Mao: The Unknown Story

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Mao: The Unknown Story Page 86

by Jung Chang

  Eto, Prof. Shinkichi

  China expert, historian

  Fuwa, Tetsuzo

  head, Communist Party

  Fujita, Kimio

  diplomat; at secret Chou-Sukarno meeting, 1965

  Fujiwara, Prof. Akira

  China expert, historian

  Hata, Prof. Ikuhiko

  China expert, historian

  Kanazawa, Yukio

  prominent Maoist journalist

  Koizumi, Seiichi

  intelligence officer, China, 1940s, dealing with CCP

  Maeda, Mitsushige

  POW, Yenan

  Mikasa, Prince

  brother of Emperor Hirohito; army officer, China, 1940s

  Miyamoto, Kenji

  head, Communist Party

  Nakajima, Prof. Mineo

  China expert, historian

  Nikaido, Susumu

  Chief Cabinet Secretary

  Nosaka, Sanzo

  head, Communist Party

  Shimizu, Masao

  director, Matsuzawa Ballet

  Tachiki, Hiroshi

  Communist Party official; long-term resident in China

  Takeuchi, Prof. Minoru

  leading Mao expert; editor, Mao’s works


  Kang Sang Ho

  Deputy Minister of the Interior during Korean War



  Chin Peng

  Party chief; guerrilla leader, 1948–61; exile in China


  Anguiano, Eugenio

  ambassador, Peking

  Cárdenas, Cuauhtémoc

  Mayor of Mexico City; presidential candidate

  Echeverría, Luis



  Corner, Frank

  Foreign Minister


  Gowon, Gen. Yakubu



  Steigan, Pal

  Maoist leader



  Marcos, Imelda

  First Lady


  Rowinski, Jan

  (and Hala)

  student, then diplomat, Peking, 1950s–60s

  Walesa, Lech


  Werblan, Andrzej


  chief foreign policy adviser to Party chief Gomulka


  Arkhipov, Ivan V.

  chief economic adviser to the Chinese government, 1950–51, 1953–58; later 1st Deputy Premier

  Berezhkov, Valentin

  interpreter for Stalin

  Blake, George

  British intelligence officer, Korea; spy for Russia


  embassy, Peking

  Aleksandr A.


  Chervonenko, Stepan V.

  ambassador to China, 1959–1965, during famine and Sino-Soviet split

  Delyusin, Prof. Lev


  correspondent, China; China scholar

  Galenovich, Yuri

  embassy, Peking; interpreter at talks with Mao

  Glunin, Prof. V. I.

  historian; expert on CCP and the Comintern

  Kapitsa, Mikhail S.

  top China expert throughout Mao period; Deputy Foreign Minister

  Karpov, Col. Vladimir

  spokesman for Intelligence Service (FSB)

  Kartunova, Anastasia

  escort for Mme Mao in Russia, 1949, 1952–53

  Kudashev, Rishat S


  senior interpreter for Khrushchev, Mikoyan and Kosygin in talks with Mao

  Kukushkin, K. V.

  Expert in CCP — Moscow relations

  Kulik, Boris T.

  head, China Department, International Department, Soviet CP

  Ledovsky, Andrei M


  Consul General, Shenyang,1950–52; embassy, 1940s; China scholar with special archive access

  Lobov, Lt. Gen. Georgi

  Commander, Soviet Air Force in Korean War

  Mirovitskaya, Dr. Raisa A.

  China scholar with special access to Defense Ministry archives

  Plotnikov, Col. Georgi

  senior North Korea expert, Institute of Military History

  Rogachev, Igor

  ambassador to China

  Selivanov, Gen. Igor V.

  adviser to the head of the Medical Department of the North Korean army, 1950–52

  Shevelyov, Konstantin

  top expert on Comintern archives and CCP

  Sidikhmenov, Vasili

  interpreter on secret Russian mission to Yenan, 1945; head, interpreters’ bureau, Moscow summit, 1957

  Sozinov, Gen. Valentin

  Chief Soviet adviser to chief of staff, North Korean Army in Korean War, 1950–52

  Tikhvinsky, Sergei L


  intelligence officer; special access to archives

  Troyanovsky, Oleg

  senior foreign policy adviser to Khrushchev and Kosygin; ambassador to China

  Zagvozdin, Gen. (KGB)

  supervised exhumation of Lin


  Biao in Mongolia, 1971



  Lee Khoon Choy

  senior China policy adviser to Lee Kuan Yew

  Lee Kuan Yew

  Prime Minister

  Rajaratnam, S


  Foreign Minister


  Carrillo, Santiago

  head, Communist Party; at Comintern, 1930s–1940s



  Babu, Abdul Rahman

  Minister of Trade and Commerce, 1965 (negotiated Tan-Zam Railway); earlier, Foreign Minister, Zanzibar



  Chatichai Choonhavan

  Foreign Minister; later Premier

  Mme Pridi

  wife of former Thai Premier; long-term exile in China


  Bosshardt, Alfred

  Swiss missionary kidnapped on Long March

  Condron, Andrew

  Korean War POW who went to China

  Croft, John

  code-breaker on intercepts of Russian broadcasts to foreign Communist Parties, 1940s

  Gordievsky, Oleg

  Former Soviet intelligence officer

  Heath, Edward

  Prime Minister

  Morgan, Sir John

  British diplomat, Peking, 1970

  Needham, Joseph

  British embryologist; on germ warfare investigation team, 1952


  Bush, George H. W.

  head, US Liaison Office, Peking 1974–75; CIA Director; President

  Colby, William

  CIA Director under Nixon and Ford

  Colling, John

  US mission to Yenan (“Dixie” Mission)

  Davies, John Paton

  US State Department; to Yenan

  Ford, Gerald


  Haig, Gen. Alexander

  head, advance party for Nixon visit, 1972

  Helms, Richard

  CIA Director

  Hitch, Herbert

  US mission to Yenan (“Dixie” Mission); on Marshall Mission

  Kissinger, Henry

  National Security Adviser, 1969–73; Secretary of State, 1973–77

  Lilley, James

  Top CIA China expert; CIA station chief, Peking

  Lord, Winston

  Assistant Secretary of State

  Odeen, Philip


  National Security Council staff

  Polevoy, Leonid S.


  son of man who tried to teach young Mao Russian

  Roderick, John

  AP correspondent, Yenan, 1945–47

  Rusk, Dean


  Secretary of State

  Schlesinger, James

; Secretary of Defense; CIA Director

  Scowcroft, Gen. Brent

  National Security Adviser

  Service, John

  State Department; mission to Yenan (“Dixie” Mission)

  Solomon, Richard

  Assistant Secretary of State

  Snow, Helen Foster

  Yenan, 1937; first wife of Edgar

  [Nym Wales]


  Snow, Lois Wheeler

  second wife of Edgar Snow; to China with Snow, 1970

  Stokes, William

  Vice-Consul, Shenyang (and Jadwiga)

  Williams, Robert


  black militant; resident in China, 1960s

  Yang Chen Ning


  Nobel Prize — winning physicist


  Bui Diem

  South Vietnamese ambassador to USA

  Bui Tin, Col.

  North Vietnamese army, at Dien Bien Phu

  Ngo Manh Lan

  adviser to Gen. Giap

  Nguyen Dinh Uoc,

  North Vietnamese army, at Dien

  Lt. Gen.

  Bien Phu; director, Institute of Military History, Hanoi



  Jojic, Prof. Dimitri

  former army officer (exile in Albania); worked in Radio Peking, 1960s and 1970s


  Mobutu Sese Seko



  Michelangelo Antonioni, Sir Leonard Appleyard, Algerian President Abdel Aziz Bouteflika (via intermediary), Herbert Brownell, William Buckley, Romanian ambassador to China Romulus Budura, Barbara Bush, Gen. Henry Byroade (T), Lord (James) Callaghan, Sir Michael Caine, Lord (Peter) Carrington, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Brian Crozier, Helen De Vries, Milovan Djilas, Everett Drumright (T), Nikolai T. Fedorenko (T), Russian ambassador Yuri Fokine, Betty Ford, J. K. Galbraith, Martha Gellhorn, Sergei Goncharov, Anthony Grey, Marshall Green, Prof. Aleksandr Grigoriev, Penny Gummer, Han Suyin, Hon. Alan Hare, Ed Hauck (T), Lord (Michael) Heseltine, John Holdridge, Lord (Douglas) Hurd, Giovanni Jervis, Ismail Kadare, R. N. Kao, Lady Clare Keswick, Henry Keswick, Nancy Kissinger, Ina Krymova, Owen Lattimore, Helmut & Marianne Liebermann (T), North Vietnamese ambassador to France Ho Nam, Mieczyslaw Maneli (T), Prof. Arlen Meliksetov, Sergo Mikoyan (T), Prof. Vladimir Myasnikov, Albanian Premier Fatos Nano, Gen. Paek Sun-yop, Prof. Moisei Persits, Phoumi Vongvichit (via Prof. Grant Evans), Chris Pocock, János Radványi (T), Krishna Rasgotra, Norman Reddaway, Claude Roy, Egyptian Premier Aziz Sidky (T), Prof. Nodari Simoniya, Boris Slavinsky, Sir Nicholas Stern, Viktor Suvorov (T), Viktor Usov, Arkady Vaksberg, Bianca Vidali (T), Lord (William) Waldegrave, George Walden, Sir John and Lady Weston.


  We regret not being able to name archives consulted in Mainland China.


  Arkivi Qëndror i Shtetit i Republikës së Shqipërisë (Central State Archive of the Republic of Albania) BULGARIA

  Tsentralen Durzhaven Arkhiv (Central State Archive) GERMANY

  Stiftung Archiv der Parteien and Massenorganisationen der ehemaligen DDR im Bundesarchiv (Foundation for the Archives of the Parties and Mass Organizations of the Former GDR [East Germany] in the Federal Archives) ITALY

  Franciscan Order, Curia Generale; Istituto Gramsci; Vincentian Order JAPAN

  Japanese Communist Party, Central Committee; Japanese Foreign Ministry, Archives of the Gaiko Shiryokan RUSSIA

  Arkhiv Prezidenta Rossiiskoy Federatsii (Archive of the President of the Russian Federation); Arkhiv Vneshney Politiki Rossiiskoy Federatsii (Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation); Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Sotsialno-politicheskoi Istorii (Russian State Archive of Socio-political History) SWITZERLAND

  League of Nations Archives, United Nations TAIWAN

  Academia Historica; Archive of the Investigation Bureau; Nationalist Party History Archive UK

  Archive of the Communist Party of Great Britain; National Archives; Oxford University, Bodleian Library USA

  Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, New York; Cornell University, Carl A. Kroch Library, Ithaca, NY; Emory University, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta; Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; Hoover Institution Library, Stanford, California; Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Washington, D.C.; National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.; Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, Mass.; Syracuse University, George Arents Research Library, Syracuse, NY; University of Washington, Special Collections, Manuscripts and University Archives, Seattle; Lauchlin Currie Papers in the possession of Roger Sandilands.


  Asterisks indicate written Chinese-language sources, using the pinyin spelling system (with a few exceptions). References to English translations are given in brackets, denoted by “E:.” Abbreviations used in the Notes are given at the start of the Bibliographies.

  CHAPTER 1 On the Cusp from Ancient to Modern

  1 Found out emperor’s death: Snow 1973, p. 138.

  2 –5 Parents: Snow 1973, pp. 130–4; Mao Clan Chronicle; Mao’s father-in-law Yang Chang-chi’s diary, 5 Apr. 1915, in Mao 1990, p. 636 (E: MRTP vol. 2, p. 60); Li Xiangwen, pp. 25–51; Zhao Zhichao, pp. 273–4; visit to Shaoshan and conversations with locals.

  3 Name preordained in 18th century: Mao Clan Chronicle.

  4 “Boy of Stone”: Li Xiangwen, p. 51. Mao about his mother: Snow 1973, p. 132; Shi Zhe 1992, p. 180; Yan Changlin, p. 321. Carefree childhood: Mao letter to a cousin, 27 Nov. 1937, in Mao 1984, pp. 114–15; Zhao Zhichao, pp. 271–81; Yan Changlin, pp. 320–1.

  5 –6 Did well in Confucian classics: Li Rui 1992, pp. 1–3. Clashes with tutors: Snow 1973, pp. 131ff; Zhao Zhichao, pp. 103–12, 122–3.

  6 “jet-plane” father: Mao to Red Guard leaders, 28 July 1968, in IIR, p. 546 (E: Mao Miscellany vol. 2, p. 496).

  7 Rows with father: Snow 1973, pp. 132–3; Shi Zhe 1992, p. 182.

  8 First marriage: Mao Clan Chronicle; Li Xiangwen, p. 66; Snow 1973, p. 147; Cheng 1973, p. 68. “In families in the West”: “The Question of Miss Zhao’s Personality,” 18 Nov. 1919, Mao 1990, pp. 416–17 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 423).

  9 In modern school: Snow 1973, pp. 136–7; Zhao Zhichao, pp. 282–4. “exceedingly excited”: Snow 1973, p. 139.

  1 °Claims early concern for peasants: ibid., pp. 135–6, 139.

  11 –9 No trace of Millstone Maker: interview with local Party historians, 21 Oct. 1994. Yang Chang-chi, 5 Apr. 1915: Mao 1990, p. 636 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 60). “bowled over” by Tseng Kuo-fan: letter to Li Jinxi, 23 Aug. 1917, Mao 1990, p. 85 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 131). “sea of bitterness”: “The Great Union of the Popular Masses,” 21 July 1919, Mao 1990, pp. 373–5 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 382). 71 items: “Statutes of the Problem Study Society,” 1 Sept. 1919, Mao 1990, p. 397 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 409). “workers and peasants”: “Clearing up the Doubt,” 27 Sept. 1920, Mao 1990, p. 519 (E: MRTP vol. 1, pp. 558–9). “proletariat”: “Letter to Xiao Xudong [Siao-yu], Cai Linbin [Cai He-sen] and the Other Members in France,” 1 Dec. 1920, XXZ, pp. 149–50 (E: MRTP vol. 2, p. 10). Friend’s diary: Xie Juezai, pp. 49–50.

  CHAPTER 2 Becoming a Communist

  1 Russell: Russell to The Nation, 28 Oct. 1920, in id. 1968, p. 139; cf. ibid.: pp. 126–7; our visit to Changsha. Newspaper addiction: Snow 1973, p. 139. First political essay: ibid., p. 140. “be prepared for war”: Mao 1990, p. 647.

  2 Dazzling range of choices: Snow 1973, p. 143. like a buffalo: Siao 1953, p. 36. Teacher-training college: visit to the college, Changsha, and conversations with locals, Oct. 1994. Real “Hundred Flowers”: INT.

  3 Swimming poem: Mao 1920–27, p. 303 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 159). Summer 1917 round countryside: Siao 1953.

  4 Mao extreme remarks: Zhang Kundi diary, 23 Sept. 1917, in Mao 1990, p. 639 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 139).

  5 –14 Notes on Paulsen: “Marginal Notes to Friedrich Paulsen
, A System of Ethics,” 1917–18, Mao 1990, pp. 116–275 (E: MRTP vol. 1, pp. 175–313). “all there only for me”: ibid. pp. 147–8 (p. 205). “no duty to other people”: ibid.*p. 235 (p. 277). “responsible to no one”: ibid.*pp. 204–5 (pp. 252–3). “not my own reality”: ibid. p. 205 (p. 252). “not … for future generations”: ibid. p. 206 (p. 253). Conscience “for better completion of impulse”: ibid. pp. 210–11 (pp. 255–7). Don’t kill “out of self-interest”: ibid.p. 120 (p. 179). “purely calculation for oneself”: ibid. p. 219 (p. 263). “Great Heroes”: ibid. pp. 218–19 (pp. 263–4). “Long-lasting peace … unendurable”: ibid. pp. 184–6 (pp. 237–8). Death “fantastic”: ibid. pp. 197–8 (p. 247). “How do we change” China: ibid. pp. 201–2 (p. 250).

  6 Yang Chang-chi wrote: “Journal,” 5 Apr. 1915, in Mao 1990, p. 636 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 60). Another teacher: Xu Teli, in Band & Band, p. 250. Not elected leader: New People’s Study Society Report, no. 1, winter 1920, in XXZ, p. 4.

  7 –16 “my mind is filled”: Letter to Tao Yi [Tao Siyong], Mao 1990, p. 467 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 494). Cannot learn Russian: Leonid Polevoy (son of Sergei) telephone interview, 24 May 1998, and letter to authors; S. Polevoy role: VKP vol.1, pp. 28, 48, 744. Life in Peking: New People’s Study Society Report, no. 1, winter 1920, in XXZ, p. 6; Snow 1973, pp. 151ff; Luo Zhanglong, pp. 8–9. “did not treat me like a human”: Snow 1973, p. 151.

  8 Unkempt: INT; Cadart & Cheng, p. 159.

  9 “we must now doubt”: “Manifesto on the Founding of the Xiang River Review,” 14 July 1919, Mao 1990, p. 292 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 318). Mao and mother: “Letter to Seventh and Eighth Maternal Uncles,” Aug. 1918, Mao 1990, p. 288 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 174). “When my mother was dying”: Wu Xujun, in Remembering Mao Zedong vol. 2, p. 663.

  10 Father longing to see Mao: visit to the Mao clan temple, Shaoshan. “On Women’s Independence”: 21 Nov. 1919, Mao 1990, pp. 422–3 (E: “Concerning the Incident of Miss Zhao’s Suicide,” MRTP vol. 1, pp. 432–3). “participate in production”: Kau & Leung, p. 175. Second trip to Peking: Snow 1973, pp. 153ff; relationship with Hu, Mao 1990, p. 494; with Li, ibid., p. 467; Zhou Zuoren, p. 115. Mao on Chen: “The Arrest and Rescue of Chen Duxiu [Chen Tu-hsiu],” 14 July 1919, Mao 1990, pp. 302–6 (E: MRTP vol. 1, p. 329).

  11 –19 Idea of CCP from Moscow: Shevelyov 1981, p. 128; YD, pp. 22–3; Chen Duxiu, p. 119. Voitinsky in China: Shevelyov 1981, pp. 128, 130; Glunin in Astafiev et al. 1970, pp. 66–87; VKP vol. 1, pp. 28, 38, 48. Party founded Aug. 1920: Maring to Zinoviev et al., 20 June 1923, in Saich 1991, p. 611; Yu-Ang-Li, p. 422. New Youth subsidized by Comintern: Shevelyov 1981, p. 131.


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