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Page 27

by Candace Blevins

  Without missing a beat, Brain’s tongue went up on either side of my naked clit, licking and teasing without touching, and I rested my head on the bed with a moan as my heart tried to beat out of my chest.

  I have no idea how long he spent licking the area around my exposed clit while his fingers worked my pussy, and I lost track of how many orgasms I had. In my drunken state, I totally forgot there were wolves in the building who could hear me. As loud as I was, probably the ones outside, too.

  When his fingers moved from my pussy to my ass, I ground my hips up, inviting him in, and as he pressed a single finger inside, I moaned, “Fuck, yeah. Why did we wait so long to do this? Shit, fuck, more… Brain. Give me more.”

  My groan was deep and long as he pressed two slick fingers in. I hadn’t noticed him fucking around with a bottle of lube, but he must’ve at some point, and the burn and stretch of two fingers was perfect.

  I did notice the condom, and saw him rubbing something shiny on it as he kneeled between my legs.

  The condom didn’t go far back — he’d made himself super long and skinny. I shook my head and told him, “No, thicker, shorter. Fuck me with a cock, not another finger. I’m good, really. I can take it.”

  I could see his wolf in his eyes as he analyzed me, could sense him smelling me, and he finally said, “On your hands and knees, then, but turn around so you can see me behind you, in the mirror.”

  The wall beside his bed had a huge assed mirror on it, and I turned sideways in the queen sized bed and looked at myself, saw my fuzzy, drunk eyes, and then looked up at Brain, on his knees behind me, lining his cock up with my asshole.

  He held my gaze as he pressed into me, and while I knew he was narrower than his normal size, he’d done as I asked and made it the size of a cock — albeit a less well-endowed one.

  I groaned as he pressed in a few inches, and he started pulling out.

  “I can take more,” I insisted. “Need to take more. Stop being so damned gentle.”

  “I’ll be as gentle as I fucking want, and you’ll take what I give you.” His gaze was locked with mine in the mirror, and I nodded agreement to his wolf’s eyes before I closed mine and bent my arms so my torso rested on the bed. I rested my cheek on the cool sheets as I told him, “I know it’s you, Brain. Now I need you to fuck my ass. Let your wolf go a little. I’m good.”

  He gave me another couple of slow strokes, and then took me at my word and gradually sped up.

  I couldn’t be sure, but it felt as he if let himself go a little thicker every couple of minutes, and before long my ass was spread wide — opened and invaded and fucked — and I loved every damned minute of it. What is it about anal sex? It’s dirty and taboo, and feels wrong and right at the same time. My time with the Russians never entered my mind — it was just Brain and I in the room, his cock pounding my ass, owning it, owning me, and nothing else mattered.

  I screamed, begged, demanded, and shouted Yes! a shit ton of times. If there were shapeshifters across the street, it’s possible they heard me, but at the time I wasn’t thinking of anything except his cock in my ass, his hands on my hips, the constant motion of the bed, the burn of the stretch, the friction of the movement.

  And Brain, as he took me as no one else had for far too long, and all I could do was scream my bliss.

  I reached down, squeezed my lips over the top of my clit, pressed in, and froze as an orgasm crashed down on me like the waves of a stormy ocean, pounding and pounding, inundating me with pleasure and bliss until I couldn’t even scream anymore, could only lie frozen, my mouth open in a silent scream.

  He’d started with a condom, but must’ve taken it off one of the times he pulled all the way out, because now I felt warmth filling me as he came in my ass, his human vocal cords making wolf noises as he filled me, his hands gripping my hips enough to bruise, but it wasn’t a bad thing, it was exactly as it was supposed to be.

  * * * *

  I awakened the next morning more on top of Brain than beside him, my head on his bare chest, my body curled between his arm and body.

  I immediately remembered the night before, the dancing on the table with Bethany, and the night of sex with Brain. My head was fine now, but I worried it might not be when I moved, so I held it perfectly still as I lifted my arm and traced Brain’s ab muscles, following them down to his Adonis belt until I was at the base of his cock. I had to move my head to reach so far down his body, and it seemed fine, so I kept going until my mouth was there, and I licked his length before I took him into my mouth.

  Brain groaned and said, “Glad I washed up last night, ‘cause it would’ve been a bitch to have to stop you. Fuck, that feels good.”

  Funny, I hadn’t even considered where his dick had been last night, and didn’t really care now. It tasted clean, smelled fine, and I wanted to get him off with my mouth. I didn’t for a second think he’d leave me if I never managed to give him an acceptable blowjob, but I wanted to give this to him, wanted to make him feel good.

  He’d done so much to help me enjoy sex again — sex in all its forms. I needed to do this for him, but also for myself.

  Ivankov was dead. No longer living. Swimming with the fishes. Or, more accurately, likely fish shit by now. It was time I exorcised him from my psyche.

  Brain adjusted me so I was straddling his chest as I worked his cock with my mouth, and he played with my opening, teasing me.

  I did fine until his hips started moving, and the instant I froze, he turned me around, sat me on his abdomen, and held my torso up, his hands on my upper arms as he ordered, “Look at me, focus, Buttercup. Come back, come back… there you are. With me?”

  I nodded, and he let me down, snuggled onto his chest, and held me. “We’ll get there, I’m so proud of you for getting as far as you did. Nothing can stop you when you put your mind to something.”

  I nodded and told him, “I started something and didn’t finish. Can I watch you get yourself off?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, I’m good. Gonna save up for later. Haven’t fucked you on the kitchen counter of the apartment, yet.”

  I chuckled. “Mmmm. Things to look forward to.”

  Fifteen minutes later, I’d had a quick shower, dried my hair, and put clothes on.

  “There’re a few things you need to know before we join the others who’re awake in the clubhouse.”

  I sat on the bed, propped the heel of my boot on the bedrail, and started lacing it. “Go ahead.”

  He squatted in front of me and said, “You were loud last night. Really loud. The wolves are always gonna hear, but since not all the human girlfriends know about us, we don’t tease about it at breakfast, since a brother can’t explain how he heard something his woman didn’t.”

  I glanced up, then went back to lacing. “But I was loud enough even the humans heard?”

  “Yeah, which means someone’ll likely bring it up.”

  Chapter Fifty-One


  She looked at me a few seconds, shrugged, and tugged at her laces some more before she tied them. “I guess I got over it after I knew the guys heard us in the villa. It seemed a big deal, then, but now? It feels more like I’ve claimed you as mine. Especially knowing you’ve probably fucked half the women I met last night.”

  I did the math in my head, figured it might be closer to sixty percent, and figured she didn’t need the math correction. I’d overheard conversation in the main room last night and this morning, though, and she did need a heads up about what was going to happen after breakfast.

  “Okay, one more thing. There’s rules the women have to follow, and I’ll let you know what they are, so you can be sure you don’t break them, but the only things you’ll probably need to be aware of is not disrespecting a brother to an outsider, and not telling club business to anyone — not even other wives and girlfriends, ‘cause not everyone shares as much as I probably will.”

  “Gen knows everything, right?”

  I shook my head, put my
lips to her ear, and spoke low to be sure no one but her would hear. “Their agreement is she has plausible deniability. She never wants to have to lie under oath for the MC, so he keeps the illegal shit from her.”

  Her eyes were a little incredulous as she said, “A forced oath is completely different than one given freely. The legal system can bite me.”

  I grinned. “One of the many reasons I love you. Okay, thing is, the women who belong to the club have different rules than the ones who belong to a brother. Anyone considered club property is subject to club consequences for… other broken rules. For the women, that usually means a fine, being banned for a period of time, and or a public, bare-bottomed spanking.”

  I smelled anger and fear, and I explained, “The rules for the spanking are that, if a woman refuses to bend over and accept her punishment with grace, she’s banned from RTMC property permanently, or until she changes her mind and accepts her sentence. It automatically doubles when she walks away and refuses, though, so it’s a bigger deal if she comes back for it, later.”

  “So, no one is held down and spanked?”

  “Once they submit to it, yeah, sometimes they are, depends on the woman and the circumstances. For a paddle or belt, we don’t want them to reach back and get hurt, so someone often holds their hands, but they bend over and offer their hands, knowing they’ll be held down. They submit to it.”

  She was quiet a few minutes and I kept going. “If the transgression was against the club, Duke generally handles it. If it was against a particular member, the brother can handle it himself, or he can delegate someone to do it on his behalf.” I touched her chin, lifted her face so she looked at me. “Gen goes into the back so she doesn’t have to watch. You can always go with her, if you don’t want to watch.”

  She shook her head. “No, I can watch, I just need you to promise me you’ll never put me in that situation.”

  “We’ll talk about it later. There’s some things I’d have a hard time keeping you clear of. I’ll have Duke’s help, and likely Bash and Gonzo, but if you were to talk about club business to the wrong people, I’d have limited options.”

  “I’m never going to do that, but someone says something wrong to me, I’ll tell him to go fuck himself.”

  I laughed. “No one’s gonna have a problem with that. Most of what could get you in trouble would be not following safety protocol, disrespecting someone trying to keep you safe, and making it harder for them to do so. Or, puttin’ someone in danger who’s under our protection. I don’t see you doin’ any of that. You’re too smart.”

  “Okay, but there’s a reason you’re telling me this, now?”

  “Yeah, Kat’s gonna get spanked after breakfast. If you aren’t up to seeing it, we can make excuses and leave, but I’d really like to hang out and eat with my brothers, with you by my side.”

  “What did she do?”

  “When Bash and Gonzo finished with her, they went back outside. A girl showed up that Bash has been flirting with. They were about to hook up, when Kat spouted off about how she’d already had him an hour or so ago, and if the bitch wanted her leftovers she was welcome to them.”

  “Okay, so that was bitchy, but… she had a point, right?”

  “In the outside world, maybe, but Kat’s club property. She doesn’t talk to others about who she’s had or how. It was totally uncool, and Bash is gonna be allowed to spank her after breakfast.”

  “So, if you were to accept her offer while you’re working during the day, she’d be required to keep her mouth shut and not let me know?”

  I knew she’d get there, sooner or later. No lies, though. Just the truth. “It’s a good thing you trust me, right?”

  “You have to know, if you ever cheat on me, it’ll be over between us. I honestly don’t know if I’d disappear so you’d never find me again, or just run you out of the new life I’ve built, but either way — we’ll be finished.”

  “I won’t give you the same ultimatum. I’ll at least hear you out, listen to your reasons, and see if we can salvage things, but then you also know that a shower won’t wash someone’s scent off you if you have sex with them, and I’ll know. So, if you fool around, you’ll intend for me to know, which likely means you’ll mean for us to be over, if you go that route.”

  “Unless it was forced.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed, “which is why I’ll hear you out. If someone forces you, I’ll track him down, and then hold him down so you can kill him.”

  Her icy smile warmed my heart, which might be fucked up, but it was us, and I told her, “God, I love you. Now quick fucking around with your boots and let’s go eat.”

  Harmony went into the kitchen to help the other women with the food, and I heard her take over with the bacon.

  I glanced at Kat as I entered the main room — she was standing in the corner with the back of her miniskirt tucked into her waistband, no panties on, so the ass about to be punished was already on display. No one paid attention to her, and wouldn’t until it was time for her spanking.

  When it was time to eat, Harmony sat with me, across from Duke and Gen, and we all talked and cut up. I saw Harmony steal glances at Kat a few times, and could smell some distress. I wished she’d go in the back with Gen, but knew she was stubborn enough she’d likely stay out and watch, just to prove she could.

  I hadn’t told Harmony the rest of Kat’s punishment — for one month the MC would only use her ass and mouth. She’d be treated as nothing more than a cumbucket, and no one would pay a bit of attention to her pussy or clit.

  She’d been spanked for this behavior at least four or five times before, and had gone a week with no pussy action, last time. I had to wonder how she’d hold up for a month. I was of the opinion we should send her to another chapter, see if someone there might take a liking to her. She wanted a man of her own, and no one here was interested.

  But, I didn’t get a say in that, anymore. When I was single, I could’ve brought it up, mentioned trading her for another club’s property, but since I wouldn’t be fucking her anymore, I could only speak up as the VP if I felt she was in danger. I didn’t see her killing herself over not being fucked in the pussy for a month, so it was out of my hands.

  The spanking is designed to humiliate as well as hurt, and when breakfast was over, Duke stood her on a table while he explained the charges, and how the club had reached the decision of her punishment. She was asked if she’d accept thirty-five strikes with a belt from Bash, and she tearfully replied she would.

  She apologized to Bash again before she bent over the table. Gonzo grabbed her arms and the first strike landed, loud and harsh. Bash wasn’t screwing around with a warm-up. A red welt appeared immediately, and Kat screamed and tried to stand, but Gonzo held her arms and she couldn’t escape.

  I felt and smelled Harmony go to her bad place. Bash smelled it, too, because he was ready to swing the next strike, and he dropped his arm, stepped back, and looked down. He didn’t glance our way, but I knew he was giving me a chance to get her out before he continued.

  I’d situated us near the back of the room, so I picked her up and walked out without having to walk in front of anyone. Every wolf in the room had smelled her terror, though, as well as the fact she’d left, even though her body was still here.

  I stopped in the hall, holding her in my arms, and said her name a few times, telling her to come back to me. When she did, I could see her dismay that she’d lost it, and she slid down my body until she was on her own feet. We walked down the hall together, and I made a quick decision, knocked on Duke’s door, and when Gen answered, I asked, “Mind if Harmony hangs out with you while I go back out?”

  “Of course she can.” She looked at Harmony and said, “At first, I thought it barbaric, but I’ve come to see some of the girls aren’t women, they’re emotionally stunted girls, and this seems to be the only thing they respond to. I still don’t approve, but I get that the guys either have to do this or banish them, and then they might end
up in a worse situation, where they get punched in the face instead of spanked, so…” She shrugged, pulled Harmony into the room, and waved me away as she closed the door.

  I stood outside the door, and listened and smelled a few minutes, and when I was sure Harmony would be fine with Gen, I went back to the main room.

  They were making Kat count, and she was on nine when I got back out, and already crying.

  The scents in the room were interesting. Most of the MC brothers were turned on and horny as fuck, and some of the women were turned on. One of the prospects was sick to his stomach over it, and I made a mental note to investigate him farther, make sure LEO weren’t trying to send someone undercover to infiltrate us.

  At twenty, Bash announced Kat would get a break while he drank a beer. Gonzo let go of her arms, but she was told if she reached back, they’d add five strikes.

  She had a five minute break, where she was leaned over a table, her red, belted ass on display, some bruises already forming, and the rest of the room talked — some about her, others about something else entirely.

  Bash didn’t take it easy on her for the final fifteen, and she was frantic with pain when he finished. The final five were hard and fast, and he didn’t make her count them, but she screamed loud enough I knew Gen and Harmony heard it.

  When she quieted enough for Bash to be heard, he announced, “She’ll be downstairs in the security room for the next four hours for anyone who wants to use her. First two hours, full-patched only, next two hours, prospects and hang-arounds as well. Remember, no one touches her pussy or clit for one month. We’ll announce it to the club and send it out in a text, to let you know when she’s fully available again.

  He grasped the back of her neck and walked her out of the room, and a few guys followed them.

  Kat was about to have a very tiring four hours.

  Duke nodded at me as he walked through the door to the rooms in the back, and as we hit the hallway he said, “I heard her in with Gen. Let’s deal with this now.”


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