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Mao: The Unknown Story

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by Jung Chang

  5 Lo Fu becomes No. 1: Chen Yun 1935, p. 43 (E: Chen Yun 1935, p. 648); Zhou 1972, pp. 68–9. Pressure on Po: Titov, vol. 2, p. 123. Kept secret: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 450. Decision to move into Sichuan: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 444. Stern proposal: 16 Sept. 1934, in VKP vol. 4, p. 688.

  6 –140 Lepin role: Mirovitskaya 1975, pp. 94ff. Li Li-san: Li Li-san report, 3 Aug. 1935, VKP vol. 4, pp. 897–903. Ringwalt report: NARA, RG 59, LM 83, roll 9 (US Department of State, file 893.00/12966, 11 Jan. 1935). Kim Philby: Philby, pp. 518–19.

  7 Chang Kuo-tao bases: Xu Xiangqian, pp. 121–2, 137, 221.

  8 –141 Purge: ibid., p. 103; Chang Kuo-tao report, 25 Nov. 1931, in ZDJC vol. 15, pp. 330–4, cf. 345–9; Chen Chang-hao, Nov. 1931, in ZZ4, Eyuwan period, vol. 2, pp. 433–4. Mao insists on ambush: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 445; Mao talk, 10 Sept. 1956, in DDWX, 1991, no. 3, p. 7; CWB, no. 6–7 (1995–1996), p. 159 (Mao to Soviet ambassador Yudin, 22 July 1958). Original plan: 20 Jan. 1935, in ZZWX vol. 10, p. 479.

  9 Tucheng: Jin Chongji et al. 1996, p. 346; Guo Chen, pp. 198–202. Casualties: Ye Xinyu, pp. 207–8; Song Renqiong, pp. 63–5; Xiao Hua, cited in Salisbury 1985, p. 372, n. 11.

  10 Lin Biao: Braun 1982, p. 110. Original plan scrapped: ZZWX vol. 10, p. 483. Retake Zunyi: Wang Jialie, pp. 90–2.

  11 Interview with one of the historians, Aug. 1997.

  12 Mao appointment: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 450. Pyrrhic victory: Wang Yan et al., p. 132–3; Huang Kecheng, p. 134. 5 & 10 Mar.: ZDJC vol. 15,p. 434.

  13 Mao lost post: Cheng Zhongyuan, pp. 218–19. Triumvirate formed: ibid.; Zhou 1972, p. 69. Maotai defeat: Mao talk, 10 Sept. 1956, in DDWX, 1991, no. 3, p. 7; Peng 1998, p. 118; Chen Jiren, p. 90; Ministry History Bureau MND, pp. 883–4; Nationalists’ telegrams (and Lin Biao report), in Guizhou Archive, pp. 123–5; also in Guizhou Social Science & Guizhou Museum, pp. 612–13.

  14 –145 “crossing to the east”: ZDJC vol. 15, pp. 436–7. “circling”: Braun 1982, p. 110. Kuo-tao’s army: Xu Xiangqian, pp. 263, 268. “tour de force”: Nie, p. 218. Chiang baffled: Yan Daogang, pp. 18–20. Transferred army away from Sichuan border: Sun Du, p. 136.

  15 “forced marches”: Braun 1982, pp. 113–14; Guo Chen, pp. 213–14. 9th Corps: Zhao Rong, pp. 167–88.

  16 –147 Baby girl birth: Interviews with Gui-yuan’s fellow marchers, 23 Sept. & 15 Oct. 1993, 14 Sept. 1994; Wang Xingjuan 1987, pp. 199–200; Zhang Xinshi, pp. 12–13. Mao indifference: ibid. interviews; Wang Xingjuan 1987, p. 200. “hen dropping an egg”: Interview with Zeng Zhi, 24 Sept. 1994; Wang Xingjuan 1993, p. 8.

  17 hit by a bomb, Mao reaction: Interviews with fellow marchers, ibid., and 12 Sept. 1997; Wang Xingjuan 1987, pp. 204–8. “Where are we going”: Cai Xiaoqian, p. 296. Lin Biao clamored: Cheng Zhongyuan, pp. 220–1.

  18 Lo Fu: Braun 1982, pp. 114–15. Mao livid: Braun 1982, p. 115. Young woman: Liu Ying, pp. 66–9. “expand southward”: order Chen Jiren, p. 90. 25 Apr. cable: in Chen Jiren, p. 90. Head for Sichuan: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, pp. 453–4; PLA Military Science Academy, p. 68.

  19 –149 Crossing Golden Sand River: Braun 1982, p. 113; Song Renqiong, pp. 71–2; PLA Military Science Academy, pp. 69–70; Nationalists’ telegrams, in Yunnan Archive, pp. 226–9; Li Yimang, pp. 199–200; Salisbury, pp. 309–10. Huili, Peng: Sichuan Party History Committee, pp. 60–2; Peng, pp. 368–71; Liu Ying, pp. 71–3; Nie 1991, p. 231 (E: Nie, pp. 222–3); Braun 1982, pp. 115–16; Li Rui 1989, p. 259.

  20 “I was denounced instead”: Huang Kecheng, pp. 135–6. “go north”: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 455.

  21 Chen Yun message in Moscow: RGASPI, 495/18/1011, pp. 13–14 (Chen Report to Comintern, 15 Oct. 1935, as delivered) & RGASPI, 495/18/1013, p. 73 (with handwritten changes and deletions, apparently by Manuilsky); VKP vol. 4, pp. 915–17 (notes to ECCI Secretariat minutes, 15 Oct. 1935) and ibid., p. 877; Zhang Wentian 2000, p. 249.

  22 No Nationalist troops at Dadu: Nationalist telegrams, in Sichuan Archive, pp. 142, 150–3, 160. 93–year-old: Interview by the Dadu Bridge, 1 Sept. 1997.

  23 Dadu myth: Snow 1973, pp. 194–9, esp. p. 199.

  24 Bridge did not burn: China Daily, 1 & 2 Aug. 1983, cited in Hanson 1986, p. 281. No battle casualties: Zhanshi (Soldier), Red Army Political Department pamphlet, no. 186, 3 June 1935; PLA Military Science Academy, p. 95. Chou bodyguard described: Wei Kouo-lou, p. 50.

  25 Peng on Dadu: Payne 1947, p. 323 (Peng interview, 12 June 1946). Fell off: Kang Keqing, p. 153; interview with the 93–year-old, 1 Sept. 1997. Ferry crossing myth: visit to site and interviews with the locals, Sept. 1997.

  26 Hardship: Braun 1982, p. 120; Guo Chen, p. 231. Mao climbing: Wu Jiqing, pp. 245–9.

  27 Kung — Bogomolov: DVP vol. 18 (1935), p. 438. “matériel”: Braun 1982, p. 121; Mao cable, 16 June 1935, Mao 1993a, vol. 1, p. 358; (E: MRTP vol. 5, p. 16).

  CHAPTER 14 Long March III: Monopolizing the Moscow Connection

  1 Zhu De lamented: Zhang Guotao, vol. 3, pp. 221–2 (E: Chang Kuo-tao, vol. 2, p. 379). “as ambitious as Mao”: Braun 1982, p. 123.

  2 “warlordism”: Xu Xiangqian, pp. 285–6. “How can such”: Kuo Hua-lun, vol. 3, p. 60 (E: Kuo, W., vol. 3, p. 82).

  3 –157 Complain to Kuo-tao: Zhang Guotao, vol. 3, pp. 245–6 (E: Chang Kuo-tao, vol. 2, p. 402). “sedan-chairs”: ibid., p. 223; interview with a Long Marcher, 3 Sept. 1997. Difference between life and death: Guo Chen, pp. 71–3; Liu Ying, p. 74; Su Ping, pp. 94–5; Xu Xiangqian, p. 288.

  4 –158 “fighting for food”: Li Yimang, p. 168; Xu Xiangqian, pp. 262–3. “foreign debt”: Snow 1973, pp. 203–4. “barbarian cavalry”: Museum of the Chinese Revolution, pp. 205–7. 18 July: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 463. “close to the Soviet Union”: Mao, 6 Aug. 1935, in Ding Zhi, p. 19; Sheng, p. 24. Operation to move north: called “Operation Xiao-Tao,” in ZZ4, Long March Period, pp. 95–101.

  5 Mao cable, 15 Aug.: ibid., p. 123. Kuo-tao reply: ibid., pp. 124–5.

  6 Resolution: ZZ4, Long March Period, pp. 126–8. Mao had discovered: Yang Chengwu, pp. 214–17.

  7 Into swamps on litter: interviews with historians who had done extensive research, Aug. & Sept. 1997. “huddled in the rain”: Lin Biao report, 21 Aug. 1935, Central Archive 1996, p. 297. Vivid description: Braun 1982, pp. 136–7. Another Long Marcher: Li Weihan, pp. 362–3.

  8 Mrs. Lo Fu: Liu Ying, pp. 82–3.

  9 –160 400 died: Zhou 1991, p. 290. Mao urging Kuo-tao: cables on 24 Aug. & 1 Sept. 1935, ZZ4, Long March Period, pp. 132–3, 138. On 2 Sept.: Central Archive 1996, p. 309.

  10 –161 A day later: Central Archive 1996, p. 310. Stay put: Chang cables, 3 & 9 Sept. 1935, in ZZ4, Long March Period, pp. 139, 144. 8 Sept.: ibid., p. 141. “Get up”: Liu Ying, p. 83. Maps: Peng 1981, p. 203 (E: Peng, p. 377); Xu Xiangqian, p. 302. Peng sided with Mao: Peng 1981, p. 202 (E: Peng, p. 376).

  11 Decamp that night: Li Weihan, p. 364.

  12 Cable, 10 Sept. 1935, Central Archive 1996, p. 320; Saich 1996, pp. 685–6 (Resolution, 12 Sept. 1935); ZZ4, Long March Period, pp. 153–4; Dallin & Firsov, p. 97 (CCP cable to Wang Ming, 26 June 1936); RGASPI, 495/2/267, pp. 19–27 (CCP cable to Dimitrov, 27 May 1938, enclosing 19 Apr. 1938 report about expulsion of Chang Kuo-tao).

  13 “Red Army must not”: Xu Xiangqian, p. 302.

  14 “Big Nose”: Cai Xiaoqian, pp. 376–7; Braun 1982, pp. 137–8. Only time close to Mao: Cai Xiaoqian, p. 377. Chiang told governor: cable, 13 Sept., in Shaanxi Archive, pp. 251–2. “The morning after”: ZZ4, Long March Period, p. 148.

  15 Moscow to CCP re North Shaanxi base: NA, HW 17/3 (Moscow cable, 3 May 1934, nos. 106–15). “void of enemies”: Braun 1982, p. 141; Mao cable, 18 Sept. 1935, Mao 1993a, vol. 1, p. 369; Hsu Chen 1990, p. 117; Song Renqiong, p. 92. Hospitality: Braun 1982, p. 141; Cai Xiaoqian, p. 382. 1,000 gave up: Military History Bureau MND vol. 5, p. 964.

  16 Cheng, J. Chester, “The Mystery of the Battle of La-tsu-k”ou in [sic] the Long March,” JAS, vol. 31, no. 3 (1972), pp. 593–8.

  17 –164 “Collect”: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 478. “During the march”: Huan
g Kecheng, pp. 144–5. “We were famished”: Li Yimang, pp. 213–14. “the darkest moment”: Snow 1973, p. 432. Chen Yun message, Moscow endorsement: RGASPI, 495/18/1011, pp. 13–14; RGASPI, 495/18/1013, p. 73 (Chen Yun Report to Comintern, 15 Oct. 1935); VKP vol. 4, pp. 915–17 (notes to ECCI Secretariat minutes, 15 Oct. 1935); cf. ibid., p. 877; Pravda, 13 Dec. 1935 (signed by A.M. Khamadan).

  18 –165 Messenger, radio link with Moscow restored: Xiong & Li, p. 92; Dallin & Firsov, p. 99 (CCP to Wang Ming, 26 June 1936). Liao Hui, in PLA Historical Documents Committee, pp. 282–3. Stalin’s word: Zhang Hao cable, 14 Feb. 1936, in ZDJC vol. 15, p. 478. Chiang saw Bogomolov: DVP vol. 18 (1935), pp. 537–9 (Bogomolov cable, 19 Oct. 1935); Huang Xiurong, pp. 64–5. Chen Li-fu: Interview, 15 Feb. 1993; AVPRF, 0100/20/184/11, pp. 11, 14–15.

  19 Hostage stays: Chiang Ching-kuo, pp. 178ff.

  CHAPTER 15 The Timely Death of Mao’s Host

  1 –170 “a conspirator”: Ybañez, p. 4; cf. Aguado, p. 258. Mao pointedly remarked: 12 Sept. 1935, ZZ4, Long March Period, p. 151. Party envoys: ZZ25, pp. 436–7; Nie Hong-jun, in GZ, no. 1, 1981. Purge: ZR vol. 3, pp. 218–19; Sima Lu 1985, pp. 227–33; Xi Zhongxun, in RR, 16 Oct. 1979; Vladimirov 27 Apr. 1945. Benign arbiter: Mao 1993b, vol. 1,p. 484.

  2 –171 Lowly post: ZR vol. 3, p. 221; Ma Wenrui, in Remembering Mao Zedong vol. 1, p. 109; Mao 1993b, vol. 1, pp. 499, 501. Expedition: strategy, Party resolution, 23 Dec. 1935, Mao 1993a, vol. 1, pp. 413–21; MRTP vol. 5, pp. 77–83; Peng 1981, pp. 210, 213–14 (E: Peng, pp. 391ff). Chih-tan’s death: Pei Zhouyu, pp. 70–1; cf. Apter & Saich, pp. 53–4; more on Pei, in Song Renqiong, p. 106; Shu Long, p. 238.

  3 Sequence of events: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, pp. 532–5. Widow kept away: interview with widow Tong Guirong, in “Mao and I” Collection Committee 1993, p. 109.

  4 “a surprise”: ZR vol. 3, p. 226. Deaths of left-and right-hand men: ZR vol. 39, pp. 152–3; Song Renqiong, p. 101; cf. Wang Jianying 1986, pp. 271, 275.

  CHAPTER 16 Chiang Kai-shek Kidnapped

  1 “My first impression”: Leonard 1942, p. 21. “like a daddy”: Chiang, p. 1020.

  2 Kolpakidi & Prokhorov 2000, vol. 1, pp. 182–3 (from GRU sources); there is a photograph of the Old Marshal’s bombed train in Vinarov’s book (opposite p. 337), captioned “photograph by the author”; key role also played by the GRU chief in China, Salnin.

  3 Tries to visit Russia: Zhang Xueliang, pp. 651–2; Bertram, p. 98. “scum”: 1 Aug. declaration, ZZWX vol. 10, p. 519 (E: Saich 1996, p. 693). Deep in talks: Mirovitskaya 1975, p. 171; Titov, vol. 3, p. 81; cf. AVPRF, 0100/20/184/11 (Bogomolov report, 28 Nov. 1935); Mirovitskaya 1975, pp. 170–2; cf. AVPRF, 09/25/98/22, pp. 60–59 [sic] (Uritsky (GRU) report); Zhang Xueliang, pp. 924, 938. “fly the plane in a vertical”: Leonard 1942, p. 21. Chuckled to us: interview with the Young Marshal, 17 Feb. 1993.

  4 –175 He wanted Moscow: Titov, vol. 3, p. 81; cf. AVPRF, 0100/20/184/11, p. 109 (Bogomolov report of his meetings with the Young Marshal, 24 & 25 July 1936). Russians led him on: AVPRF, 0100/20/184/11, p. 109.

  5 –176 Mao instructed his negotiator: Mao cable, 20 Jan. 1936, in Yang Kuisong 1995, p. 38. Mao’s sons: Ren & Yu, pp. 4–8; Liu Yitao, pp. 52–5; interview with a member of Mao’s family, 23 Oct. 1995.

  6 –177 Stalin personally involved: according to Boris Ponomaryov, top Soviet official involved in handling Mao’s sons (interview in Russia, June 1995); “Moskvin” (Trilisser) to Stalin, 29 May 1936, in Yang Kuisong 1995, p. 162. “like Outer Mongolia”: in Yang Kuisong 1995, pp. 89. First telegram: Dallin & Firsov, p. 99; Yang Kuisong 1995, pp. 101–3; for date, cf. Shi Jixin, pp. 48–9; Mirovitskaya 1975, p. 104. Sent to Stalin: Dallin & Firsov, p. 96 (Dimitrov to Stalin, early July 1936).

  7 15 Aug. milestone order: Dallin & Firsov, pp. 102, 104–5. Talks about United Front: Huang Xiurong, pp. 79–82, 130. Chiang initiated rapprochement: DVP vol. 18 (1935), pp. 599, 602. Young Marshal still misled: AVPRF, 0100/20/184/11, pp. 108–9 (Bogomolov report); Fan & Ding, pp. 220–5. Stalin endorsed a plan: Davies et al., pp. 351–2.

  8 –178 Mao’s wish list; Comintern reply: in Yang Kuisong 1995, pp. 218–19; cf. Sheng, pp. 28–9; Dimitrov, 11 & 20 Sept., 6 Nov., 2 Dec. 1936; Mirovitskaya 1975, p. 104; MRTP vol. 5, pp. 360–1 (Mao cable, 19 Sept. 1936); Cherepanov 1982, p. 307. “going to prison”: Xu Xiangqian,p. 334.

  9 Ho Lung talk, 2 Feb. 1961, ZZ2, pp. 657–8; Wen Yu, p. 102.

  10 $550,000: Yang Kuisong 1995, p. 236; cf. Dimitrov, 2 Dec. 1936; Mirovitskaya 1975, p. 104 ($300,000 per month sent).

  11 –180 Plan to kidnap Chiang: Li Youwen, in Yang Kuisong 1995, pp. 336–7. Gamble: to Sun Mingjiu and co, in Wu Zuzhang, p. 216. Telling Yeh, Yeh to Mao: Titov 1981, p. 143. Zhang Kuitang, p. 191; Yang Kuisong 1995, pp. 264–5. Titov: Titov 1981, p. 143.

  12 180 “Work out a plan”: Dimitrov, 26 Nov. 1936. “come instantly”: Yang Kuisong 1995, p. 283. Pretending to Young Marshal: Mao cable, 10 Dec. 1936, in Central Archive 1997, p. 174. “good news in the morning”: Ye Zilong, p. 39.

  CHAPTER 17 A National Player

  1 “laughing like mad”: Zhang Guotao, vol. 3, p. 330 (E: Chang Kuo-tao, vol. 2, p. 480). First cables to Moscow: Zhang Xueliang, pp. 1124–5, 1133, 1149. “The best option”: in Zhang Xueliang, p. 1124. “carry out the final measure”: cable to Mao, 17 Dec. 1936, in Central Archive1997, p. 213.

  2 –183 Asked for plane for Chou: two cables from Mao on 13 Dec. 1936, in Central Archive 1997, pp. 181, 182 (E: one in MRTP vol. 5, p. 540). “made arrangements with the Comintern”: MRTP vol. 5, p. 540 (13 Dec. 1936 cable). Pravda and Izvestia: in Zhang Xueliang, pp. 1138–9. No plane for Chou: Mao cables, 15, 16, 17 Dec. 1936, in Central Archive 1997, pp. 204, 211, 212 (E: 17 Dec. cable in MRTP vol. 5, p. 551). Sent his Boeing, Leonard: Leonard 1942, p. 99.

  3 –184 Pretended he would: Chou cable to Mao, 17 Dec. 1936, in Central Archive 1997, p. 213. “Strike at the enemy’s head”: in Central Archive 1997, p. 202, cf. 189 (E: MRTP vol. 5, p. 550). “The enemy’s jugulars”: in Central Archive 1997, p. 212 (E: MRTP vol. 5, p. 551). H.H. Kung: Kung Hsiang-hsi, p. 83.

  4 –185 Stalin was on the line: Dimitrov, 14 Dec. 1936; cf. Avreyski, p. 244. Dimitrov’s Chinese assistant: Krymov, p. 289. Artuzov: Damaskin, pp. 153–4 (photo of letter); Piatnitsky, p. 422; interview with Wang Dan-zhi, 21 June 1999. Dimitrov wrote Stalin: VKP vol. 4, pp. 1084–5 (letter, 14 Dec. 1936); cf. Dimitrov, 14 Dec. 1936; Dallin & Firsov, p. 106. Mao in cahoots with Japan?: Vaksberg, pp. 220ff; Piatnitsky, p. 134. Dimitrov stern message: VKP vol. 4, pp. 1085–6; Dimitrov, 16 Dec. 1936; Dallin & Firsov, pp. 107–8.

  5 “flew into a rage” (Mme Sun Yat-sen): Snow 1968, p. 2. CCP first official statement: Central Archive 1997, pp. 200–1 (E: MRTP vol. 5, pp. 547–9).

  6 Mao claim in Yang Kuisong 1995, pp. 327, 329; normal procedure: our interview with Kang Yi-min, 9 Sept. 1997; no “re-sent” cable has been found in Comintern archives (VKP vol. 4, p. 886).

  7 “considerable remorse”: Chiang, pp. 1022–3; Chiang 1985, p. 17. Chiang got message out: in Zhang Xueliang, p. 1166. Moscow repeated cable, Mao: “restore Chiang Kai-shek’s freedom”: Central Archive 1997, pp. 240, 244–5; Yang Kuisong 1995, pp. 329, 333–4; cable of 21st in Saich 1996, p. 770. CCP demands: Mao to Chou, 21 Dec. 1936, Central Archive 1997, pp. 244–5.

  8 –187 Chiang refused to see Chou: Snow 1968, p. 12. Chiang’s ambassador in Moscow: Li Yizhen, p. 409; Jiang Tingfu, p. 184. Promise to free Ching-kuo: Wang Bingnan was by the door and overheard this, unpublished memoirs, cited in Han 1994, p. 154.

  CHAPTER 18 New Image, New Life and New Wife

  1 The next stage: VKP vol. 4, pp. 1091–2, 1097 (Comintern cables to CCP, 20 Jan. & 5 Feb. 1937; E: Web/Dimitrov); Huang Xiurong, pp. 190, 202; ZDY, no. 3, 1988, p. 80. CCP public pledge: 10 Feb. 1937, MRTP vol. 5, pp. 606–7. Quid pro quo: Huang Xiurong, pp. 204ff; Wang Zicheng, p. 27. Hostage released: Tikhvinsky 2000, p. 40 (Soviet Politburo minutes); cf. Mirovitskaya 1999, pp. 43, 245; Chiang, p. 1079.

  2 –189 Kang Sheng role: Taylor 2000, p. 76; Wang Guangyuan,
pp. 202–3. Mole Shao appointment: CPPCC 1985a, p. 242. Mao autobiography: Mao 1937.

  3 Tikhvinsky 2000, p. 44 (Bogomolov to Poskryobyshev, head of Stalin’s Secretariat); Larin, pp. 35–8; Chiang Ching-kuo, pp. 182ff; Dimitrov, 28 March 1937; Taylor 2000, p. 77 (from Vladivostok).

  4 –190 Mao inscription: in Xun Yuanhu et al., p. 1 (E: MRTP vol. 5, p. 697). Snow visit: Fang & Dan, pp. 138–49. George Hatem: interview with his widow, 17 Mar. 1998; Yuan & Liang, pp. 210–15; Sima Lu 1952. Snow swallowed in toto: Snow 1973, p. 355; cf. p. 95; Mao 1993, pp. 67–8; Mao 1937, p. 91.

  5 Mao checks everything: Snow 1968, p. viii; id., 1973, p. 106. “Don’t send me”: Snow, H. 1961, p. 166. No “censorship”: Snow 1973, p. 96. “Honest and true”: in Mao 1937, p. 91. “Journey to the West”: Hu Yuzhi, pp. 184–5. “the Great Yu”: translator Wu Liangping, in Zhang Suhua et al., p. 129.

  6 Mao dwellings: visit to Yenan and interviews with locals, Oct. 1994; Cheng Zhongyuan, p. 480; Shi Zhe 1992, p. 206.

  7 “forty days”: Mao to Gao Gang, interview with an insider, 3 Oct. 1994. Lily Wu: Snow, H. 1972, pp. 250–54. Smedley and Mao: Smedley 1944, pp. 23, 121, 122; Marcuse, p. 286; MRTP vol. 5, pp. 611–23 (Mao interview, 1 Mar. 1937); ibid., p. 629 (Mao letter to E. Snow, 10 Mar. 1937).

  8 –193 “walked the floor”: interviews with several women who danced regularly with Mao; Quan Yanchi 1991, p. 217. “close embrace”: Snow 1956, p. 6. “Son of a pig”: Snow 1956, pp. 10ff. Mao and Ding Ling: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 660; Yang Guixin, p. 43; MRTP vol. 5, p. 573 (Mao poem, Dec. 1936).

  9 Karmen article: “U Mao Tsze-duna” (At Mao Zedong’s), Izvestia, 8 July 1939; Karmen 1941, p. 108.

  10 Gui-yuan ordered not to return: Liu Ying, p. 113.

  11 Gui-yuan and daughter in Moscow: Wang Xingjuan 1993, esp. pp. 2–13, 27–59; Liu Ying, pp. 113–15, Wang Guiyi, p. 54; interview with people in Moscow with her, 6 Oct. 1993 & 7 Sept. 1998; Lee & Wiles, pp. 111ff.

  12 Jiang Qing: Witke 1977, pp. 143ff; Terrill 1986, pp. 20ff; Ye Zilong, pp. 64–5; Wang Suping; Ye Yonglie 1996; Zhu Zhongli 1989, pp. 72–3, 176–7.


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