continued to introduce Axon to the hunter.

  ‘All your family know my fiancé as Wolf, and if you don’t mind, I prefer this name to be used while off world and off duty.’

  ‘Off-duty! Like hell’ Kayden shook out of her controlled force long enough to respond.

  ‘We are going to spend some time together, Kayden. I have assured Aurek we will all enjoy this sanctioned visit that he has been kind enough to host.’ Caitlin stared at him.

  Kayden was instantly calmed by the essence of mutual friendship released into the atmosphere. Cait Why? He telepathically sent her a message before he was subdued by fragrance like no other. It lifted and left Kayden and Axon calmer. Had it not affected Aurek? Kayden was surprised, as Aurek had kept talking the entire time and was actually being polite.

  ‘Wolf, so glad to put a face to the name. Glow never shuts up about you. And Kayden, if we must stay pleasant to please Glow here, then so be it. I’m happy to call a truce while she is in my home. She has convinced me I can trust you and even though I have my doubts, I do trust her.’

  Kayden folded his arms. He had shaken off most of the agreeable magic. ‘And I am yet to trust you!’


  ‘Okay, that’s enough shop talk.’ Caitlin grabbed hold of Aurek’s arm again.

  His devotion to her was noticeable as he turned to show them into the games room. Here they played billiards, darts and before long, the afternoon quickly turned into late evening. It was when Kayden got the hang of saying Aurek and not Orion, that they all started to relax. It was easy for Axon as it was normal to use aliases with his planet Rulers. Kayden found out first hand why Caitlin used other names. It had confused him when he heard she did this but he realised it was sure easier to get to know Orion when he was normal and not acting like a spoilt overbearing Ruler.

  ‘Stay for dinner,’ Aurek was quick to invite them, when he saw Kayden make a time-out signal to Axon.

  ‘Sure, we’d love to stay for dinner,’ Axon agreed and saw Kayden suck back. Axon put an arm around him. ‘Tell me you’re not under the thumb and have to get home to Cassie, you’re kidding right?’

  Kayden ended up agreeing to stay.

  Axon knew how important this was to Cait during the early stages of talks and man, was she negotiating up a storm. He would be seeing how this played out but not for too long. He only had so much patience when it came to sharing his girl.

  They ate dinner together and continued the competitive banter until they slurred, making no sense. It was then that Caitlin struggled with them to the guest rooms where they were to crash for the night. She told Kayden he was in no shape to sit on his horse, never mind control the trip home, so he followed the servant who unlocked the cabins by the pool.

  Caitlin laughed at Axon as he told his last joke and dropped heavily on one of the beds.

  Aurek had stopped to help Kayden who banged into a wall and, laughing, almost slid down it where he was happy to stay the night.

  ‘No you don’t.’ Aurek slipped an arm around him and yanked him up. ‘Come on big guy, I might not like you yet, but I’m sure not going to let you sleep there all night.’

  ‘Ah, you like me then,’ Kayden kidded.

  ‘Don’t go spreading that shit around. I like no man.’ He laughed aloud and started Kayden off again. His foghorn outburst had the boys in fits all night.

  Caitlin turned to see Kayden and Aurek arm in arm and wasn’t sure which one carried whom, but they both fell together, face down on the larger of the beds. Both chuckled like schoolboys while sliding pillows under their heads and grunted and groaned as they kept their massive bodies from rolling onto the floor. Finally, they were asleep, and she curled up with Axon and dozed, her mind still trying to work out a plan to turn this war around.

  Next morning, Caitlin woke up feeling bright, but the men suffered. She wondered if she had hit them with a bit too much magic as she had never seen Axon so drunk or wake with even a slight hangover. Aurek rolled from the bed and pressing a button, ordered breakfast to be served out on the patio. It wasn’t far for them to go and, nursing sore heads, they sat around afterwards with coffee.

  Feeling half human, Kayden put his cup down. ‘Best we head back.’ He frowned as he checked his messages on the NAVpager.

  ‘What, you’re not coming hunting with me today?’ Aurek blinked. ‘I thought last night you said you were in.’

  Axon shrugged. ‘I vaguely remember talking about it.’ He saw Caitlin wasn’t ready to leave. She hadn’t got what she came for but left it up to Kayden. They were in his zone and so they waited for the commander to decide.

  ‘I suppose if a couple of girls like yourselves can’t handle your booze, you definitely won’t deal with blood and guts the next day hunting,’ Aurek stirred.

  ‘Girls, us!’ Kayden threw his head back and laughed heartily with Axon.

  ‘I have got a couple of NAVwheelers out there you can granny drive if you think you can keep up.’

  ‘Stirring bastard! We’ll see who can’t keep up and comes home empty handed.’ Kayden stuffed the NAVpager in his pocket. ‘What do you want to do, Axon?’

  ‘Don’t have to ask me twice. Shoot, I can wangle a bit more time off if it’s to kill something. Rory can handle things while I’m gone.’

  Caitlin had her hold on the men, and they weren’t going anywhere until this mess was sorted. She put her hand up. ‘Me too, I’m in.’

  ‘I don’t think so, Glow. Told you before, men only.’ Aurek tried to sound bossy. The truth was, he didn’t want her anywhere near a possible hunting accident. His land was unforgiving at times, and mishaps occurred. It was rugged and just how he liked it.

  ‘I’m a guest and should be treated equally!’ she huffed and crossed her arms.

  ‘Come on guys, help me out here,’ grumbled Aurek.

  Axon loved that she was using her stubbornness on someone else for a change and didn’t intervene. Give him stick, beautiful.

  Kayden shrugged. ‘Doesn’t worry me. She may be Glow to you and Red to us, but to a predator, she’s trouble,’ Kayden put in, unsure if Aurek was aware of her powers and in case he wasn’t, left it at that.

  The dry, hot morning turned to a sizzler by afternoon and to alleviate the heat, the men guzzled down Moonjuice while lugging guns and supplies. It gave Caitlin time to wander about, enjoying nature in i
ts raw state.

  On their return and after handing their catch to the servants, the loud, rowdy hunters dived into the swimming pool, and there they stayed; only getting out grabbing more bottles of Moonjuice as they ran out. With them sunburnt and acting the larrikins, it gave Caitlin time to wind down. Not having to use so much power to control them, she sun-baked and enjoyed their banter, sometimes entering into it but mostly allowing them time to bond alone. She hadn’t realised how much alike Kayden and Axon were. They hit it off, but when they clashed, as both were so stubborn, she or Aurek had to mediate. Many times it was Aurek that stirred them up, and it was his underhanded cunning that amused her the most. He is one funny guy, she’d grin to herself. Finally, Kayden crashed on one of the pool lounges while Caitlin struggled and dumped Axon on a bed. His weight clumsily thumped on the mattress, and the crack of something left the bed at a funny angle. Out cold, she left him and went to find Aurek who had found relief on a tree and laughed at her poised shake of her head and hands on hips.

  ‘Bed, now!’ Her disciplinary tone made him laugh, but surprising her, he did as she asked and put an arm around her to allow Caitlin to struggle with his large uncoordinated body.

  He noticed her deep sigh as he flopped onto the bed opposite Axon. ‘See Glow, that’s why I didn’t want you to come. We men can be real tossers. Hunting triggers the testosterone,’ he slurred.

  She chuckled. ‘It was an experience I’m pleased I got to experience. My sigh was a good one, relieved the three of you are unharmed and in bed.’

  ‘You’re a good mate, Glow Girl, and the prettiest friend I ever had.’ His inebriated smile made her grin. ‘Glow?’ His voice trailed off.


  ‘Am I your best pal too?’ He blinked, as if waiting for a blow.

  ‘You’re my newest best mate. I have Jett too, remember?’

  ‘Ah! That’s right, but only because that mongrel got to have you all to himself for days. Not fair Glow.’

  Before Caitlin could think what she was saying, or think he would take her seriously the kidding words that came out next were a surprise to both. ‘Well if you stop trying to blow up the Cloud Riders, Wolf might let me spend a few days with you as well.’

  ‘Really!’ He sat up straight and slurred, ‘You better ask him Glow Girl, I like that deal.’ And he fell down and went straight to sleep.

  Axon had woken in time to hear her words. ‘He’ll blatzing well hold you to that,’ he growled as Caitlin slipped into his arms for a cuddle.

  ‘I was just messing about; he won’t remember a thing tomorrow.’ She pushed aside his concerns and fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Axon woke Caitlin with a kiss, and when she moved to get up, he pulled her back to bed. Caitlin squirmed out of the romantic arms. He moaned, wanting a few more minutes.

  ‘We have company,’ she whispered.

  He put his head up and looked around. ‘Ah, I remember now, we didn’t get home again last night, did we?’

  ‘I’ll go rustle us up coffee.’ She shifted from him and planted her feet on the ground before he could snatch her back to him again. She glanced over towards Aurek’s bed. His eyes were wide as he watched her, and a slight smirk curled the corners of his mouth.

  ‘I suppose I’d better get up and help or we all know what sort of a nasty-tasting coffee we‘ll end up with.’ He shifted from the bed and stood lazily waiting for her to put on her shoes.

  He led her into a large commercial-style kitchen. ‘See this button here?’ He pointed to a blue covered switch. ‘When you’re finished cooking and loading the dishwasher, you flick this blue baby and the whole room vacuum seals and is a massive big washing machine that cleans the walls, floors and benches.’ One of my inventions to keep the help to a minimum. Over the years the trust has diminished with the continued war between Aldebaran and my Home World.’

  ‘I saw some guards as we flew in, but they weren’t great in numbers and I have seen only minimal domestic help. It must be concerning to you when you’re on your own. You aren’t one of the most favoured owners, and to top it off, you take so many risks.’

  ‘Don’t you worry your pretty little head about security, my sweet.’ He almost gritted his teeth. With little confidence in the newfound relationship, he felt she pried into his affairs a bit too much at times, torn between their two worlds that were miles apart.

  ‘Sorry, didn’t mean to poke my nose into your business. Honestly, it doesn’t interest me about how you protect yourself, I just wish to know that my best best new buddy has smarts enough to keep from harm. It would break my heart if anything were to happen to you.’ She looked up affectionately.

  Aurek saw this was genuine concern and cursed himself under his breath for the arrogant snipe. ‘I have more than enough security and my army is strong and close. You just can’t see them, but believe it when I say that even now, they are all around us.’

  She touched his face affectionately. ‘I need you to stay safe. You are important to me. Thank you for making me feel better.’

  He looked down at the charming woman that with just in a blink of an eye had changed everything he knew to be true. For the first time ever, he knew exactly what she meant, for he too would do anything to keep her safe. It was then his heart clenched. She will go today. He needed more time, but why? He wasn’t in love with her and yet there was something that encased him as he stared into her glistening emerald eyes, so enchanting, so divine.

  The low vibration of need in his voice made her shudder as he said, ‘I remember what you said last night. This is where we draw a line in the sand, where I find out if what you say I will always trust. I want you to stay a while longer – without them. Do you trust me or only while you are guarded? I want more from you, Glow, and need it if we are to go any further into this friendship.’

  ‘Aurek, pl–ease.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘I’ve only just come home. Axon will have a fit if I do this to him right now. You know in your heart you can trust me.’

  ‘Glow, it has to be now! You know I will honour your engagement plans to Axon. If you leave me like this, now, it will devastate me. He will have you for the rest of his lifetime. I ask for only three days of your time.’

  ‘Why three?’

  ‘I want to take you somewhere special. Somewhere you do nothing but nag of me to take you.’

  She breathed in deeply and calmly exhaled. ‘Oh, I see.’ She gave him a grin. ‘How much Moonjuice do you have here?’

  ‘Plenty– why?’

  ‘You better bring it out, ‘cause we’re going to need more than Axon drank last night for him to agree to this demand. You know he will want something in return.’

  Aurek knew that but could promise her nothing; her words left him speechless.

  Caitlin shrugged at the helpless silence. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll see what I can do, anyway.’

  Aurek turned with a heavy heart, worried he’d pushed something so new, so fragile. Still, he had to have her, and if it came down to it, Aurek would fight for her.

  Axon and Kayden sat on the lounges around the pool while they waited for them to return. Aurek noted the fun was over as he handed Axon his coffee. They had showered, and their appearance was all business. It sent a clear message; this was the end of the visit and definitely, their last day.

  Caitlin lowered herself quietly into one of the chairs and sipped her coffee while she eyed the three of them. Aurek had thrown her with his request, and she’d lost focus. Gone was the hold she had on the other two, and she sat powerless as Aurek’s appearance altered also. His face was a mask of non-expression as it had been on their arrival. Ready for it or not, it looked as if it was time to stop the games and do what they came here to do.

  Kayden leant forward, full of no-nonsense intent. ‘What do we have to do to wrap up this meeting that will satisfy you enough to end the bitterness towards Ta
urus and us?’

  Caitlin observed the strong Ruler. He was again, Orion. He’s face was impassive; his strong square jaw set stubbornly, showing he was sticking to his fixed point of view. This man has no intentions of backing down.

  To him, his terms were simple. ‘I want a permit to hunt on Taurus. They have more than enough bulls, and I know you agree, Taurean steaks are like no other.’

  Both men nodded in agreement and yet they all knew this could never be. Orion had to see sense, and the debate went on for a couple of hours until Caitlin thought her head would explode. The talks were going nowhere. Orion’s frustration was evident, and she needed to come up with something, fast.

  She stood up and poured two shots of Starstarter. Ignoring Axon and Kayden, she sat on a low stool in front of Orion and handed one to him and kept the other for herself. ‘Cheers!’ She lifted hers and swallowed the immortal elixir that was well known for its calming effects. However, by drinking it straight, the immortal male could become light-headed and agreeable or the opposite, moody and unpredictable. She wished for the light-headedness that would have him more pleasant.

  Orion copied her with an eyebrow cocked, unsure what she was doing. She had her back to Axon and Kayden, deliberately cutting them off. This was between her and him now. She had regained her power and given them enough time.

  ‘Aurek, tell me something. How long do the steaks last in your freezer? I’m referring to the expiry of the taste.’

  ‘Six months, give or take.’ Aurek had let go of the argumentative tone he held. Not knowing where she was going with it, he smiled within. First and foremost he was aware that he could trust her; figured Glow was taking over because she had come up with a plan. Finally, she was coming through for him, and it cemented all the reasons why he felt as he did about her. She does have my best interests at heart. He concentrated hard on her next question, wanting to give her every bit of information she required to make an informed decision. He would have loved to know what she was thinking. Jett told him she was a lateral thinker, so he waited in anticipation.


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