Best Friend Billionaire

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Best Friend Billionaire Page 11

by Lexi Banks

  Just as I lost myself in thoughts of how wonderful he was, Parker kicked the bed sheets off of him as he grew too hot while he slept making me suck in a deep breath of air. His shirt had been shed during the night, his trousers too. All he had left on his body were his boxer shorts which clung tightly to his thick morning erection. The sight was so inappropriately sexy I felt like I should photograph it for a magazine cover or something.

  Wow, he was like a dream come true. Every time he breathed, my eyes were drawn to the muscles running up and down his torso. I also couldn’t drag my eyes off of the V shape running down into his underwear like a delicious slide I just wanted to go down, and of course, his cock had my eyes bugging out of my head. I became overcome with a deep and powerful lustful sensation; I actually felt hot, bothered, and very dizzy just looking at him.

  He was so kind to me last night, I thought cheekily to myself. It seems a shame not to reward him...

  As an incredibly naughty idea popped into my brain, I could feel my heart pounding everywhere. I slid my fingers slowly down my body, edging them towards the itch that just damn well needed to be scratched while looking at him the whole time. My mouth watered, my core pulsed, I really needed him everywhere.

  I felt light headed as my fingers slipped into my underwear and I was greeted with a slick wetness. It seemed that Parker wasn’t the only one to wake up horny! I licked my lips and focused on him while I flicked my hungry fingers over my clit, greedily searching for an orgasm. I really needed that powerful release right about now.

  “Oh God,” I whispered as my hips bucked off the bed, desire getting the better of me. “Oh, Parker.”

  It felt good to touch myself, but it seemed such a waste to have this gorgeous, hunk of a man here and not to get him involved too, so I let the lust drive me up into a sitting position. I slid my panties all the way down and then I straddled over Parker while he slept. Well, most of him was asleep, the part I needed was very much awake!

  My lips edged down his body, slowly making him stir. My fingers curled around the edge of his boxers so I could gently peel them away. Parker’s eyes were flicking open now, I’d disturbed him, but hopefully in the best way possible. He certainly didn’t make any groans of complaint when I grabbed him around the base of his shaft, and I wrapped my lips around his tip. He sounded very much like he enjoyed the sensation of my tongue flicking over him.

  Tasting him was incredible, it sated something inside of me that I didn’t even realize was there. When my mouth had been watering and I’d dragged my tongue over my lips, that was me yearning to taste him, so now that he was inside of my mouth I needed to push him as far to the back of my throat as I could manage. I wanted all of him there, filling up the hot wet space between my lips, so I could experience every inch of him.

  “Fuck, Maddie.” I knew he was definitely awake when his hands knotted up in my hair. He had fistfuls of it which he tugged as the pleasure got to him. That drove me further, I licked him everywhere, sending us both wild. The more of Parker that I tasted, the warmer my womb felt. Pleasuring him made me feel amazing too.

  Eventually, Parker let out a guttural grunt that seemed to come somewhere from the pit of his stomach. It was animalistic, primal, and I loved it. I wanted more of that; I loved seeing Parker unleashed. Anything that I didn’t get to see on a day to day basis, all that was new sent me crazy with lust for him.

  Parker’s hips shuddered, his thighs tensed up, I picked up the pace enthusiastically, sure that he was about to explode that delicious desire of his all down my throat, but before that happened, he pulled me off him.

  “Not like this,” he gushed so desperately that I couldn’t help but listen. “I want to be inside you.”

  I wanted that too, especially now that he’d asked for it, so I shimmied myself up his body until I could feel him. I wrapped my fingers back around him and angled him towards my entrance with my eyes fixed upon his, the entire time. I loved the dark, hooded desire there. It made me feel sexy, like I was gorgeous, like I was driving him towards the edge. It helped me to forget everything else I had going on; nothing mattered but him.

  “Ooh God,” I groaned as I slid down over his soaking wet length. Feeling him deep inside me made my head spin like crazy. I could see the stars, the sun, and the moon too, and my whole body ignited into flames. “Oh, Parker.”

  His hands dug into my sides; his fingers pressed deep into me as he lightly controlled my movements. I didn’t let him have all the power though; I ensured that with every thrust I brushed past my clit. I was still hungry for my pleasure too, and I wasn’t too shy to chase after it. The last orgasm I had with Parker was mind-blowing, phenomenal, more intense than anything I’d ever been through before and I so desperately needed that again.

  I ran my fingers through my hair as I ground my hips into him, rolling harder and harder to get him deeper, I wanted to feel him everywhere. My eyes fell closed, and my head lolled to one side, all I could do was feel.

  A pressure started in my toes. It was a warmth, a juicy tingling sensation that I didn’t want to end. I could feel it trickling up through my veins, sending shivers and tingles all over me. I was buzzing, flying high, soaring higher than air as I rode Parker into oblivion. My brain remained refreshingly blank as I teetered and pushed my way towards the knife edge of desire. I felt like I was creeping faster and faster until...

  “Oh fuck!” I fell, and I tumbled hard. I cascaded into the abyss of pleasure, and it felt incredible. I screamed, I cried out, I yelled all the way through it, not even caring how I sounded. I just felt awesome. “Fuck that feels good.”

  It exploded, like hot burning waves rolling over and over me, I swam in the sensations, happy to drown in everything Parker. Again, he was everything to me. I adored him so damn much it hurt.

  Once we were both done, I collapsed on the bed next to Parker breathing heavily. A giggle bubbled up in my chest and eventually burst free from my throat. I felt so good for a change, it was really nice.

  “You sound much happier this morning,” Parker said happily, dragging me in for a hug. “That’s nice.”

  I pressed into his body and snuggled against his chest, just loving the happy sensation for a moment. What was I even unhappy about yesterday? But then just thinking that cooled my blood entirely as I thought about the lump on my breast, the one which I really needed to get checked out sooner rather than later. I was always the first one to tell people to get any lump checked right away; I couldn’t understand how people couldn’t... but I hadn’t ever been in that situation before. Now I could understand it a little bit better. Burying my head in the sand felt safer.

  “Erm, so I’m going to take a shower.” I yanked my body away in a panic before he could feel anything. Thank God he hadn’t touched my breasts during. I got so lost in the heat of the moment I didn’t even think about it. How awful would that have been? My body chilled to the bone as I thought about it. “I’ll be right back.”

  “You are okay, right?” He propped up onto his elbows and looked at me.

  “Yeah, I am.” I was only half lying. I wasn’t okay about the lump, obviously, but having Parker around made it easier. He just made me feel good about myself which I really damn well needed. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Good, because you know you can talk to me about anything, don’t you? Whatever it is.”

  “Yes.” I nodded seriously. He was one of the best listeners I knew. “I know that. Thank you.”

  “Okay good.” He gave me a lovely smile. “Because I’m taking you out today. We’ll do something fun.”

  I would tell him. Eventually I’d let him know what was going on with me, but for now, I just didn’t want to think about it for a little while longer. It was my day off work, a day with Parker; I just wanted to enjoy it.

  “That sounds awesome,” I replied brightly. “I’ll get on with it and get dressed quickly then.”

  As I walked into the bathroom, I refused to look downwards at my breast or
any lump on it. I would just ignore it for a little while longer, but not so long that something could go wrong. Just for today, it would be fine...

  Chapter 19 – Parker


  Maddie was still keeping quiet about whatever was bothering her, but at least she seemed a little happier. She didn’t seem quite as down as she did yesterday, which I had decided to take as a positive. Still, I wanted to know, but I wouldn’t push it. I was just going to let her tell me whenever she was ready. I had let her know that I would be there for her whenever she wanted to say anything so there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Just be patient.

  “So, where do you want to go next?” I asked her while studying the map. “The lions are that way...”

  “Are there bears?” I knew the zoo was a good idea. That much had been confirmed by the excitable look on her face. “I haven’t been to this zoo before, and you know how much I love the bears. You did check that, right?”

  “This way.” I pointed in the right direction, and we started to walk. The sound of excitable children around us seemed to send Maddie into a pensive thought. I bit down on my bottom lip to shut me up. “Of course there are bears.”

  “Mom used to like the zoo, do you remember?” Ah okay, maybe she was upset because of her mother. I racked my brain, checking it wasn’t an anniversary, a birthday, anything like that. But no, as far as I knew there wasn’t anything specific about today. I usually could tell. “She really loved all the cats. The lions, the tigers, the cheetahs...”

  “Yeah, I remember. I went with you once. We were about... I don’t know, twelve maybe?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I can remember that. I think we were twelve. It was during a time that she was well anyway. It was a Saturday, wasn’t it? A Saturday afternoon and it was really cloudy, wasn’t it? Not raining, but not nice.”

  Even though I was the one who brought the day up, I wondered why this seemed so heavy to her. I had a funny feeling that I was getting right down into the depth of the issue which had anticipation coursing through me. I did want to know, but I was also nervous. What if it was a problem I couldn’t fix? I so wanted her to be so damn happy.

  “I don’t remember the weather, but I do remember how much she wanted to see the lions that day.”

  Maddie was quiet for a while, lost in her thoughts. She didn’t say anything until we reached the section of the zoo with all the bears. Setting her eyes upon her favorite animal managed to loosen up her tongue. “Mom was just a year older than I am now, the first time she got sick.” Her arms folded over her chest. “I keep thinking that.”

  That was weird to consider; at the time, of course, she seemed a lot older than us. I guess that was because we were children at the time, so anyone who was an adult seemed old. But now... wow, what a young age to get cancer. And to think I got pissy having to go out with Charlotte that night, despite the fact that we were making money to try and stop this. I felt bad. Guilty for being so selfish when at this age, Maddie’s mom was facing death.

  “Wow, that’s horrendous,” I replied quietly, wishing I could have something better to say. “I guess I never really thought of it like that before.” I took her hand in mine and squeezed it tight. “She was so strong, wasn’t she?”

  Lighting up a little at the thought of her mother’s strength, Maddie nodded happily. “Oh, she was, the strongest I ever knew. I always wanted to be like that when I grew up. I don’t think I am though, not as strong.”

  “You are,” I insisted vigorously, truly meaning it. “You’re the strongest person I know!”

  I honestly felt that way. Of all the people I had met along the way in my life, I hadn’t ever come across anyone quite like Maddie. She had suffered lots and turned that into something positive, she was always upbeat and helped others to find happiness even in the darkest of times, she was a pillar of strength as far as I was concerned.

  Maddie’s face fell as I said that, she clearly didn’t agree with my words. This was all linked into whatever was troubling her, I could tell. “I don’t know. Sometimes I hope she’s proud of me, others I hope she isn’t watching me at all because I’m a massive let down. There are certain things I should do...” She didn’t even finish that sentence; she allowed her words to trail off while she moved nearer to the bears. I guess I wasn’t about to find out yet.

  I stood beside her and rested my hand on her shoulder so she’d know I was there. That was all I could do. We remained there watching the bears for quite a while, just enjoying them as they didn’t really do anything in particular. I wasn’t sure if it was the zoo or their natural tendency to be lazy, but they didn’t do a lot. Not that I minded. If that was what Madison needed, then I would happily stand beside her for as long as it took.

  Finally, after about three-quarters of an hour, Maddie moved away, and we explored the rest of the zoo. It didn’t escape my notice that she didn’t want to go anywhere near the lions. That only confirmed what I’d already picked up on... the fact that all of this had something to do with her mother.

  “I think I’m ready to leave now,” she eventually said quietly to me. “There’s nothing else I want to see.”

  “Yeah, okay if you’re sure. Whatever you want, you just let me know. We can go for some dinner.”

  She nodded slowly and allowed me to lead her out of the zoo to the car, all the while with the same saddened expression on her face. Any happiness she was experiencing would only be temporary. That was all I could do for now. It certainly wasn’t perfect, but it would have to be enough. I didn’t have anything else.

  THE DAY PASSED MUCH too quickly for my liking. It felt like night time had come much too quickly. I knew Maddie wouldn’t want me to stay tonight; I could sense that she simply wanted to be by herself. That did make me want to extend the day for as long as possible, but it got to the stage where there was nothing else I could do.

  “Do you want me to walk you in?” I asked helplessly as I pulled up the car outside her apartment block. “I can carry your shopping bags in for you if you like? I know they aren’t heavy, but I don’t mind?”

  I had hoped that taking her to buy a few things after eating would do some good, but again, the fix had only been temporary. It was a band-aid over a much bigger issue that kept poking his head through no matter what. If the underlying wound wasn’t healed, then what could I do? Still, I didn’t begrudge those moments of joy at all.

  “No, I’m okay thank you.” Maddie sighed deeply, a heavy weight on her shoulders. “Thanks for today; it was awesome. I really did appreciate everything that you did; it was nice. Sorry I wasn’t more fun to be around.”

  I paused, almost as if I thought more as going to come, but it didn’t. She had shut down once more. “That’s okay; I really enjoyed it. And I don’t expect you to be on top form all the time; you know that.”

  She gave me a weak smile in return. “I know you don’t. Trust me, I know. You’re a good person, Parker.”

  Maddie leaned across to me, she cupped my cheek in her hand, and she kissed me gently on the corner of my mouth. So many things were communicated with that kiss, I could almost feel the surge of emotions from her, but none of it was clear enough to know. The only thing I got a real sense of was that it wasn’t my fault. She didn’t blame me for whatever she had going on. I could see that further as our eyes locked afterward.

  Watching Maddie open the car door and slide out wrenched at my heart. I could almost feel it going after her as she walked away from me. She had my heart now, it firmly belonged to her, so her sadness made me ache all over as well. My entire body itched with need to get out, to chase after her at the speed of light. But I didn’t. I forced myself to flick the car engine on and to drive the hell away. I couldn’t stay, I just couldn’t.

  As I drove, my mind spun violently as I tried to work out what was going on. Maybe it would be simpler if my own parents were around to speak to, if I had my mom to talk things through with, then it might be easier, but my parents both moved away
after they split up. My father moved to Las Vegas with the woman he’d been cheating on my mother with for years, and my mother moved to somewhere in France. Because I was an adult at the time they didn’t really think about me and we hadn’t actually spoken since. It was what it was; I didn’t usually care, it was only at a time like this when I would even wonder what it’d be like to have them around some more.

  I hit the call button on my car phone, knowing there would be at least someone I could talk to. Even if I was pissed off at him right now, I could still rely on him to hang out with me. I could yell anyway, make myself feel better.

  “Hey, Parker. Where have you been?” He sounded really stressed. “I’ve been trying to get hold of you.”

  “I’ve been... busy.” Better not to say too much. Over the phone anyway. “Want to go for a drink?”

  “What, like go out to a bar and have a drink?” He sounded shocked. I guess even without looking at me he got the message that I was mad. But not too annoyed to hunt him down, “Sure, where did you want to go?”

  “I don’t care. That place around the corner from yours? Then you don’t have to go too far. I need to talk to you about Charlotte, and I figure the quicker we get that shit out the way, the better, don’t you?”

  “Sure.” He didn’t sound as certain as his word was. “I’ll see you there soon.”

  “I mean, fucking Charlotte Lawson.” Oh, I guess I wasn’t quite so ready to let it go after all. I thought I was prepared to do it face to face, but maybe not. “After everything I told you about her, honestly.”

  “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to offend; I just thought that the offer she presented was too good. Not to be missed. I assumed one bad date wouldn’t be enough to completely put you off even speaking to her.”

  “You just didn’t think. That’s the problem. I won’t be going in blind ever again.”


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