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Atlantis Vortex

Page 42

by Sheila N. Eskew

  “What do you mean?â€� Jessica asked. With her fever, she confused easily and what her parents said about her husband and brother-in-law had baffled her terribly.

  “Your brother-in-law honey, he made sure we had everything we could possibly want,â€� Maureen explained gently.

  “But how do you know Xerxes and Ainu?â€� Jessica asked bewildered. Now Jessica was sure she was losing her mind. She knew she had a fever and it must have taken her mind.

  “I know who my daughter is married to,â€� Harold said a bit affronted.

  “How could you know? Please,” she said listlessly “don’t talk like this, I can’t understand you.” Jessica shook her head, and steadied herself against a crate, dizzy from pain and the infection that had slowly begun to kill her.

  “More to the point, why didn’t you stay with him in Atlantis, honey?â€� Maureen asked.

  Jessica was sick, not just physically from the gunshot, but from being so foolish as to have left Atlantis. She was upset with herself and anguished over her mistake in judgment, feeling she had put her family risk. Jessica felt tears well up in her eyes, and couldn’t stop them. With her physical condition the way it was, she found solace in Maureen’s arms, her mother held her.

  “It is okay, honey,â€� Maureen told her. After a few minutes, she stopped crying.

  “How?â€� she hiccupped. “Did you see Ainu, much less Xerxes?â€�

  “Ainu visited us first.â€� Harold explained starting to tell them the story. About that time, the hatch to the hold opened and Pisces came in with blankets, water and food he managed to smuggle to them.

  “It is a bad day,â€� he said in his Pacifica accent when a man has to smuggle on his own boat. “I want you to know I don’t like keeping you in here. Marcus has basically pirated my ship out from under me.â€�

  “We understand, Pisces,â€� Harold said, “and appreciate whatever you can do.â€�

  “I’ve got to get back topside.â€� When he closed the hatch, darkness again engulfed them. Before Harold could restart his story, Jessica fell asleep in her mother’s arms. The others followed her example and did the same, conserving their energy.

  Several hours had passed and they heard the ship’s engines slow down. Three of the crew hustled them topside. It was now late in the afternoon, but they still blinked as the bright sunlight reflected off the waves. Another boat was coming alongside. Looking at each other the four captives wondered what Marcus had set up, and with whom. It was a smaller craft, with a crew of four - all were Middle Eastern and looked Egyptian. Marcus, not realizing Jessica spoke that language, conversed freely with them. She understood what Marcus wanted to do with them, and only the fever in Jessica’s body kept her blood from freezing in abhorrence.

  Marcus told the man in charge “The girl is a U.S. Naval intelligence officer.â€� he lied. “She knows the location of a secret underwater base. The older two are her parents. She will tell you anything you wish to know to save them. The man also works for the government with her.â€�

  Clearly, the four men were terrorists of one group or another and they didn’t seem impressed. “How do we know you speak the truth? You were to have brought proof. Where is it?â€�

  “She managed to throw it overboard.â€� Marcus told them, “That’s how she was shot. Still she is a well of information and so pretty too.â€�

  “Pretty yes, but we want proof. Pretty women can be found everywhere.â€�

  Marcus tossed the man Jessica’s Navy Identification card he had taken from her purse. “This proves she is a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy.â€�

  Damn, Jessica thought, wishing she had not had time to change her identification as General Grill had ordered. A plain Lieutenant would have not meant much. Marcus gave them Anthony’s state identification also.

  While the terrorists were thinking it over, two Navy F-14 Tomcats over flew them. The Navy had been tracking the terrorists since they left a larger ship, which they had under surveillance. The four terrorists started yelling set-up, and fired their weapons at anything that moved while the smaller vessel pulled away to head back to their freighter. Jessica, because she understood their language, got her family down before the bullets let go. Two of the crew on Pisces boat were dead, two more were badly injured. Marcus was hysterical and had the remaining crew of four throw Jessica and her family back in the hold, Anthony and Harold resisted but against the remaining armed crew of four, it was futile.

  Jessica explained to her parents and Anthony what Marcus was about to do. Harold became almost uncontainable, but he could do little.

  Pisces got his boat underway, he didn’t want to tangle with the Navy either, but he was tempted. If boarded, he would lose his boat and be hard pressed to explain the advanced hardware for cloaking from radar, sonar, and for changing the boat’s outward appearance. Marcus forced him to activate those devices and squelched any thoughts of heroics.

  “Marcus, we should return to Pacifica now. You have no where else to go,â€� Pisces told him. “If you return Lord Xerxes’ wife to him, perhaps he will have some leniency for you.â€�

  “No! If I can’t make money on this, I’m sure as Hades not going back. Set a course for Antarctica. I know a hidden entrance to a secondary military base of Xerxes. If I have that weaponry, I’ll be my own little City State.â€� Marcus laughed in a mad voice “Kind of like an old time pirate. Modern ships won’t know what hit them.â€�

  “I won’t do it. Do you know how long it will take to get there?â€� Pisces refused. “We will need to refuel before we could possibly get there. Where do you expect to do that? Every port between here and there will be looking for us after the United States Navy puts out the word. Anyway, that base was abandoned three years ago, I was with Lord Ainu when they removed the weapons you think are there. They aren’t.â€�

  “Oh you’ll do it because I control your crew, what’s left of them. I’ve got plenty of money and you’re just trying to dissuade me by telling me the weapons aren’t there. I know they are.â€� Marcus sneered in Pisces face. He left the bridge laughing in a mad manner just as the two Navy jets flew over. Neither jet was able to identify them because of the boats advanced technology.

  Pisces began a slow turn, eventually he would be going North instead of South. He doubted Marcus would notice. Marcus, however, was not stupid, and within an hour had sent word by way of Ross, one of Pisces men, to change back to a southerly course. Ross was a thug but could navigate and would do anything for money. He and Marcus got along very well. Marcus had promised him not only more money but that he could have the pleasure of ending Jessica’s life in any manner he wished after they arrived at their destination. Ross stayed on the bridge to make sure Pisces didn’t try any more course changes. Marcus had also promised him the boat. He planned to kill Captain Pisces as well.

  “Ross since you seem to want to stay on the bridge I will leave you to it.â€� Pisces told him. “I’m going to get some sleep.â€� Pisces first went to the galley, gathered up several bottles of water, and loaded a box with various different foods. Checking to make sure Marcus was out of sight, Pisces found him sleeping after drinking half a bottle of Jack Daniel’s. Pisces thought of disposing of him, but one of his “crewâ€� was standing guard. Drawing quietly away Pisces carried the box down to his guests and took as many extra blankets as he could find to add to the ones that he had already given them.

  “Marcus has forced me to set a course for Antarctica,â€� the Captain told them. “By the way we have had a pod of Dolphins following us since you were up on the deck. I know they saw you Jessica. Marcus ordered two of the crew to shoot them but thank God, they have stayed well out of range. I can’t stay. I’ll come back when I can. Be alert. Don’t everyone sleep at once. Marcus has made some promises to the crew…,�
�€� He paused. “I’ll stop them if I can. There are only four left now that are functional.â€� Harold and Anthony knew what Pisces meant they looked to each other. Pisces had given them a flashlight, but to conserve the batteries they had not used it. Now they started looking for away to jam the hatch closed from their side. No one was going to touch the women if they could stop them.

  They were all awake now and to pass the time Harold finally got around to telling Jessica and Anthony about how he and Maureen had met Ainu and Xerxes.

  “So now you know Ainu and Xerxes,â€� Jessica said listlessly in a statement more than a question.

  “Yes Jess, now hush.â€� Her father said gently, concerned at how pale and hot she was. “Ainu had the island surrounded with guards. Marcus’ lost two men to laser fire from Ainu’s guards but managed to get us off at gunpoint before the others could get into cover them.â€�

  “How many were killed?â€� Jessica asked her voice was slow and monotone.

  “I saw four go down, how many were killed, I don’t know.â€� he shook his head. “The big question is how do we get out of this?â€� Harold considered.

  “I don’t know what Marcus wants now.â€� Anthony reflected. “He feels his nephews have betrayed him. He had stolen two of the Vortex Stones and they stole them back and returned them, to Atlantis I hope. That blew his plan to expose Atlantis’ location.â€� Anthony shrugged, “now I think he just wants revenge by killing us.â€�

  “What are the Vortex Stones?â€� Harold asked.

  “They are part of the deflection system that keeps the upper-world from detecting Atlantis. When those sapphires were returned and they were reinstalled it ruined Marcus’ plan to take control of Atlantis.â€� Jessica was quiet for a while. “He really believed he could be a better leader than Xerxes,â€� she said staring off into oblivion as a tear slid down her cheek.

  “Honey,â€� Maureen said to her daughter, putting her arm around her, “What’s wrong, are you bleeding again?â€�

  “No Mom,â€� Jessica said, as, her mother put her hand on her forehead. “Marcus thinks Xerxes will do something to jeopardize Atlantis to save me. He won’t.â€� Jessica said her voice low, “I don’t think he’ll even try to help.â€�

  “Oh he’s going to try,â€� Maureen reassured her sick daughter.

  “Oh Mom,â€� Jessica said with a sad laugh, “How would you know?â€�

  “He told me when I saw him early yesterday morning,â€� Maureen said to comfort her daughter, but to herself she wasn’t sure of the time passage.

  Their eyes had become accustomed to the lower light and she looked at her mother in amazement, “You saw Xerxes yesterday morning?â€�

  “Honey we told you he came to the island.â€� Maureen saw the shock on her daughter’s face. “Honey, the man loves you, why else would he come to us if he wasn’t going to rescue you, ah us.â€�

  “Maybe, but He is the High Lord or Atlantis, a civilization that is six thousand years old. He is responsible for thousands of lives, his love for me doesn’t come into this. He must protect them.â€�

  “Jessica, you’re more worried about Atlantis than he is. Alena, his sister is overseeing it. He and,â€� Harold looked at his wife, “what is his name?â€�

  “Pericles,â€� Maureen answered.

  “Pericles and his men are looking for you, well us, now.â€� Harold said.

  Jessica smiled, “The Magnificent Seven.â€�

  “What?â€� Harold asked.

  “Pericles was Captain Curtis on our dig; the other six were his squad.â€� Jessica stated in a resigned voice.

  “Oh, you did know?â€� Maureen asked.

  “Not until after I got to Atlantis, but I suspected something was different about them. If Xerxes, Pericles and his men had not rescued me from the Aztecs I would be dead. I found out about them just before Pericles married Alena.â€�

  “What Aztecs?â€� Harold asked.

  “They thought I was the reincarnation of the daughter of Coxcox.â€�

  “Oh my God!â€� Maureen had read the legend. “What did they do to you?â€� Jessica told them the story. It filled some time. “Xerxes pulled me off the Altar just before they would have killed me.â€�

  “Jessica, why did you leave him?â€� Harold asked.

  “Because I heard you were missing and I wanted to find you.â€� She sighed, “I was in Atlantis when I called you after I was reported missing. Xerxes took a great risk to arrange that. With Marcus up to no good, I did not think he could help find you. I, well, I didn’t trust him enough to ask him to help.â€� Jessica said rather sickly. “Xerxes told me there was an Old City in Antarctica but that it was deserted. I think Marcus just wants to get back at Xerxes now by killing us.â€� Jessica said again.

  “I agree,â€� Anthony added. “He knows Jessica won’t give in and he hasn’t any proof if she did. Now he just wants revenge. I know he’s crazy.â€�

  “We need a plan to try and get control of this boat. Xerxes and Ainu will never think to look down here.â€� Jessica said.

  “How many up top?â€� Anthony asked.

  “Five including Marcus but that doesn’t include the two who are seriously wounded.â€� Harold accounted. “Pisces is on our side.â€�

  “Did you give Jessica her bracelet back?â€� Harold looked to his wife.

  “I forgot!â€� Maureen said, “Xerxes sent this back to you.â€� Maureen gave her daughter her ankle bracelet back as tears glistened in her child’s eyes.

  Jessica looked closely at the piece “Look!â€� very small, very new, was a dot of metal. “It’s a tracking device. Xerxes was afraid Marcus might try this! He might find us!â€� Jessica put the bracelet back on.

  Shots were heard and loud voices, “They saw us, those Dolphins they saw us, they were looking for us, and that woman of Xerxes.â€� they could hear Marcus’ insane voice. “It is the same bunch of fish.â€�

  “Oh I hope they missed,â€� Jessica said hopefully.

  There were more shouts “They missed.â€� Harold smiled.

  With the excitement over, the captives settled down to attempt to rest, knowing the worst would come later. Jessica could not rest, her temperature was rising and she sat with her father and talked.

  “I’m surprised they don’t throw us to the sharks.â€� Harold remarked morosely.

  “Well, not all sharks would be bad. Remind me to tell you about Hammer.â€�

  “Now is as good a time as any, honey, later may never come.â€� Harold told his daughter and he remembered Xerxes remark about his pet Hammerhead.

  Jessica told her father the strange way she and Bruce encountered the twenty-foot Hammerhead shark that separated them. “Once we were separated,” she explained, “Xerxes caught me in the current of the Vortex chamber and pulled me down into the Chamber. I passed out only to wake up alone. My mask and tanks had been taken off and a bottle of water sat next to my gear,” she laughed thinking back at how ridiculous the entire situation seemed now. “Xerxes picked me up in his sub. Oh, I was so angry at him,” she fell silent missing Xerxes terribly. “A couple of days later I met Marcus and then the real shark Hammer when we went swimming.”

  “Do you love him?â€� Harold asked his daughter.

  “Hammer?â€� Jessica asked lethargically.

  “You know who I mean,â€� Harold stressed.

  Jessica was silent, “Yes, but it is over, he won’t want me back.â€� She felt her ring, then looked at it, a confused frown creased her forehead. Why didn’t I take it off? She asked herself.

  “Sure he does,â€� Harold told his sad daughter with muc
h confidence.

  “Who?â€� Jessica said listlessly, her mind had become less able to focus.

  “Xerxes,â€� Harold responded.

  “Does?â€� Jessica asked unfocused.

  “Want you back,â€� Harold told her.

  “How would you know?â€� Jessica laughed poorly.

  “He told me,â€� Harold smiled at his extremely sick daughter.

  Jessica was astonished. “I know you met him because of the bracelet, but you had that type of conversation with him.â€�

  “Yes, but I had always looked forward to giving you away at your wedding,â€� her father said his disappointment showing.

  “There was no wedding,â€� Jessica told her father with a blunt statement.

  “Then you aren’t married?â€� Harold looked a bit confused.

  “By Atlantian law we are married.â€� Jessica told him and held up her left hand, and wondered again, why she had removed the ankle bracelet and not the ring.

  “No ceremony?â€� Harold questioned looking closely at the ancient ring.

  “I quote ‘Here, I but sign the papers.’ that made me even more angry and I demanded - and what of my signature? Xerxes arrogantly informed me ‘yours, as an upper-worlder and a high risk to our security is not required. I refused and he promptly informed me ‘you haven’t a choice.’â€� Jessica could see her father had become angry. “No Dad, it is okay. We were both very angry at the time.â€�

  “I can imagine,â€� Harold agreed and cleared his throat. “Jessica did he, ah, force you?â€� Harold inquired sternly, somewhat angry with Xerxes and he wondered if he had misjudged the young man.

  Jessica’s face turned scarlet, a strange contrast from the paste white color from her fever. “No.â€� Jessica told her father firmly. “He told me to go with these two large, muscular maids who assisted me in bathing and dressing.â€� Her face became redder despite her fever. “Xerxes had, by some means, obtained a complete collection of that bath soap from Victoria Secret I love and a certain nightgown I had admired. We had by accident, literally bumped into each other at Gardens Mall one afternoon, a few weeks into the dig. He must have seen me looking at negligees then. When I went back to our chambers, he had changed a bit and I was scared out of my wits.â€� Jessica paused, “Dad I’d never before…ah…“


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