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Atlantis Vortex

Page 41

by Sheila N. Eskew

  “Gulf Stream Jet AO 87341 do you wish clearance to land at Honolulu International Airport?â€� The tower inquired.

  “Skip, where are we going to land?â€� Jessica asked him.

  “If we go into the big airport we are going to have to answer some very problematic questions. Marcus was planning on landing on a small private strip on Maui.â€�

  “Was it his strip, or just a small airport?â€� Jessica asked.

  “Just a small airport.â€� Anthony answered. “As far as I know.”

  “Negative tower, we wish clearance to,â€� she found their flight plan and gave their landing destination. “We will have our transponder repaired before our next take off.â€�

  It was just a few minutes and the small executive airport came into view. What Jessica and Anthony didn’t know was Marcus’ family controlled this airfield and as soon as they opened the doors, they were both prisoners again. Marcus’ family was just as surprised. They knew Marcus was coming but not that he had, prisoners. They would not have helped Marcus under such circumstances. Marcus managed to free himself and retrieve the gun while Jessica and Anthony were in the cockpit landing the plane. His younger brother, Nicolas, had no idea what his older brother had done.

  “Great! Right back in the soup again.â€� Anthony groaned.

  “So the traitor has allies in Pacifica as well.â€� Jessica said. Marcus drew back to strike her again, but Jessica caught his hand, bent it back, and dropped him to his knees in pain. A gun put to her head by the pilot forced Jessica to release him. “So now what?â€� Jessica asked is a sick voice.

  “I told you I knew where your parents were, perhaps if I, if you’ll excuse the expression, put a gun to their heads, you’ll be a little more helpful. And now that I have these,â€� he held the metal suitcase that contained the Vortex Sapphires and a strange look came over his face, he looked inside. “What did you do with them?â€� he stared at Jessica. He had just found the suitcase contained two limestone rocks.

  “I didn’t touch them. Your nephews took them back to Atlantis. It would seem your entire family isn’t traitorous. By now Atlantis is well concealed.â€� Jessica laughed at him. “Atlantis is safe, all you have is nothing. Xerxes won’t come for me - I mean nothing to him. Because I left, he will feel I have betrayed him. Xerxes hates traitors,” she snarled. “So Marcus you have lost.”

  “Bitch! You will pay dearly for ruining my plans! No matter! I have made a better deal with some new friends and I doubt you’ll be able to ruin those plans.â€� Marcus laughed. Another man, who resembled him, but was much younger walked up and surveyed the situation.

  “Marcus, what is this all about?â€� the man asked in a perplexed voice.

  “So besides there being a traitor in Atlantis there is also one at Pacifica, what parody.â€� Jessica remarked sneered. “Does Lord Ainu know?â€� Jessica’s leg was bleeding again she looked at Marcus. “I will ask you again, what makes you think someone of your, ah, intelligence could begin to be the ruler of either Xerxes or Ainu’s brilliance?â€� Jessica glanced to the edge of the undergrowth and saw a Shellconch, she nodded slightly to the little creature. In a small amount of time, Ainu would know the entire situation he also would know there was a traitor in Pacifica. Bushes moved and the little Shellconch scurried back among the safety of the foliage.

  “Woman, it would be wise for you to shut your mouth. Why Xerxes would have you I will never know.â€�

  Jessica just smiled sweetly; Anthony cleared his throat. Several members of his family called Marcus away, leaving Anthony and Jessica standing on the runway under the watchful eyes of the two pilots. Jessica was perspiring from the fever and feeling faint, she sank down on the grassy landing strip to rest.

  “Marcus, you have lost your mind to bring High Lord’s Xerxes’ wife here? He will surely kill us all for this, why could you not have left her in Florida?â€� the senior member of his family in Pacifica questioned. “We are not traitors here; we’ve no idea what you were doing. We can’t let you do this. She is badly injured and needs to be treated.â€� His brother Nick looked past Marcus at the beautiful woman who had sank down onto the grass in exhaustion.

  “She is going to die anyway, so let her suffer a bit.â€� Marcus said with a laugh. “And she deserves to. She foiled my plans and turned your sons against me. Look at yourself, you are taken with her!â€� Marcus accused his brother in disgust.

  “Marcus you have lost your mind.â€� Nick had decided this had gone far enough. “Marcus, it is time to stop this, I cannot believe you stole those Stones and you shot her. You have endangered the entire family. Now come with me before it is too late. That poor woman needs a doctor.â€�

  Marcus pointed his gun at his brother, “Stay back, you’re already too late. Those two sons of yours already returned the Vortex Stones I took so Atlantis would be exposed. They were enamored with her too. Now I’m going to have the satisfaction of forcing her,â€� he pointed to Jessica, “to reveal Atlantis’ location to a few upper-world friends who need a hidden base close to the United States. They know how to make a reluctant subject talk. Especially a woman and I’ll have her parents along for added incentive. Your Lord Ainu marooned them on the island used for training a few days ago so they could have a nice reunion. Well, they will.â€� Marcus laughed, and Nick was saddened by the insane sound of his brother’s mirth.

  “Marcus, “Jessica yelled, but her voice sounded weak and tired, “we’ve been through this, I will not tell them. You would expose Atlantis to terrorists. Do you think for a minute that Xerxes or Ainu would allow them to take over?â€�

  “Marcus, what does she mean?â€� Nick asked, seriously concerned about what his brother had arranged to do.

  “She is lying.â€� Marcus explained to his brother.

  Nick was arguing louder with his brother, “Marcus, they will expel the entire family from the underworld because of you! Let me at least get her medical help.â€�

  “Nick, move out of my way or I will kill you!â€� Marcus said and to emphasize his point he shot at his brother’s feet. Helpless, Nick backed away. “Now I’ve paid that boat captain and his men. At least money still will buy some loyalty, so I’m going now. Do not try to stop me. I would hate to kill my own brother.â€�

  “Marcus, please!â€� his brother pleaded, but Marcus shot at his feet once more.

  “I told you to stay back!â€� Marcus backed away, not taking his eyes off his brother.

  Pisces was the Captain of one of Pacifica’s upper-world fishing boats. Because Marcus was a Councilman, he had accepted his charter without question before he knew why he wanted to sail, he assumed he was an honorable Atlantian who needed some time in the upper-world. Hearing the gunfire, he came to investigate.

  “What goes on here?â€� he asked. “Who is Councilman Marcus?â€�

  “I am!â€� Marcus said putting the pistol away. “Those two,â€� he pointed toward Jessica and Anthony, “are going with us.â€�

  “Just a minute,â€� Pisces objected, “She needs a doctor.â€�

  “She is not your concern and she has been treated,â€� Marcus lied. “Now get your boat ready, you’ve been paid.â€�

  Pisces was in a precarious situation, he had already paid his crew so he couldn’t refuse Marcus but he would only go so far. He walked over to Anthony and Jessica and helped her aboard the boat settling Jessica in the main salon. Pisces then gave orders to get underway. Marcus joined them there. Minutes later, they headed out on the deep blue Pacific. After a two and a half hour ride, they saw an island in the distance.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  By boat from the island where the jet landed to the secret entrance to Pacifica was a forty-minute trip. Ainu received notification f
rom security that Nick had requested an immediate audience with him upon his arrival. Before he passed through Pacifica’s security, Nick stressed it was of the highest importance and Ainu would treat it as such. He assigned a guard to escort Marcus’ brother to his office, which stuck Nick as strange. He had visited with Ainu before and never been under guard. Nick looked at the armed guard; Marcus’ crimes had preceded him. Ainu stood when Nick entered his office as if he was expecting him. He did not, however know what form that visit would take.

  Ainu watched Nick carefully. Nick’s face, usually carefree and smiling, showed signs of extreme stress and worry, obvious doubt and pain in his eyes. Ainu would not want to betray his brother either, but he knew Nick well, and Nick was not the traitor Marcus was. Clearly, the armed guard that escorted Nick into his office and didn’t leave made him uncomfortable, and the one in his office unnerved him completely. Nick bowed slightly which he knew wasn’t necessary.

  “Lord Ainu,” Nick began formally, his voice betraying his nervousness, “I have a terrible thing I must tell you. My brother, the one who is a Councilman in Atlantis named Marcus Trident…”

  Ainu held up his hand, “We know.”

  “My lord, he was on our family’s airstrip,” Nick said with anguish in his voice.

  Ainu startled, never did he expect Nick to impart that information, his eyes though dark brown were on fire with anger.

  “He has Lord Xerxes wife, she is badly injured. He is on the fishing boat captained by Pisces. I think my brother is going to turn her over to a person or persons who will try to force her to reveal where Atlantis is. She swears she will not disclose the location.â€�

  “She will not do it,â€� Ainu said.

  â€�No, I don’t think she will and she is so sick,â€� his voice belayed his concern. “I tried to convince him to let me take her to a doctor. He shot at me!â€� Nick concluded his voice incredulous. “I am ashamed to say this - I truly believe he wishes her to die.” Nick drew a ragged breath. “She is so beautiful and I believe innocent.”

  “Nick, I don’t hold you responsible for your brother. Xerxes won’t either. We are working on rescuing her.â€�

  “One more thing, milord,â€� Nick said, “I think her parents are in danger.â€�

  “We have already stepped up their security, but thank you,â€� Ainu told Nick.

  “If I can help,â€� Nick said sincerely, “Ask, I’ll do whatever you need me to do,â€� he pleaded. “I would really like to help. I know my sons were in some way involved in this. This makes it worse. I can only hope they did not know what they had gotten into.”

  “Your sons have exonerated themselves, Nick. They didn’t know how crazy Marcus had become. Both are back at Atlantis, Anke was shot, but is doing well.â€� He saw that Nick didn’t know about Anke and the man, obviously shaken was eased into a chair by one of Ainu’s guards. “Put through a transmission to Atlantis to check on him, my assistant will handle it for you.â€� Ainu assured him and Nick rose after a moment and left to talk with his sons.

  Nick didn’t know it, but his account had saved his life. The little shellconch had already reported in moments before though his account wasn’t as complete, the little creature unable to fully understand the gravity of the situation.

  Ainu turned as Xerxes walked in from the room that joined with Ainu’s office he had heard the entire conversation. Xerxes’ face was grim. Jessica had been so close and he had not known soon enough. “Can we intercept that boat?â€�

  “Possiblyâ€� Ainu said, “but our fishing fleet is equipped with evasion technology. “Once activated, a Pacifica fishing boat cannot be detected on radar, thanks to Barrous’ technology, only a visual sighting is possible and our boats look like any other.â€� Ainu issued an order for the search to begin. Ainu could tell his brother would like to break something but restrained himself. “I know, Xerxes,” he told him in a consoling manner, “I feel helpless too.


  Captain Pisces had pushed his boat hard, praying all the while to the sea god that the boat’s engine would fail. But, the god had not heard and they had and gotten to the island just before Ainu’s extra guards. His crew had handled the boat during this time and he argued with Marcus about the two extra passengers and Jessica’s condition.

  “Marcus, I don’t care what you say. She needs help. You lied to me. She wasn’t treated.” Pisces accused the Atlantian Councilor. “Now get out of my way!â€� Pisces gave Anthony a well-equipped first aid kit. “Do the best you can.â€� he told Anthony, “I know you are in pain, Lady”, he said consolingly, “and in order for Anthony to clean your injury well, it will be very painful. Let him give you a shot of the morphine, there are clear directions so you won’t get too much, it will help you to sleep. Take the antibiotic. They aren’t strong enough, but they will help.â€�

  “Thank you, Captain.â€� Jessica told the tall darkly tanned Polynesian Captain.

  “I am sorry. I wish I could do more. This Marcus has paid my crew even more money to follow his orders over mine. I barely retain control as it is.â€� He left them to counteract as much of Marcus’ mischief as possible.

  Anthony laid everything out and started to give her a shot but Jessica stopped him, “No shot, Anthony.â€�

  “Jess, this is really going to be painful,â€� Anthony explained.

  “I know, but with what is happening, I have to be functional. So just do it.â€� When Marcus came back in, Anthony had finished. Jessica’s face was paper white and she was drenched in sweat. Marcus had chosen two of the crew to accompany him.

  “Good thing you’re done.â€� Marcus sneered. “Go with these two crewmen.â€�

  Anthony eyed them with distrust, since they were both armed, Anthony and Jessica didn’t have a choice. He didn’t like the way both looked at Jessica and he made sure they were well behind him with her in front. Their final destination was the ship’s hold. Neither one said much. Jessica found a semi-comfortable stack of crates and settled down to try to conserve energy for what she figured would be a final struggle. Fortunately, the ship’s hold was cool because it was below the water line and it served to make it easier to rest but it was also dark.

  They were unaware of time and when darkness fell. Both came alert when they heard the engines shut down and the anchor drop. In the not too far distance, they heard gunshots. A little later, the hatch to the hold opened and the artificial lights of the boat blinded them. Protesting voices they both recognized were loud and frightened. Maureen pushed in first and with some force, after one of the crew let out a loud grunt of pain, found her fall luckily stopped safely in her daughter’s arms. Anthony caught Harold, preventing him from bashing into the bulkhead. Three of Marcus’ thugs had brutally thrown him into the hold for attempting to defend his wife. Because of Skip, he wasn’t badly hurt.

  “Jessica?â€� Maureen asked with great alarm.

  “Yeah, it’s me, Mom,â€� Jessica answered with a sigh, and hugged her mother. Her mother’s hug was the best medicine for pain relief, bolstered by that of her father’s strong arms wrapped tightly around her, only Xerxes would have felt better.

  “Skip?â€� Harold guessed and hugged him.

  “Guilty.â€� Anthony said half-ashamedly.

  “Skip, I ought to strangle you for getting her into this.â€� Harold’s voice held death despite his warm hug. Anthony didn’t shrink away, he felt he deserved whatever Harold dished out.

  “No Dad, I’d be dead if Skip wasn’t here.â€� Jessica’s voice was lifeless.

  “Honey, you’re awfully hot. You’re sick.â€� Maureen touched her blessedly cool hands to her daughter’s feverish face.

  “Maureen, that bastard Marcus shot her,â€� Anthony explained.

  â€�It’s not bad. The bullet didn’t lodge and it d
idn’t hit a bone or organ. It just passed though my left leg. The boat Captain gave Skip a good first aid kit and he patched me up.â€� Jessica said with some confidence she didn’t feel. “I’ll be okay now.”

  “Maureen, I did my best but she’s running a fever and wouldn’t let me give her anything for pain. Believe me, she is in pain.â€� Anthony felt like he had just tattled on his schoolmate.

  “Honey, sit down, get off your leg.â€� Jessica’s mother insisted.

  “She needs a doctor,â€� Anthony said. “That animal Marcus hasn’t any intention of getting her to one. He is going to turn us over to someone who will try to force Jessica to disclose the location of Atlantis, but she doesn’t know where it is and wouldn’t tell if she did.â€�

  “Who are these people?â€� Harold asked.

  “Spies, foreign governments, I don’t know,â€� Anthony said. “They are supposed to meet us.â€�

  “We’ve got to get word to Xerxes and Ainu,â€� Harold said. “They didn’t know Bruce was on the island and they didn’t get him, when Ainu’s men find him he’ll tell them what has happened.â€�

  “What?â€� Jessica’s head snapped up. “How do you know Xerxes and Ainu, and how did Bruce get on what island?â€� Jessica was convinced she was becoming delirious and she shook her head. Her long red hair was a mass of tangles and she ran her fingers through it listlessly.

  “Bruce showed up earlier today in a seaplane looking for us to find you, then the seaplane had water in the fuel and he was marooned with us. When these hoodlums showed up, but they didn’t get him. They weren’t looking for him and he got away,â€� Harold explained. “I hope Xerxes finds him.â€�

  “Well there is enough food on the island, he won’t starve,â€� Maureen observed.


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