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Page 26

by Candace Blevins

  She’d closed the door behind her, and knew no one would come in without my buzzing them in, so she pulled her shirt off as she went to her knees in front of me and said, “God, I’ve missed you. How do ya want me?”

  I gentled my voice and said, “I have a girlfriend now, Margie. You need to put your shirt back on.”

  Most MC’s have girls who hang around and kind of become club property. In exchange for partying with us, drinking our booze, and eating our food, they have to give it up for any patched member who wants them. I’ve fucked Margie more times than I can count, and I’d miss her ass, since I hadn’t even mentioned anal to Harmony, yet, but no way would I cheat on my Buttercup.

  For that matter, I’d miss fucking all the girls’ throats. Say what you might want about them, but they could all take a good pounding.

  “Rumor says she’s the reason you left us.”

  I shook my head. “No, she isn’t, but the reason is club business, and you keep trying to find out club business, I’ll spank you myself.”

  She put her shirt back on, her face red at the threat of a spanking. Margie was so nicknamed because she tended to get in the good kind of trouble when drinking Margaritas, but she’d still been spanked enough to know we meant business about it.

  “So, you’re gonna be true to her, like Duke is to the Duchess?”

  “Yeah, Margie. I love her.”

  She blinked her eyes a few times to cover up her emotions, and put on a tough-girl act as she stood and flounced to the door. “Gonna be lots of broken hearts when the other girls find out. If’n you want another beer, let me know.”

  Harmony was lucky I loved her so much, ‘cause I’d just turned down a fine piece of ass, who’d have enthusiastically given it to me any way I wanted.

  But I didn’t want Margie in my life. God, I’d actually forbid her from speaking while I fucked her, a few times, and had spanked her ass when she said something else vapid and stupid.

  Harmony, on the other hand, was everything I could possibly want in a partner. Sure, she had some fucked-up baggage, but we’d deal with it. I’d probably never fuck her throat, but surely I could work her up to a good ass fucking, eventually.

  And if not, I’d survive. She more than pleased me in bed — all hot blooded passion, and a genius she used for everything, including sex.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  I saw the VP patch as Brain neared me, and I ran to him and leapt into his arms, laughing as I wrapped my legs around his waist, knowing he’d catch me and hold me.

  His barometer of when the entire club accepted him back was when — if — they voted him back to VP. He hadn’t expected it today, and had hoped it would come in the first six months.

  “Bash opened the motion, and they all voted me back, unanimous,” he told me, his face buried in my neck. “I have my brothers back, and I have you. I’m the luckiest mother-fucker I know.”

  I breathed out in relief, too, because if they’d accepted him back fully, odds were they might not give me the cold shoulder for stealing him from them. I hadn’t stolen him, it’d been the trust issues with Duke that’d run him away, but I was the catalyst and some were bound to blame me.

  Most didn’t know the whole story, thank goodness, but Gen had warned me the club — men and women — were going to be ultra-curious about me.

  We’d moved out of the house in Marietta and into a Chattanooga apartment Gen had found for us with a three month lease. We were in the process of negotiating to buy the horse farm, but the owners weren’t comfortable dealing with a corporation. They wanted a person to buy their farm, someone who’d love it as they had, and the idea a faceless corporation wanted to deal with them through their Realtor and lawyer, without even showing up to negotiate, didn’t sit well with them. Since the horse farm also came with a large house, and wasn’t far from the other RTMC homes, we’d opted to move into it — which meant we were in the apartment until we finished negotiations and closed.

  Since the couple had put the land and buildings on the market, if I offered their full price, they’d have no choice but to accept the offer. I hadn’t, yet, but would if it came to it.

  “I was reminded of a few things today — MC things — that I should explain to you before tonight.” Brain looked a little worried, and I slid down his body and led him to the kitchen.

  “Okay, warn away.”

  I was making lasagna to take to the party, with tons of ground sausage, because I’d discovered it made Brain happy and I hoped it impressed the other MC guys, too. He got a beer, sat at the island, and watched me layer everything together.

  “There are girls who hang around the clubhouse. They kind of… belong… to the club. Like club property, I guess. They come of their own accord, hoping to eventually latch onto one of us, not realizing the way to our heart isn’t always through our cocks.”

  I lifted my eyebrows, but didn’t say anything, and he continued. “I had to break it to one of the girls today that I have a girlfriend, and won’t be calling her into the control room for quickies anymore.”

  I kept working as I tried to figure out why he needed me to hear this. He didn’t say anything as he waited for my response, and I finally said, “If you’re worried I’ll be jealous because I’m gonna meet girls you’ve fucked, you should know me better than that by now. You’re mine, now. They haven’t had any part of you I haven’t, and I seriously doubt any of them can keep up with you during a brainstorming session.”

  He chuckled. “No, you’re the only person alive who’s ever kept up with my random thought processes.” His face went serious as he said, “But, I’ve been places on them I haven’t…” He stopped, looked down, and my heart dropped to my feet as I understood what he was saying.

  “You’ve fucked their ass, gotten rough with their mouth, probably had them in positions I can’t handle yet.”

  He didn’t look up, kept staring at his hands, and I forced myself to keep working, when I wanted to curl up in a ball and sit in the corner, nursing my emotional wounds.

  Instead, I concentrated on my breathing, wiggled my toes, and reminded myself I’m alive and Ivankov is dead. Part of me was pissed at Brain for bringing this up, the other part grateful he’d had the balls to get it out into the open.

  “Before my time in the tender care of the Russians, I enjoyed anal sex. I’m game for starting to work towards it again. In fact, if you get me drunk enough tonight, we might make it all the way on our first try.”

  He looked at me a few seconds, debating, and finally said, “We haven’t taken the drunken route to get you past anything else.”

  I shrugged. “No, but I think it’ll be okay for this. With your sense of smell, you’ll be able to know how I’m doing, even more than me, probably. You can just make your cock skinny if I can’t handle you, right?”

  He nodded. “There’s kind of a hierarchy with the women. The skanks — club property — are at the bottom, and Gen is at the top. You’ll be coming in as her friend, and the VP’s ol’ lady, so you’ll kind of shoot right to the top. Some of the women are going to resent you for it, but most will brown nose you, especially at first.” He watched me work a little more and added, “The guys voted you can have your taser, pepper spray, and knife. Some of the women are wolves, but I can’t tell you which.”

  “Is there a way for me to figure it out?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. I can tell by smell, but humans are nose blind.”

  “Yeah, but I’m a smart human. I’ll figure it out. You sure I’ll be okay in jeans and riding boots?”

  He gave me a cocky smile and said, “Oh yeah. Can’t wait to ride up with you on the back of my bike.”

  I rolled my eyes and told him, “As soon as I get Harmony’s finances sorted, I’ll buy my own bike.”

  His smile faded, and he said, “I’m not gonna go all caveman macho biker on you often, and if you want to get a bike, I’m good with that, but you won’t ride it around the MC. You’ll
be on the back of my bike when we go to the club, or go on rides.”

  I looked at him a few seconds and saw he was serious.

  “I can’t ride my own bike when ya’ll go fun places?”

  He shook his head, and I could see it was important, so I said, “Okay, I’ll ride on the back of your bike for a few months, at least. Beyond that, no promises.”

  “A year.”

  “Six months.”

  “Nine months.”

  Yeah, no. Time to start going backwards. “Five months.”

  He chuckled and said, “Fine, six months, but talk to me before you do anything, okay?”

  “Yeah. Okay.” I put the lasagna in the oven, set the timer, and told him, “I worked on my business plan today, and Aaron Drake made me another offer.” I took a breath and plunged in. “He wants me to try to hack into a corporation, and if I can manage, then detail how I did it. If I can’t, then write a report of what I tried, and the results. Either way, he’ll buy me two Clydesdales once we’re settled on the farm, arrange for delivery, and pay me boarding for them for two years, as if they’re his. At the end of two years, he figures I’ll have laundered enough income to pretend to buy the horses from him.”

  “Smart, and it’ll work. You interested?”

  “Hell, yeah, I’m interested. He says he has a couple of jobs coming up, and can do the horse thing in payment for those, as well.” Aaron and Sophia had walked me through some kind of portal, and we’d ended up in Switzerland in a matter of minutes. From there, it was a piece of cake to collect my cash and bring it home. Aaron knew I wasn’t hurting for money, but needed a way to legitimize the cash I already had, so I could use it.

  “Thought you were going to retire Ice?”

  I sobered. “Yeah, I am, but this won’t be Ice. It’ll be white hat stuff, and as long as I’m not writing anything, no one’ll recognize my code.”

  He nodded and tilted his head, thinking. “Okay, I have a couple of stipulations. You do nothing from home, and you set up a laptop specifically for your white hat stuff, and it never logs on from home.”

  “I was going to do that, anyway. I’m not stupid, Brain. I’ve done this before.”

  “Yeah, but you weren’t mine, before. Also, if you fucked up and someone followed past your proxies, you could just pick up and move to another city. You can’t do that, anymore. This is home.”

  I stepped to him, hugged him, and said, “I know. I can’t wait until we can buy the farm and start living there. I won’t do anything to jeopardize our new life. I promise.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  Everyone looked our way as Harmony and I took our helmets off, and it felt as if every eye was on us as we walked across the parking lot.

  Her face wasn’t camouflaged here, on RTMC property, but she still wore glasses and took precautions when we were out and she wasn’t wearing a helmet. We’d tested her face on government cameras three times now — in New York again, in a small town in Florida, and in Charleston, South Carolina. There’d been no activity, but we weren’t going to relax just yet.

  I walked her to the table with the food, and we put the four lasagna pans on it, and then I sat us at another table with Duke, Gen, and a handful of others. Gonzo sat down beside her, put his arm around her for a brief hug, and she leaned into him, smiled, and talked to him a few minutes. I could see and smell the surprise at this — Gonzo fucked women, he didn’t make friends with them. The only exception anyone was aware of was Gen, and now my Harmony had been included, and this just upped everyone’s curiosity about her.

  People stopped by to talk to us and be introduced, and Harmony handled herself with class.

  The paintball battles were a blast, and even though the men ended up beating the women, they gave us a run for our money.

  And it was nice to be on the same team with my brothers, again. Duke hugged me when it was over — not a sideways guy hug, but a full-on embrace, and I hugged him back.

  He told me, “Great to have you back. You leave again and I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Good to be back. You hurt my woman again and I’ll kick yours.”

  He grinned as he pulled away and said, “Honestly? I think I may be more afraid of her than you.” His eyes went more serious as he lowered his voice to say, “I saw the look in her eyes when she ended Ivankov. She’s a scary, frosty bitch when she needs to be.”

  Yeah, and she’d always be my Ice, even if I had to call her Buttercup, now. I nodded to him and said, “And she’s mine.”

  I gathered the bottles of alcohol she’d brought, along with her shot glass and shaker, and set her up at our table to make Long Island Iced Tea. Bethany had arrived with Ranger, Mac, and Jonathan, and once Harmony was clear Bethany was here with three guys, and they were all in a relationship, and Bethany considered the guys her harem, she high-fived Bethany and then the two women started downing Long Island Tea at record speed.

  I’d been a little worried about the nickname the club would give her, and a few hours into the party, when Bash started calling her Ice Tea, I relaxed, and watched the love of my life make friends with all the people who are important to me.

  Well after midnight, when she and Bethany were dancing suggestively together on a picnic table, I decided it was time to take her to the back of the clubhouse. I had my old room back — Duke hadn’t given it away. He’d kept it empty, telling everyone I’d be back, I just didn’t know it yet.

  I’d put sheets on the bed, and stocked it with condoms and lube, earlier, as well as a change of clothes for her tomorrow, and the brand of shampoo and conditioner she liked.

  We didn’t use condoms anymore, but I’d wear one for our first time trying anal, so if it didn’t work I could take it off and go straight into her pussy without making a big deal of it.

  It was late enough all the kids were either cloistered inside with the babysitters, or had been taken home. This late at an RTMC party, there was a lot of nudity, and a few people fucking in dark corners. In another hour they’d be fucking on the tables, too.

  Mac and I walked to the table, stepped up on a bench, and grabbed our respective women around the waist. I wrapped Harmony around me, her legs circling my hips, her arms grasping my neck, and as I headed towards the clubhouse I heard Bethany’s groan as she was sandwiched between Mac and Ranger, one kissing her while the other stood behind her and kissed the side of her neck.

  We were assaulted by high-pitched female screams as we entered the clubhouse, and saw Bash and Dawg double-teaming Kat, one in her ass and the other in her pussy. Kat was another of the club’s skanks, available for whoever wanted her, whenever they wanted her, however they wanted her. Kat could give excellent blow jobs. I’d been in her ass and mouth, but hadn’t been in her pussy.

  Gonzo was stretched out on the sofa, one girl blowing him while Margie sat on his face.

  Yeah, it was good to be home, but all that was behind me. I discovered I didn’t mind, though. I’d never gone to bed horny — if I wanted a warm hole for my cock, it was always available, but it’d just been sex.

  It meant more with Harmony. I had her heart, and she had mine.

  Chapter Fifty


  Even as drunk as I was, I was a little shocked at the sex happening as we walked past. Did none of these people do the old-fashioned man-and-woman sex?

  I’d been used by more than one man at a time when the Russians had me, and it’d been horrible.

  What little I’d seen of Bethany between Ranger and Mac had been sweet, though.

  I couldn’t say the same about the way Bash and Dawg were plowing the fake blonde, though she’d seemed to be enjoying herself.

  I couldn’t see the face of the guy on the sofa, but the girl sitting on his face was making pleasure sounds, and the girl giving him a blowjob wasn’t shy about sloppy slobber sounds.

  Still, I mumbled into Brain’s neck. “Just you. No one else.”

  “Damned straight,” he answer
ed as we went through a door. “No one touches you sexually but me. I’m glad you feel close enough to some of my brothers to hug them, but take it any farther and I’ll kick their ass and spank yours.”

  “You try to spank mine and I’ll kick yours. You might be bigger and stronger than me, but you gotta sleep sometime.”

  He chuckled and asked, “Thought you were drunk?”

  “So. Fucking. Drunk. Yeah.” I took a breath, smelled the various liquors in my own breath as I let it out, and said, “Just drunk enough for you to fuck my ass, hopefully.”

  He took me into a bedroom, closed and locked the door, and then walked me to the bed. Instead of putting me on it, he sat down, and moved one hand to my cheek as he took my mouth in a kiss that told me he’d wanted to kiss me for a while now, but had waited until we were behind closed doors.

  I got lost in the kiss, lost in him, and when he pulled away, I moaned in protest.

  “Too many clothes, Buttercup.”

  I lifted my arms in the air to help as he pulled my shirt over my head, and let them drop as he unclasped my bra so it could fall off, and gasped as he brushed the roughest part of his tongue across my nipple.

  He transferred me to the bed on my back, removed my shoes, stripped my jeans and panties off, and then quickly removed all of his clothes, as well.

  His mouth went straight to my groin, I felt his nose hit the oval ring holding my outer lips together, and suddenly felt brave enough to let him see.

  He’d asked — twice — to let him see under the piercing, and I’d merely shook my head in answer both times. He hadn’t pushed, and I loved him for it.

  I was a freak of nature now, and hadn’t let anyone see, but I knew he loved all of me, even the mutilated, ugly parts.

  Also, I was full of drunken courage.

  Whatever the reason, I felt for the segment, clicked it up, and slid the titanium from the piercing.


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