A Secret Country
Page 41
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), 65, 233, 237, 290, 295–307
Abeles, Lady ‘Kitty’, 258
Abeles, Sir Peter, 254–9, 267, 276, 318–19
Aboriginal Advancement Council, 58
Aboriginal National Theatre Trust, 73
Aborigines, 21–82; artists, 36–40, 62–3, 72–3; and Ayers Rock, 170; birth rate, 64; at Bondi beach, 19–20; cemeteries, 45, 67; children, 23–4, 67–73; deaths and illnesses, 32, 34–5, 38–9, 45–6, 83; deaths in police custody, 54–62, 73; early civilisation, 27–30; killing of, 31–5, 50–4; at La Perouse, 23–5; land rights movement, 42–51, 63–4, 84–5; life expectancy, 45–6; population figures, 64, 78; settlements near nuclear test site, 169–74; Sun article on, 267; in textbooks, 25–7
Aborigines Progressive Association, 78
Aborigines Protection Board, 68, 69
Aborigines Protection Society, 31
abortions, 16
Age: see Melbourne Age
airline industry, 267, 318–19
Alabama (United States), 46
Alice Springs, 36–9, 44–5, 197
All Quiet on the Western Front, 147
Allcorp Cleaning Services, 319
Allende, Salvador, 194, 204, 212
Alpuget, Blanche d’, 255, 311
Anderson, Warren, 274–5
Angleton, James Jesus, 192, 198, 220, 231
Ansett airline, 256, 259, 267–8, 319
Anthony, Doug, 221
Anthony Hordens (department store), 89
Anti-Slavery Society, 54, 79
ANU (Australian National University), 125, 131
Anzac Day, 142
ANZUS Pact, 165, 196, 363
Arena, Franca, 135–6
Argus (newspaper), 142
artists, Aboriginal, 36–40, 62–3, 72–3
Ashbolt, Alan, 308
Asian immigrants, 119–38
ASIO (Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation), 160, 166, 190–4, 204–5, 207, 209, 218, 220–1, 222, 228, 283
ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Service), 193–4, 220, 316
Askin, Sir Robert, 254–5, 259
assimilation policy, 107
Assisted Passage Scheme, 111–12
Association for Cultural Freedom, 234
Atorino, Ed, 5
Attlee, Clement, 168
Australian, 49, 125, 233, 236, 265, 270, 302
Australian Arbitration Commission, 118
Australian Commission for Cultural Freedom, 215
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: see ABC
Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, 129, 278, 291
Australian Journalists’ Association, 278, 281, 309
Australian National Dictionary, 27
Australian Press Council, 279
Ayers Rock, 169–70
Bacon, Wendy, 282, 305
balance of payments, 276
Ball, Desmond, 194–5, 201, 363
‘Baits’ (immigrants from Baltic states), 104–7, 130
Bandler, Faith, 166, 303
Barak (Yarra Yarra elder), 68
Barbour, Peter, 220
Barnard, Lance, 188, 202
Barnard, Marjorie, 330
Barrington, George, 99
Basher Gang, 150, 355
Battarbee, Rex, 39
Bavandra, Dr Timoci, 363
Bayley, Edwin R., 235
Because a White Man’ll Never Do It (Gilbert), 73
Beeston, John, 305
Bendigo, 119, 123
Bennelong Point, Sydney, 101, 115
Bentham, Jeremy, 92
Bermingham, Craig, 346
Bernays, Edward, 5
Bicentenary celebrations, 76–80
Bingara: Myall Creek massacre at, 51–4
Bissell, Richard, 225, 246–8
Bjelke-Petersen, Sir Johannes, 1, 46, 227–8, 292, 321–3
Black, Conrad, 312–14
Black, Edwin, 210
Blainey, Geoffrey, 124–5, 131, 133
Blakemore, Michael, 18
Bloomfield, Ray, 145
‘boat people’, 123
Bobbin Up (Hewett), 330
Bonanza Class, 333–4
Bond, Alan, 4, 264, 272, 276, 286–94, 308, 320–5
Bond, Eileen, 289
Bondi beach, 9–20
Bonegilla migrant camp, 112–14, 135
Boney, Lloyd, 59–60
Booker, Malcolm, 154, 155
‘Botany case’, 260
Bowman, David, 282, 285, 315–17
Boyce, Christopher, 212–15, 230, 236, 252
Boyer, Al, 349
Bradley, Lieutenant, 32
Brandt, Willy, 220
Brereton, Laurie, 260
Briggs, Geraldine, 67
Britain, 331; immigrants from, 102–3, 111; immigrants in, 128–9; and the Second World War, 154–5, 156; and the Thatcher Government, 309–10
Brogan, Sir Mervyn, 179
Broken Hill, 4, 340–8
Brookfield, Percy, 347–8
Brooks, Geraldine, 329–30
Brown, Norman, 150
Bundy, William, 182
Burger, Dr Julian, 54
Burgmann, Verity, 3
Burke, Brian, 47, 321
Burns, Creighton, 312
Burton, Dr John, 158, 159, 160
Burton, Tom, 313
Bush, George, 211, 235, 353, 370
Business International, 252–3
Butlin, Noel, 80
Byron, Pam, 345, 347
Cain, John, 312
Cairns, Dr Jim, 189, 191, 204, 206–7, 218
Calcagno, Carlo and Maria, 115–16, 136
Calwell, Arthur, 87, 102, 104, 111, 130
Cambodia, 194, 202, 270, 365
Cameron, Clyde, 203, 229, 249, 251
Cameron, James, 164
Campbelltown, Sydney, 335, 337–9
Canberra, 297–8; Aboriginal rally in, 64–5
Canberra Times, 300, 311
Captive Press, The (Bowman), 315–17
Carey, Alex, 181
Carmichael, Alex, 258, 259
Carroll, Alan, 253
Carter, Jimmy, 230, 238, 267–8
Casey, Lord, 165
Casey, Ron, 129, 131, 133
Casey, William, 190
Cassidy, Barrie, 297, 299, 301
Castellorizia (Greek island), 114
Catholics: in Bondi, 12
Caulfield’s Lagoon: massacre of Aborigines at, 52–3
Chadwick, Paul, 279, 285
Chifley, Ben, 104, 157, 160, 161, 166, 254, 332
children: Aboriginal, 23, 65–73; in poverty, 5, 334–6
Chile: Allende Government, overthrow of, 194, 204, 212–13, 222, 251, 364; investment in, 4; refugees from, 117, 190
China, 176, 180; Boxer Rebellion, 142
Chinese immigrants, 119–23
Choong, Mrs, 138
Christopher, Warren, 230
Christopherson, John, 77
Chulung, Frank, 77
Churchill, Winston, 91, 154, 156
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 185, 187–238, 362–5; Australian trade unions, 246–51; and Bob Hawke, 251–2; and the LCPA, 364–5; and the loans affair, 207–12; and Vietnam, 175
Cilento, Sir Raphael, 26
citizenship, 134–6; ceremonies, 136–8
Clark, Ed, 201
Clark, Manning, 141, 182, 303, 306
Clark, Reg, 16–17
Cline, Dr Ray, 222
Coates, George, 147
Coe, Paul, 63
Colby, William, 185, 210, 211, 219, 235
Cold War Two and Australia (Phillips), 160
Coldicutt, Ken, 188, 227
Collins, Jock, 123, 125
Combe, David, 256
Comerford, Jim, 150
Commerce International, 206, 318
Communist Party of Australia: referendum on, 166
Connell, Laurie ‘Last Resort’, 311, 320
nbsp; Connolly, Patrick, 172
Connor, Rex, 205, 218
conscription: ending of, 189; and the Vietnam War, 180; women’s campaign against (1916), 145–6
convicts, 90–101; women, 93–101
Cook, Mrs Esme, 9–10
Cootamundra Training Home for Aboriginal Girls, 69
Cope, Bill, 127
Corbett, Helen, 65
Cordell, Michael, 81
Corson, William, 200
Costigan Commission, 317–18
County Securities Australia, 286
Cousins, Leila, 126
Coxsedge, Joan, 188, 227
Crimes of Patriots, The (Kwitny), 215–16
Crocodile Dundee (film), 100, 307
Crowley, Robert, 198
CSD (Combined Studies Division), 177
Csidei, Bela, 257
Cuba, 207, 210
Cullen, Peter, 81–2
Curlewis, Jean, 13
currawongs: on Bondi, 9–10
Curtin, John, 156, 157, 158, 159, 188
Cusack, Dymphna, 330
D’Arcy, Bill, 236
Daily Mirror (Sydney), 217, 270, 277
Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 101
Dampier, William, 31
Danby, Michael, 306
Darling, Ralph, 264
Davey, Des, 174
Davis, Ian, 300
Dawe, Bruce, 34
Day, Brian, 177–8
Day, David, 156
‘Death in Custody’ (painting), 73
Democratic Labor Party (DLP), 167, 215
Depression (1930s), 152, 161, 272, 351
Devanney, Jean, 330
Displaced Persons programme, 104–111, 129
doctors: immigrant, 129
Dodson, Pat, 66–7, 83
Domican, Tom, 275
Dorrance, John C., 235
Dougherty, Martin, 311
Dougherty, Tom, 247
Douglas-Home, Charles, 265
‘dreaming tracks’ (Aboriginal), 29
DSD (Defence Signals Directorate), 194–5, 223
Duffy, Michael, 277
Dulles, John Foster, 164
Dunstan, Don, 190–1
Dupain, Max, 19
Easson, Michael, 364
economic policies: and the Great Depression, 152; Government, 271–2, 275–6, 333–4, 359–61; New Zealand Government, 370–2
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 175, 247
Eldridge, J. C., 152
Elizabeth II, Queen, 39, 161, 229, 254; oath of allegiance to, 135–7
Ellercamp, Paul, 297
Elliott, John, 131, 272, 288
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 26
Enderby, Kep, 204
Evans, Gareth, 48, 133, 316, 317, 366, 370
Evans, Neil, 209
Evatt, Dr Herbert Vere, 156, 157, 159, 163, 166, 370
Eye, The, 283, 315
Fairfax, James, 282, 311
Fairfax, Sir Warwick and Lady Mary, 244
Fairfax, Warwick ‘Young Wokka’, 311
Fairfax organisation, 264, 281, 290, 311–14
Fairhall, Alan, 199
Falklands War, 266, 269
Family Reunion Programme, 126, 130
Fancher, Henry Wiley, 1, 228
Farquhar, Murray, 260
Farrell, ‘Bumper’, 16
Fatal Shore, The (Hughes), 2, 93
Feiffer, Jules, 327
Female Eunuch, The (Greer), 183
Female Factory, 94
Ferguson, Bill, 78
Ferguson, Tony, 296, 301, 303
Fesl, Eve, 50, 75
Fiji, 363
‘Fiona’ (car), 15–16
First World War, 142–7, 149
Fishlock, Trevor, 7
Fitzgerald, Ross, 80
Fitzgerald, Tony, 322
FitzGerald Report, 130, 133
Fitzjames, Michael, 283
Flynn, Joseph, 208
Flynn, Sonny, 52
Fokkema, Gerrit, 170
Foley, Gary, 65
Foreign Takeovers Act, 277, 278, 279–80
Four Corners (TV programme), 281, 290, 307
France, 331; fascism in, 131; testing of nuclear weapons, 365, 366
Franklin, Miles, 330
Fraser, Malcolm, 44, 124, 131, 208, 218, 223, 227, 228, 234–5, 242–3, 313
Fratianno, Jimmy ‘the Weasel’, 257
Freney, Denis, 231
Frontier (Reynolds), 80
Game, Sir Philip, 153
Gander, Bob, 137
Georgetown International Labor Programme, 364
Germany, 131, 331
Gilbert, Kevin, 73
Gittins, Ross, 309–10
Glynn, Freda, 74, 75
gold diggers: Chinese, 119, 121–3
Goldberg, Arthur J. (‘Harry’), 187, 247–8, 250
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 374
Gorton, John, 139, 179, 199
Governor-General: office of, 356–9
Gray, Harry, 268
Greek immigrants, 112
Green, Marshall, 139, 203, 218, 235, 246, 251
Greer, Germaine, 183, 233
Grenada, US invasion of, 269
Grenville, John, 246, 250
Grodin, Nancy, 210
Guilty Secrets (Pullan), 263
Gurindji people, 43, 44, 65
Haildary, Zalmai, 129
Hall, Edward Smith, 51, 263–4
Hall, Richard, 190, 216, 217, 229
Hand, Michael, 208, 209
Harant, Gerry, 188, 227
Harries, Owen, 234
Harris, George, 206, 207
Harris, Stewart, 64–5, 81
Harrison, Joe, 215
Harvard Training Programme, 248
Hasluck, Sir Paul, 216
Hatton, John, 255
Haupt, Robert, 81, 283
Hawke, Bob, 79, 83, 130, 133, 227, 239, 241–5, 250–326; and Aboriginal land rights, 46, 47, 48, 49; becomes Prime Minister, 253; campaign for ACTU presidency, 250–2; and Eddie Kornhauser, 323; J.P.’s Melbourne meeting with, 241, 262; J.P.’s television interview with (1987), 297–304; and Kerry Packer, 313; and the LCPA, 364–5; libel actions, 311; meeting with Fairfaxes, 244; and the MX missile incident, 271, 362; and Rupert Murdoch, 261–2, 265, 276–88; third election campaign, 307–8; as trade-union lawyer, 243; and the United States, 362; and Whitlam, 227
Hawke Government: and Aboriginal deaths in custody, 58–60; economic policies, 271–2, 275–81, 333–4, 359–61; and immigration, 130–8
Hawkesbury (river), 32
Hayden, Bill, 87, 134, 232, 253, 278, 281, 299, 365, 367; as Governor-General, 358–9
Helliwell, Paul, 207
Henderson, Gerard, 233–4, 306
Hepworth, John, 303
Herald: see Melbourne Herald
Herman, Mayor Lew, 137–8
Heseltine, Michael, 269
Hewett, Dorothy, 162, 303, 330
Hewett, Tony, 60, 81
Hickie, David, 255, 282
Highfield, John, 303
Hill, David, 296–7, 301–5, 307, 326
Hilton Hotel deal, 291
Hinze, Russ, 228, 323
history: Australian, 2–4, 24–7, 53–4, 84
History of Australia (Clark), 182
History of Australian Land Settlement (Roberts), 27
Hitler, Adolf, 33, 46, 154
Ho Chi Minh, 175
Hogan, John, 288
Hogan, Paul, 11, 335
Holding, Clyde, 46, 48, 49, 50
Holt, Harold, 179, 199, 201
Holten, H. R., 199
home ownership, 336
homeless children, 5, 334–6
Hopetoun, Earl of, 141, 147
Horin, Adele, 282, 334
Home, Donald, 146, 182
Houghton, Bernie, 209
House of Commons Select Committee (1838), 42, 87, 95–6
housing, 329–31, 336–7
Howard, John, 132, 234, 277, 278
berg, Aldred, 315
Hughes, Billy, 145, 146
Hughes, Robert, 2, 93, 94, 233
Hughes, Wilfred Kent, 164
Hungarian refugees, 105
Hunter Valley, 150, 288, 355
Hurley, David, 319
Hussein, Saddam, 306, 368, 369
Hutton, John, 173
Huxley, Aldous, 5
Illawara Mercury, 81
immigrants: Asian, 119–38; at Bondi beach, 14; British, 102, 103, 111; at Broken Hill, 344; Chilean, 117, 190; Chinese, 119–23; Italian, 111, 116–17; Turkish, 1–2, 118, 128; Vietnamese, 118, 124, 125, 126
immigration: post-war policies, 103–138
Imparja Television, 74–6
Indonesia, 31, 190, 203, 223, 249, 368–70
infant mortality rates: central Australia, 38
Inmam, Bobby, 212
‘Institute of Public Affairs’, 233, 234
intelligence services: see ASIO; ASIS; CIA; DSD; JIO
International Monetary Fund, 158, 361
Italian immigrants, 111–16, 117
Jackson, Keith, 302
Jacobson, Howard, 261
James, Henry, 6
Japan, 155, 156, 157, 202, 360
Japanese tourists, 170, 349
Jay Creek: visit to, 40–2
‘Jay Creek Country’ (painting), 37, 40
Jews, 12, 119; and immigration policies, 104–5
JIO (Joint Intelligence Organisation), 195
Jockel, Gordon, 176
Joe McCarthy and the Press (Bayley), 235
John, Elton, 266
John Barry (convict ship), 92, 93
Johnson, Lyndon B., 139, 181, 182, 199, 201
Jones, Hazel, 349
Kalantzis, Mary, 127
Kalkadoons: extermination of, 33–4
Kampuchea: see Cambodia
kangaroos: red, 168
Kealy, P. L., 200
Kearsley, Bob, 301, 302, 304
Keating, Paul, 271, 273–6, 277, 280–2, 286, 289, 305, 312, 321, 324, 333, 353, 356, 359; and Abeles, 319
Keenan, Andrew, 314
Kelly, Mike, 349
Kemp, Jack, 268
Kennedy, Edward, 267
Kennedy, John F., 175
Kent, Bruce, 6
Kerin, John, 313
Kerr, Sir John, 44, 215–18, 222–4, 228, 229, 233, 237, 238, 242, 355
Khemlani, Tirath, 205, 207, 208, 218
Kiernan, Thomas, 265, 268
Kinchella Home for Aboriginal Boys, 69
King, Harry and Kath, 349–52
Kirk, Jim, 135
Kissinger, Henry, 222
Knightley, Phillip, 265
Korean War, 111, 164, 166
Kornhauser, Eddie, 323
Kundera, Milan, 238
Kurri Kurri, 147, 150–2
Kwitny, Jonathan, 215–16, 234
La Perouse, 23–4
labour movement, 331–2
Lack, Glem, 26
Lamb, Sir Larry, 265
Lambert, George, 147
Lambing Flat gold field, 121–2
land rights movement, 42–50, 63, 83–4, 370
Landsdale, Edward, 175
Lang, Jack, 107, 152–3